View Full Version : Tracking down an Adventure author

2014-08-20, 02:01 PM
I started playing D&D again after a long break and when looking through my old accumulation of computer files that were downloaded or self-made I found an adventure I once ran halfway called "The Obsidian Tower". It is really an excellently designed adventure with everything I think my group is looking for after the first adventure. The first was a standard dungeon crawl, the rogue and ranger were a little annoyed they never got a good chance to use their extensive skill lists and the Sorcerer with the Negotiation feat and a snake animal companion never got much of a chance to do more than color spray groups of kobolds in tight corridors. Anyway, the adventure is pretty much exactly what I was looking for, detailed backround, multiple opportunites for roleplaying, investigation and planned combats in interesting scenarios ranging from the high seas to a thick jungle full of hobgoblins. I was trying to look up anything by the same people and I was having trouble. It says it's by "Eye of the Beholder Publishing" and written by Brett Michalson but google turns up no evidence of those so I was wondering if anyone had heard of them before. I don't even know where I got the PDF since it's been 4-5 years since I downloaded it.

2014-08-21, 01:19 AM
Judging by this blog (http://rpg.brainclouds.net/category/modules/challenges/), the author may have been David "Nighthawk" Flor?

It's pretty tenuous, but that's all I could find.