View Full Version : DM Help Handling Guerilla Warfare -Focused Sessions

2014-08-21, 02:04 PM
As the title suggests, I'd like to hear your stories and/or tips regarding GMing for a PC group that is fighting asymmetrical war against a superior invading force with only a small group of soldiers.

We are using the Pathfinder system in case you wish to play with rules. I'd prefer to keep it simple and within the standard rules, though, due to some of my players being still rather new to the system.

2014-08-21, 02:08 PM
Che Guevara's Guerilla Warfare.
Major H. von Dach's Total Resistance.

Just two thin books full of a wondrous amount of info. It's obviously tailored to the modern era, but ideas can be refined from it.

2014-08-21, 02:10 PM
Crating traps, stealth, surprise round rules... all of these are basic and easily within the rules and critical to guerilla warfare. You, as a DM, need to have the invading force act as a cohesive whole. Give them patterns of patrolls, quirks, things to take advantage of that the PCs can discover.

What are your PCs like? What are their rank-and-file troops like? The goal of the PCs is going to be to set up ambushes and extremely favorable balace-of-force at the point of attack. Your Wizard is going to be working overtime countering enemy diviniations. Just as an example. They need to have the knowledge that being isolated is a death sentence.

2014-08-21, 02:40 PM
What are your PCs like? What are their rank-and-file troops like? The goal of the PCs is going to be to set up ambushes and extremely favorable balace-of-force at the point of attack. Your Wizard is going to be working overtime countering enemy diviniations. Just as an example. They need to have the knowledge that being isolated is a death sentence.
Two archers + a bard, they are somewhat clever but tend to pull of rather strange decisions occasionally. The PCs have a ragtag bunch of ~10 soldiers + one knight, mainly bows and swords. Enemy has Roman Legions -esque equipment and strategies with magic support.

Now, a further inquiry: what amount of PC freedom is suitable for a scenario like that? The players technically have a commander, but are in a position to take the iniative on their own. In other words, have you found it better to give them explicit instructions, hand them only slight nudges or let them drive onwards on their own as the best way to GM the guerilla scenarios you have seen or played?

Fax Celestis
2014-08-21, 02:46 PM
You should read Heroes of Battle. It has a lot of good things to say about running a war campaign.

Extra Anchovies
2014-08-21, 03:14 PM
You should read Heroes of Battle. It has a lot of good things to say about running a war campaign.

Seconded. Complete Warrior also has a chapter with some nice tips for how to run a campaign or series of adventures set in or during a war, and has a set of random tables for making quick military adventures.