View Full Version : A Death Touched Beguiler in dire need of HELP

2014-08-21, 11:15 PM
First of let me say I'm rusty and haven't played for over a year.
Now I'm joining a new (and my first) PBP Campaign so I'd like to ask you good folk to help me get my character going.

So, race:

Death Touched
-2 Con
+2 Wis
+4 Cha

Darkvision up to 60ft
Racial bonus to Intimidation and Move Silently checks +2
Racial Feats: A deathtouched gains feats according to its class levels.
Special Attacks: Chill touch
Special Qualities: Resistance to cold 5 and electricity 5



Starting level: 5

So, let's say I have 10 000 gold to spend on all essential equipment.
Everything PHB 1 & 2 is open. Also Arms & Equipment Guide as well as Magic Item Compendium




It's an evil campaign, and there's 7 of us.

2014-08-21, 11:20 PM
"Feats according to class levels" would mean the usual one feat at 1st and one every multiple of 3, I think.

Fax Celestis
2014-08-21, 11:21 PM
500 gp at level 5?

2014-08-21, 11:22 PM
you get one feat at first and one at third.

deathtouched does not seem to combo very well with beguiler because it doesn't add to intelligence and gives you a con penalty. maybe dread necromancer instead?

not sure what to buy with 500 gold? armor, weapon. maybe make one of them masterwork.

2014-08-21, 11:22 PM
With just 500 gp, get yourself a main weapon, a backup weapon, some armor, and a bit of gear. In an evil party you may have to fend for yourself regarding healing a bit more, so I'd hold on to as much of my cash as possible and save for a belt of healing.

You get no racial feats from deathtouched, because the deathtouched has no racial hit dice that might grant such feats to you. You still get the feats that every character earns at 1st level and every 3rd level, plus those bonus feats granted by your beguiler class.

2014-08-21, 11:29 PM
500 gold isn't enough to buy...much of anything, really. Most magic items cost around 1000 or more, and even a crystal of least arrow deflection will run you all of that much.

That being said, probably the most worthwhile investments are masterwork tools. They give +2 to a skill, and by RAW you can technically make one for any skill (like maybe a dandy-looking feather hat for Diplomacy, a focusing headband for UMD, or something else inventive). Invest (of course) in a buckler, a chain shirt, and maybe a crossbow just in case.

Once you have a bit more money, the following are usually pretty nice:

Crystal of Least Arrow Deflection - Adds 2 AC against ranged. Very cheap at 500g.
Belt of Healing - Cheap, recharges automatically, and always useful.
Gloves of the Starry Sky - Burn spell slots to cast magic missile for a bit of offense, in case of an emergency.
Chronocharm of the Horizon Walker - Move as a swift action 1/day, cheap.
Hat of Disguise - Why waste precious skill points on disguise?
Ring of the Darkhidden - You have hide and move silently. Take advantage of the darkness and don't let them see you.
[Slot] of Intellect - As soon as you can, of course :). MIC lets this be put in any slot.

Once you have a little bit more money:

Runestaves - Your spell list is a bit narrow. By RAW you may be able to use them (check with your DM), and they can give you a bit more breadth.

2014-08-21, 11:39 PM
Thanks for the fast response, guys. Thanks for clarification about the feats, forgot about the fact that every character gets feats.

you get one feat at first and one at third.

deathtouched does not seem to combo very well with beguiler because it doesn't add to intelligence and gives you a con penalty. maybe dread necromancer instead?

not sure what to buy with 500 gold? armor, weapon. maybe make one of them masterwork.

We pick a race, and rolled for a class so.

Forgot to mention, any armor I buy the DM makes masterwork for free.
And I'm not asking you to fully optimize me with 500g, just to get the best what I can and to kick my sorry ass in the right direction.

2014-08-21, 11:44 PM
Frankly 500 gp is trash for a 5th level character. You can't get anything meaningful for that level with that money other than weapons and armor. Ask your DM if this is a low-wealth game. If it is, get yourself a masterwork weapon because it might be a long time before you could afford one otherwise. If it's not, don't bother with masterwork because you'll soon get enough money to trivialize it. Save for the belt of healing, which could immediately improve your likelihood of surviving to see the next level.

2014-08-22, 09:37 AM
Oh ****, sorry guys, my bad.
I misread it, starting gold is 10 000 GP

What fancy items should I get, belt of healing is a must I reckon?

2014-08-22, 10:58 AM
I don't know if the link will work for you guys, but this is what I have so far, still unsure about the items.


2014-08-22, 11:17 AM
Healing Belt is pretty much already junk by Level 5, imo. Since Beguiler has UMD, get a Wand of Lesser Vigor to heal up out of combat. May as well use that wayward Cha bonus for something. I don't suppose you can change race? The LA and mismatching racial bonuses is pretty rough.

I can't look at your link because I don't have an rpgcrossing account but here are some ideas for gear:
+1 Mithral Chain
+2 Int item
Mundane bow or something you can use when you don't want to use a spell
Top it up with a few wands

2014-08-22, 11:44 AM
Healing Belt is pretty much already junk by Level 5, imo. Since Beguiler has UMD, get a Wand of Lesser Vigor to heal up out of combat. May as well use that wayward Cha bonus for something. I don't suppose you can change race? The LA and mismatching racial bonuses is pretty rough.

I can't look at your link because I don't have an rpgcrossing account but here are some ideas for gear:
+1 Mithral Chain
+2 Int item
Mundane bow or something you can use when you don't want to use a spell
Top it up with a few wands

Thanks, but the DM is ignoring the LA.
Mithral looks nice.

I never had much experience with wands, so basically how will I be dealing dmg? Some wands and stuff?

2014-08-22, 11:50 AM
Beguilers really aren't damage dealers. Check out their spell list. You mess with enemies' heads, and have a bunch of stealth magic.

Though, you could try to skirt around that with UMD.

2014-08-22, 01:03 PM
I'm having trouble finding the Mithral Chain +1, where is it and what's the cost?
I'm gonna ignore weapons, maybe get a crossbow or something just in case.

2014-08-22, 01:12 PM
I'm having trouble finding the Mithral Chain +1, where is it and what's the cost?
I'm gonna ignore weapons, maybe get a crossbow or something just in case.

Mithral is in the DMG in the same section as the other special materials, +1 is described in the basic rules for magic armor (also DMG), and the chain shirt is in the PHB's section on armor.

2014-08-26, 02:08 PM
Hello guys, me again.

I found this item that I like, it's called a Darklight Lantern. It makes me able to control the level of light around me and up to 80ft.
It costs 500gp, and it's from Eberrons: Secrets of Sarlona.

Bad thing is, prerequisite is that in order to work, it must be imbued with psionic energy in order to function. What's the fastest way to obtain this or go around it?

BTW bonus question, I'm lvl5 now, and I'm wondering to dip in Mindbender or Shadow Adept for the next level?

2014-08-26, 02:35 PM
Mindbender qualifies you for the Mindsight feat (Lords of Madness), which is basically "I can never be ambushed ever, no, not even then."

As long as you're taking a racial penalty you could just dump CON completely and be a Necropolitan (Libris Mortis), though that might not be the best idea in an Evil party of seven (someone's going to have Rebuke Undead and the chutzpah to use it on you).

2014-08-26, 02:38 PM
Mindbender qualifies you for the Mindsight feat (Lords of Madness), which is basically "I can never be ambushed ever, no, not even then."

Thanks, I was kinda leaning on Mindbender too.

What about the other question, do I really have to dip into Psion or should I dump the lamp completely?

2014-08-26, 03:15 PM
Thanks, I was kinda leaning on Mindbender too.

What about the other question, do I really have to dip into Psion or should I dump the lamp completely?

I don't have access to the lamps stats but wild talent generally helps with things like that. That being said probably not worth a feat or a class level to make a magic item work.