View Full Version : Magic Jar, Temporary Resurrection, Raise Dead

2014-08-19, 11:09 AM
In anticipation of harder events, my Witch will probably keep Magic Jar prepared. If my DM is playing how I hope he will, my Witch's defenseless body will be killed at some point.

Given the spell's long duration, could the Witch;
Commune with her familiar (while in another body) to prepare Temporary Resurrection and Raise Dead?
Cast Temporary Resurrection on her corpse?
Transfer her soul to the not-undead corpse?
Cast Raise Dead on herself? (She cannot do it from another body because her soul wouldn't be "free" to enter her body (I assume))

2014-08-19, 08:12 PM
Unless I'm mistaken (or just going off of my interpretation of 3.5 rules) you'd be free to enter the body because you are willing to be rezzed, but you must willingly give up control of the undead body (which means you now have a royally pissed undead at touch range with you. Better be ready for a fight).

2014-08-19, 11:32 PM
The only problem I can see is that magic jar specifically says you only die if your body is destroyed when the spell ends. So while magic jar is in effect, your body being destroyed does not actually make you classify as being dead, thus not a valid target for temporary resurrection. This would likely come into DM ruling territory, but I would personally say that the body merely would need to be fixed in some way, such as a regenerate spell or the like.

2014-08-20, 07:32 AM
Hmm. Let me explain my actions (atemu1234's response makes me think I wasn't clear) and dissect this a bit.

you place your soul in a gem or large crystal (known as the magic jar), leaving your body lifeless... If the spell ends while you are in the magic jar, you return to your body (or die if your body is out of range or destroyed)
PC casts Magic Jar and enters another body.
PC body; lifeless
PC Soul; in NPC body
NPC Body; has PC spirit
NPC Soul; in Jar

PC body takes damage.
Can someone cast a spell to heal that damage?

PC body takes enough damage to be negative-con
Does that meet the definition of "destroyed"? I don't think so. But, if it doesn't, then what happens to a body that is merely dead as opposed to turned into ash and scattered to the winds? Since I do not have an answer to that, I think that "destroyed" is supposed to mean "dead".

Assuming that the PC's body can be healed and/or Resurrected, wouldn't it just be in the state it was before; a soulless body eagerly awaiting the PC's soul to return?

So; PC body dies
PC soul in NPC body casts Temporary Resurrection on PC body (nothing in that spell talks about needing a soul)
PC body is back to a "healthy" lifeless state
PC soul end the Magic Jar Spell
PC soul enters PC body
NPC soul enters NPC body (PC's party kills NPC)
PC soul is now in PC body that only has 24 hours to live

PC casts Raise Dead on self, since soul is free to enter PC's body (in fact, it's already there).

I think the real questions are;
Can you heal a "lifeless" body (according to spell, that's a healthy body without a soul)
What constitutes "destroyed"?
Can a lifeless body be killed and resurrected?

Again, the point of this situation is so that my character can do all of this herself, not rely on the party's Cleric to actually show up.