View Full Version : Optimization Post Mystic-Theurge class suggestions

2014-08-21, 04:11 AM
I am currently playing a 3rd level cleric(planning and travel domains)/3rd level Focused Specialist Conjurer wizard/7th level mystic theurge and finishing out the class is only 3 levels away. I was originally going to go into Abjurrant Champion but it has the pre-requisite of a lame (at least for this character) feat (combat casting) and I've played Abjurant Champions multiple times. So I've been trying to think of other alternatives. As you have probably figured out, I want to advance the wizard side when I'm done with mystic theurge and all I've really found that is interesting is to me so far is Geomancer and Master Specialist. Archmage would be nice but I don't have the feats for it (most of mine so far have gone DMM Persist and feeding it with Extra Turning). Geomancer has the advantage of not requiring any feats (freeing up my 15th level selection) and advancing fort saves. The abilities of the class are kind of weak though, at least considering I won't be taking it for more than 4 levels. It does have the advantage of freeing my neck slot up (at least up to 4th level spells at 20, I won't need a Wisdom magic item). Master Specialist requires a feat but it's a desirable feat (Spell Focus) and at 3rd level you get Greater Spell Focus in addition to a few other things (the 4th level conjurer ability is pretty meh) so I'm kinda leaning that way. I was also considering 1 level of wizard and 3 levels of Ruathar but that's mainly for roleplay reasons (we saved the last of the elves). None of the above really tickles my fancy though.

So I was wondering, do any of you have suggestions for the last four levels of this character? Keep in mind I can only choose one more feat before I need the new class and if I lose one more caster level I won't get 9th level spells (and that is not an option).

I chose mystic theurge because I thought it was suboptimal (the rest of the players are not optimizers at all) and it's turned out to be quite fun. Being able to draw upon two pools of spells increases your options dramatically and I have an answer prepared for most situations because of it. Plus I'm at the level that quicken spells and extra action options (Belt of Battle, Celerity spell) become more viable and I can toss spells all day long without fear of running out. :)

2014-08-21, 06:30 AM
If you can get into arcane herophant, you can advance both arcane and devine caster. The only issue would be the trackless step. It says you need trackless step as a class feature. If dm is open, you can say you can pollymorh yourself into a bamboo spirit folk from OA who has trackless step as a racial thing. It would then qualify because you are getting it through a spell wich is a class feature. Kind of a streatch, but may work.

2014-08-21, 07:15 AM
you could just ask, since mystic theurge has no class feature, no real anything except advancing spells, to take 14 levels of mystic theurge. most of the DM's i have played under, and myself, all agree its fine.

otherwise Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil? if you want to advance wizard, how about wizard?

2014-08-21, 09:58 AM
If you cant progress casting in both classes, mindbender 1 will give you telepathy and the ability to comunicate with anything that has a language. Then 3 more levels in you base wizard class will give another bonus feat I believe. Can grab craft contingent spell feat. Nice feat if contigency is in your banned school, plus allows more than one contigency.

2014-08-21, 12:01 PM
Mindbender is a great dip with easy prereqs, but as a FS I'm betting you banned Enchantment.

Pargnostic Apostle has easy prereqs and some decent abilities.

It is hard to go wrong with a few levels of Incantatrix even if you burn a feat on Iron Will.

2014-08-21, 12:25 PM
Even if enchantment is banned, access to limmeted wish let you cast charm person wich might let you qualify for mindbender if dm allows. I still think that going with your base wizard class to grab the bonus feat to spend on craft contingent spell is worth more than most class features you can get by going another prc unless you can advance both your arcane and devine casting. Well thought out contigencies are a better defense than what you would get by a small dip in initiate of the sevenfold even if it is one of the best prcs out there for caster. I just think you need to be farther in initiate at this high of a lvl to really make a difference.

2014-08-21, 03:50 PM
If you can get into arcane herophant, you can advance both arcane and devine caster. The only issue would be the trackless step. It says you need trackless step as a class feature. If dm is open, you can say you can pollymorh yourself into a bamboo spirit folk from OA who has trackless step as a racial thing. It would then qualify because you are getting it through a spell wich is a class feature. Kind of a streatch, but may work.

I doubt the polymorph thing would work but he might be willing to drop the trackless step requirement. It's worth running by him.

2014-08-21, 03:52 PM
The most powerful option would be Dweomerkeeper, but if you chose MT in the first place in order to keep your power low, that's probably not what you're looking for.

If you're just looking for something that progresses your wizard casting and adds some fun flavor, I'm a fan of the good old Loremaster. Yeah, it's not the most powerful (it's a casting prestige class that's actually close to balanced!), but it's really easy to qualify for.

2014-08-21, 03:53 PM
you could just ask, since mystic theurge has no class feature, no real anything except advancing spells, to take 14 levels of mystic theurge. most of the DM's i have played under, and myself, all agree its fine.

otherwise Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil? if you want to advance wizard, how about wizard?

That is worth running by the DM too. I have even myself run a game in which I allowed that. Initiate of the Seven Fold Veil looks interesting I'll have to think on it. Advancing wizard is interesting too since I would pick up the bonus feat (and this is an extremely feat starved build) which is worth considering.

2014-08-21, 04:04 PM
If you cant progress casting in both classes, mindbender 1 will give you telepathy and the ability to comunicate with anything that has a language. Then 3 more levels in you base wizard class will give another bonus feat I believe. Can grab craft contingent spell feat. Nice feat if contigency is in your banned school, plus allows more than one contigency.

Enchantment (as well as Illusion and Necromancy) is a banned school for me. I thought about the Craft Contingent Spell feat but if I come up with one more way to keep buffs on me all day long (between DMM Persist of which I have 3, extended 24 hour, hour per level and even a couple first level 10 min. per level duration spells) the DM is likely to start chunking books at me.

2014-08-21, 04:06 PM
Mindbender is a great dip with easy prereqs, but as a FS I'm betting you banned Enchantment.

Pargnostic Apostle has easy prereqs and some decent abilities.

It is hard to go wrong with a few levels of Incantatrix even if you burn a feat on Iron Will.

You are correct about enchantment. I like Paragnastic Apostle and that is now high on the consideration list (thanks!). Icanatrix is setting specific which he doesn't allow.

2014-08-21, 04:07 PM
Even if enchantment is banned, access to limmeted wish let you cast charm person wich might let you qualify for mindbender if dm allows. I still think that going with your base wizard class to grab the bonus feat to spend on craft contingent spell is worth more than most class features you can get by going another prc unless you can advance both your arcane and devine casting. Well thought out contigencies are a better defense than what you would get by a small dip in initiate of the sevenfold even if it is one of the best prcs out there for caster. I just think you need to be farther in initiate at this high of a lvl to really make a difference.

He won't go for the limited wish thing but thanks for the suggestion!

2014-08-21, 04:18 PM
The most powerful option would be Dweomerkeeper, but if you chose MT in the first place in order to keep your power low, that's probably not what you're looking for.

If you're just looking for something that progresses your wizard casting and adds some fun flavor, I'm a fan of the good old Loremaster. Yeah, it's not the most powerful (it's a casting prestige class that's actually close to balanced!), but it's really easy to qualify for.

I don't have the magic domain (I have the planning and travel domains) for Dweomerkeeper and won't be able to qualify. I like Loremaster a lot actually but it would take me two feats (only have two metamagic feats) which means I wouldn't qualify until after 18th level.

2014-08-21, 04:19 PM
Holt Warden 3 into Arcane Heirophant works, but is only really relevant if you're going into epic and focuses on the divine side.
Dweomerkeeper, if you qualify, is pretty nice too. A spontaneous spell + 1/day don't pay XP/material costs.

2014-08-21, 05:05 PM
2 more levels as base wizard class woud give bonus feat, also incantatrix would give another at first level. Plus your feats for levels.

2014-08-21, 05:08 PM
Holt Warden 3 into Arcane Heirophant works, but is only really relevant if you're going into epic and focuses on the divine side.
Dweomerkeeper, if you qualify, is pretty nice too. A spontaneous spell + 1/day don't pay XP/material costs.

Holt Warden requires Entangle, Bark Skin and Plant Growth as spells you can cast, which I can't. Good idea though!

2014-08-21, 06:57 PM
I like Loremaster a lot actually but it would take me two feats (only have two metamagic feats) which means I wouldn't qualify until after 18th level.
Unless you traded it away for an alternate class feature, you also have Scribe Scroll, and Loremaster requires three metamagic or item creation feats. The Skill Focus is basically a feat tax, but you get it back fairly quickly from the bonus feat secret.

2014-08-21, 07:07 PM
Legacy Champion 4 will give you 3 levels of double progression in cleric and wizard spellcasting. I would found your own legacy and make a non-weapon legacy item based on some big campaign event.

Another option is to lose your fatih, go insane, become overwhelmed by darkness and hatred of all deities, and finally rebuild your character using PHB2 rules to be a wizard/ur-priest/MT.

2014-08-21, 10:10 PM
Holt Warden requires Entangle, Bark Skin and Plant Growth as spells you can cast, which I can't. Good idea though!

Depending on the deity, Substitute Domain spell can be used to qualify for Holt Warden by taking the Plant Domain. Later on, Hold Warden self-qualifies due to Plant Affinity. Some DMs may consider this cheesy as you "only" have the target domain a month at a time (with extend spell). However, considering the super-long duration, I think it counts.

2014-08-22, 12:54 AM
Unless you traded it away for an alternate class feature, you also have Scribe Scroll, and Loremaster requires three metamagic or item creation feats. The Skill Focus is basically a feat tax, but you get it back fairly quickly from the bonus feat secret.

The DM let me trade it for Persist Spell (good trade I thought). Traded the familiar for the 10 foot immediate action teleports intelligence times per day thing in PGB2.

2014-08-22, 01:06 AM
Legacy Champion 4 will give you 3 levels of double progression in cleric and wizard spellcasting. I would found your own legacy and make a non-weapon legacy item based on some big campaign event.

Another option is to lose your fatih, go insane, become overwhelmed by darkness and hatred of all deities, and finally rebuild your character using PHB2 rules to be a wizard/ur-priest/MT.

only three levels will mean giving up 9th level spells. I must have time stop! Thanks though :)

2014-08-22, 01:11 AM
Depending on the deity, Substitute Domain spell can be used to qualify for Holt Warden by taking the Plant Domain. Later on, Hold Warden self-qualifies due to Plant Affinity. Some DMs may consider this cheesy as you "only" have the target domain a month at a time (with extend spell). However, considering the super-long duration, I think it counts.

I would have to give up either teleports (which my party needs) from Travel or the Extra Turning feat from Planning (and consequently DMM Persisted Deathwatch = immunity to death effects). GM would proabably call BS on it anyway. I appreciate the suggestion though!

Divide by Zero
2014-08-22, 01:14 AM
I would have to give up either teleports (which my party needs) from Travel or the Extra Turning feat from Planning (and consequently DMM Persisted Deathwatch = immunity to death effects). GM would proabably call BS on it anyway. I appreciate the suggestion though!

Maybe I'm missing something, but wouldn't your focused specialist conjurer half have access to plenty of teleports anyway?

2014-08-22, 09:15 AM
Ah, OK, Persist Spell in place of Scribe Scroll is a good trade.