View Full Version : Non-magic PCs against the ToH

2014-08-15, 08:22 PM
So I'm considering throwing my party against the Tomb of Horrors for the first time.
However I am uncertain they will even survive long enough for it to be entertaining for them.
Currently they are a party of
Lv 8 Melee Swordsage
Lv 8 Ranged Swordsage
Lv 6 Barbarian/ lv 2Spirit Shaman
Lv 8 Heavy Armor Warblade

Obviously, my party is hardly optimised, but for once I want to give them something challenging aside from trying to figure out what is going on inside of my head, and the actual combat encounters.
However, reading on the Tomb of Horros make me certain that they will die.
Should I wait untill they're a couple of level higher? In such case, how many levels?

In advance, I am sorry for any spelling mistakes, it is quite late right now.

2014-08-15, 08:36 PM
Thats kind of the point of Tomb of Horrors... to die. Though surviving past the first room would be nice.

2014-08-15, 08:40 PM
Thats kind of the point of Tomb of Horrors... to die. Though surviving past the first room would be nice.
I'd love them to do atleast that then, let us make that the goal :smalleek:

2014-08-15, 08:57 PM
This is from when my group tried to do a run without ANY magic at all. Admittedly we were level 9, but well, as fighters with only toughness, we did surprisingly well. It also appears I used the stupid "infinite bat guano ins a spell component pouch" thing. This must have taken a LONG time.

Today, none of the campaigns in my group were able to get started dues to absences, so we had to improvise, and decided to a one shot campaign. We picked the 3.5 update of tomb of horrors. There were 11 of us. However, we played with a twist: Each of us played the exact same human level 9 fighter named Regdar. Feats were Endurance, Diehard, Power Attack, and the rest were toughness. This is an account of what exactly went down.

In order to make it even MORE interesting, the entirety of our WBL was spent on some full plate, a greatsword, a pint of oil, a fifty-foot rope, a bucket, a spell component pouch, and twenty donkeys. Nothing else. No magic items.
Since we were playing with 11 people, we decided to implement a conch-system like in Lord of the Flies, only with a large Rubber Duck. The other rule is that whenever you testa trap with a donkey you have to name it. Who ever has the most donkeys by the end of the campaign "wins". I won't be able to remember all of the donkey names, so I'll list the ones I remember.
So we begin outside, in front of the skull. Phillip the donkey is crushed in the mouth. Donkey #2 dies in the left eye. Finally, a third donkey is able to open the door in the right, walks forward and falls in a pit. Crap, these Donkeys are hard to remember. I'm just going to list the ones that I can recall here.
John Smith
All of the characters from Dragon Age
and that's all I can recall at the moment, wasn't actually as many as I hoped I could remember. When I get back, I'll rewrite their names, as we are required to write down each donkey name.
Anyway, Donkeys all in a total of 4 pits. We find a lever in the wall, so we fill the pit with bat guano (from the pouches) and get a donkey to pull it. The donkey gets hit with a poison needle. Then we push its corpse into the next pit. Then we get the idea to tie a rope to a live donkey and lead it down the hallway. The donkey falls into a pit, and the DM is about to force balance checks, when we decide to release the rope. So that's six donkey's dead to pits, one to a poison needle. Next we reach the two arches. In the demon head, a donkey gets shredded. In the sigil door, we send in a donkey and it reappears outside, only bald. we press the range sigil and send in a donkey. Nothing. Yellow Sigil, Donkey. Blue Sigil, Donkey. Nothing.
FInally, Regdar volunteers to go through, and he appears in an iron room full of donkeys. We surmise that its some sort of code and we try about nine more options before we get the right one. Regdar escapes from the iron room and all the donkeys die of crushing damage. We proceed into a room with a statue. We have a donkey lick from head to toe and are surprised when its head gets crushed by its hand. Eventually, we find a passageway, and we are forced through it due to the massive volume of donkeys. A little before all this, one of the players had to leave, so his 20 donkeys became NPCs, essentially 'free passes' for traps. As we travel along the passageway, we see a bunch of hieroglyphics. Grasshopper pokes his head into each. First nothing, then spear trap to the head. Next donkey, spear trap to the head. Next Donkey, goes insane and then dies. Next DOnkey,we find the right way.

All of a sudden, the passage tips, and every NPC donkey falls into lava. We are on a slanted obsidian floor, everything is smooth and the spell grease has been applied to almost every surface. for now we are safe (possibly wedged in between the walls thanks to out donkeys, but we don't have much time). The plan is to either find some sort of useful material component or just make a donkey-corpse grappling hook. What's ironic is that the feat magical training could have netted us prestidigitation to make us immune to lava, but there is no back tracking now.

2014-08-15, 09:29 PM
This is from when my group tried to do a run without ANY magic at all. Admittedly we were level 9, but well, as fighters with only toughness, we did surprisingly well. It also appears I used the stupid "infinite bat guano ins a spell component pouch" thing. This must have taken a LONG time.

Its donkey-cide. That's just hilarious.

2014-08-16, 06:06 AM
honestly the tomb of horrors can be completed with i believe 2 level 1 commoners. and by complete i mean get to the final room. all of the traps and monsters apart from the boss are avoidable. with caution and luck. so yes you are more likely to die as the mundane party but still have a chance of success.

2014-08-16, 06:09 AM
Don't you need specific divine magic to kill the boss iirc?

2014-08-16, 06:15 AM
Don't you need specific divine magic to kill the boss iirc?

no just it is immune to magic like a golem except for a few choice spells (words of power, holy word, dispel evil etc).

2014-08-16, 06:19 AM
no just it is immune to magic like a golem except for a few choice spells (words of power, holy word, dispel evil etc).

Actually, in that case, doesn't specific spell immunity mechanically function as infinite SR?

This is semi-irrelevant to the thread at hand now but couldn't you just chuck SR:No spells - Orb of Force for example - at it?

2014-08-16, 06:45 AM
Actually, in that case, doesn't specific spell immunity mechanically function as infinite SR?

This is semi-irrelevant to the thread at hand now but couldn't you just chuck SR:No spells - Orb of Force for example - at it?

yes i believe so. anything that would work against a golem works against it. also if "magic and psionics are different" take in 4 psionic classes and laugh. as quite a few of the traps and monsters would require it to be transparency i believe.