View Full Version : Strangest homebrew on table?

With a box
2014-08-18, 12:26 AM
What was strangest homebrewed [NULL] witch you play with it?
More evil than strange, but mine was wall of disjunction (my magic items!)

2014-08-18, 01:03 AM
One of my old DM's about 4-5 years back ran a short 3.5 campaign where we each were demigods. Specifically, children of the classical Greek pantheon adventuring in ancient Greece.

The DM was still learning 3.5, so there was an odd, eclectic mix of 2eAD&D, 3e, and 3.5e rules. I'm pretty sure we used the weapon proficiency, system shock, multi-classing, dual-classing, race, and call shot rules from 2e, size definitions from 2e&3e (horse that takes up a 5'x10' space, anyone?), and most other rules from 3.5 (some of which were probably misinterpreted, but I can't think of any specific examples).

I think we all had 18s for each stat (praise the gods that none of us had any clue how to optimize at that time). I think I was either a Chaotic Good Clr/Ftr or just a Clr (forget if I was Elf or Human.) that was both a son and a priest of Zeus. I was also apparently pretty good (read as: lucky) with the crossbow, as I managed to call shot the sword right out of the hand of the party melee-guy (I think he was a Ftr) when he was trying to make himself the party leader (rather than letting the party remain a democracy).

I think it was the 2nd campaign I ever played in. Was fairly enjoyable, all in all.