View Full Version : Spell buffs for my barbarian

2014-08-20, 12:11 PM
I am about to have some special wings crafted for my barbarian. Its a home brew thing but Ill be able to store a spell effect in each wing.

Are there any rage based spells that would be beneficial to a barbarian? I am already under constant haste, death warded. I need to get mind blank and freedom of movement but those take up other slots. These wings are going to be my rage wings.

Any thoughts on spells or effects that could be casted into them to help me (probably at a 3/day or something like that depending on the spell).

Also, is there a way to put feats in items? anything official that states a formula would be great. I was thinking reckless, instantaneous or extra rage. but again, any suggestions would be considered.

2014-08-20, 12:18 PM
I am about to have some special wings crafted for my barbarian. Its a home brew thing but Ill be able to store a spell effect in each wing.

Are there any rage based spells that would be beneficial to a barbarian? I am already under constant haste, death warded. I need to get mind blank and freedom of movement but those take up other slots. These wings are going to be my rage wings.

Any thoughts on spells or effects that could be casted into them to help me (probably at a 3/day or something like that depending on the spell).

Also, is there a way to put feats in items? anything official that states a formula would be great. I was thinking reckless, instantaneous or extra rage. but again, any suggestions would be considered.

I'd say some good ole cleric buffs like righteous might , divine power, bite of the were bear, etc. Maybe even polymorph just for the versatility

2014-08-20, 01:21 PM
I'd say some good ole cleric buffs like righteous might , divine power, bite of the were bear, etc. Maybe even polymorph just for the versatility

I am so inexperienced with the divine school I always forget to check there. Thanks for the suggestions! Def gave me options to prioritize and think about.

2014-08-20, 01:24 PM
I am so inexperienced with the divine school I always forget to check there. Thanks for the suggestions! Def gave me options to prioritize and think about.

Wings of cover would be a good one also.

2014-08-20, 01:26 PM
You could polymorph yourself into a form with a very high base strength. For more fun, use Draconic Polymorph.

Depending on the limitations of the wings you could also throw on a shapechange.

If psionics are avaliable, you could put in an Augmented Expansion to grow two size categories to boost your Trip/Grapple and increase your weapon damage by two size categories. A huge greatsword does 4d6 damage.

Giant Size(A Wu Jen Spell) at CL 19 will give you Colossal Size, Giving you 8d6 damage per hit with a greatsword, 30ft reach, +32 strength, -2 Dex, +12 Con, +12 Natural Armor, and -8 To hit and AC from size, although that is largely countered by the other bonuses.

Really depends on what books are on the table and what spell level and sources you're limited to. Raging and growing to 30ft tall would be pretty cool, though.

2014-08-20, 01:32 PM
You need support/defensive spells, since you've already got enough offensive might as a Barbarian. You've already mentioned Death Ward, Mind Blank, and Freedom of Movement. What about True Seeing? Illusions can make it mighty hard to hit something, and True Seeing is a great way of saying "nope, you're right there."

Also, before you get Mind Blank, Protection from Evil is Diet Mind Blank. Maybe worth considering.

Your Fort save is doubtlessly prodigious, but Neutralize Poison can still be handy.

2014-08-20, 01:49 PM
You need support/defensive spells, since you've already got enough offensive might as a Barbarian. You've already mentioned Death Ward, Mind Blank, and Freedom of Movement. What about True Seeing? Illusions can make it mighty hard to hit something, and True Seeing is a great way of saying "nope, you're right there."

Also, before you get Mind Blank, Protection from Evil is Diet Mind Blank. Maybe worth considering.

Your Fort save is doubtlessly prodigious, but Neutralize Poison can still be handy.

Greater invisibility is pretty handy too.

2014-08-20, 02:04 PM
Wings of cover would be a good one also.

wow, a low level spell that is that defensive. This is amazing.

2014-08-20, 02:21 PM
wow, a low level spell that is that defensive. This is amazing.

Yeah its good through all 20 levels for sure.

I'd would even be cheap enough to put in a wand so you could wand chamber it j to your weapon. It would cost 4500 gp plus another 100 gp for a wand chamber. But your a barbarian so your UMD is probably bad.

2014-08-20, 02:23 PM
If you're looking to put a feat into an item of appropriate slot, I think the cost is 8,000gp, as per Gloved of the Balanced Hand, Third Eye Penetrate, Horizon Goggles, or, typically, a +1 enhancement on a weapon or armor.

As far as spells, I'd make at least one of them defensive. Being an enormous flying rage-monster is sure to garner you some undesired attention. Miss Percentages are a good start, if you don't have them yet. Mirror Image would be my choice, depending on the caster level you get to use. Wings of Cover got mentioned, that's also nice. Elemental Body nets you some nice immunities and the spell lasts hours/level. A nice curve-ball might be Xorn Movement-- that coupled with flight is essentially Noclip Mode in most situations. Lord of the Sky enhances the whole flight thing even more, and gives you some ranged options.

An interesting option-giver would be to put Heroics in one wing. That opens up all the Fighter Bonus Feats, which in turn opens up Martial Study. Now you get whatever situationally beneficial feat/maneuver you need.

2014-08-20, 02:47 PM
Yeah its good through all 20 levels for sure.

I'd would even be cheap enough to put in a wand so you could wand chamber it j to your weapon. It would cost 4500 gp plus another 100 gp for a wand chamber. But your a barbarian so your UMD is probably bad.

I might have a caster friend create a higher level version that does full round blocking and limit it to "can only be used once, while raging". I have a really open minded DM lol

2014-08-20, 02:50 PM
If you're looking to put a feat into an item of appropriate slot, I think the cost is 8,000gp, as per Gloved of the Balanced Hand, Third Eye Penetrate, Horizon Goggles, or, typically, a +1 enhancement on a weapon or armor.

As far as spells, I'd make at least one of them defensive. Being an enormous flying rage-monster is sure to garner you some undesired attention. Miss Percentages are a good start, if you don't have them yet. Mirror Image would be my choice, depending on the caster level you get to use. Wings of Cover got mentioned, that's also nice. Elemental Body nets you some nice immunities and the spell lasts hours/level. A nice curve-ball might be Xorn Movement-- that coupled with flight is essentially Noclip Mode in most situations. Lord of the Sky enhances the whole flight thing even more, and gives you some ranged options.

An interesting option-giver would be to put Heroics in one wing. That opens up all the Fighter Bonus Feats, which in turn opens up Martial Study. Now you get whatever situationally beneficial feat/maneuver you need.

The feat thing is good info, thanks.

I have mirror image on my armor and a displacement cloak, but still some things still mess my day up. The immunities would be nice, and it would fit with the theme of my guy.

I really have to read more into maneuvers, its one of those things I keep pushing off for some reason lol

2014-08-20, 03:15 PM
Just keep in mind that you don't have a recovery mechanic for maneuvers, so anything you pick will be 1 use per encounter. Heroics lasts 10 Min./level, so unless you're dungeon crawling and/or getting hit with encounters frequently, you will probably only have access to the maneuver once.

It can still be a nice problem-solver though.

2014-08-22, 10:06 AM
Wings of cover would be a good one also.

Just an update, I loved that spell and I was able to create my own divine version (I am also a ranger so I have some spell casting ability). I have a relic weapon that is my god in my bow so story wise it made sense. We followed the "researching/creating your own spell" by the book.

The fun part is 1's and 20's rule this game. I mean everything can crit or crit fail. I rolled a 20 on my spellcraft check to create the spell. Now instead of one action, i can block a full attack. Hes pissed, but rules are rules lol