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View Full Version : D&D 3.x Class Outlander [PEACH]

Milo v3
2014-08-15, 07:46 AM

Outlanders are divine magic-user, but these mages have more in common with Summoners than they do clerics. Outlanders are masters of conjuring, their patrons grant them the truenames of several souls from the immaterial planes. But outlanders don't limit themselves to summoning the bodies of these creatures, they can also bind them into objects to enchant them or graft them into allies for more personal power.

Role: Outlanders fit the role of a summoner, bringing in outsiders to take there place in battles. In addition, they have good utility as they can produce a decent variety of magical items.

Alignment: Outlanders can be of any alignment.

Hit Die: d6.

Starting Gold: As Summoner.

Class Skills
The Outlander's class skills are Appraise, Bluff, Craft, Diplomacy, Fly, Intimidate, Knowledge (Planes), Knowledge (Religion), Linguistics, Perception, Perform, Profession, Ride, Sense Motive, and Spellcraft.

Skill Ranks per Level: (6 + Int modifier)


Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save





Anonymous Conjuration I, Bestowed Names, Call the Name, Limits of Language





Basic Binding, Skilled Negotiator





Anonymous Conjuration II, Wondrous Binding





Aided Crafting, Expanded Vocabulary





Anonymous Conjuration III, Military Binding





Augmented Summoning, Organic Binding





Anonymous Conjuration IV, Expanded Vocabulary, Ring Binding





Lesser Planar Binding, Swift Binding





Anonymous Conjuration V, Animation Binding





Expanded Vocabulary, Portal Binding





Anonymous Conjuration VI





Planar Binding





Anonymous Conjuration VII, Expanded Vocabulary





Improved Swift Binding





Anonymous Conjuration VIII, Expanded Vocabulary





Expanded Vocabulary, Greater Planar Binding





Anonymous Conjuration IX, Soul Binding





Improved Portal Binding





Expanded Vocabulary





Ascension Binding

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Outlander.

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Outlanders are proficient with simple weapons, and the favoured weapon of their deity. An outlander without a deity gets a weapon proficiency by one of the following that they met the alignment of; chaotic (battleaxe), evil (flail), good (warhammer), law (longsword), or true neutral (scythe).

Anonymous Conjuration (Sp): Outlanders gain Summon Monster I as a spell-like ability once per day. Every odd level thereafter, he gains the next tier of Summon Monster as a 1/day spell-like ability, until he has gained all nine of them at level 17. Each time the outlander gains a new version of Summon Monster, any previous Summon Monster spell-like abilities he possessed gain an additional use per day, becoming at-will if it would go to 7/Day or more. The caster level of this ability is equal to your hit dice.

In addition, whenever a creature on your Summon Monster list has an outsider subtype from the Bestowed Names list you didn't select, you may replace it with a creature from the subtype you have selected with the same or lower CR.

Bestowed Names: Your patron bestows you with the truenames of individuals from a distinct group. Select one of the following subtypes of outsider; Aeon, Agathion, Angel, Archon, Asura, Azata, Daemon, Demodand, Demon, Devil, Div, Elemental, Genie, Inevitable, Kami, Kyton, Oni, Protean, Psychopomp, Qlippoth, or Rakshasa. You may only select to gain names that are outsiders from your selected subtype and outsiders that aren't from any of those subtypes.

You know a number of names equal to your class level, with each being an outsider with a Challenge Rating up to your class level (minimum 2). Each of these outsiders is a specific and unique individual, so once the choice is made it cannot be changed. If one of the outsiders you know the name of is destroyed, you may select a new outsider of equal CR to replace them.

Call the Name (Sp): As a standard action, you can speak one of the truenames you know to call them to your presence and under your control. This causes the outsider to appear within close range, and act as if it was charmed (as charm monster). The outsider remains for 5 minutes per outlander level (maximum 1 hour) before returning to whichever plane it resided upon. This ability can only be used once per outsider per day.

For the purpose of other effects; this acts like a Conjuration (Calling) spell, with a caster level equal to your outlander level, and a spell level equal to one less than half your outlander level (minimum 1, maximum 9).

An outlander can only hold onto a single powerful conjuration at once, meaning he may only have one creature called through Call the Name at any one time (not counting outsiders that have been bound into items or limbs).

Basic Binding (Su): A second level outlander can summon an outsider in the form of a consumable magic item given enough time and resources. This functions as the Brew Potion feat, except that you don't need to know the prerequisite spells that have caster level of less than his outlander level + 2, instead making a Knowledge (Planes) check (DC 20 + Caster Level) for each spell you don't cast. The effect of the resultant potion must be something that would fit an outsider that has come from your subtype or none of the subtypes for example; Oil of Continual Flame from a Lantern Archon, Potion of Unnatural Lust from a Succubus, Oil of Pyrotechnics from a Fire Elemental, or Potion of Ghostly Disguise from a Petitioner.

You can choose to use one of the outsiders he possess the name of for this ability, doing so reduces the creation time by half the amount and he counts as having already has that outsiders Call the Name use automatically used up each day. One week after the potion that consists of one of your named outsiders is consumed or is destroyed, the Call the Name ability is no longer automatically used for that outsider.

For the purpose of prerequisites, possessing this ability counts as possessing Brew Potion.

Skilled Negotiator (Ex): After reaching second level, whenever you would have to make a charisma check, you can add your diplomacy or intimidation ranks (whichever is higher) as a bonus.

Wondrous Binding (Su): A third level outlander can summon an outsider in a much wider range of forms. This functions as Basic Binding, but for Craft Wondrous Item instead of Brew Potion.

Aided Crafting (Su): Upon reaching fourth level, an outlander that is crafting an object can use Knowledge (Planes) skill instead of Craft, where you have at least one rank in that specific craft skill. If he has more ranks in that Craft skill than Knowledge (Planes), he instead adds half is Knowledge (Planes) ranks to the check as a bonus.

Expanded Vocabulary (Su): At fourth level and every three levels after, you can change one of the truenames you know as if the outsider had died, but the new outsider doesn't need to have a challenge rating equal to the one being replaced. The new outsider still needs to meet the Challenge Rating requirements of Bestowed Names.

Military Binding (Su): A fifth level outlander can summon an outsider and place them in a piece of armour or weaponry. This functions as Basic Binding, but for Craft Arms and Armour instead of Brew Potion.

Augmented Summoning: At sixth level, outlanders gain Augmented Summoning as a bonus feat. If you already possess Augmented Summoning, you instead gain the benefits of Name Expansion, even if you already possess that feat.

Organic Binding: An outlander of sixth level can bind outsiders into the form of limbs and organs. This functions like Basic Binding, but for Craft Cybertech instead of Brew Potion. For these purposes he counts as meeting the prerequisite of having a Cybernetics Lab.

Ring Binding (Su): A seventh level outlander can summon an outsider and place them inside a ring. This functions as Basic Binding, but for Forge Ring instead of Brew Potion.

Lesser Planar Binding (Sp): Upon attaining his eighth outlander level, you gain Lesser Planar Binding 1/Day, with a caster level equal to your class level.

Swift Binding: When a outlander of eighth level does binding that uses an outsider you have the name of, it reduces the time to a quarter rather than half, and the creation cost is reduced by 15%.

Animation Binding (Su): A nineth level outlander can summon an outsider and place it within an inanimate construct. This functions as Basic Binding, but for Craft Construct instead of Brew Potion.

Portal Binding (Su): At tenth level, outlanders may spend a standard action while in contact with an outsider he has called with Call the Name to cause a Plane Shift effect, with the destination being the native plane of the outsider. After this occurs, the Call the Name duration immediately expires for that outsider. The caster level of the effect is equal to your class level.

Improved Swift Binding: When a outlander of fourteenth level does binding that uses an outsider you have the name of, it reduces the time to an eighth rather than quarter, and the creation cost is reduced by 30%.

Planar Binding (Sp): Upon attaining his twelfth outlander level, you gain Planar Binding 1/Day, with a caster level equal to your class level. In addition, your lesser planar binding SLA gains an additional use per day.

Greater Planar Binding (Sp): Upon attaining his sixteenth outlander level, you gain Greater Planar Binding 1/Day, with a caster level equal to your class level. In addition, your lesser planar binding and planar binding Spell-Like Abilities gains an additional use per day.

Soul Binding (Su): As a standard action, a seventeenth level outlander can make a melee touch attack against a petitioner. This kills the petitioner and adds two soul points to the outlander, which can be expended with eight hours work per point you are spending. Once you stop expending points, you create an outsider from your selected subtype with hit dice equal to the amount of points spent.

An outlander can have a maximum amount of soul points equal to half his ranks in Knowledge (Planes), rounded up.

Improved Portal Binding (Su): When an outlander of eighteenth level uses Portal Binding, it instead creates a Gate (Travelling) effect rather than Plane Shift.

Ascension Binding (Su): As a full-round action, you merge yourself with an adjacent outsider with a challenge rating up to your base will save that you have called with Call the Name. This grants you the Ascended template, and the assimilated outsider counts as having it's Call the Name use used up each day until 24 hours after you spend a full-round action to lose the template.

Ascension Binding was based off the Draken's Symbosis mutation.

Ascended Template

AL Your alignment moves one step closer to the outsiders alignment.
Size Your size category increases to that of the outsider, if the outsiders size is larger.
Type You gain all the subtypes of the outsider, and your type counts as Outsider whenever it would be beneficial.
Senses You gain all the senses that the outsider possesses.
Armour Class You gain the natural armour bonus of the outsider, if it is greater than your normal amount.
BAB You gain the base attack bonus of the outsider if it is greater.
Defensive Abilities You gain all the defensive abilities that the outsider possesses.
Saves You use the best base saves out of you and the outsider, modified by its new ability score bonuses.
Speed You gain the movements modes of the outsider, if it is greater than your normal movement modes.
Melee You gain any natural attacks the outsider has, though use your normal natural attacks if they are better.
Special Attacks You gain all the special attacks that the outsider possesses.
Special Qualities You gain all the special qualities that the outsider possesses.
Ability Scores Each ability scores increases to the outsiders, if an ability score is larger. In addition, he gains a bonus to his ability scores equal to the ability modifier of the lower ability score (if positive).
Skills You gain all the class skills and skill ranks that the outsider possessed.
Feats You gain all the feats that the outsider possessed as bonus feats.

Name Expansion
Prerequisite: Bestowed Names
Benefit: You may select an additional subtype for your Bestowed Names ability.

2014-08-16, 05:20 AM
@Bestow Names
This is not listed as an ability, and appears to be gained through Anonymous Conjouration, but
Your outside can in fact be changed, you destroy it and gain a new one.
CR+1 is a broken mechanic.

@Anonymous Conjuration only makes sense if you have read Bestow Names, making it a bit awkward to read.
Despite granting a spell effect in mention it doesn't have hotlinks to the wiki.

@Call The Name
Despite having 3 elements of fluff made redundant by mechanics, I would just write out charm's effect so that it can be mundane and a bit more controlled by the class' intent, not dispelled, ect. as an outsider with a charm effect with ECL = CR +1 could very well turn around and obliterate you if it realizes it's been called and charmed.

Otherwise I really like the idea of playing pokemon with a portable PC to swap out pokemon effect that is going on here. I choose you, Angemon!

@Limits of Language
Make this balancepoint based on Summoner's general balancepoint, they are considered quite effective already.

@Basic Binding
This name is very weird, does this have an existing mechanic to draw from? Perhaps an established class that specializes in making potions or consumables?
I like this, don't know how it can be abused.

@Skilled Negotiator
I'm not sure what this is supposed to actually do, and it has some quite disturbing implications actually. I'd like to see how it could be abused but otherwise I think I would even use it for my classes. Still unsure.

@Wondrous Binding
I like this too, it's got a lot of flavor.

More to come :smallsmile:

Milo v3
2014-08-16, 05:39 AM
@Bestow Names
This is not listed as an ability, and appears to be gained through Anonymous Conjouration, but
Your outside can in fact be changed, you destroy it and gain a new one.
It is listed as an ability, it's in the Features section of the class table. Why are you saying that it's gained through anonymous conjuration :smallconfused:

CR+1 is a broken mechanic.
I'm not sure what to replace it with aside from HD + 2. Which just seems.... more broken.

@Anonymous Conjuration only makes sense if you have read Bestow Names, making it a bit awkward to read.
Bestow names doesn't have Anything to do with Bestow Names at all aside from Subtype, and thats only one sentance at the end. :smallconfused:

Despite granting a spell effect in mention it doesn't have hotlinks to the wiki.
I generally don't link every spell I mention. *Shrug*

Despite having 3 elements of fluff made redundant by mechanics, I would just write out charm's effect so that it can be mundane and a bit more controlled by the class' intent, not dispelled, ect. as an outsider with a charm effect with ECL = CR +1 could very well turn around and obliterate you if it realizes it's been called and charmed.
I don't understand what this is trying to say

Make this balancepoint based on Summoner's general balancepoint, they are considered quite effective already.
So, only 1 summoned thing at once?

This name is very weird

Why is the name weird?

does this have an existing mechanic to draw from?
In pathfinder, nope. Though, Artificers and Bellators can do something similar.

Perhaps an established class that specializes in making potions or consumables?
Sounds like it'd be a weak class... Could be an interesting future project.

I'm not sure what this is supposed to actually do, and it has some quite disturbing implications actually. I'd like to see how it could be abused but otherwise I think I would even use it for my classes. Still unsure.
This just makes you have a lower chance at failure with your Charm Monster and Planar Binding class abilities basically, since they require Charisma checks to be used.

Hipster Dixit
2014-08-17, 12:55 PM
I must say, I really like the class. Very clever and original design. I do not see anything really out of place (actually, the name bothers me too a little, but finding a cool name for something is often difficult than making that something...).

A few comments:

- I recommend giving per day uses to abilities, especially those who mimic spells. That is not necessarily related to balance, but spells tend to produce wierd effects when they are usable at will... summon monster is no exception.

- I do not think Call the Name is broken, since a) monster selection is limited and b) the outlander does literally nothing in combat apart from summoning. If you are still concerned, you could lower the amount of names the outlander knows, or the amount of time the summoned creatures remain on your side. But it is ok for me. CR + 1 seems a bit odd, though, why not just CR?

- For skilled negotiator, wouldn't be simplier is the bouns were, for example, half the outlander's level?

- Binding is a very awesome concept, something D&D was lacking. Good job.

- Capstone is nice too. Too strong? Dunno. It's like a weaker Shapechange... still powerful, no doubt, but I think it's fine for 20th level.

- Is planar binding a SLA, or what? You did not say it.

- What are soul points and cybertech? If you use non-core or homebrew material you should cite the source, so we can learn something new too :)

I feel the class is overall balanced. Their signature ability is summoning powerful creatures chosen from a small list, which indeed offers a good versatility, but not much more than, say, Wild Shape. Apart from that, they don't do much. They can summon meat shields and have a couple of nice backup spell-like abilities in the form of summon monster, and create magic items chosing from a narrow selection of magic properties. I do not see anything really gamebreaking. Binding an efreety would just ruin the campagin of course, but every wizard could do that :D

Milo v3
2014-08-17, 06:27 PM
- I recommend giving per day uses to abilities, especially those who mimic spells. That is not necessarily related to balance, but spells tend to produce wierd effects when they are usable at will... summon monster is no exception.
They do have per day uses. :smallconfused:

- I do not think Call the Name is broken, since a) monster selection is limited and b) the outlander does literally nothing in combat apart from summoning. If you are still concerned, you could lower the amount of names the outlander knows, or the amount of time the summoned creatures remain on your side. But it is ok for me. CR + 1 seems a bit odd, though, why not just CR?
It's CR +1 because I can't think of any CR 1 rakshasa, angel, psychopomp, etc.

- For skilled negotiator, wouldn't be simplier is the bouns were, for example, half the outlander's level?
I suppose.

- Is planar binding a SLA, or what? You did not say it.
Yes I do, it says (Sp) right after the ability name.

- What are soul points and cybertech? If you use non-core or homebrew material you should cite the source, so we can learn something new too :)
Soul points only exist for the Soul Binding ability so theres nothing to link, and Cybertech is core material from Pathfinder. I think.... I mean its on the PRD.


Hipster Dixit
2014-08-18, 03:07 AM
They do have per day uses. :smallconfused:

Anonymous Conjuration eventually becomes at will. Even if this applies only to low-level versions of the spell, I think it could be still too much.

It's CR +1 because I can't think of any CR 1 rakshasa, angel, psychopomp, etc.

Ok I get it. I don't know, but summoning creatures more powerful than you seems a bit... wrong to me. Maybe you could move Call the Name to 2nd level.

Yes I do, it says (Sp) right after the ability name.

It seemes i missed it entirely.

Soul points only exist for the Soul Binding ability so theres nothing to link, and Cybertech is core material from Pathfinder. I think.... I mean its on the PRD.

Ok. Fact is, the thread tag says it's 3.X, so that's why I was a bit confused ;)

Milo v3
2014-08-18, 06:37 AM
Ok I get it. I don't know, but summoning creatures more powerful than you seems a bit... wrong to me. Maybe you could move Call the Name to 2nd level.
Nah, that'd make the only class feature at level 1 a single level one spell slot you can't even move from Summon Monster 1, which is tier 6 at best. I modified it to be equal to your level, but gave it a

Ok. Fact is, the thread tag says it's 3.X, so that's why I was a bit confused ;)

IMO there should be a PF Class prefix. Though, technically the thread's only tag is "pathfinder".

Hipster Dixit
2014-08-18, 07:04 AM
Yea, prefix, whatever :D the tag says pathfinder, the prefix 3.X. Well at least we made that clear. I don't think that moving Call the Name to 2nd level would make the class fall to tier 6 for level 1, since summon monster is a pretty versatile spell. For example, in 3.5 the summon monster vestige alone moves binders from tier 3 to tier 2. Also, level one wizards can only cast one 1st level spell per day (well, not taking into account bonus spells from high intelligence score), and only knows three spells. So I don't see much a difference. But I don't want to convince you at all costs :D it's your work, after all.