View Full Version : 3rd Ed Need help shopping for a 12th-level character

2014-08-19, 01:23 PM
Hi. I've gotten into a 3.5 PBP game here starting at level 12. I'm a Wemic Barbarian/warblade, and I need help shopping!
I think I covered the basics, with a +1 Animated Darkwood Large Shield, +1 Valorous Lance, +3 Chain Shirt, +1 Mighty Composite +10 Longbow, and +4 Belt of Giant Strength (Putting my STR at 30) leaving me at ~41,000 GP left - but I'm completely lost because of the power level of high-level play... and level 12 is in an awkward place because all the gear I see tossed about as "Critical" costs tens or hundreds of thousands of GP, and I don't have anything beyond Basic Competence.

2014-08-19, 01:31 PM
Hi. I've gotten into a 3.5 PBP game here starting at level 12. I'm a Wemic Barbarian/warblade, and I need help shopping!
I think I covered the basics, with a +1 Animated Darkwood Large Shield, +1 Valorous Lance, +3 Chain Shirt, +1 Mighty Composite +10 Longbow, and +4 Belt of Giant Strength (Putting my STR at 30) leaving me at ~41,000 GP left - but I'm completely lost because of the power level of high-level play... and level 12 is in an awkward place because all the gear I see tossed about as "Critical" costs tens or hundreds of thousands of GP, and I don't have anything beyond Basic Competence.

I use this reference all the time


2014-08-19, 01:39 PM
I'd pick up at least a flight item and something to enhance your senses, probably a Blindfold of True Darkness or a Scout's Headband. A handy haversack is useful, as is a fortifying bedroll.
Anklet's of Translocation can be useful depending on your warblade maneuvers.

2014-08-19, 01:53 PM
Unfortunately, there aren't any available flight items that really mesh with my style (I got excited for a Carpet of Flying - but realized I'd need the largest one just to carry myself - Weighing well over a quarter of a ton is hell on carry capacity)

2014-08-19, 02:04 PM
Unfortunately, there aren't any available flight items that really mesh with my style (I got excited for a Carpet of Flying - but realized I'd need the largest one just to carry myself - Weighing well over a quarter of a ton is hell on carry capacity)

A 1/day command item of the spell "fly" would cost 27k. That would give you speed of 50 and average maneuverability. It would last for 5 minutes (50 rounds) you may be able to let the DM allow you to turn it on and off and use it one round at a time rather than all 5 minutes at once.

2014-08-19, 02:05 PM
Ask your DM if you can refluff an existing item. Flight is very important for melee characters at this level. Many high level monsters will have it by default, and most characters with access to any form of spellcasting will be flying most of the time in combat.

2014-08-19, 02:05 PM
But an inherent flight item doesn't give me a mobile platform to jump from!

2014-08-19, 02:09 PM
But an inherent flight item doesn't give me a mobile platform to jump from!

I was mistaken fly gives you good maneuverability and a speed of 60 or 40 if loaded down.

As far as jumping down goes, just fly up and shut it off to plummet into your target. This would only work if your DM let's you use it one round at a time.

2014-08-19, 02:20 PM
Until I can afford a large Carpet of Flying, I think I'm going to rely on my bow, jumping, and allies to make up for a lack of flight.

2014-08-19, 02:29 PM
If you need to fly to hit an opponent, you won't be able to jump or Leap Attack anyway. Luckily, creatures that fly can perform a dive attack (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/specialAbilities.htm#fly) to deal double damage! In core (where flying PC races don't exist) this can only be used with claw or talon attacks, but races that have natural flight (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/iw/20060105b&page=1) have expanded this to be usable with any piercing weapon, which would include a lance. You can still walk on the ground and use Leap Attack when opponents aren't flying, and have flight available when you need it. There's nothing wrong with having more options.

2014-08-19, 02:30 PM
If you're set on getting the carpet later than pick up a +5 cloak or vest of resistance. It helps a lot.

2014-08-19, 02:32 PM
But an inherent flight item doesn't give me a mobile platform to jump from!

Add Flying (+1 enhancement, Magic of Faerun), Variable (+1 enhancement, MIC) and Sizing (+5000 GP, MIC) to your shield. Enlarge it into a 15' x 30' flying colossal tower shield. Jump off that.

2014-08-19, 02:49 PM
Two items I always try to have just in case are a permanent featherfalling item (great for the Oh CRAP! and pit trap moments) and a bottle of air (DMG 250). Seriously! A bottle of air! Not only does this amazing little bottle save your rump if you end up underwater but it also allows you to pass it around to your party members as well.

I know they are inexpensive but they can save your character.

Add Flying (+1 enhancement, Magic of Faerun), Variable (+1 enhancement, MIC) and Sizing (+5000 GP, MIC) to your shield. Enlarge it into a 15' x 30' flying colossal tower shield. Jump off that.
Oh My Giddy Aunt! You mad me laugh so hard that Sprite came out of my nose!!!

Also take a look in Shax's Haversack (look in Darrin's sig) Arguable one of the most useful guides on the forum!

2014-08-19, 03:26 PM
Yeah, I grabbed a Ring of Featherfall because 1: It's cheap, 2: It augments my ability to move (Does it increase my jump distance, by letting me 'glide' from the apex of the jump?), 3) It can also be used actively, opening a lot more of the world.

2014-08-19, 03:43 PM
Does it increase my jump distance, by letting me 'glide' from the apex of the jump?

It depends on how high you can jump. If you are able to jump more than 5 feet off the ground, it will activate and slow your decent.
It will not allow you to glide very well but if if you run off the edge of a cliff or have an insanely high jump and jump up and forwards, yes it will allow you to glide a bit.

2014-08-19, 04:29 PM
What about a Cloak of Resistance? Boring, but practical. Failing saves is bad.

2014-08-19, 04:32 PM
And for that matter, items that boost skills if you have any skills you use. You can pick up an item (or add to an item) a competence bonus to a skill for the low cost of :
(Bonus^2)x100gp. Plus 5 to a skill is only 2500gp. Worth it to shore up your weak spots.

2014-08-19, 05:03 PM
The Belt of Battle (MIC, 12000gp) wasn't mentioned yet. Bonus initiative and extra actions. The rest i'll just copy & paste from my list of "stuff almost every character can find useful".
You certainly can't afford all of it and some you probably won't need, but it's a useful reference if you don't know what to spend money on.

Ring of the Darkhidden (MIC, 2000gp) Invisible to Darkvision
Ring of Anticipation (DotU, 8000gp); allows you to roll twice for Initiative and take the best result
Boots of Speed (DMG, 12000gp) are also useful if you don't have someone in the party who can cast Haste.
Boots of Agile Leaping (MIC, 600gp) let you stand up from prone as a swift action without provoking an AoO.
Steadfast Boots (MIC, 1400gp) +4 bonus to avoid bull rush, trip, or overrun attacks. Any two-handed weapon you carry is treated as if readied against any creature that charges you.
Third Eye Clarity (MIC 3000g) - 1/day immediate stun/daze/confuse/fascinate negation - for the price, incredibly good at low-mid levels.
Shirt of Wraith Stalking (MIC 216, 6000 gp) at will Hide from Undeath, no save
Rod of Ropes (Complete Scoundrel, 4000gp) 300 ft Rope, Grappling hook, slide. The Batman option.
Survival Pouch (MIC, 3300gp) Provides you transportation, hauling capability, food, instant campfire and/or torches, shelter, water, rope, shovel, bow & arrows.
Wondrous Writing Set (OA, 2060gp) +2 craft(calligraphy) and +10 forgery. For the price it's incredibly good. Forgery can be dead useful, depending on campaign.
Orb of Mental Renewal (MIC, 3100gp) Heals up to 8 mental ability damage/day
Rod of Bodily Restoration (MIC, 3100gp) Heals up to 8 physical ability damage/day
Necklace of Adaptation (SRD, 9000gp) immune to all harmful vapors and gases (such as cloudkill and stinking cloud effects, as well as inhaled poisons) and ability to breathe, even underwater or in a vacuum.