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View Full Version : Multiple personality Changling-Eberron(help)

2007-03-07, 04:24 AM
So in a new game i'm playing I wanted to do something differn't so i'm going to play a Changling with mulitple personality disorder. I was hopeing for some good idea's for personalitys and for smoothing out some of the problems you might runtino with this type of character.

The basic idea is to have the main personality be a Human cleric. He worships another of his personalitys who think's it is a god. Poof divine power.

One of the Fun things for me about playing this character will be that none of the differn't personalitys know that they have this disorder(one does but i'll get to him). The personalitys all think of themselves as a compleat person and of different classes, but there all working off the basic powers/skills/stats of the bace cleric. To accomidate this i've come up with some fun ways to rollplay why things don't always work the way they would if they were really select race /class.

The dm did some rolling and is allowing a total of 10 personalitys (he rolled high) but only 6 of them do I the player know about yet. The other four he may make up as we go if he thinks of something.

I've got the general idea of the 6 personalitys now and i'll lay them out for you. If you can think of some differn't ones that I might be able to put into the GM's head so i don't get something totally out there please post them.

First is the cleric: Human Male. Has been hearing messages since childhood from "god". He explains the unexplainable as "gods plan" and "God would tell me if it were right for me to know" and "gods will" garbage many clerics spew. He is submissive to his god in an unhealthy since and his holy symble is a Journal he keeps(more on this later). Attempts to convert others to his faith because his god asks him too but deep down he wants to keep her to himself.

Second personality is God. Name Intuition, faceless beauty humanoid but no set race. Doesn't show godly power because it is beneth her. Will only take Male clerics because she enjoys having men in particular subservient to her. Mixed up feminest values, why she often appears in fullplate to cover her beauty.

Those were the first two of corse because they are required for the original idea's for the character. Something to note about the next ones is give reasons why they would have the same posessions as a human cleric.

Third personality is a Changling pally. I found this character fun becasue is is a Truth seeker personality type(races of eberron) and beleaves in the perfect form and truth and all that. So as game play goes he uses the same armor and weapon as the cleric, many of the spells overlap and he can use the same holy symble and worship the same "god". Doesn't have smite evil or a mount and still working on a good excuse for this. Personality idea was being truthful to a fault. Never telling a lie ever even if it's the smart thing to do. Over explaining things just to be sure there is no chance that things could be miss understood. He see's the book he carries as his gods way of talking to him. Since the book doubles as the clerics jernal he is always reading double meanings into what is written there and it helps tie him into whatever is being done at the time.

Next we have one of my favorites. Now first off I strong prejudice against elves. I don't like them and it's somewhat irrational but shrug it's me. The character is an Elf Wizard. But why would a wizard ever carry a shield and full plate armor. Here I kill two birds with one stone. First off this is a cleric, he can't cast wizard spells anyway so the spell failure chance while using the armor is a good enough reason for his spells not to be working (fizzle). So I make the elf afaid of being hit, so much so that he resorts to full plate and a shield. The elf is super sissy and prissy and if ever questions just ignores it as the lower races gutter false logic. His spell book is the same jernal/holy symbal the cleric/pally have. The character doesn't actualy know how to write magic though and though so he just puts random icons and shapes in there that he thinks are magic, many of which resymble hearts and butterflys. This also drives the pally mad as he has to work really hard to read into those what his god might want of him.

This next personality is the only one that actualy knows of the other personalitys. He almost never comes out and activly controls the body but instead sits in the back and is able to watch from the inside as the other personalitys are in control. He sometimes acts as the literal "voice in your head" manipulating the other personalitys. Kinda like having your own recuring villian traped in your own head. When he does take control of the body he cannot use any of the divine powers granded the cleric class as he knows the god worshiped isn't actualy a god.

The last personality I as the player get to create is something I wanted to be a relitivly new addition to the partie to show that new personalitys can pop up from time to time. So at some point(our gm is starting us lvl 5) my character came across a ring of sustanence but didn't know what is was. So now my fragmented little character has an extra 6 hours of his day non of the personalitys know about so this is where the final character comes in.

In the morning hours while the character isn't in armor and sleeping he wakes up to become the yet to be named unarmored super sensitive Warforged bard. Unarmored because changlings can't mimic a warforge with armor built onto him correctly and to explain to the bard why he would carry around armor. Only awake during the 2 to 8 hour mark given him by the ring of sustence the bard spends his time contemplating the greater meaning of existance, writeing them down in the Jernal/holysymble/spellbook in the form of poems and limericks(further driveing the pally crazy trying to decipher there meaning). Answers questions like the Harsesis kid from stargate and is to busy questioning the meaning of existance to question why he is only awake 6 hours a day and is always someplace new.

For feats i took Quick change and Persona immersion. These were for rollplay reasons and are used automaticly in the case of quick change and by Omni the one personality knows of there condition in the case of persona immersion because he finds it fun to screw with people trying to read there mind.

This presented a bit of a hole in what some of the personaltys would consider there ablitys so to explain it each personality has to think they have differn't feats but they actualy don't. In most of there cases the feats are used up to get the ablity to use heavy armor or shield but for some the pally for example he doesn't change shape as that would be dishonest and the whole point behind persona immersion is to give missinformation so he would never take those feats. So I was hopeing for some good fun idea's for feats they could think they have but don't actualy have. Some things more interesting then haveing them think they have save bonus feats or skill bonus feats and just not giveing them the bonus.

TLDR for most i'm sure but hey these are OotS fans so wierd stuff like this is right up your ally, so maybe i'll get a bit or two :D Thanks in advance for any of your posting time you invest here.

2007-03-07, 07:17 AM
I played something vaugely similar. A (heavilly cheesed) half-doppleganger whisper gnome with four (seriously cheesey) forms, each with their own seperate personalities, names, alignments, and shapes. They knew they were connected, because they could "feel" eachother in their head, but they often played the rest of the party aginst one another, battling for supremecy. The DM actually requested I not tell him which was the "real" character, because he wanted to be able to answer honestly that he didn't know wtf was going on when others asked him.

As mentioned, she was, dangerously cheesey. I talked the DM into it with puppy dog eyes and bouncing. I feel like my roleplaying 'justfied' the cheese though, as I didn't just say "she changes form and flies away", I had each of her forms as a seperate person, so to speak.

At ecl8, she took out an Erinyes in one hit, as her "weakest" form.

The character was as follows:

Gratus (http://www.rpgwebprofiler.net/view.php?id=24867), the main person. Quiet, gentle, but very much gnomish. She was the main damge dealer, as when she put on her ring of reduce person.. well, look up Logic Ninja's "stabbity killer gnome" build, as that is what she was.

Glabraria (http://www.rpgwebprofiler.net/view.php?id=24869) was a male half-elf. He was the most swashbuckler of any of her parts. Think Dread Pirate Roberts, but with a little blue lizard, melphling, and whisper gnome hiding in his head. He LOVED to talk to the other personalities, except that they rarely dignified him with an answer, and when they did, the people around just assumed he was talking to himself. Excellent 'face' of her one-person party, though.

Gryps (http://www.rpgwebprofiler.net/view.php?id=24869%5DGlabraria%5B/url%5D%20was%20her%20talkative%20form,%20being%20m uch%20more%20swashbuckler%20than%20the%20rest%20of %20the%20personalities.%20He%20%28yes,%20she%20had %20a%20cross-gender%20form%29%20was%20the%20token%20medium%20si zed,%20%27face%27%20of%20her%20one%20person%20part y.%20%3Cbr%20/%3E%0A%3Cbr%20/%3E%0A%5Burl=%22http://www.rpgwebprofiler.net/view.php?id=24870) was.. don't laugh, but an air melphling. I wanted to be able to fly when I wanted. I played her as very soothing and calm, very druidic in her outlook on life and nature, and whenever the I felt the party was straying too close to evil, I'd have Gryps come to the surface.

Gurges (http://www.rpgwebprofiler.net/view.php?id=24871) was an aquatic kobold. Laugh if you like, but she was adorably evil. Like her name suggests, she LOVED food. And could swim and breathe underwater. Definately useful.

Looking back over her sheets, I'm not so sure I applied things right, but it worked for awhile. I like her, but I dont think I'd play something like that again, as it was seriously complicated.

2007-03-07, 08:05 AM
Just don't make it too crazy so he ends up causing the other players problems.

2007-03-07, 12:00 PM
Thanks for the replys.

I am not giveing the character any special ablitys, he doesn't become a wizard when he changes personality he just thinks he does. If anything it's a nurf to his ablities. So this character wont be any more powerful then any of the other characters playing.

Also cleared the idea in general w/ the other players(there are only two so it's a small group) One likes the idea because it will give his character who usualy ends up being the leaderish one something to roleplay against and manage as a character. The last is someone relitivly new to the group who was prevously burned out on roleplaying and generally just rollplays now. So he is at least hopeing it will inspire him to get back into the spirit of real roleplaying :p

Thanks for the replys but if anyone else has some polish they can help me add to the idea here please do so :D

2007-03-07, 04:29 PM
Third personality is a Changling pally. I found this character fun becasue is is a Truth seeker personality type(races of eberron) and beleaves in the perfect form and truth and all that. So as game play goes he uses the same armor and weapon as the cleric, many of the spells overlap and he can use the same holy symble and worship the same "god". Doesn't have smite evil or a mount and still working on a good excuse for this. Personality idea was being truthful to a fault. Never telling a lie ever even if it's the smart thing to do. Over explaining things just to be sure there is no chance that things could be miss understood. He see's the book he carries as his gods way of talking to him. Since the book doubles as the clerics jernal he is always reading double meanings into what is written there and it helps tie him into whatever is being done at the time.

Smite Evil: He believes he has this skill. Truly, he does, and he uses it as if he did. Basically, he is delusional. Technically, he isn't really lying to himself (or others), as he honestly does believe. On the occasions where it is blatantly obvious that the ability didn't work, he blames himself, and goes through rigorous and self-destructive rituals in order to cleanse/prove himself.

Mount: Has feelings of incompleteness. As he hasn't yet achieved either the perfect form, or learned the perfect truth, he has yet to be awarded his mount from his God. Only when he learns this perfect truth, will he gain his mount, and his mount will be a glorious winged champion of truth and justice which will carry him to the heavens in triumphant victory (necessary to achieve perfect form) (delusions of grandieur). Probably, his 'God' told him all of this.

Fun idea.

2007-03-07, 06:41 PM
Smite Evil: He believes he has this skill. Truly, he does, and he uses it as if he did. Basically, he is delusional. Technically, he isn't really lying to himself (or others), as he honestly does believe. On the occasions where it is blatantly obvious that the ability didn't work, he blames himself, and goes through rigorous and self-destructive rituals in order to cleanse/prove himself.

Mount: Has feelings of incompleteness. As he hasn't yet achieved either the perfect form, or learned the perfect truth, he has yet to be awarded his mount from his God. Only when he learns this perfect truth, will he gain his mount, and his mount will be a glorious winged champion of truth and justice which will carry him to the heavens in triumphant victory (necessary to achieve perfect form) (delusions of grandieur). Probably, his 'God' told him all of this.

Fun idea.

Thanks Dag, those actualy work really well I think i'll use them :D

2007-03-07, 07:32 PM
I really like how you've connected the personalities through the journal. It is a very original idea (except for the wizard personality. I saw that coming, but its okay, its still pretty cool). Just make sure the players don't get confused or annoyed.

2007-03-08, 04:01 AM
I feel compelled to point out that "multiple personality disorder" is pretty much created (or at least encouraged and fostered) by incompetent therapists who believe in it (this is why it's usually "found" in people who have supposedly suffered ritual abuse as children - another imaginary phenomenon with cooky believers in the field of therapy). It's attention-seeking (and playing a character who specifically seeks attention is likely to end up aggravating for other players).

It's fine for a fantasy game, of course, where it can actually exist as a genuine condition.

2007-03-08, 05:10 AM

...sorry, it's just this is at least the fiftieth person I've seen spelling it wrong, and it's such a simple word that nobody should get it wrong. I mean, a CHANGEling CHANGEs, right? He doesn't CHANG.

2007-03-08, 06:20 AM
Actually it does exist Thomas, it is just exceedingly rare. TV and movies hype it hard, so people think it's more common, and it is occasionally showcased as a legal defense (usually by desperate/stupid people, usually disproven or not supported by doctors), but most psychologists would be pretty damn surprised and probably lean towards a different diagnosis if they actually came across a real case. But yeah, there are quacks out there too, sadly.

Its kinda like how people believe every autist is an idiot savant (Jeopardy is on....Jeopardy is on.. we're gonna miss Jeopardy). Most are just severely handicapped, one in a million actually manifests supernormal mental abilities.

Anyhow... on with the thread. And glad you liked my ideas for your character. I would suggest digging up some more mental disorders to tack on for flavor heh. (Obsessive Compulsive comes to mind. Abnormal Phobia could be fun too as long as its not too crippling). Cuz this guy is just whacko.

2007-03-08, 06:27 AM
Woohohohohooooo, I'm invisible! Of all the times to take down the Nekkid Mage avatar, it had to be this week. . .

Actually, I'd leave the character with one. . .shall we borrow the WoD term and call it a derangement? You only need one, really. Also, the connection via journal and the controlling character who knows what's going on (I forget the proper term) make it believable. Beware mirrors and other shiny surfaces.

2007-03-08, 06:42 AM
Actually it does exist Thomas, it is just exceedingly rare. TV and movies hype it hard, so people think it's more common, and it is occasionally showcased as a legal defense (usually by desperate/stupid people, usually disproven or not supported by doctors), but most psychologists would be pretty damn surprised and probably lean towards a different diagnosis if they actually came across a real case. But yeah, there are quacks out there too, sadly.

Never heard of or read of a genuine case, and I've done a lot of reading on MPD and SRA (and/or other "repressed memories" - another nonexistent idea - of abuse). (Admittedly, it'd be unprovable, anyway, since the idea of "two (or more) personalities" inside one person is metaphysical.) Most cases shown in documentaries are blatantly therapist-induced. (It's funny that MPD and SRA are both usually "clustered" - some therapists never encounter them, and some encounter one or both in a majority of their patients. And almost all these therapists believe in repressed memories and recovering them. Wow!)

I guess it depends on your definition, though. If you define MPD as a behavioral disorder where a person acts as if they had multiple personalities (and may actually convince his- or herself), then there are genuine cases, but they're still manufactured and not "real" in the sense of "there really are multiple personalities in this person".

As for adding more disorders... that's just asking for other players to hate you. The character concept as it stands is already intrinsically attention-hogging.

2007-03-08, 06:44 AM
Nice character. I think I enjoy that "elf wizard" personality a bit too much actually :p

2007-03-08, 10:17 AM
Never heard of or read of a genuine case, and I've done a lot of reading on MPD and SRA (and/or other "repressed memories" - another nonexistent idea - of abuse). (Admittedly, it'd be unprovable, anyway, since the idea of "two (or more) personalities" inside one person is metaphysical.) Most cases shown in documentaries are blatantly therapist-induced. (It's funny that MPD and SRA are both usually "clustered" - some therapists never encounter them, and some encounter one or both in a majority of their patients. And almost all these therapists believe in repressed memories and recovering them. Wow!)

I guess it depends on your definition, though. If you define MPD as a behavioral disorder where a person acts as if they had multiple personalities (and may actually convince his- or herself), then there are genuine cases, but they're still manufactured and not "real" in the sense of "there really are multiple personalities in this person".

I disagree, and I am speaking from experience. My girlfriend has multiple personalities. (Out of respect for her, I don't call it MPD because she doesn't consider it a disorder.) In her case, they are aware of each other and share memories.

There is no way her condition could be therapist-induced because she was not seeing a therapist when the condition manifested. No repressed/recovered memories, either. She strongly denies her condition is caused by trauma.

If her multiple personalities are just one person faking it, she's an amazing actress. Each personality has a different voice and speech pattern. (One only communicates by sign language.) Some are right-handed, some are left-handed. They have different hobbies.

2007-03-08, 10:32 AM
*stuff about stuff*

So, which one is your girlfriend? :smalltongue:

2007-03-08, 10:40 AM
So, which one is your girlfriend? :smalltongue:

LOL! Actually, they had an internal meeting and decided which one is my girlfriend. The rest of them are just friends.