View Full Version : My new worst session.

2014-08-14, 07:06 PM
So, here's my personal worst dnd session. It took place last week after answering a Craigslist pickup group.

The game was typical 3.5. Characters would be starting at level five and we had an hour for character creation. The cast in question:

DM: Tall, Skinny pseudo-Hipster with a soul patch. This guy wasn't really a bad guy, and he wasn't exactly a bad DM. But he wasn't my kind of DM. He asked for more rolls and skill checks than anyone I have ever met. He had a very straight face and tended to keep his emotions pretty neutral, which was cool, but he clearly Favoured his regulars when it came to strategies and in character bonuses. Ok.

Toad: One of the regulars. Big guy with a buzz cut, convinced he's macho but really a tool. He actually referred to himself as a different amphibian, but for identity protection we'll stick with toad. This is one of those hyper aggressive guys that act like munchkins but have only a basic grasp of the rules and play straight fighters while investing in weapon focus and dodge. His character was a half orc just like him.

Alchoranger: The second group regular. A small stringy 20-something kid who acts like he wants to be Drizzt in real life. Incredibly uptight at the beginning of the session, he loosened up as the night went on due to his alcohol intake. He brought his own flask of vodka and mixed it with Yuengling, presumably 'cause he's a rebel like that. I'll give him this, he ended up blitzed, but it took a lot to get there. Frequently talked about how great communism is compared to Libertarianism - didn't understand that the issue wasn't related to gameplay. Played a something elf urban ranger after he was shot down for a vampire dread necromancer at level 5.

Trogbard: Short, tubby and with a loooonnngggg red beard. A friend of the DM, I gather he plays with the group pretty regular but misses a lot of sessions due to kids and work. I can relate. I actually almost kind of liked this guy, even though his character and play style were annoying as hell. He was big into roleplaying, which I dig, but he's the kind of guy who would play a kender if he could. In this case, he played a Troglodyte Bard (yes, Troglodyte Bard) and yes, every combat we all had to roll against his stink glands.

Munchkleric: New to the group. Knew Alchoranger somehow. One of those uber gamers who dress all in black and think they're better than Mother Theresa because they know how Pun Pun gets started. He knew his 3.5 pretty well but started out cautious with the cheese due to the new group. As the night went on he kept altering his character sheet to "fix things," like trying to squeeze DMM in. The DM shot down his dragonwrought kobold sorcerer (not because of the cheese, but because "kobolds aren't strong enough for this campaign"). He ended up with a neutral evil human cleric.

Me: I was trying to gauge the optimization level of the group and initially was planning on a relaxed beguiler, but when I heard Kleric pitching his dragonwrought kobold I decided to kick it up to conjurer, just to be on the safe side.

So the adventure begins. Our characters all know each other from way back but haven't seen each other in years. The DM gave each of us a quick sidebar with some info about what we've been up to recently, which presumably would tie in to the present story at some point. My guy was supposed to be hunting some shapeshifting fugitive. This would never come up in game. The group has some shared patron we are supposed to meet at some ancient ruins in the words. Cool.

We all get there independently and surprise, he's dead! Clues at the scene of the crime tell us we should investigate a town about a day or two's march from the ruins. It's night. We leave the ruins.

Roll survival to find your way out of the forest. Really? We got here, shouldn't we be able to leave? Nope, 'cause it's dark and no one has ranks in it.

Dismal rolls all around and guess what? We are now lost in the woods! First 10 minutes of gameplay. More survival skills. Bad rolls. DM rolls for weather. Now there's a blizzard on the way. More penalties for survival, no one is allowed to take ten on anything. We ended up lost in the woods for A WEEK. Fun fun fun, and DM made sure to let us know why we are all fatigued from starvation and hypothermia. Well, except the Munchkleric, who was summoning food for himself and only himself. Luckily there was a lot of snow to melt so we weren't dehydrated.

Toad and the Wino made it clear from the start that for whatever reason their characters didn't like my character. There was no justification in the game about it, but I know why it was. At the onset of the game they invited me to ante up 20 dollars - whoever got the most critical hits over the course of the game won the pot. Well, as a wizard I guarantee it won't be me! So I declined. They then told me I could bet on one of them and split the pot and I again declined, mostly because I just didn't want to. When I backed out Trogbard backed out and Cleric also declined to join, so I guess I ruined their dnd critical gambling game.

They found numerous ways to take it out on my guy in game. Petty stuff like messing with my gear when I was asleep. They openly planned to steal my spellbook but when I passed a note to the DM about my plans to booby trap it they meta'ed and decided not to. They did piss on my gear bag though and the DM ruled that there was no way I would possibly know they had done it in character so I had to walk around with the piss bag. Everyone thought it was hilarious. Trogbard started hitting on me because I apparently smelled hot to him. Har har.

We finally made it out of the woods, starving, after a week of bs random encounters (wolf, bear, bear, a marilith - Wait, wtf??? The cleric and I just ran. We're level 5!!! The rest of the group nearly tpked and blamed us for losing. The marilith used absurdly sub par tactcs and didn't even chase the rest of the group out of the field it was spotted in. I assumed she must be the BBEG but was told it was just a random roll. Why it was there no one will ever know. We a also ran across an unusual number of spiked pits.

At the bottom of one of the pits I fell into there was a corpse with a rapier on it. A quick identification reveals it to have been a +1 keen rapier. I levitate myself out of the pit with the rapier, and immediately Toad tells me to give it to him.

Now, I had been intending to give it to one of the other characters since I can't get much use out of it, but the attitude and tone he took completely put me off.

Me: "No dude, I found it and I'll decide what to do with it."
Toad: "Give it to me NOW." Trying to stare me down. He actually started flexing his muscles. Lol.
Me: "I'll consider it if you ask nice."
Toad: "You need to give it me because it improves crits and you were too chicken to ante up 20 bucks so you can't use it. Give it to me now or I will take it from you by force."

I said no and we had to roll initiative. He won and said he would charge me and start a grapple. I said no, and immediate action abrupt jaunted to the other side of the pit trap. My turn. I dropped it back in the trap, spit on it and walked off.

I suspected he might push combat, but instead he just flips me the bird and jumped in the pit trap. 30 foot deep, with spikes. DM rolls high damage from the fall and he cusses at me. He gets the rapier and his buddy Alchoranger pulls him out with a rope.

Swift action temper tantrum about how I wasn't being a team player. I told him that was pretty rich coming from the guy who pissed on my backpack for no in character reason at all and he said it was just a harmless prank. Whatever.

Eventually we made it out of the woods to the road. DM Deus Ex let's us find some horses. I hadn't memorized mount, so it's a regular horse for me. Roll riding check. I fail. I fall off the horse and get trampled by the one behind me, ridden by Toad, of course, who tells me it's "karma," for not giving him the rapier. Cleric won't heal me and no one has any potions left. DM informs me my legs are maimed and I have to use a stick as a crutch for a while. Back on the horse. Roll riding with penalties for the crutch. Fail. Fall off again. The DM rules I don't get trampled this time. Toad and Alchoranger decide to charge with their horses at me then stop short before crushing me. "To teach him a lesson." Toad wants to roll animal handling to get his horse to crap on me. The DM allows the roll and he fails. Trog doesn't join in the conflict, but doesn't help at all. Cleric doesn't pay attention because he's too busy scrolling through splatbooks to "adjust" his character sheet.

I can tell this is not going to be my kind of group.

On our way to the town we came across a group of five halfling women and had to roll will saves with a variety of penalties "because they're really hot and you're starving." Myself, Toad and the Wino all fail. The DM informs us they are "Gypsy Whores," and use charm spells to seduce their patrons. When Trogbard learns this he decides to jump right in even though he made his save, then bard charm the whores so he doesn't have to pay. DM unnecessarily describes a variety of sex acts (most of which rhyme with banal) they inflict on us before they take our gold and wander off. The rest of the group seems to be loving it so far, until....

... Ranger decides he needs to inform the group that the term "Gypsy" is offensive and also, somehow, capitalist. He demands that the scene be retconned. This argument goes on for over 15 minutes. DM finally agrees to change the name of the group to "Nomad Whores" but stresses that they are a big part of the game world and that there is no way to retcon them out without changing his whole campaign. Great.

After a bunch of behind the screen rolls, the DM informs us we all have contracted diseases from the Gyp - I mean, Nomad Whores. Random rolls give me devil chills off his "STD table."

Cleric won't memorize any cure disease spells for anyone else, so we arrive at the town fatigued, starving and riddled with extra planar sex plagues. This all took 2 hours, and we had agreed to a 6-midnight gaming frame. Counting character creation, we are now halfway through.

Now that we're in town we set about to find clues. The Trog is, in theory, The Face, but due to racial prejudice and the fact he smells like a dumpster no one will talk to him. So Toad takes the lead, by which I mean he proceeds to threaten every NPC we come across for information. After he loses his temper and kills a merchant the city watch comes to arrest him, so he kills them. The ranger helps him fight but I totally stay out of it and walk away from the scene. I would once again be accused of abandoning the group but hey, My LN wizard is not going to kill town guards to protect this ******* murderer. The fighter and the ranger are ultimately arrested and hauled off to jail. When they were being interrogated by the DM they would try to blame the event on me, saying I was mind controlling them and making them attack. They also made a big point of telling the city watch I was gay (I'm not in real life, and neither was my character) and they just wanted to let the guards know in case "you have any sodomy laws."

Alchoranger was pretty drunk, but he got into an argument with Toad about whether what they did was homophobic (or capitalist?). This discussion was easily 10 minutes long. They ended up deciding it was and they asked DM to retcon what they said to have them say I was a necromancer (who mind controlled them?) instead of gay, but he ruled that they already said gay and couldn't take it back. Luckily for me there were no sodomy laws, but for some dumbass reason every single city watchman now flirted with me.

Meanwhile Munchkleric has wandered off and wants to kill commoners for experience. After the DM informs him he won't get a chance to level up tonight he decides not to bother and instead wants to start organizing a cult to craft stuff for him to sell for money.

The DM informs us our "friends" will be in jail for a week or two before they get a hearing and unless we want to break them out we will have to occupy ourselves in that time. No way am I breaking them out. Munchkleric also declines to help them and the Trog has been banned from the town due to his odor. The player doesn't seem to mind, as he seems happy playing music outside the city gates for copper all day and night long. Trog also wants to describe to everyone about how he is taking a dump out in the open in front of people by the city gates because apparently that's what Trogs do. When the DM doesn't seem interested in having anyone from the city go investigate his feces he seems disappointed and said that "ruined his plan."

I ask if I can requisition a bunch of mundane and alchemical goods while we are waiting. The DM says sure and gives me a very generous loan from the local bank. Good. I set to work creating a variety of battlefield control items and shrink them. The DM is surprised at this idea.

Both myself and Munchkleric are required to make additional will saves daily to avoid gangs of prostitutes that wander the city, also using charm spells. We have to roll for each day for two weeks. The first DC is 14 and it increases by 1 every day. Toad makes a big point about making me make ally rolls in the open so I don't chest, and snatches my character sheet to look at my saves. This seriously pisses me off. Trog and the DM talk us down and I start Kleric and I start rolling. I fail 5 rolls and Kleric fails 4. The DM let's us know that these hookers use strap ons on their customers. Of course they do. Trog hears about this and sneaks into the city disguised as a horse (apparently all the gay city watchmen are fooled by a neighing troglodyte crawling with a burlap bag over his back) to meet up with the whores. DM is thrilled, because now he and Trog get to regale the rest of us with vivid descriptions of Troglodyte on Halfling sex. Great. Helpfully, Trogbard draws us some stick figure illustrations and his tail and tongue penetration combos.

Trog also AGAIN makes a point of telling us that he goes and craps in the street behind the brothel in full view of everyone. DM says no one saw him and he makes a big sigh like its the worst thing ever. I never found out what his brilliant poo-plan was.

Finally the time comes and they are brought to a trial. They claim they were attacked by the merchant and didn't mean to hurt anyone in the city watch. The cleric and I are called to testify. Cleric supports their story and I call BS.

Toad and Wino start to yell at me at this point, calling me a bad role player and an "antisocial gamer." I tell them I would love to work together with the group but they have done nothing but insult me, piss on my stuff, nearly run me over and otherwise try to make my life miserable since I met them. Plus they tried to throw me under the bus to the watch. They shout that I wouldn't know that in character, as if that would be reason why I should support them.

In the end, it's a "hung jury" and they are released. Sure, that makes sense. Some BS clue bat later and we are in some crap dungeon hunting some crap relic.

I'm done at this point, and I realistically already know I'm leaving. I just want to screw with them before I go, so I go along to the dungeon. I figure I will be the perfect team player, helping out and being nice and if nothing else happens I will finish off the night and just decline to come back if invited, but the second they try any BS on me it's done.

We go trough the dungeon and fight some garbage. I help out, even to the point that I buff Toad with a bulls strength once.

Rolls rolls rolls dungeoneering rolls survival rolls and we are lost in the dungeon. We come to a dead end that actually isnt a secret door after a day of searching for a way to our goal. I agree to throw up a rope trick at the end of the tunnel for a few hours rest in safety. Everyone else goes up the rope first, and right when I am about to they yank up the rope, throw down some taunts and close the window.

So, up in the rope trick, the assclowns settle down for their 8 hour (technically not 8 given my CL, but the DM waived it) resource recharge. Before sleeping they make a big show of how clever they were to trick me like that; Toad was dissapointed the window to the ropetrick was invisible from my side and I couldnt see his ass up against the view area. The DM started to talk about everyone waking up 8 hours later, but I cut him off. I told him I needed to sidebar and he agreed.

"After one hour I wake up and crawl out of my Fortifying bedroll. The bedroll gives me a full nights rest, including spells, and the only spell I cast within the last 8 hours was Rope trick, so other than that I have a full days worth of re-memorized spells." I show the DM the item description and he nods approval. I wasn't sure he would, as I've gotten in debates about the item before, but he agreed and gave me full recharge. After a short meditation and swapping around a few spells I set to work.

The first thing I did was stick a folded paper on the wall with the word "*******s" scrawled on the outside. Then I removed one of the shrunken items I had requisitioned back in town. It was a ten foot by ten foot wide stone and iron wall with a 6 inch by 6 inch prison style barred hole in the middle. I let it expand to its full size about 10 foot down the hall from the dead end, creating a nice 10 by 10 by 10 foot prison room, with the rope trick waiting to expire up at the ceiling, but not before forgetting to leave a nice santa-style goodie bag directly under the note.

I had two of the walls prepared in town, and i laid the second one on the floor of the hallway about another 20 foot down. I wanted to make certain if the first wall was somehow destroyed I would have another ready to spring up.

The DM was silent as I told him these arrangements. After I told him what was on the note and in the bag, he frowned and furrowed his brow. I knew he would be upset - PC vs. PC actions are always fraught with controversy, but what he said blew my mind.

"Are you sure you want to do this? I mean, these guys will tear your character apart."

I just smiled at his innocence. "Trust me, I will be ok."

So, we returned to the table. It had only been 5 to 10 minutes but Alchoranger seemed even more drunk. He and Toad were arguing over their tally of criticals while Trogbard was busy sketching a picture of what I presume to have been a nude succubus. Munchkleric eyed me susiciously.

DM: "Ok, you guys wake up fully rested and exit the rope trick. You find yourselves in what seems to be a 10 by 10 foot prison cell with only a small grate and no door. There is a large sack on the ground and a note stuck on the wall that says "*******s," on it.

Munchkleric: "Where's the f------ wizard?"

DM: "You don't see him anywhere."

Munch proceeds to almost yell about how a level 5 wizard doesn't have access to any abilities which would let him teleport a rope trick. True.

The DM shouts him down and makes it clear only the wall is new. Munch then begins to argue about how a level 5 wizard doesn't have wall of stone. True. Then he smiles knowingly. "Ah, it's bulls---. I roll will to see through the illusion." The DM informs him his will roll doesn't show it's an illusion.

"I charge it," says Toad. Which netted him a couple lost hit points.

Trogbard asked what the note paper on the wall said and DM clarified it was a folded piece of paper with "A-Holes" on the outside. "It's addressed to you," I said pointing to Toad, being a ****. Then they opened it up to read it.

I imagine it must be obvious what was on the paper, but this group somehow never saw it coming. The explosive runes simply said "Bang M-Fers." The DM let me roll the damage. I don't remember the number, but it was pretty high, not enough to kill them though. Plenty of explosive force to detonate the contents of the Santa Style Goody Bag though. Inside the bag I had placed about a couple dozen flasks each of alchemists fire, acid, lantern oil, choking dust and inhaled poisons.

Toad and Munch went ballistic. Alchoranger was pretty blitzed and didn't fully understand what was happening. "What kind of spell is explosive runes? Do Wizards get that?" He asked, five minutes after the spell went off. Yes. Yes they do. Trogbard, on the other hand, just busted out laughing.

The DM goes ahead and works out what saving throws everyone gets and how much damage everything does. He was pretty generous with the saving throws, which was fine. Again, he let's me roll all the damage. All told, Toad was dead, Alchoranger was below zero and on fire and Munch and Trogbard were standing but heavily injured. Munch had refused to memorize healing spells "Out of principle," and neither had invested ranks in healing. Trogbard also passed on choosing clw as a Bard spell, so Toad and the Wino promptly died. I had planned to use mage hand to bring the rapier from Toads corpse to me as a grand capstone, but Munch immediately demands to roll knowledge The Planes and hits a natural 20. "Pazuzu Pazuzu Pazu!" He shouts out. I was actually pretty impressed, and amused, but before we could figure out what he had planned Toad stands up at the table and, for some reason, crushes a fistful of potato chips from the group bowl and flings them across the room.

I don't remember his exact words, but he began cursing me out and whining to the DM to retcon everything since they left the Rope Trick. He whined that I used an "exploit," and that pvp shouldn't be allowed if one player couldn't fight back. The DM listened to his concerns like a good DM should, and to his credit he shot it down. The DM seemed surprised that the fighter died since "d10 characters pretty much never go down in my games." (?)

Alchoranger took it pretty much in stride. He was fighting to stay awake anyhow. Trogbard was loving it and wanted to keep going. Munch was beat red and kept asking if Pazuzu showed up. Toad wasn't having any of it.

"If someone doesn't rez me so I can kill you (pointing to me) I'm going home right now." I told him there was no worry, I was leaving anyhow. At that point Toad announces he would be playing my character and was going off to get himself "raped by a Minotaur." He actually told me to give him my character sheet too. I laughed in his face and gave him a sheet of paper with "*******" written on it. So on that note, I bid the group adieu (but not after receiving a few more second grade taunts from Toad.

Lesson learned - Craigslist pickups are a no-go.

2014-08-14, 07:25 PM
Wow. That was bad. Makes my story pale in comparison. It was a normal session with 2 DM's and 2 groups. One group good, One evil. One DM for each. I was a DM. Things went along fine. Then the other DM suggested a deck of many things for a low level campaign. (5 was it?) Things went downhill.

2014-08-14, 07:29 PM
A pretty nice read. Can't believe they didn't think of explosive runes, lol. I did expect the Trogbard to laugh, and laugh he did!
Guess Karma got the Toad in the end.

Otherwise, the group sounded a bit... immature... and it seems you handled it nicely.

2014-08-14, 07:30 PM

Wow, that sounds rough man, nice to hear you got payback on them though :smalltongue:, i may have to use that prison cell wall trick myself at somepoint :smallamused:

2014-08-14, 07:32 PM
Fantastic story man. I'm laughing so hard I'm crying. Lol

2014-08-14, 07:42 PM
Wow that is... Wow

Actually I think thats one of the more amusing stories I've heard on this forum. Although I imagine it wasn't so fun to live through.

Nice revenge by the way!

2014-08-14, 07:43 PM
It's unfortunate you had to endure that. Your revenge was marvelous btw.

2014-08-14, 07:58 PM
Wow, that sucks. I can just imagine Munch desperately asking if Pazuzu shows up, too. It's kinda the icing on the death-cake of revenge that he did not get a chance to do anything with it.

Great story, though.

2014-08-14, 08:06 PM
Would you mind copying and pasting this into the "Worst Gaming Experiences" thread in General Roleplaying? It'll get a bigger audience that way.:smallamused:

2014-08-14, 08:29 PM
Thanks for the feedback everyone! I went ahead and posted it under the worst gaming experiences thread per your recommendation.

2014-08-14, 08:54 PM
Fantastic, I love stories like this. Far worse than any groups I've been in though.

2014-08-14, 08:54 PM
Well, that was interesting. Worst I've ever had to deal with is a railroading DM and his pet DMPC, usually a Ranger, hogging the spotlight. God help you if he was playing a female character. He never got quite so bad as your halflings in his descriptions, though. At least you got a good story out of it.

2014-08-14, 09:20 PM
Brilliant! Amused me to no end, especially "His character was a half orc just like him." Nice revenge too. :smallbiggrin:

2014-08-14, 09:36 PM
I have to say... I was laughing pretty hard reading that.

2014-08-14, 09:43 PM
his "STD table."
Why...would a person...have a table for STDs?

I have a feeling these guys would love FATAL.

Good work btw. I laughed heartily.

2014-08-14, 09:46 PM
Oof. Nice comeback in the end.

(And by the by, the player was correct, in that g**** is a racist slur against the Romani people.)

2014-08-14, 10:00 PM
You're a trooper for putting up with their BS for so long.

The DM might have been a jerk for allowing the others to screw you over so frequently, but I feel like he at least partially redeemed himself for letting you get back at them like that.

Also, what was letting you shrink the items down like that? I know there's a spell for it, but I'm not sure if Wizards get it that early... either way, I'm really tempted to roll a Transmutation-spec'd Wizard just to pull tricks like this in the future!

2014-08-14, 10:01 PM
You're a trooper for putting up with their BS for so long.

The DM might have been a jerk for allowing the others to screw you over so frequently, but I feel like he at least partially redeemed himself for letting you get back at them like that.

Also, what was letting you shrink the items down like that? I know there's a spell for it, but I'm not sure if Wizards get it that early... either way, I'm really tempted to roll a Transmutation-spec'd Wizard just to pull tricks like this in the future!
As a 5th level wizard, he was just high enough to use it. The applications of that spell are incredible.

2014-08-14, 10:04 PM
Charm-based sex offenses seem to be a recurring theme in bad campaigns...

2014-08-14, 10:17 PM
Yeah, I was a little sketchy on how thick it was due to the 2 cubic feet per level but the DM said it was fine for the masons to make it thinner but reinforced with iron and I would be still able to shrink it. I'm not sure that's RAW, but I think it's within hand waiving reason and he went with it. As i mentioned, I brought two just in case.

The DM wasn't a bad guy and the plot wasn't by itself the worst. To his credit he didn't railroad us and there were no DMPCS. He had us roll for every tiny thing though, and he had a bad habit of humouring and subtly encouraging bad behavior. I don't think he knew he was doing it. Plus his obsession with mind controlling prostitutes got old fast. And yeah, when I saw his disease table I also thought about FATAL.

2014-08-14, 10:26 PM
Also, I did know about that being historically used in a negative way towards Roma, but I seriously didn't want to get into the debate while trying to game. When they agreed that they needed to change the name I suggested re naming them Strumpet Striders but DM went with Nomad Whores. *shrug.

Oko and Qailee
2014-08-14, 10:36 PM
O man, sorry you went through that though.

Awesome touch though on the explosive runes, glad they got their comeuppance. Hilarious death though, my groups would find it hilarious for weeks (all newer players, so they don't expect ExRunes, but they're awesome to play with).

2014-08-15, 02:34 PM
I know I'm a broken record on this, and I know the OP's biggest issue with the game was Toad (for good reason), but...

Will save vs. sex is incredibly inappropriate. Charm person makes you friendly to them, but it's not mind control. It makes you their buddy, but you wouldn't let your buddy do any of that to you. If it is mind control in his game, then those setting-central halflings are serial rapists. Eugh.

A smaller thing is that being hungry and tired reduces libido IME.

2014-08-15, 02:36 PM
I know I'm a broken record on this, and I know the OP's biggest issue with the game was Toad (for good reason), but...

Will save vs. sex is incredibly inappropriate. Charm person makes you friendly to them, but it's not mind control. It makes you their buddy, but you wouldn't let your buddy do any of that to you. If it is mind control in his game, then those setting-central halflings are serial rapists. Eugh.

A smaller thing is that being hungry and tired reduces libido IME.
Yeah, more than one thing about this story reminded me of FATAL. Forced rape encounters? Seriously? #1 DM.

some guy
2014-08-15, 05:53 PM
Not that it matters much, but Rope Trick is dismissible. So you could add a little insult by dismissing the rope trick before they were fully rested.

2014-08-15, 06:38 PM

I wonder whether his dumpstat is CON or CHA? <ba-boom-cha!>

2014-08-15, 06:46 PM
Some of the stuff that you described really reminded me of my first group when I was like 12 years old. Every session had something to do with prostitutes, booze, some how a PC was pregnant.
We actually had custom attributes for alcohol tolerance, comeliness, and different degrees of endowment . My goodness we were dorks.. ...lol

2014-08-15, 06:47 PM
Why...would a person...have a table for STDs?

I have a feeling these guys would love FATAL.

Good work btw. I laughed heartily.... why does, as soon as sex gets mentioned, everyone leap to "it's Like FATAL!" That system had significantly greater problems (And I wouldn't consider its inclusion of sexual content to be a mar against it). FATAL's problem is that it's just bad. Also - for all its sexual content (That said, a lot of it is overblown. There are over 900 pages. Less than a fraction of those have sexual content), there's NO mention of STDs at all (So much for 'inclusiveness'.)

That said - the Halfling Rape Trollops are probably the worst part of the whole session as far as I can see (speaking as someone who does use sexual content in D&D games). That said, I did like the Ranger's interjections, but he really did need to get his political views straightened out instead of just using inaccurate blankets.

I laughed at Trogbard, though.

2014-08-15, 07:02 PM
... why does, as soon as sex gets mentioned, everyone leap to "it's Like FATAL!" That system had significantly greater problems (And I wouldn't consider its inclusion of sexual content to be a mar against it). FATAL's problem is that it's just bad. Also - for all its sexual content (That said, a lot of it is overblown. There are over 900 pages. Less than a fraction of those have sexual content), there's NO mention of STDs at all (So much for 'inclusiveness'.)

That said - the Halfling Rape Trollops are probably the worst part of the whole session as far as I can see (speaking as someone who does use sexual content in D&D games). That said, I did like the Ranger's interjections, but he really did need to get his political views straightened out instead of just using inaccurate blankets.

I laughed at Trogbard, though.
Rolling on an STD table after getting charm raped with strap-ons by nomad prostitutes seems like something any RPG that respects itself wouldn't have. Of course, there was also the part where the players urinated on his gear and then someone tried to roll handle animal to have a horse crap on him. That's the sort of ridiculously juvenile antics that are prevalent in that other game.

And I would be seriously surprised if someone who included sexual content in their games had an STD table. It seems thoroughly unnecessary and just gratuitous.

As an aside, the fact that FATAL includes sexual content isn't bad. It's the way that it's handled. Nothing about that game is redeeming and it's treatment of sexual topics seems like it was written by a drunk 7th grader.

2014-08-15, 07:24 PM
Trogbard sounds like an interesting person. Also I had assumed Trogs had a Cha penalty, but apparently they do not... Interesting.

2014-08-15, 08:03 PM
I just know now that for the whole of tomorrow I'm going to being puzzling over what TrogBard's poop-plan was.

2014-08-15, 08:17 PM
I just know now that for the whole of tomorrow I'm going to being puzzling over what TrogBard's poop-plan was.


Togbard was at least amusing. STD tables, and charm rape...come on.:smallmad:

2014-08-15, 08:52 PM
That story sounds like a rough night. But damn, I love the way you got back at them. That was awesome.

2014-08-15, 09:09 PM
well it sounds like the cleric is already evil, so not sure if summoning pazuzu would have the desired effect

2014-08-15, 09:16 PM
well it sounds like the cleric is already evil, so not sure if summoning pazuzu would have the desired effect
Yeah, i was just thinking this. Pazuzu would have come and punished him horribly for already being evil. If he'd actually READ Pazuzu's entry, he'd be able to figure that out, but as the OP said, he just knew Pun-Pun and thought he was great for it.

2014-08-15, 11:58 PM
That was awesome. I love that. I have to do something like that if I get in a crappy party.

2014-08-16, 11:14 AM
Not that it matters much, but Rope Trick is dismissible. So you could add a little insult by dismissing the rope trick before they were fully rested.
This occurred to me, too, but can you dismiss without line of sight? When you're outside of it, and the rope is withdrawn, you can't see it.

Mage Hand could not pick up a magical weapon. Unseen Servant would work.

Fun story.

2014-08-16, 12:26 PM
This occurred to me, too, but can you dismiss without line of sight? When you're outside of it, and the rope is withdrawn, you can't see it.
(D) Dismissible
If the Duration line ends with "(D)," you can dismiss the spell at will. You must be within range of the spell’s effect and must speak words of dismissal, which are usually a modified form of the spell’s verbal component. If the spell has no verbal component, you can dismiss the effect with a gesture. Dismissing a spell is a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Range: TouchSo no, he doesn't have to "see" it per se, but he would have had to touch it.

2014-08-16, 01:23 PM
Thanks for all the extra feedback guys! I'm glad I got something good out of that session and that it brought a few laughs to you all.

Yeah, it wasn't the sex per say that bugged me but the way it was handled. Pretty much every long term campaign I get in has some sexual element, but it's usually either related to the story or harmless. Seducing an NPC to get plot progressession, gather information in the brothel etc. It was the involuntary part that made it uncool. Based on the TWO WEEKS of escalating will saves it was obvious there wasn't any way around it and it didn't add anything to the story. Just STDs. Plus, why the hells would wandering prostitutes have devil chills??? Were they servicing Pit Fiends earlier in the day?

I hadn't even thought about trying to dismiss/dispel the rope trick earlier. Good point.

I'm curious what Trogs poop plan was too. I was almost tempted to go back just to out, but no....hehe.

2014-08-16, 02:49 PM
I would like to hear this session explained again, but from each of the other players perspective. I would love to know what they thought of the session and how they perceived things. I imagine it might be even more entertaining to read.

Let's be honest though, I find it hard to believe you weren't instigating things to cause friction with the group. Your story is good, but you are obviously a highly judgmental person based on how you introduced the group. From my experience, people like that, and players that "get revenge" for any reason (especially in a group of strangers during the very first session) are most likely problem players themselves. I'm just wondering what you left out from the story in order to make you appear more innocent. :smalltongue: I wouldn't have the balls to react the way you did during the whole session with a group of strangers and during the very first session. Especially when half of them obviously have social problems. I'd have just politely excused myself early from the game and left them to their childish antics. I'll bet you that $20 that you enjoyed pushing their buttons. Come on man, let's hear the whole story. :smallbiggrin:

There's also gotta be more to it than that because Toad's issues with you couldn't possibly have stemmed 100% from you not joining in on a bet. It just doesn't make sense. Then again, I've met a lot of gamers that don't make sense.

Good story though. I couldn't imagine being in that group. Geez...

2014-08-16, 03:06 PM
I would like to hear this session explained again, but from each of the other players perspective. I would love to know what they thought of the session and how they perceived things. I imagine it might be even more entertaining to read.

Let's be honest though, I find it hard to believe you weren't instigating things to cause friction with the group. <snip>

There's also gotta be more to it than that because Toad's issues with you couldn't possibly have stemmed 100% from you not joining in on a bet. It just doesn't make sense. Then again, I've met a lot of gamers that don't make sense.

Good story though. I couldn't imagine being in that group. Geez...
I don't know. I find the OP's story credible. Some groups see the need to haze newcomers. If everyone was a complete stranger, I'd be more skeptical, but they may have wanted to establish a pecking order from the get go. "This is how we do things here, son." Add that the OP was not going to participate in their bizarre gambling side-game and they may have been determined to either get him to fall in line or show him we was not wanted.

2014-08-16, 04:30 PM
Based on the TWO WEEKS of escalating will saves...

Short of walking away, what's the best way to handle that? Kill them when you pass your save?

2014-08-16, 04:31 PM
I now want to write a premade adventure: The Poop Plan. Now all I have to do is figure out what the hell someone could plan around pooping in plain view of passerby.

2014-08-16, 05:00 PM
I don't know. I find the OP's story credible.

Oh I don't doubt his story at all. I just wonder if he isn't giving us the full story. As what usually happens in these sort of posts, the person posting tends to forget to post his/her own negative contributions to the situation in order to bend the reader to their side. So everyone starts blasting the ones that can't defend themselves and acting as if the OPs S doesn't stink.

I just find it hard to believe that a person could stick around and put up with all of that in the first session with strangers, actually take revenge at the end, and not be a difficult player regardless of the group he plays in. Even the way he introduces them in his story is disrespectful (still funny though), which sheds light on what type of person/player he probably is. There is no way he is as innocent as he portrays himself to be and I have a feeling he was egging them on. I don't mean any disrespect. Hell, it doesn't even matter either. I'm just calling it as I see it.

I wasn't there though, so what the hell do I know. :smalltongue:

2014-08-16, 05:05 PM
Oh I don't doubt his story at all. I just wonder if he isn't giving us the full story. As what usually happens in these sort of posts, the person posting tends to forget to post his/her own negative contributions to the situation in order to bend the reader to their side. So everyone starts blasting the ones that can't defend themselves and acting as if the OPs S doesn't stink.

I just find it hard to believe that a person could stick around and put up with all of that in the first session with strangers, actually take revenge at the end, and not be a difficult player regardless of the group he plays in. Even the way he introduces them in his story is disrespectful (still funny though), which sheds light on what type of person/player he probably is. There is no way he is as innocent as he portrays himself to be and I have a feeling he was egging them on. I don't mean any disrespect. Hell, it doesn't even matter either. I'm just calling it as I see it.

I wasn't there though, so what the hell do I know. :smalltongue:

Nah that's a fair interpretation. The intro did also give me that feeling. In fact, the part where he said he started playing as a nice player to trick them into a sense of calm was what got me. Like, wait, you weren't being a nice player before?

2014-08-16, 10:38 PM
It was one of those situations that escalate from something small and build from there. When Toad was wanting to bet and I declined, Trog, who had already agreed to bet, changed his mind and backed out as well. That was what started it all. After that things just slowly built and built.

I was also being obvious that I didn't want to get into political debates because I didn't know these folks or where they stood and didn't want to side rail gaming. Ranger kept wanting to talk about political stuff before the session started. Trog was pretty libertarian and he seemed to enjoy pushing Rangers buttons. About twenty minutes before we all started they were going at it (Trog was laughing about it, Ranger was taking it seriously) and they asked me to give my opinion. I basically said I lean more libertarian than communist at this point in my life although I used to be a lot further to the left when I was in college, but I could see both their points. I could tell Ranger thought I was taking a dig at him by disagreeing. Out of character, I work in a job where I'm constantly dealing with political issues and when it's time to game I want to put all that in the background, but that's just me. I wouldn't have minded just listening to them talk but Toad wanted to back his friend so when I somewhat sided with Trog on one issue he started in at me wanting to know my religion, what I think about abortion, immigration, all that kind of stuff and I said I just didn't want to talk about all that because I would want to talk more in detail if we were going to debate politics but I wanted to game instead.

So from Ranger and Toads perspective by the time the game started it was already two strikes against me.

The whole pissing on my backpack thing was probably just meant as a joke, but it rubbed me the wrong way because it was two on one and no one else was saying anything. I wasn't going to do anything about it until Toad and Ranger said they were going to steal my spellbook and the DM didn't try to discourage them. As a level 5 wizard, that's basically end game for me. They were telling the DM they wanted to wait until midnight and get up to go throug my gear then hide my spellbook and use it as "leverage," against me. When I told DM that I was going to booby trap my spellbook if I heard them in character talking about stealing it they took offense. Personally, I say I was justified in being upset.

In all honesty, my S stinks as much as anyone's. It was just a personality conflict that got out of hand. I have nothing against The DM or Trog, even though I wasn't enjoying the rape charms. That's not my style but I can roll with whatever the group wants as long as everyone is a team, which in this case, we weren't. My usual group gets pretty silly and R rated at times, but it's different when you don't know the group and it's being directed at you.

As far as setting them up and entrapping then at the end, I don't regret it. If they hadn't pulled up the rope I wouldn't have done what I did and if they hadn't tried to convince the city guard I was a criminal I wouldn't have done anything at all.

The whole experience taught me to appreciate my regular group a lot.

2014-08-16, 11:02 PM
I would like to hear this session explained again, but from each of the other players perspective. I would love to know what they thought of the session and how they perceived things. I imagine it might be even more entertaining to read.

Let's be honest though, I find it hard to believe you weren't instigating things to cause friction with the group. Your story is good, but you are obviously a highly judgmental person based on how you introduced the group. From my experience, people like that, and players that "get revenge" for any reason (especially in a group of strangers during the very first session) are most likely problem players themselves. I'm just wondering what you left out from the story in order to make you appear more innocent. :smalltongue: I wouldn't have the balls to react the way you did during the whole session with a group of strangers and during the very first session. Especially when half of them obviously have social problems. I'd have just politely excused myself early from the game and left them to their childish antics. I'll bet you that $20 that you enjoyed pushing their buttons. Come on man, let's hear the whole story. :smallbiggrin:

There's also gotta be more to it than that because Toad's issues with you couldn't possibly have stemmed 100% from you not joining in on a bet. It just doesn't make sense. Then again, I've met a lot of gamers that don't make sense.

Good story though. I couldn't imagine being in that group. Geez...

Honestly, I completely believe it. In my first campaign, one player put another one in a stranglehold because the second player wouldn't give up his own character sheet.

2014-08-17, 02:47 AM
This builds character!

Wow, while intriguing that must have been a crap night.

I am constantly afraid of this happening with my players, who all know each other but have this overarching idea that everyone is trying to kill them. Player interaction is important. I've betrayed fellow players for less.:mitd: