View Full Version : Vest of the Archmagi

2014-08-15, 01:06 AM
Has anyone ever broken down the costs for Vest of the Archmagi? I know WotC has a small history of being flighty with their pricings from time to time (I'm looking at you, Staffs), but I'm stuck as to how to dissect it. I have:

64,000gp for the Armor
Either 25,000gp or 37,500gp for the +5 to Saves

But I don't know how to price:

+2 CL vs. SR increase
The Pearl of Power effects (which should have a cost of 243kgp or so by itself)
Healing effect.

2014-08-15, 03:00 AM
(I'm looking at you, Staffs)





Dammit, WotC. Unless you're a bard or a businessman, the proper plural of staff is STAVES!!

Sorry. Anyway, yeah, their pricing gets a little wonky sometimes, just don't think about it too much. But the resistance bonus is definitely only 25k. MiC was the book that made adding common enchantments to tems not cost extra.

But, seriously, if my if any of my players asks a shopkeeper to see the selection of magic staffs, or something similar, they're getting sheet music.

2014-08-15, 03:08 AM
The Armor bonus as I can see, cost 64000
the save bonus ost 25000 x1.5
The Pear of Power I would price at 243.000 x1.5
The healing woudl be similar to Simbul's Synostodweomer (http://dndtools.eu/spells/magic-of-faerun--20/simbuls-synostodweomer--1790/)but better therefor I would call that a continues level 9 effect. 306.000 x1.5
The +2 CL, I would treat as either an enhancement bonus thus costing 4000 x1.5 or an attack bonus 4000 x1,5

FOr a total price of: 931.000gp

Hope this helps. :smallsmile:


MiC was the book that made adding common enchantments to tems not cost extra.

Whats this you say? Does it no longer cost 1.5 times the new ability to add it to items?

2014-08-15, 03:14 AM
MiC Page 233-234, "Adding Common Effects to Existing Magic Items". Any effect on table 6-11 is considered a common item effect.

2014-08-15, 03:26 AM
Sorry. Anyway, yeah, their pricing gets a little wonky sometimes, just don't think about it too much. But the resistance bonus is definitely only 25k. MiC was the book that made adding common enchantments to tems not cost extra.

But, seriously, if my if any of my players asks a shopkeeper to see the selection of magic staffs, or something similar, they're getting sheet music.

The Armor bonus as I can see, cost 64000
The save bonus cost 25000 x1.5
The Pear of Power I would price at 243.000 x1.5
The healing woudl be similar to Symbos synostomweaver but better therefor I would call that a continues level 9 effect. 306.000 x1.5
The +2 CL, I would treat as either an enhancement bonus thus costing 4000 x1.5 or an attack bonus 4000 x1,5

FOr a total price of: 931.000gp

Hope this helps. :smallsmile:


Whats this you say? Does it no longer cost 1.5 times the new ability to add it to items?
So basically, the item is nearly 1/5 of what should be its actual cost. Thanks, WotC?
He means common effects. +6 to a stat, Deflection Bonus, etc. etc.

2014-08-15, 03:31 AM
MiC Page 233-234, "Adding Common Effects to Existing Magic Items". Any effect on table 6-11 is considered a common item effect.

Thanks... I was unaware of that. The my pricing is 12500 gp too high, but my pearl of power is also off. Since its three pears in one, meaning 81000gp + 81000gp x1.5 +81000 x 1.5 = 324.000 gp and not 243.000. So its actually 68500gp more expensive than my first calculation.

So basically, the item is nearly 1/5 of what should be its actual cost. Thanks, WotC?

Yes well i guess thats why they write in the fluff that this cannot be created. As soon as one single enchantment costs more that 200.000 it becomes an epic items, thus needing epic feats.

2014-08-15, 01:11 PM
Isn't there a rule that says similar effects cost progressively less the more of them there are? That could explain the reduced cost for the pearl of power effects.

2014-08-15, 01:25 PM
Isn't there a rule that says similar effects cost progressively less the more of them there are? That could explain the reduced cost for the pearl of power effects.

That's only for items that don't occupy one of your limited number of item slots. If an item doesn't occupy a body slot, the entire price is doubled, so the 50% reduction to additional similar effects actually puts them at their normal price.

It doesn't really matter what each individual effect would cost. Any item over 200,000 gp is an epic item (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/magicItems/basics.htm), so like the +6 Belt of Magnificense in the Miniatures Handbook, the price was reduced to the pre-epic maximum. It looks like they put what they thought would be a fair number/power of effects for an extremely powerful and unique endgame item, and stuck the 'maximum' price on it. Keep in mind that using standard WBL, you would need to be level 15 to have 200,000 gp worth of gear, and if a character can't spend more than half their WBL on a single item you wouldn't be able to have this until 18th level. Considering most characters who could benefit from this could cast spells like Superior Resistance (+6 to saves) and Greater Luminous Armor (+8 armor, melee attacks take a -4 to hit you) for basically free, its effects are extremely lackluster.

2014-08-15, 01:50 PM
But, seriously, if my if any of my players asks a shopkeeper to see the selection of magic staffs, or something similar, they're getting sheet music.

Not to go too far astray here, but I love the idea of a magic shop owner trying to swindle Bards with 'magic' sheet music/staff paper! I'm sure that the plenty of dreamy-eyed Bards would have believed in a product that would help them pen the next musical masterpiece. Those poor, unfortunate souls...

I can hear the street-vendors calling out the wares now... "We've got scores of magical staffs here! Not to mention our magical scores by the staffs!" :biggrin: