View Full Version : Pathfinder The Wombo Combo - Martial Flexibility Combinations Thread

Secret Wizard
2014-08-20, 01:42 PM
Here is a thread to compile all different martial flexibility combos. They are coded by situation in which they are useful and prerequisites. Considering the larger bulk of the game happens up to 12th level, only up to 3 feats at a time combos are going to be listed.

Feel free to post yours! I'll try updating the list once a week. Here is the template:

Situation (Requirements)
Feats: Feat, Feat, Feat (Optional feat if you have any of the former)
Effect: The effect produced. (And the effect if you had the optional feat.)

Without further ado, the list. Remember Brawler's don't need 13 INT (but it will be listed for Martial Master Fighters and the like). Pure damage combos (Greater Weapon Specialization and the like) won't be listed. I'm not too well versed on Style feats so feel free to post the best situation to use them. I'm trying also not to list race dependent combos.

Requirements with an asterisk* mean that they can be interchangeably replaced with anything below.

Standing your ground in darkness (15 Perception)
Feats: Blind-fight, Improved Blind-fight, Greater Blind-fight (Shadow Strike)
Effect: You don't lose your Dex bonus to AC while fighting in darkness in melee and you don't lose it for ranged attacks as long as you can pinpoint the attacker. You ignore partial concealment (dim-light and similar) and you treat total concealment as 20% miss chance instead of 50%. You get to reroll your miss chance as well, so that's an effective 10% miss chance on totally concealed enemies! Also bad guys don't get +2 to hit on you for being invisible. (Getting Shadow Strike allows you to critically strike or deal sneak attack damage against concealed enemies.)

Beating people up in darkness (13 Int, Combat Expertise, Bluff 6 ranks, darkvision or low-light vision)
Feats: Blind-fight, Moonlight Stalker, Moonlight Stalker Feint (Moonlight Stalker Master)
Effect: You can now crit or deal sneak attack damage against concealed enemies, you deal +2 damage and get +2 to hit and can Feint as a swift action while you have concealment. (And you could have an increased miss chance too!)

Survive a fall or being tossed around (BAB +1, Climb 5 ranks, heavy blade scabbard)
Feats: Equipment Trick [Heavy Blade Scabbard - Grab Purchase]
Effect: +5 CMD to resist a maneuver that would displace you or +10 Climb on a single check to get hold of something to stop falling!

Escape from ropes or vines (BAB +1, Escape Artist 5 ranks)
Feats: Equipment Trick [Rope - Slip Away]
Effect: +10 to Escape Artist to slink away from a rope-like restraint.

Dodge a hail of arrows (17 Dex, BAB +11)
Feats: Dodge, Wind Stance, Lightning Stance (Defensive Weapon Training)
Effect: +1 to AC and 50% concealment from ranged attacks while moving! (+2 to AC vs. bows)

Dealing with enemies with reach (15 Dex, BAB +11, )
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Strike Back, Reach Defense
Effect: When enemies try to attack you from reach, they provoke attacks of opportunity, and you get +2 to AC to resist their attacks as well!

Prevent enemy from casting (Dex 13, Brawler/Fighter 10)
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Disruptive, Spellbreaker (Teleport Tactician)
Effect: Use additional attacks of opportunity to punch an enemy's face hard when he tries to cast. (And finish them off before they teleport away!)

Shutting up that dragon (13 Dex, Combat Expertise*, Combat Reflexes*, BAB +12/Monk 10)
Feats: Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Grapple, Snoutgrip (Dragonslayer & Improved Critical)
Effect: As long as that dragon is up to one size larger than you, you may begin a grapple attempt at a -5 penalty that prevents that dragon from casting spells, using its bite or its breath attack. (And if you crit against it, you make him shut up for rounds equal to your crit multiplier!)

Inspiring fear into a crowd of enemies (Weapon Focus, Dazzling Display, BAB +6)
Feats: Shatter Defenses, Disheartening Display, Violent Display (Cornugon Smash, Deadly Stroke)
Effect: This works best if you have sneak attack. Use Dazzling Display to make enemies flat-footed, then each crit or sneak attack you perform triggers Violent Display, which triggers Disheartening Display. (Cornugon Smash allows you to get a free intimidate while Power Attacking, which can help you set up a single foe for a Dazzling Display; Deadly Stroke allows you to deal a ton of damage against these enemies.)

Fighting Demons and their mooks (Knowledge (planes) 6 ranks)
Feats: Demon Hunter, Demonic Nemesis
Effect: Name a demon lord. You get +2 to damage and critical hit confirmation against that demon and its followers. Also you get +2 to attack and spell penetration against all demons.

Fighting flying enemies (BAB +9)
Feats: Improved Critical, Wingclipper, Death from Below (Patient Strike)
Effect: +2 to attacks of opportunity or readied attacks against flying enemies, if you critically hit, you can force a flying enemy to the ground, and doubling up critical threat range just to make sure! (Patient Strike gives you +2 to hit on readied attacks so it has synergy with Wingclipper.)

Trip or disarm encircling enemies (Dex 13, Combat Expertise*, Dodge, BAB +4, disarm or trip weapon)
Feats: Mobility, Spring Attack, Whirlwind Strike (Power Attack, Improved Trip & Felling Smash)
Effect: Deal damage to all enemies you threaten! Better used with reach weapons! Using a trip weapon allows you to trip them all, same for disarm weapons. (This makes for a hard to get combo, but the end result is that you can damage and trip all enemies you threaten!)

Fighting many weak enemies (Str 13, Power Attack, BAB +6)
Feats: Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave (Cleaving Finish, Improved Cleaving Finish)
Effect: Extra attacks to down each enemy at full BAB. (And each time you kill one, you can shoot down another one!)

Neutralize flanking enemies (Wis 15, Int 13, Combat Expertise, BAB +10)
Feats: Stance of the Xorn, Improved Disarm, Hold the Blade
Effect: Enemies don't get an attack bonus for flanking you but if they try to attack you, you can attempt a disarm as an immediate action! You do get a -4 penalty to AC to try and disarm them.

SURPRISE BULL RUSH! (Str 13, Power Attack, BAB +5)
Feats: Rhino Charge, Minotaur's Charge, Improved Bull Rush (Patient Strike)
Effect: You may ready a charge instead of using it as a full-round action. You can also Bull Rush as a free action when you charge, and you get +2 to the attempt and provoke no attacks of opportunity. (And you get +2 to hit on the attack!)

Post yours! I'll keep updating this list.

2014-08-20, 01:52 PM
Getting around concealment is considered flexibility? :smallconfused:

A decent one in 3.5 is Shatter Defenses + Cornugan smash, assuming you're a sneak attacker.

So, I have this old handbook I meant to finish like a year ago about these kinds of things in 3.5. Is it time to finish it?

2014-08-20, 02:06 PM
Notably, the Elemental Styles become much better when you can tailor them to enemy vulnerabilities.

Secret Wizard
2014-08-20, 02:46 PM
Getting around concealment is considered flexibility? :smallconfused:

A decent one in 3.5 is Shatter Defenses + Cornugan smash, assuming you're a sneak attacker.

So, I have this old handbook I meant to finish like a year ago about these kinds of things in 3.5. Is it time to finish it?

We still have that combo! Kind of.

Anyway, in case you don't know, Martial Flexibility is a feature of Brawlers (and some archetypes) that allows them to get temporary feats. This is where these combinations shine, because these feats are so situational.

2014-08-20, 03:10 PM
Mook-mauler: Str 13, base attack bonus +6, Power Attack, Cleave, Cleaving Finish, Improved Cleaving Finish, Great Cleave. Standard action to attack enemies adjacent to each other with bonus attacks for everyone you down. Great for slaughtering hordes of weaklings in tight formation...and not much else.

2017-07-19, 02:33 AM
Where do you actually get the "Knowledge Arcana" from for the Martial flexibility of shutting up the Dragons for some rounds? Did I miss something

2018-01-02, 03:20 PM
Where do you actually get the "Knowledge Arcana" from for the Martial flexibility of shutting up the Dragons for some rounds? Did I miss something

I might be missing something from your question. Snoutgrip (http://www.archivesofnethys.com/FeatDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Snoutgrip) does not have a Knowledge (Arcana) prerequisite.

And if it did, there's nothing preventing the Brawler from putting skill ranks into Knowledge (Arcana).

Are you talking about a different feat combo?

2018-01-02, 04:07 PM
Adding to sig, this is a nice resource.

I'll probably come up with some combos of my own to add later on, but for now the main tip I wanted to give is that Combat Stamina works very well with Martial Flexibility if your games allow it. Not only are the stamina feats themselves combat feats, they also unlock additional functionality in many of the other feats you can grab using this feature.

Advanced Weapon Training is another "toolbox combat feat" that can give your fighter a lot of on-the-fly utility.

2018-01-02, 04:50 PM
the main tip I wanted to give is that Combat Stamina works very well with Martial Flexibility if your games allow it. Not only are the stamina feats themselves combat feats, they also unlock additional functionality in many of the other feats you can grab using this feature.

Absolutely agreed. Particularly strong for martial flexibility since many of the common feats have unspectacular stamina options, but the niche ones frequently have amazing options.

Improved Critical (http://www.archivesofnethys.com/FeatDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Improved%20Critical) has a pretty amazing stamina option for anyone who prefers narrow-crit-range weapons.

Advanced Weapon Training is another "toolbox combat feat" that can give your fighter a lot of on-the-fly utility.

True, but I don't know of any way to get both martial flexibility and weapon training. Martial Master fighter trades away weapon training (though it keeps armor training, allowing for flexible AAT craziness). Actually, I guess you could be a Brawler with a VMC into Fighter. Or just straight multiclass. Tricky to build, though.

2018-01-02, 05:19 PM
Hmm... Martial Focus gives it back to you, but only for Weapon Mastery purposes rather than AWT.

You can however do this in reverse via Barroom Brawler, thus letting you combine MF and AWT. Abdunant Tactics will let you defeat the 1/day limit. You won't be able to pick up multiple feats at once though.

2018-01-02, 06:04 PM
You can however do this in reverse via Barroom Brawler, thus letting you combine MF and AWT. Abdunant Tactics will let you defeat the 1/day limit. You won't be able to pick up multiple feats at once though.

Ah, there you go, that works. That's one of the core ideas behind the Iron Caster build (https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder_RPG/comments/4q1yi0/turn_your_fighter_into_a_caster_by_using_advanced/), which is pretty impressive.

We're well out of topic for the thread, though, so I'll add a feat combo to bring it back:

When you need to entangle your foe (Sleight of Hand 1 rank)
Feats: Dodge, Amateur Swashbuckler, Dueling Cape Deed (Combat Expertise)
Effect: You wrap your cloak (or cape, or nearby curtain) around your arm and it's a buckler. Better, if anyone attacks and misses you, you can burn an immediate action (and 1 panache) to make them entangled until they spend a full-round action to fix it.

2018-01-02, 06:44 PM
Ah, there you go, that works. That's one of the core ideas behind the Iron Caster build (https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder_RPG/comments/4q1yi0/turn_your_fighter_into_a_caster_by_using_advanced/), which is pretty impressive.

Occultist (Panoply Savant) with Trappings of the Warrior is pretty impressive, even more so when multiclassed with Fighter (Weapon Master). A 2/3 routine up until 20 will give access to most funny Item Mastery feats before even a Wizard can do it and using Mental Focus will give a quite good number of daily uses. Bonus points for cramming VMC Magus into it.

2019-07-06, 05:29 PM
so I have been building a brawler recently and here are a couple of things that I have been finding useful

Belier's Bite = +1d4 of bleed damage
Rat catcher = punch swarms

also if you have these feats permenantly:

weapon style master,
combat style master,
and a style with weapon focus(I recommend outslug)

you can have two styles going at once and use your Martial flexibility to swap out one style for another as a free action.

Kris Moonhand
2019-07-07, 06:48 AM
Some situational things I have used in the past. Feel free to add them to the main post.

Ally is caught in a grapple (Dex 13, Escape Artist 1 rank)
Feats: Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Grapple, Tatzlwyrm Claw Style
Effect: When you strike a grappling foe with an unarmed strike, you can use your swift action to attempt a CMB check to force them to release the grapple.

Enemy is using terrain to prevent flanking/no allies to flank with (BAB +3)
Feats: Step Up, Press to the Wall
Effects: Allows you to use solid objects (trees, walls, etc) as allies for the purposes of flanking.On a related note, Step Up is great and I heavily recommend picking it up on most martial characters.

On the subject of your "Standing your ground in darkness" combo, I'd like to point out that the Blinded Blade Style and Blinded Competence feats allow you to ignore the Perception 10 and Perception 15 prereqs for Improved and Greater Blind-Fight, respectively. As well, Blinded Competence gives you blindsense within your melee reach, which improves to blindsight 30 if you have Blinded Master. Obviously a bit out of the scope of this compendium, but might be useful if you have some of the earlier feats (which could theoretically allow you to get Greater Blind-Fight at level 5) or are in a high-level game.

I actually have a build that gets Improved Blind-Fight at level 1, Greater at 3, but it requires Blind Zeal, a trait which makes you actually blind (but gives Blind-Fight as a bonus feat) and the ability to get a style feat without meeting prereqs (such as Master of Many Styles).

This isn't a martial flex combo because they're not Combat feats, but Possessed Hand, Hand's Autonomy, and Hand's Sight are great feats for Brawlers, Monks and other unarmed types. Those three feats net you a +1 on attack/damage; reduce the TWF penalty by 2; allow you to act in a limited manner while unconscious, stunned, etc; give you darkvision 60; and make you immune to flanking (along with a few other minor benefits). It's a super cool and flavorful feat line. There are some other feats which allow you to pull your hand off and use it as a scout, have it work as a familiar, and other things I'm probably forgetting!