View Full Version : [3.5] Best Wizard buff spells?

2014-08-15, 12:28 AM
Hello all! I'm trying to build, flavorwise, a warrior-cleric of the God of Knowledge (sort of like the bodyguard for the temple.) Mechanically, I want to build a Vow of Poverty Wizard who both stores his spells in tattoos on his skin and buffs himself and wades into combat. What spells are the best for self-buffing? I'm looking for both potency and duration maximization. Any help would be appreciated!

Divide by Zero
2014-08-15, 12:37 AM
This (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?PHPSESSID=4npptljg00adg4kom9nngdo5s3&topic=8881) has some good suggestions in it.

Also, I'm 90% sure that scribing spells as tattoos still costs money, so make sure to talk to the DM about it first.

2014-08-15, 01:30 AM
Heart of Air, Earth, Water, and Fire. Unicorn Heart. Statue. Elemental Body (air), Overland Flight or Phantom Steed (your choice). Scribe Magic Tattoo (+1 CL). Anticipate Teleportation (and greater). Prying Eyes (and Greater) [radial warning system]. Cloud Wings (if flying). Cloak of the Sea (if aquatic). Dragonsight. Resistance Superior (or Greater). Arcane Sight (and greater). Luminous Armor (and Greater) or Mage Armor ( and Greater). Magic Weapon Greater. Polymorph (and Draconic Poly). Primal Senses, Hunter, Instinct, and Speed. Scent. Treasure Scent. Algid Enhancement (awesome but requires cold subtype, gainable via other spells).

All of those are long lasting. A few may not be the 'best' for a gish, but all are useful and there's plenty others out there. (If I could find my old theurge's character sheet, I'd have quite a few more to throw out there)

Lower level spell buffs tend to be well known, so other than the obligatory Nerveskitter, Enlarge Person, and Wrathstrike mentions, this should give you some material to dig through. I'm a fan of Magecraft for wizards due to Int synergy also, but as you're going POV, maybe not a good idea for you.

edit: Right, you're a gish. You want the Bite of X Spells. Sadly, the best way to be an arcane gish is transform yourself into a monstrosity via polymorph, add Bite of the Werebear and other buffs and maul face as Hydra-Bear-Man or similar. If you want to kick @$$ as a regular humanoid, Divine gishes tend to look a little nicer by comparison.

2014-08-15, 02:33 AM
I'm honestly not sure why you want to roll him mechanically as a wizard. Clerics can buff and wade into battle so much better, with the added benefit of not dying. :smallsmile:

Giving him the Knowledge domain (and Magic, if the deity has it) should make him sufficiently wizard-like.

2014-08-15, 07:36 AM
I'm honestly not sure why you want to roll him mechanically as a wizard. Clerics can buff and wade into battle so much better, with the added benefit of not dying. :smallsmile:

Giving him the Knowledge domain (and Magic, if the deity has it) should make him sufficiently wizard-like.

I was just thinking that the flavor would be pretty cool. I love playing a class masquerading as another class, like a rogue who works as a Cleric under false pretenses. But, sadly to that, Cleric seems to be the best bet. Any other crazy good buffs for Divine spells?

2014-08-15, 07:38 AM
Also read this:


For a low item use wizard.

2014-08-15, 07:41 AM
Cloistered Cleric or Archivist can convey the wizard flavor pretty well. :)

Best buff in the game is Shapechange.

What levels are you playing at?

2014-08-15, 07:59 AM
Cloistered Cleric or Archivist can convey the wizard flavor pretty well. :)

Best buff in the game is Shapechange.

What levels are you playing at?

It's more of a theory-crafting build. I'm doing it at level 10, directly in the middle for a nice baseline. And I know Shapechange is the best, but I'd prefer to keep the character as human as possible. Well, humanoid.

2014-08-15, 08:25 AM
Battle Hymn
Benign Transposition
Blood Wind
Brilliant Aura
Create Magical Tattoo (best if done for free w/ shadow illusions)
Dimension Door, Greater
Dimension Step
Ebon Eyes
Energy Immunity
Enlarge Person (for melee)
Girallon's Blessing
Invisibility (and Greater, and Superior)
Mage Armor (and Greater)
Mind Blank
Mountain Stance
Persistent Blade (for Rogues; inescapable flanking on foe)
Planar Bubble
Polymorph Any Object
Reduce Person (for throwers; mages)
Resist Energy, Mass
Snake's Swiftness, Mass
Telepathic Bond (and Interplanar TB)

(I intentionally left out self-only buffs. Usually when someone says they want to make a "buffer" they mean one that helps the whole party. Apparently I didn't read the OP 100%....but oh well.)

2014-08-15, 10:00 AM
At level 10 you can polymorph into a cave troll. The numbers are bonkers.