View Full Version : Who's not gonna make it?

basilisk 89
2007-03-06, 01:37 PM
It seems obvious that someone isn't gonna survive this battle. But who is it?

I personally don't think anyone from the Order will get bumped off, at least not this early in the comic. If someone from the Order is going to die, its gonna be at one of the last gates.

My money is on the prisoner who didn't want to fight for Azure City, the kidnapper, simply because it would be humorous being as he said he believed the hobgobbos would take out Hinjo.

2007-03-06, 01:39 PM
My money is on hobgoblin #152. He's got 'tragic death scene' writen all over him.

2007-03-06, 01:41 PM
the nervous looking archer is probably going to take a dirt nap.

2007-03-06, 01:44 PM
Julio Scoundrél. He's the mentor figure, it's in his job description.
Possibly O-Chul as well, but I can only vote for one person, so...

2007-03-06, 01:48 PM
Hinjo :smallfrown:

2007-03-06, 01:51 PM
O-Chul. I have no particular reason for him dying, but I guess somebody has got to die.
For Scoundrel; if there is any way he can re-occur, he will probably die, just as he told Elan before he left AC :smallbiggrin:

Twilight Jack
2007-03-06, 02:16 PM
To reintroduce and kill Julio now would be to waste the joke of reintroducing and killing him later, under completely unexpected and relatively innocuous circumstances. Besides, the death of Julio must motivate Elan to swear vengeance, in keeping with the conventions of genre. There's just too much going on right now to make it work.

Hinjo's death so soon after his uncle's would lack dramatic impact as well, under the circumstances. Besides, if Azure City is destroyed and he's left as a king without a kingdom, he's far more engaging, especially as his paladininess would dictate he team up with the OotS to protect the other gates. Either as a member of the party or a seperate entity, he's got far more potential within the story.

As far as members of the OotS are concerned, Durkon has been getting less screen (panel) time than any other character of late. I would think he'd get more focus if he were destined to fall in battle. It's kind of lame to ignore a main character you're planning to kill. On the other hand, the oracle's prophecy still stands tall. Also, it is quite possible that Durkon will get a seriously bad-ass reintroduction in the next few strips, in order to prime him for his dramatic end.

O-Chul has proven himself a capable, devoted, and sympathetic character, and has both lectured and casually commented on the cost of war in real human (and humanoid) life. He is entirely too aware of the reality of the situation to be allowed to survive (grizzled veteran characters possessed of a grim understanding of death and violence never survive climatic battles unless they're central protagonists). He's getting the chop.

Also, let's not forget Belkar, who's scheduled for a bit of heart-stopping (literally) unpleasantness in the near future. It would be ironic if, after all the equivocation on his behalf concerning his prison sentence, he caught a faceful of hobgoblin steel. In his case, an ignomious death is almost better, if it's coming this soon. The only other way it could work is if he dies doing something terrifically heroic (probably for all the wrong reasons) which saves the city or the battle.

In conclusion, my money's on O-Chul with blackjack insurance on Belkar. Durkon is the dark horse, but it really depends on how he appears in the next handful of strips. If he dies here, Rich has to earn the tragedy of his loss through reminding us of how awesome he is. We've been allowed to forget recently.

2007-03-06, 02:47 PM
I'd say the under confident archer. She was reassured of her survival by a protagonist after all.

Elliot Kane
2007-03-06, 02:51 PM
O-Chul. Simply because he's guarding the gate and no way is he good enough to stop Xykon & Redcloak, even if they have no minions with them. Chances are, they will have.

2007-03-06, 09:37 PM
belkar, maybe it's his time.

The Extinguisher
2007-03-06, 09:58 PM
I hope Belkar, but it'll probably be O-Chul. Hinjo's too important to die, and Lien is not important enough to die. Juilo would be a waste, and Reds and Xykon need to survive.

I hope Belkar gets knocked off, or at least stays in prison. He's funny, but he provided very little plot wise. I would love for Hinjo to join the order, but he can't unless Belkar is gone, or he somehow changes during the battle.

Elliot Kane
2007-03-06, 10:20 PM
It certainly won't be Belkar. He still has to cause the death of one or more of the people in his prophecy. Plus - I really think it's too soon to kill one of the major characters. They all have roles within the group that are kind of hard to replace. Well, except Elan, but we know he gets a happy ending...

The Extinguisher
2007-03-06, 10:24 PM
That could happen posthumously. Remember, it's cause the death of, not kill.

2007-03-06, 10:27 PM
I'm thinking Redcloak but he'll be ressurected. His "super smart" plan will fail and he'll die.

2007-03-06, 10:30 PM
NEVER be fully aware of your mortality while going into a battle.

2007-03-06, 10:54 PM
NEVER be fully aware of your mortality while going into a battle.

Unless you're angsty and filled with pathos.

2007-03-06, 10:57 PM
Is it too much to hope for that Miko gets eaten by the MitD? Lightly seasoned with nutmeg, of course ... :biggrin:

Elliot Kane
2007-03-06, 11:02 PM
That could happen posthumously. Remember, it's cause the death of, not kill.

True. But I think Belkar's dying causing the death a few hundred strips down the road is pretty unlikely, and I don't think either Miko or any of the OOTS are going to die just yet. Windstriker & the kobold are both totally out of reach right now, so... While there's a possibility for Belkar will die, I'd say it was extremely unlikely.

I'll grant I used the wrong word with 'certainly' though.

2007-03-06, 11:03 PM
No Thog option??? How can you have a poll with no Thog option?

:thog: thog not gonna make it
:thog: no, thog not gonna make it
:thog: thog not gonna make it anymore.

The Extinguisher
2007-03-06, 11:09 PM
I never said it would be likely. I just want it to be.

2007-03-06, 11:24 PM

Hinjo will not live out this battle. Paladins in general have very low life-expectancies, and Hinjo is hated on all sides. With Roy fighting Xykon, he hasn't a chance.

2007-03-06, 11:46 PM
I know this one. A buncha humans, hobgoblins, and zombies won't make it.

2007-03-07, 12:09 AM
Ensign Smith, in the red tunic.

Mr Teufel
2007-03-07, 03:53 AM
Belkar falls off the wall and onto Roy, killing them both. It's such a mess that to res Roy, they have to res Belkar too. :smallbiggrin:

2007-03-07, 08:25 AM
Limited list here.

2007-03-07, 10:14 AM
Redcloack, maybe.

basilisk 89
2007-03-07, 10:23 AM
Limited list here.
There is only a 5 answer option, so Other is anyone I don't have listed.

2007-03-07, 10:33 AM
It is a cert that it's O-Chul, surely. His character has been primed for it and is going to guard the gate.:smallfrown:

Prophesies are designed to be vague and flexible - they are famous for having unexpected fulfilments. If Belkar or Durkon go down, they're coming back soon after. Or they 'seem' to die.

Perhaps 'Spear Girl', too...:smalleek:

2007-03-07, 10:46 AM
The only way O-Chul would be more likely to die at this point is if he showed someone a picture of his girl back home, who he plans to marry once this crazy war is over.

Julio might happen. He made it clear he does NOT want to see Elan again - that whole avoiding death thing - but I'd give a small chance to him popping up in the battle in some sort of "Han Solo shoots up Darth Vader's TIE fighter" way. Then again, that might be a solid enough trope that he could get away with it and still have one more meeting in the future. If the Mechane just swooped over the battlefield for one pass, dropping Greek Fire on the head of whoever was about to kill Elan . . . :smallconfused:

(edit) Oh, and bonus tragedy points if Haley has to strike down one of the Archer Girls-turned Zombie or if Hinjo has to Turn/Smite/etc an Undead O-Chul.

Mawhrin Skel
2007-03-07, 11:55 AM
The only way O-Chul would be more likely to die at this point is if he showed someone a picture of his girl back home, who he plans to marry once this crazy war is over.
Don't forget the cure for cancer - it's all up here *points to head*. O-chul's glorious last stand before the Gate is pretty much telegraphed. Likely several other paladins and clerics will fall alongside him too. Maybe O-chul will delay Team Evil long enough for the OOTS and/or Hinjo to catch up.

I'm split over Hinjo's chances. If Azure City is devastated then I expect him to die defending it. If it isn't, he may die heroically anyway. 50/50.

2007-03-07, 12:36 PM
(edit) Oh, and bonus tragedy points if Haley has to strike down one of the Archer Girls-turned Zombie or if Hinjo has to Turn/Smite/etc an Undead O-Chul.

I like the way you think.

I wonder, if Hinjo and most of the higher ranking Guard members wound up as undead thralls how would Miko's view of her current standing in the world and in the eyes of the world change?

2007-03-07, 12:40 PM
Belkar will die. During the battle, the prison will be damaged. Miko will escape, seizing a "stupid horse" to make her exit. She'll gallop out of the city, but Belkar will be in the way. The horse will trample Belkar, but trip, falling and breaking its leg. Miko puts it out of its misery and continues on her way, leaving a dying Belkar crushed beneath a dead horse.

2007-03-07, 01:09 PM
The girl with the spear. It happened offscreen, but the other troops nicknamed her "Dead Meat".

The Familiar
2007-03-07, 03:29 PM

The ultimate in tragic, tear-jerking choices:

Mr. Scruffy--who will save the day before his dies, which will spur the Azurites to frothy vengeance (and victory) against the forces of evil, as they cry: Death to the poor widdle kiddy slayers! This one's for Mr. Scruffy!

basilisk 89
2007-03-08, 03:20 PM
With the new-found Periodic Table Titanium Elementals, I am positive the prison wll get hit and the random kid napper guy will get killed, then right before something kills Elan, Julio Scoundrel comes in and saves Elan, and kills the Hobgobbo General before Redcloak whacks him. The Spear Girl is screwed either way.

2007-03-09, 04:28 PM
:mitd:Self-Appointed Ice Cream-Devouring Desert Eater Guy of the Monster in the Darkness Fan Club

Desert? What desert? :smallsmile:

Kalahari? :smalltongue:

2007-03-09, 08:27 PM
I expect Hinjo to die, and his dying breath is him telling Roy "Defend...the other gates...my friend...GAK!"
:) Oh, and spear-girl too. Extra drama-pointage if she croaks.

Supreme Walrus
2007-03-09, 09:55 PM
Hinjo, 'cause he's a 'tard. :smallbiggrin:

2007-03-09, 10:17 PM
The only way O-Chul would be more likely to die at this point is if he showed someone a picture of his girl back home, who he plans to marry once this crazy war is over.

Julio might happen. He made it clear he does NOT want to see Elan again - that whole avoiding death thing - but I'd give a small chance to him popping up in the battle in some sort of "Han Solo shoots up Darth Vader's TIE fighter" way. Then again, that might be a solid enough trope that he could get away with it and still have one more meeting in the future. If the Mechane just swooped over the battlefield for one pass, dropping Greek Fire on the head of whoever was about to kill Elan . . . :smallconfused:

(edit) Oh, and bonus tragedy points if Haley has to strike down one of the Archer Girls-turned Zombie or if Hinjo has to Turn/Smite/etc an Undead O-Chul.

AWESOME! On your edit.

Seeing undead O-Chul would be really cool. They're about to get to the gate and he sacrifices himself to buy time, saving the gate but also getting killed and risen. Then Hinjo charges in and WHAM! He's slammed in the stomach by O-Chul, and they have to duel. Totally tragic, creepy, AND cool/

basilisk 89
2007-03-11, 09:29 PM
I think Belkar will kill the spear girl.

V Junior
2007-03-13, 02:01 PM
This is the one poll that DOESN'T need a Thog option...

2007-03-13, 09:09 PM
I don't think we would see another major death so soon after Shojo's. O-Chul just might, though.

Who's gonna die?

I agree with it being Goblin #152, along with a bazillion useless NPC's we probably won't remember in three strips. Well, SOMEONE has to die, right?

2007-03-13, 11:39 PM
Pardon me for being dense, but... spear girl?

Hobgoblin 152 is just a name for the innumerable hobgoblins, right?

2007-03-14, 01:39 AM
The five archers who did not get out path from elementals.

Mawhrin Skel
2007-03-14, 10:02 AM
Pardon me for being dense, but... spear girl?
The crying female soldier in the penultimate panel here:

Damnit people, that's not a spear! It doesn't have a pointy end! :smallfurious: :smallwink:

Xandu Hotep
2007-03-14, 12:12 PM
Damnit people, that's not a spear! It doesn't have a pointy end! :smallfurious: :smallwink:

Yeah, that is defiantly an axe. It's kinda hard to tell because the blade is the same color as the sky. (Unless I'm mistaken and I'm thinking of the wrong spear girl.)

2007-03-14, 12:18 PM
I would say Roy could possibly die. It's not that the others don't have the diamonds to resurrect him, so it wouldn't be for long. He could visit his dead father where he is at the moment and talk to some dead people, like Hinjo I mean Shojo (can't remember who is who), who can give him helpful advice. And after that he just returns.
It would also be hilarious to see Belkar die and after resurrection (not necessarily happening) changing his mind about everything and thus changing his alignment.

2007-03-14, 09:44 PM
Julio. Theatrics demand that he return and sacrifice himself for his student, Elan.

2007-03-14, 10:54 PM
Quite frankly, I'd probably go with a member of the OotS - the main problem is that they're quite low on player deaths at the moment. Has anyone had a game with a stretch this long without players dying? This ain't C'thulu, but by level 12ish there should be at least one.

basilisk 89
2007-03-15, 01:56 PM
Julio. Theatrics demand that he return and sacrifice himself for his student, Elan.
Exactly! :elan:

2007-03-15, 03:38 PM
It occured to me this morning. Durkon can't die. He has +4 vs. Giants.