View Full Version : Optimization Need help choosing a feat and selecting maneuvers to finish a build

Extra Anchovies
2014-08-14, 09:41 PM
So I've been working on a low/mid-op two-weapon-fighting build, with the primary weapons being a greatsword and an unarmed strike. Here's a link to a spreadsheet (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dCKlOl4bAgYvTaBCKmdvr1nspkHb6z-ipOTh5vPySzE/edit?usp=sharing) of the class/level progression, with BAB, base saves, feats (including bonus feats from classes) and other class features. The bordered area is the build itself, the stuff outside the black lines is things I'm considering but don't affect the build itself. There are four things I want help with:

1. What feat should I choose at 12th level? I have no idea what to put there, any suggestions are nice. I filled in the 12th-level feat slot with grey so you can see what's above and below it.
2. Is Spinning Halberd worthwhile? It nets me an extra attack at -5, and still allows me to make offhand unarmed strikes in addition to the free attack. I qualify for it by choosing White Raven as the discipline focus for Swordsage (which also gives me weapon focus with the greatsword as well, same reason I chose White Raven for Blade Meditation), but there might be a better feat that I don't know about. If there's a good replacement let me know.
3. I'd like any and all suggestions for maneuvers and stances I should take. If I understood what I read in Tome of Battle correctly, I will have access to 4th-level maneuvers for both levels of Swordsage, 4th-level maneuvers for the first level of Warblade, 5th-level maneuvers for Warblade 2 and 3, and 6th-level maneuvers for Warblade 3 and 4. Any suggestions you have for what maneuvers I should take at each class level would be great.
4. What skills should I take for Knowledge Devotion? I have room for four Knowledge skills at or near max ranks in my current plan, and Arcana, Nature, and Dungeoneering are clear choices, but should the fourth be Religion for undead, or Local for humanoids?

Note: I'm using the "Ranger without spellcasting" variant from Complete Warrior. Race is human, no templates.

If you have help or advice for any of my four questions, that would be greatly appreciated!