View Full Version : 3rd Ed Together, They Fight Crime! (Tactics for Vigilantes)

2014-08-21, 05:00 PM
For an urban campaign I had the idea of two vigilantes, from very different backgrounds, who work together on an occasional basis. I could use ideas on the tactics they might develop as they gradually learn to work as a team.

The first is a thrill-seeking climber and base-jumper who does a little cat-burglary on the side:

The Climber

Human Feat-Rogue 2/Scout 3

1: Agile Athlete (std.), Daredevil Athlete (human), Weapon Finesse (flaw), Subduing Strike (fighter bonus)
2: Elusive Dance (fighter bonus)
3: Freerunner (std.)
4: -
5: +8 racial to Climb

Skill Tricks: Nimble Charge, Speedy Ascent, Extreme Leap, Wall Jumper, Corner Perch

She has the Dungeon Specialist ACF for scouts from PHB 2, which gives her a +8 racial to Climb and the ability to attack with a light weapon while climbing. She also has the Go To Ground ACF from the Cityscape web enhancement, which allows her to avoid being found with Urban Tracking.

She prefers to avoid melee, but uses a jo stick to deal nonlethal when absolutely necessary. Otherwise she uses a sling from a distance…or just melts away.

The second is an escaped gladiator who has understandable issues with the local elites:

The Ex-Gladiator

Celadrin Battle Dancer 2

1: Dreadful Wrath (std.), Improved Unarmed Strike (bonus)
2: Combat Expertise (bonus)

Since this build was custom-designed by Red Fel, I'll let him explain how this works:

"Her style is all about exhausting her opponents, so she doesn't mind taking a penalty to hit in order to become untouchable…. On her opening, trigger Dreadful Wrath, shake the enemy. Because of her Unarmed Strike class feature, she can deal lethal or non-lethal damage, her choice, without penalty. She proceeds to dance around her enemies, using Combat Expertise if they try any funny business, generally just poking them, mocking them, and making the crowd roar. If things start to look bad for her, she whips out the eye-laser, which at low levels is pretty effective at turning the tide…."

So, we have two vigilantes, the one rather retiring and the other a showoff, who can both deal a mix of lethal and nonlethal damage. What sorts of tactics could they use together?