View Full Version : [PF] Exploring the Emerald Spire! (IC)

2014-08-16, 07:53 PM
The past couple of days have been difficult on the group that slowly approached the imposing fortification ahead of them.

It was one thing they discovered that a few of their guards in the caravan they were traveling with had simply disappeared in the middle of night two nights ago. It was completely different that last night they were attacked by kobolds in the late evening hours. With their reduced manpower, the caravan which held mostly merchants and others untrained for the grisly world of combat, the dark-green scaled invaders quickly routed the caravan.

Some familiar faces stared up from the dirt unblinking at them, covered in their own blood. Others were fighting, however ineffectively, for their lives. The horses, untrained for battle, had become unnerved and began to buck and fight their restraints. The caravan master, a fat wealthy half-elf named Darius, had issued what would effectively become the rest of the caravan's death sentence. He yelled for the remaining guards to break from combat, gather the horses and packmules, and ride hard to the north.

Meanwhile, the rest of the caravan members (some of which would not survive the night) watched in horror, disbelief, and/or seething anger as they were simply...abandoned. They could not effectively give chase to the fleeing caravan master and his guards since instead they were busy stemming the seemingly endless tide of the raiders. Fleeting glances northward, when they could be spared, revealed the wildly swinging torches and lanterns adorned by the riders, fading swiftly into the night.

Perhaps this combination of desperation and anger spurred the remaining combatants to begin to turn the tide. More scaly attackers began to fall before them, but not before they noticed a few of the unengaged kobolds were dragging hostages into the darkness. Those who understood the kobolds' sibilant draconic language heard the call for retreat. Then, as soon as the combat began, the invaders disappeared into the growing darkness and tall grasses.

Those that had remained were able to bind their wounds, look for survivors, and then many of them shared a meaningful look. They couldn't let their traveling companions, the merchants and healers and laborers bound for the Mendevian Crusades far to the north, die in the hands of the kobolds. So, a few minutes later, the survivors began to track the kobolds down.

It was easy enough. The invaders definitely did not attempt to hide their trail, perhaps thinking themselves invincible or perhaps just didn't realize that they could become the hunted. Whatever the case, the band of survivors found the entrance to the kobold warrens. They weren't even guarded. Instead, they could hear yells and cheers of victory from within the earthen mound that served as the entrance to their warren. Mingled among them were also the plaintive cries of their captives.

Revenge was sweet, at least to some. Others still thought about the carnage the happened a few moments later. Caught unawares by the survivors, the kobolds could not resort to their normal hit and run tactics. Instead, the avengers swept through their numbers mercilessly and quickly. One of the kobolds among them decided that this was an opportune moment to side with the attackers, for his own reasons. And, at least for the moment, he was welcome.

At last, there stood only the warcamp's leader, a skinny but magically talented green-scaled kobold named Grishnak and his three guards. It was an unpleasant fight, but in the end, the caravan survivors were victorious. The kobold leader gasped and wheezed on the ground, blinking unbelievingly that his end was nigh. Then, with a final thrust of one of the attacker's swords, he would no longer raid the surrounds.

Then began the process of freeing the captives from their bindings. Others decided to scavenge the bodies. They found the remains of a knight and her horse, and her banded mail armor and the military style saddle tossed aside. They also found a smattering of coins that the raiders had obviously stolen, many of the coins red and brown with blood, new and old. Plus, on Grishnak's body, they found a few magical items: two scrolls and two potions.

Once that was done, the group made camp for the night, and collapsed into a tired slumber (though with at least one always on watch.)

That was last night. Today, after walking nearly 20 miles vaguely northward following a dusty road that vaguely paralleled the Sellen River, they beheld the imposing walls of Fort Inevitable just as the sun was starting to lower on the horizon. In addition to those that would serve as the focus of this tale, there were five other survivors that breathed a sigh of relief at the sign of civilization and shelter. Some wept tears of relief. All thanked their saviors profusely, offering some coin as thanks, as really that was all they had left. The caravan master and his guards rode off with all of their other belongings.

The many fields of wheat and other crops surrounding the fort, some of which still had laborers working the fields. A glimmering lake to the south of town was covered in a light mist as the temperatures were beginning to cool.

A cadre of black armored guards stood flanking the main western entrance to the city. They weren't barring the way, but they saw that the knights would question anyone that would enter. Some in the group knew them to be Hellknights, devotees of law and order, but in the most extreme fashion.

Still, their empty stomachs and tired legs yearned for the shelter that was promised within. And some yearned for the promise of adventure, wealth, and/or power that was rumored to be contained further northeast of this town's walls. Whatever their reason, whatever their purpose, first they would have to be questioned by the half a dozen knights before gaining entrance. Even more knights looked down on them from the battlements above the gate and along the walls as they approached...

Welcome to Fort Inevitable!



2014-08-16, 09:24 PM
Gatrit thought once more on the note now stuffed in a pouch at his belt.

Damn Grishnak, too ambitious for his own good. He could've had a real force if he hadn't kept killing of the older Kobolds. Ah well. Nothing quite so sweet as getting a caster right in the lung and watching them cough up blood instead of another spell. More weakness purged.

The little red skinned Kobold who banded with the rest of you when the rest of his kind were slaughtered walks slowly and carefully, eyes a long way off, staring at the armored black knights at the walls.

"Anyone know about this lot?" His voice is half-rasp, half-squeak and his left hand cups the butt of the musket strapped across his back with a thick leather band. "They look unfriendly, with all those spikes on."

2014-08-17, 12:39 AM
"Looks like Hellknights," replies Georg, glancing at the lake. He figured he was about due for a bath. "I trained with 'em for a while. Bit of a nasty bunch."

2014-08-17, 03:29 PM
Hell Knights? Nyktan replies, Well at least they match their names. Are they supposed to be protecting the town?

Do i smell the half-elf? I believe it is a survival check to find/follow tracks if he actually came this way that is

2014-08-17, 05:09 PM
Alyx Zepharius sighed as he finally saw the signs of civilization that was the village/town they had arrived at. The hunting of the kobold sorcerer had proven hard, and attempting to break his mind with the measly amount of psionic power Alyx had was also a hard prospect. But it had been done, and they had managed to save the hostages that had been taken.

The elan who traveled in the back of the group was slightly intimidated by the armor of these Hellknights, and did not speak up, but tried to remember if he'd learned anything of them in the books he'd read about this land in this age.

Knowledge, Local (psion/Wizards rule!)


2014-08-17, 06:13 PM
One of the other survivors among the group, a pale young human woman named Vola who was an apothecary's assistant (who'd died during the attack), turned to Georg. She did not quite look into his eyes, too unnerved by what she saw while he was fighting last night, and quickly turned away. Instead, she looked back towards the gate. "D'you think it's safe? They gonna attack us, y'think? They look...frightening..."

Another of the survivors, an older tailor who simply went by Jack, shook his head and gestured to a group of three people walking into the gates. "Nah. Look at 'em. They're just bein' questioned is all. Nothin' t' worry about." He took a long glance at the knights, and then turned to Georg and whispered more softly, "Right?"

2014-08-17, 07:19 PM
Georg shrugs. "They try to scare you," he says. "You don't want to mess with them, sure, but if you're not doing anything they can call illegal, they won't hurt you. Usually." He glances at the guards, and spits when they're not looking at him. "Can't say I much care for them. You'd be surprised what is and isn't legal in their book."

King Tius
2014-08-18, 09:29 AM
The inquisitive little gnome who helped slay the kobolds and, more importantly, healed the wounded afterwards squints at the hellknights and reaches into his pocket. He pulls out a deck of cards and shuffles them deftly in his hands, drawing a single card off the top and holding it up reverently. It depicts a great serpentine dragon breathing fire upon a village.

"The Tyrant" he intones in a voice deeper than you'd expect from one so small. "These knights impose order, but their cost is too great." He puts the card back in the deck and slips it back into the pocket of his robe. "We should treat The Tyrant as we would a child with a wand."

2014-08-18, 12:18 PM
If those wands are made into finely crafted weaponry and the child also wears full-plate. He sighs, I am going to guess that the law is what they say it is, and as such it would be best to not gain their notice.

2014-08-18, 01:13 PM
Georg nods. "You've got it exactly."

2014-08-18, 03:56 PM
"Unfriendly AND well armed? I suppose they've won the fort's loyalty, too? I loathe tyrants. And people, but mostly tyrants."

Gatrit visibly tenses up, a claw toying with a musket ball

2014-08-18, 06:42 PM
Finally, Alyx spoke up, believing that he'd have to intervene. "Well, think of it this way. Well, we don't know which order these Hellknights are from. There are more Order's than I can count, and while some of them are Law-loving tyrants, not all of them are. We shall have to see what they do, before we make judgement."

2014-08-18, 07:59 PM
The other survivors among the group cast their gazes back and forth between the gate and the current discussion, hovering between wanting to get off of the road and concern for their safety. Obviously, some are still a little shaken from their experiences earlier the night before.

As the group talks among themselves, they hear the rhythmic cadence of boots on the road behind them. A squad of four Hellknights walks by them, headed for the town. As they reach the gate, it's obvious that the group of knights that just passed them has a different design on their armor. The group of knights at the gate has a sort of scale-like design etched into the plate armor and clawed gauntlets, whereas the guards that just passed them have a fierce, fiendish face etched into the breastplate and the helmet has forward facing horns.

The group at the gate stops the group coming in, and even though the groups are both obviously Hellknights, the approaching knights are each questioned and after a moment, eventually admitted.

2014-08-20, 01:57 PM
Just realizing where he had seen their clothing before, Kenward whispered to the others, "Be careful around them. These are Order of the Pike hellknights. If I remember correctly, from what I've heard, they seek out and destroy those they see as monsters or threats to human lands..."

"That may include you." He adds in draconic as he nods to Gatrit.

2014-08-21, 12:27 AM
Gatrit grumbles loudly for a moment, then puts on the grimace that is as close as he can manage to a human looking smile.

"I'll speak in only the most refined of common" He rasps out as they approach.

King Tius
2014-08-21, 09:14 AM
Ladon gives his cards a quick shuffle and returns them to his pocket, growing noticeably less somber once the cards are tucked away. He takes the lead and walks towards the Hellknights, smiling politely and offering them a friendly wave in greeting. "Good afternoon! You wouldn't believe the night we had. You didn't happen to see what's left of a caravan come through here, did you?"

2014-08-21, 03:02 PM
Ladon gives his cards a quick shuffle and returns them to his pocket, growing noticeably less somber once the cards are tucked away. He takes the lead and walks towards the Hellknights, smiling politely and offering them a friendly wave in greeting. "Good afternoon! You wouldn't believe the night we had. You didn't happen to see what's left of a caravan come through here, did you?"

As Ladon and the rest of the group approach the gate, the guardsmen remain at attention. While many guards at other cities and fort have appeared relaxed or bored, the Hellknights assigned here obviously take their role very seriously. With Ladon leading the group and offering a wave, the helmeted knight curtly dips its head in greeting.

Then the knight gestures wordlessly to one of the other knights, who brings over a logbook. The knight removes one of its gauntlets, thumbs through the journal momentarily, and then looks at Ladon. A female voice states from behind the helmet in an authoritative yet friendly tone, "Greetings traveler. We have had three caravans come through today. To which one do you refer? And if you and the rest of your company here intend to enter the city, we will require your name, intended length of stay, and purpose of your visit. Otherwise, I would suggest you and yours find a suitable and safe place to camp ere night falls. The trolls from Mosswater are getting braver by the night."

Beyond the knight, the group can see a still-bustling market formed primarily of wagons and some stone and wood buildings that line a cobblestoned street that is quite clean. Groups of citizens are gathered here and there, chatting, buying and selling wares. A squad of hellknights patrols the marketplace, which the citizens seem to accept with no qualms. The marketplace looks noticeably...orderly compared to many that the group has seen before. Gone are the many dirty urchins and beggars; trash is seen only intermittently; and while the merchants are calling and hawking their wares, there's no crowding or pressing into a stall. For some, this is completely...foreign, especially in marketplaces normally found elsewhere in the River Kingdoms.

A series of parchment and woodcarved notices are posted on the walls behind the city guards, but currently they're partially obscured by the roughly half dozen knights that begin to take the rest of the party's names, duration of stay, and reason for entry into the city. Each is polite, if a bit gruff, upon taking the information.

2014-08-22, 09:16 PM
To which caravan we belonged to, it would be the one with a frightened fat half-elf in charge that was supposed to take us to the north of here. Unfortunately he cared more for his own skin than that of the people under his watch, so unless there was a caravan of one passing through than we, he gestures to the motley crew of merchants and healers, are a 4th caravan for the day. As for your other questions my good sir, i am Nyktan, my purpose of visit is to see that these people make it to some safety, and my length of visit will be determined by what we decide to do from here without our fearless, he spits at the ground by his feet, leader.

2014-08-23, 02:10 PM
"Yeah, I'm with the catman," Georg says. "Not sure what you'd call our caravan now. My Name's Georg Mignol. I'm here to trade and seek shelter for the night. I expect I'll be leaving in the morning." Georg struggles to maintain a neutral expression, hoping fervently that he is not recognized. From what he's heard of the order of the Pike, he would prefer they know nothing of him.

King Tius
2014-08-24, 08:54 PM
Ladon smiles back at the hellknight, pleased that he is being treated courteously. "As my travelling companions mentioned, we were all part of the same caravan with the portly half-elf at its helm. His name seems to escape me at the moment, but as those with elven blood tend towards the leaner side, I imagine he stuck out considerably." He chuckles at his own joke and bows deeply, his nose nearly touching the ground. "Ladon Sparklegem, at your service. With your permission, I'd like to stay in town until I can find another opportunity for employment...preferably one without kobold ambushes."

2014-08-24, 11:28 PM
The kobold bows his head and attempts to show deference to the hellknights.

"I'm gatrit. Noticeably not one of those ambushing type kobolds. I'm traveling with this group."

2014-08-25, 10:33 AM
To which caravan we belonged to, it would be the one with a frightened fat half-elf in charge that was supposed to take us to the north of here. Unfortunately he cared more for his own skin than that of the people under his watch, so unless there was a caravan of one passing through than we, he gestures to the motley crew of merchants and healers, are a 4th caravan for the day. As for your other questions my good sir, i am Nyktan, my purpose of visit is to see that these people make it to some safety, and my length of visit will be determined by what we decide to do from here without our fearless, he spits at the ground by his feet, leader.

The hellknight lets Nyktan finish speaking with barely any body language indicating emotion towards the catfolk's plight. As Nyktan finishes and spits at the ground, the knight looks slowly down at the spot where the oracle spit and then just as slowly back up at him. The answering voice is deep and stern, though somewhat muffled by the armor, "I'll forgive that offense. Once. Spit in the presence of a hellknight again, and it'll be the normal fine of two gold coins." The knight's head swivels towards the female knight speaking to Ladon. "Maralictor Wirt, I know the half-elf he and the others speak of. You were off-shift when they came through late last night. Their caravan appears on yesterday's log, not today's."

The female hellknight thumbs back a page in the log and reads the entries, after hearing Ladon's introduction. "Ah, yes. Here it is. Darius Marchaund and four others, all on horseback." The woman lifts the visor on her helm so she can level fierce, steely gray eyes on the short gnome. "He abandoned you and yours?" Her eyes flicker from the gnome to the rest of the group, searching for nods of affirmation. Upon receiving several, she flips forward in the log book and quickly but intently scrolls through the later entries, a cloud of intense anger darkening her features. She jabs the book with a finger, "There's no entry for his exit. You!" She commands a nearby knight, "take a squad to the Juliver Arms and see if he's still there. Darius Marchaund. If he is, have him arrested immediately. He'll answer for his cowardice and the death of many."

The knight quickly salutes, gathers up a few of the surrounding knights, and they make haste for the far end of the marketplace. A small but wicked smile graces Maralictor Wirt's face as she looks back at Ladon, "If he's here, he will be arrested. You and yours are welcome to town. However, I would require at least one of you to positively identify mister Marchaund upon his incarceration. Do I have any volunteers?" she asks, scanning her eyes over the remnants of the caravan. Then she continues, "If any of you are injured and can afford the services, there are two temples here in town. The Temple of Silence, dedicated to Pharasma, and the Temple of Golden Key, dedicated to Abadar," as she states each, she points out their general direction. "Otherwise, I suggest you rest and heal up at the Julivar Arms. Best inn in town, and should soon have some freshly available rooms would be my guess," she grins slightly.

Then, she looks to the other knights, "All finished taking their information?" Upon receiving several affirmations, she looks across at everyone and the smile disappears, all business. "The city gates close at dark, both this one and the east gate. Behave yourselves and you can conduct as much trade and business here as you like. Questions can be asked of any of the knights around town, including myself. I'm Maralictor Kiera Wirt, captain of this, the West Gate, otherwise known as the Mosswater Gate. Most trade occurs in this marketplace you see beyond me. There are established, permanent stores throughout town as well. Theft and otherwise cheating the merchants here will be dealt with harshly. If any of you own slaves, declare them now. While slavery and indentured servitude is permitted, it must be registered immediately. On that note, slaves must be lawfully acquired and in return, your slaves must be well looked after. Failure to do this will result in punishment and possible loss of said slaves or servants.

"Signs, notices, and other forms of announcements can be found at either gate, the marketplace just here, and in the town square just further down this street. When it comes time that you decide to leave, your exit will be logged, as will any successive times you choose to re-enter the town. This goes for anyone, permanent residents or otherwise." She passes her gaze from person to person slowly, then her features soften by a fraction. "Now, I believe that covers the basics. Do you have any questions? Otherwise move along, as we will be shutting the gates in a few moments. I'm sure you're all quite tired."


2014-08-25, 11:21 AM
Alyx took a good, long look at each of the hellknights, noting their intimidating armor and faces, and stayed quiet. Not much for an intelligent man to speak in such a situation. He looked around at the rest of the group, and wondered which one of them would volunteer, a really bad thing to do in his mind. going back out there after running right towards civilization. Not the brightest of ideas.

2014-08-27, 07:31 PM
Gatrit bows his head with what respect he can muster, then starts making his way into the fortress.

"That wraps your revenge up nicely. What do we do next?"

2014-08-29, 02:20 PM
Georg nearly declines the opportunity to volunteer, but reasons he might as well try to appear helpful. "Well, I doubt I'll still be here by the time you bring him in. I'll do what I can if I do." Nodding respectfully as he can manage, he slides in after Gatrit and Alyx. "Well, first we sell all the loot we don't want," he says to the kobold. "Not sure about after that. I was planning on getting a meal and a bed here and head out in the morning. Maybe poke around a few ruins."

2014-08-30, 12:43 AM
While the others talked to the knights, Kenward couldn't summon up the nerve to respond to them and so remained quiet, pulling his hood further over his head hoping they wouldn't address, or better, notice him.

"S-Sorry about the draconic earlier," he says to Gatrit, "I was hoping to be welcoming, but... it seems it was unnecessary. Hahahaha... "

He is awkwardly silent again and listens to see what the others are planning.

King Tius
2014-08-30, 09:41 AM
Ladon bids the Maralictor a good day as he passes through the gate. His first stop will be the signs/announcement posting board to see if there is anything interesting there, particularly any announcements, jobs, or plot hooks.