View Full Version : Hero Lab Character Sheet [Android]

2014-08-21, 05:12 PM
Hello Giant in the Playground

A couple of months ago I released my PCGen Character Sheet app for Android. I'm pleased to announce that the Hero Lab version is now available!

I'd love it if you could give it a try (Pathfinder only):

Hero Lab Character Sheet (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dysfunctional.apps.herolabcharacter sheet)
Hero Lab Character Sheet Lite <-- FREE (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dysfunctional.apps.herolabcharacter sheetlite)

Thanks to everyone's continued patience will I sort these tweaks out:

Fixed issue for loading spells for archetypes, for example in the .por spells listed as "Sorcerer", spellclass listed as "Sorcerer (Tattooed Sorcerer, Wildblooded)", the spells and casts per level etc... would not link up.

Also fixed issues where the attribute that a skill is based on (i.e. Acrobatics is based on DEX) would not import correctly, this is due to inconsistencies in the portfolio, this then affected Stat Linking.

Reimport to see both fixes for your character.


Fixed issue where some characters attacks would not import correctly due to inconsistencies in the xml within the portfolio - reimport to correct attacks.


Fixed issue where armor class values would sometimes fail to load (will only take effect when you re-import)
NOTE: I have noticed that Max Dex values are silly values sometimes, this is in the .por file and not due to the app.

Made adverts take up less room on small tablets


Added option to import all characters from a portfolio in at once, also made it so single character portfolios will just load straight away now (inc. companion if applicable).

Fixed bug where users with a folder in their Download folder would not see all their portfolios.


Fixed bug where Dropbox import was not loading Minions/Companions correctly first time, this did not affect users who'd loaded from the local files shown in the Options screen.

2014-09-01, 09:37 AM
Advice wanted:

If you were using the free Lite version, would you rather have the banner ad always displaying (not great on small screens), or would you rather have a large ad that pops up every now and then?

2014-09-26, 06:49 PM
Looking for Beta testers of the latest version of the apps, if you are interested please join this community:


I will try to approve requests to join within 24hrs

EDIT: Apologies if you tried to join and couldn't, when I set it up it asked if I wanted to hide it from searches, I thought if a gave you the link it would be ok, I didn't realise it would make it invite only, it's been changed so you can ask to join now.