View Full Version : Advice for a few character builds please

sam vimes
2014-08-18, 11:55 AM
So recently I've re-read the three Word Bearers books by Antony Reynolds set in the 41st millennium and got a few ideas for characters from them I'll give a briefout line of each character from the books I want to bring to life in dnd:

A Dark apostle and leader of the 34th host who fights with chainsword and crozuis arcanum (mace/maul type weapon) quite skilled at single and two weapon fighting, also summons daemons from the warp on a few ocassions and has the favour of the gods as in Slannessh the prince of pleasure steps in to save his arse at one point and Khorne sends him a few blood letters when he and his team are neck deep in the do do, I got as far as cleric type build before common sense kicked in and I thought I'd pick the brains here mhmm brains.

A possessed chaos marine thats the icon bearer of the 34th has noted stealth and terror skills along with assassination, along with being possessed he's in near full control of the daemon in him, in additon his already strong powers of healing are further enhanced by the daemon within, fights with either his possessed claws or the spiked and barbed icon of the host or both he's a near raging berserker lol he's not to fussed what he kills with.

Kol Badar:
The Coryphaus and war leader of the 34th host has a brilliant strategic mind wears (they took a fully manned asartes battle barge in under 30mins in the third book) terminator armour fights with a combi bolter and power talons is a big sod so has plenty of brawn to back his brain is a highly rigid warrior doesn't like unconventional tactics, also he faintly feels the touch of the Gods.

Noted leader of the 13th Coterie in the 34th host has a keen strategic mind and may one day approach Kol Badars level is highly skilled at small unit tactics and above, very very skilled with power sword so much so he one shotted a champion by simply rolling forward and putting said sword through champions throat and head, also held his own against a chapter master in full terminator armour for a few minutes before he was overwhelmed by the sheer strength of the master, is incredibly loyal to Marduk and is somewhat honourable for a chaos marine imo.