View Full Version : Player Help PF Animated Objects: How does I CP?

2014-08-16, 08:58 PM
Have 4,000gp left and want to make several small to medium Animated Objects (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/constructs/animated-object).

Had the idea to have them be animated piles of commonly found things, Rubble, Refuse, Remains, and Riches. Just not sure what to spend their CP on to get the effects I want.

Rubble is literally going to be an Animated pile of shattered masonry and wood and dirt. Enough so he blends right in with most natural or ruined surroundings.
His purpose is to hide in plain sight.

Refuse is supposed to garbage and is, mostly alchemical and crafting workshop trash.
His purpose is to draw in the curious and/or repel the wary. He'll smell bad. Real bad.

Remains is going to be another diversion. That mysterious pile of bones that seems to lie in every dungeon, that's this guy. In the right setting he's almost innocuous. In every other setting he's creepy and scary and don't dare poke it with a stick.
His purpose is to raise alarm. Perhaps while Rubble or Refuse is sneaking up from behind.

Riches is the bait, the lure. A pile of gold, or gems, or gems and gold. Maybe He's just an animated vein of raw mithril or adamantine or silver even. Enough to draw in the greedy, not enough to get him stolen in the night.

So, thoughts, ideas, calculations for what CP can be spent on what? Is this even possible with four small Animated Objects or do I need large ones just for the CP?
Help greatly appreciated.

Edit: Is there a way to have them be giant-hand-shaped when they're mobile but less obviously shaped when at rest? Besides how I just said that is?

2014-08-16, 09:59 PM
Okay so I think the breakdown goes as follows, four small, animated object, giant hand-shaped, piles of materials.

They all get 1CP for being small and their CR doesn't increase unless you spend at least 2 CP beyond that so they effectively have another CP to work with.
Use this to get them Additional Movement (climb 20') and Faster (climb 30') so they can be scary ceiling hands if I want them to.

After that they could each cost as much as I really want with the addition of 2 CP per CR increase with each CR increase acting as a x1,000gp multiplier to their base price.
Or, each will cost an additional 500gp to make for every 2 CP I spend on them.
Conversely each of the Construction Flaws I use without spending the CP they buy will decrease the CR by 1. Or each Construction Flaw makes them 500gp cheaper to make.

Rubble should be Stone so he'll have Stone and Slower to pay for it.
Dropping a 20' land speed to 10' is reasonable for an animated pile of debri but man does that make it nigh useless on the battlefield or for travel.

Refuse is alchemical and crafting trash so he gets Flammable and I suppose that could buy him Burn.
I wonder though if not taking Burn for Refuse would allow me to drop Slower off of Rubble and wind up paying the same gp for the four of them?

Remains is a pile of bones so Haunted is a no-brainer. Giving him Grab is nice but I'd love for him to have Exceptional Reach and some other creepily bone-esque attack modifiers to go with it. Like Pull. That'd be nice.

Riches should be Metal so that he can just be a pile of mithril and gold and adamantine. Like Rubble adding Slower to pay for half of Metal makes sense but make sthe poor thing useless. Adding Brittle for vulnerability to Cold to pay for the other half of Metal makes sense too. Cold makes the metal bits stick together and damages the creature. I buy that.

I wonder, can Animated Objects be improved after their initial construction with additional abilities or flaws?

Edit: Nevermind, ignore every instance of CR in the above, too little sleep had me confusing CP with CR. Ugh.