View Full Version : Tankasaurus Rex?

2014-08-18, 05:47 AM
I'm fairly new to boards, and to D&D in general. I've played in a handful of games but I don't have an eye for optimization. I had to pleasure of playing a dumbed down, under-optimized uber-charger. I kept a close reign and it ended up saving the party a couple of times. However, I usually enjoy playing the bodyguard type characters.

I've seen to uber-charger builds and crazy wildshaping builds, but I haven't seen a dedicated tank build.

What I would be looking for would be a character capable of absorbing a LOT of damage, intercepting atacks meant for allies and cause negative effects or gain the ability to attack enemies that target or deal damage to allies. However, I have no idea how to make this work.

Also, if possible, for ease of actually being able to play it, I'd like the sources to be official 3.5 published material only. Maybe a few small things from Dragon are okay, but official published material would be the focus.


2014-08-18, 06:11 AM
What I would be looking for would be a character capable of absorbing a LOT of damage,

You'd be wanting Crusader (Tome of Battle) for that. What with Steely Resolve and healing maneuvers, they are incredibly hard to take down.

intercepting atacks meant for allies and cause negative effects

This is not modeled well in D&D 3.x. Devoted Defender has some intercepting ability, but it's from a 3.0 source (Sword & Fist). Also, there's two feats in Drow of the Underdark: Constant Guardian and Dutiful Guardian.

or gain the ability to attack enemies that target or deal damage to allies.

Knight (PHBII) can do this a bit via Knight's Challenge. And there's a feat or two somewhere that may reward you if you're adjacent to someone that chooses not to attack you.

However, I have no idea how to make this work.

Knight 4/Crusader 16 would probably be where I'd start.

If you want an actual T. Rex, then Cave Tyrannosaurus (Miniatures Handbook) + Crusader 11. But it probably needs to be awakened, so more like + Crusader 9. Hrrrmmm. Anthropomorphic T-Rex might work...

2014-08-18, 06:14 AM
This is not modeled well in D&D 3.x. Devoted Defender has some intercepting ability, but it's from a 3.0 source (Sword & Fist). Also, there's two feats in Drow of the Underdark: Constant Guardian and Dutiful Guardian.

Attack of opportunity tripping kinda fits that pretty well, as you're intercepting attacks meant for friends with a debuff, even if it's more indirect than is often desired. Fortunately, crusaders are perfect for that, so that's definitely the class to go with.

2014-08-18, 06:24 AM
You could always go for a lockdown build. Focuses on getting reach and controlling a zone to keep enemies from reaching allies. If you want the traditional tank feel of using a shield and still have as much reach as possible it is going to cost a feat.

I am partial to starting off with something like:

Human Barbarian2/Crusader4

Whirling Frenzy Rage Variant
Spirit Lion totem
Wolf Totem

Flaw: Jotunbrud
Flaw: Shield and Pike Style (dragon mag feat. Lets you use a light shield + polearm without penalty and retain shield bonus to AC)
1: Wolf Lodge Berserker
Barb2: Imp Trip
3: combat reflexes

This build gets a +12 Trip modifier before strength is factored in to the question, so most CR appropriate enemies are going down hard and fast.

You get your shield bonus to AC while two handing so damage is still going to be decent. A few Crusader maneuvers let you use your shield to help allies so that plays in well.

How optimized is your group btw, we can try to target build advice better if we know your op level and starting ecl.

2014-08-18, 07:11 AM
You'd be wanting Crusader (Tome of Battle) for that. What with Steely Resolve and healing maneuvers, they are incredibly hard to take down.

This is not modeled well in D&D 3.x. Devoted Defender has some intercepting ability, but it's from a 3.0 source (Sword & Fist). Also, there's two feats in Drow of the Underdark: Constant Guardian and Dutiful Guardian.

Knight (PHBII) can do this a bit via Knight's Challenge. And there's a feat or two somewhere that may reward you if you're adjacent to someone that chooses not to attack you.

Knight 4/Crusader 16 would probably be where I'd start.

If you want an actual T. Rex, then Cave Tyrannosaurus (Miniatures Handbook) + Crusader 11. But it probably needs to be awakened, so more like + Crusader 9. Hrrrmmm. Anthropomorphic T-Rex might work...

I'm not looking for an actualy T-Rex :P It's just a name. I need to look over Knight; never played one but I like the fluff.

You could always go for a lockdown build. Focuses on getting reach and controlling a zone to keep enemies from reaching allies. If you want the traditional tank feel of using a shield and still have as much reach as possible it is going to cost a feat.

I am partial to starting off with something like:

Human Barbarian2/Crusader4

Whirling Frenzy Rage Variant
Spirit Lion totem
Wolf Totem

Flaw: Jotunbrud
Flaw: Shield and Pike Style (dragon mag feat. Lets you use a light shield + polearm without penalty and retain shield bonus to AC)
1: Wolf Lodge Berserker
Barb2: Imp Trip
3: combat reflexes

This build gets a +12 Trip modifier before strength is factored in to the question, so most CR appropriate enemies are going down hard and fast.

You get your shield bonus to AC while two handing so damage is still going to be decent. A few Crusader maneuvers let you use your shield to help allies so that plays in well.

How optimized is your group btw, we can try to target build advice better if we know your op level and starting ecl.

I've never heard of Wolf Lodge Beserker. What is that?

I should have added, I'd like to try to make the build without flaws. Not all DM's go for it and most I've played with don't approve.

Attack of opportunity tripping kinda fits that pretty well, as you're intercepting attacks meant for friends with a debuff, even if it's more indirect than is often desired. Fortunately, crusaders are perfect for that, so that's definitely the class to go with.

On an unrelated note, I know there's info on dedicated tripper/lock-down builds. Any chance you could give me a link? I'd love to do some research on it.

2014-08-18, 07:28 AM
On a side note, for actual intercepting of attacks, be something with the dragonblood subtype (Silverbrow Human, maybe) and grab a Wand Chamber with a Wand of Wings of Cover. It's an immediate action force field that stops a single attack, and if you're dragon-blooded, it defends allies next to you. A single sorcerer level would let you cast it every time, or you could put ranks into Use Magic Device or something.

2014-08-18, 02:42 PM
On an unrelated note, I know there's info on dedicated tripper/lock-down builds. Any chance you could give me a link? I'd love to do some research on it.
Jack B. Quick (http://community.wizards.com/forum/previous-editions-character-optimization/threads/1062806) is pretty old school, and not exactly the way I would go about things (it's too focused on the attacks to the exclusion of all else), but a lot of the basic ideas there are solid AoO principles. Basically, what you really want is combat reflexes, a reach weapon, some feats that trigger AoO's more often, like Robilar's gambit (PHB II, 82) and karmic strike (CW, 102), tripping stuff, mostly improved trip and knock-down (I'd advise getting improved trip through two levels of barbarian (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#wolfTotemClassFeatures )), and finally, a particular stance that triggers AoO's like crazy, in this case being the crusader's thicket of blades. Also nifty are reach increasers, both directly, through stuff like deformity (tall) (HoH, 121), and indirectly, through size increasers.

2014-08-18, 02:49 PM
I have an ultra-tank build for a gestalt game, but one side of it would make a great tank by itself:

Barbarian 2/Incarnate 1/Knight 3/Fighter 2/Crusader 2/Deepwarden 2/Incarnate +1/Hellreaver 6

Feats are pretty standard for lockdown (EWP: Spiked Chain, Stand-Still, etc.)

2014-08-18, 02:58 PM
This Paladin Fix (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?221312-A-hero-is-a-man-too-stubborn-to-die-a-3-5-Paladin-fix-(PEACH)&p=12150015#post12150015) is EXACTLY what you are looking for. It has the ability to literally throw people out of the way of attacks. As well as block AoE effects from hitting nearby allies.

2014-08-18, 09:26 PM
I have an ultra-tank build for a gestalt game, but one side of it would make a great tank by itself:

Barbarian 2/Incarnate 1/Knight 3/Fighter 2/Crusader 2/Deepwarden 2/Incarnate +1/Hellreaver 6

Feats are pretty standard for lockdown (EWP: Spiked Chain, Stand-Still, etc.)

I've never understood Soul Melds. I'll need to look into them at ome point.

This Paladin Fix (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?221312-A-hero-is-a-man-too-stubborn-to-die-a-3-5-Paladin-fix-(PEACH)&p=12150015#post12150015) is EXACTLY what you are looking for. It has the ability to literally throw people out of the way of attacks. As well as block AoE effects from hitting nearby allies.

The paladin fix you mentioned is very close to what I'm looking for. Unfortunately, homebrew isn't an option. I' like something that would be easy to present to a DM, regardless of whether they use the boards or are open to third-party material or not.

Also, there's two feats in Drow of the Underdark: Constant Guardian and Dutiful Guardian.

I missed this earlier but those feats aren't as great as I had hoped. I was looking at taking them before, but they trigger AoO against both you and the person you're switching with, which makes it kind of redundant.

2014-08-18, 09:28 PM
The paladin fix you mentioned is very close to what I'm looking for. Unfortunately, homebrew isn't an option. I' like something that would be easy to present to a DM, regardless of whether they use the boards or are open to third-party material or not.

I can understand that, but it never hurts to ask your GM. Especially since this is a very defensive class (it will not end encounters quickly), and it is (almost) exactly what you want.

2014-08-18, 10:32 PM
Gheden+Troll-blooded can make a character incredibly tough unless someone brings fire or acid into things.

2014-08-19, 06:59 AM
I've never understood Soul Melds. I'll need to look into them at ome point.

I rarely have the opportunity to play with them. For this build, the dip into Incarnate is to allow shaping a soulmeld called Strongheart Vest, which lessens ability damage by an amount equal to 1+essentia invested. This is to allow the character to use the 5th-level Hellreaver ability "Heroic Sacrifice" to replenish his fury points without taking any Con damage.

2014-08-19, 07:22 AM
As others pointed out, it's difficult to do tanking in D&D as abilities that "draw aggro" are rare and often suboptimal.

With that said, I think Ruby Knight Vindicators prestige class is the best tank in the game. It combines the crusader abilities with cleric buffs and healing (Close Wounds [SpC] for the win!) to create a character that can take a ridiculous amount of punishment, all while preventing opponents from hurting your allies.

2014-08-19, 07:37 AM
As others pointed out, it's difficult to do tanking in D&D as abilities that "draw aggro" are rare and often suboptimal.

With that said, I think Ruby Knight Vindicators prestige class is the best tank in the game. It combines the crusader abilities with cleric buffs and healing (Close Wounds [SpC] for the win!) to create a character that can take a ridiculous amount of punishment, all while preventing opponents from hurting your allies.

Seconded. Favored Soul is a sub-optimal but fun and flavorful divine-casting entry to RKV. There's an alternative class feature that swaps it's 3rd-level Favored Weapon Focus for the ability to grant temporary HP to yourself or allies whenever you cast spells (buffs, most likely) that target them - obviously as a tank, more health = fantastic.

EDIT: Also, Favored Soul has Knowledge (Arcana) but not Knowledge (Religion) listed in class skills for some gods-forsaken reason, but there is a web enhancement that offers the choice of swapping for Know (Religion) instead.

2014-08-19, 07:50 AM
Favored Soul 5 / Church Inquisitor 1 / Divine Oracle 2 / Crusader 2 / Sacred Exorcist 1 / Prestige Paladin 2 / Ruby Knight Vindicator 7

Would be playable at any level and gets some nice benefits from a high Charisma