View Full Version : Need help with ideas for BBE trio

2014-08-18, 11:55 AM
Recently int he adventures of my character in a villains campaign we have recently reached level 32 (Our DM has had plenty of experience wall the way to the trip digit levels so we aren't too powerful of rhim) and the step we have now is to come up with some interesting forts or ultimate lairs for our villains and their cohorts.

My character is a class that in its simplicity is a chaotic evil version of the Red wizard. (5 levels Arcanist, 10 THral of Uronym-CE Red Wizard- and 5 Archmage, 5 Epic Thrall, 7 Dread Emperor (From librim eternia complete epic prestige))
He has already obtained lichdom and is currently taken up the goal of becoming the next Demon Prince of Undeath (Recently a war int he Abyss has ended with many big powerful Demons kicking the bucket, and my guys master Uronym, one of the newcomers, is seeking to prepare him to become Orcus' replacement.) And his cohorts are a Orc who is new to his cult (Thus advice on a fun Orc build would be well appreciated) and his original cohort, a Ancient Red dracolich.

Besides help on the Orc who will be joining him, i was wondering if anyone had ideas on an interesting lair for them to reside in? Money isn't really much of an issue thanks to a few adventures that lead to our group acquiring a quartet of artifacts, one of which was an item that generates money once month for the wielder which I took up. So any interesting ideas are fully welcome! From trap ideas to even personally crafted dungeon monsters and such.

Hope to see plenty of fun ideas!~