View Full Version : OMG; which member of Oots is going to die? Noone that`s who!

2007-03-07, 11:40 AM
Seriously people. If I have to read another thread about (insert random Oots member) that is going to die and be replaced, I`m going to scream. SCREEEEEAM! There, I did it, and I`m sure I heard my eldery neighbor lose her glass with hearth-medicine and fall over. I hope your happy now:smallmad: There is still like a gazillion strips left in this comic, so why would anyone of the main characters die NOW or ten or twenty strips from now? It makes no sense.

Roy won`t die before he has destroyed Xykon, and unless the linear guild are taking over, Xykon has two more gates to let slip through his cold skeletal hands.

Haley won`t die before she has rescued her father, and even then she will follow Roy to help save the world.

Elan won`t die before he has stopped his brother once and for all, and he is going to help Haley recue her father. Besides, why go through all that trouble getting a prestige class, only to get snuffed in the next strip?

Vaarsuvuis won`t die before we get more backstory, or I will scream yet again and I`m running out of neighbors.

Belkar and Durkon will both die as prophesized, but it won`t happen before the last strips of Kraagors dungeon. I mean really, who could replace them? They`re classic!

Xykon, Redcloak, Miko and the Linear guild will probly die also, but not for a looooong time.

2007-03-07, 11:46 AM
Well, Xykon is already dead, y'know, he is an Undead.

2007-03-07, 11:46 AM
If Belkar dies during the siege, I will be laughing SO HARD now.

2007-03-07, 11:57 AM
Well, Xykon is already dead, y'know, he is an Undead.

Let me guess, you`re a substitute teacher and all the kids hate you?

2007-03-07, 12:23 PM
I will submit that...

...Belkar is actually a viable candidate for death. Because of the Mark, he is at a disadvantage against hobgoblins and other living foes if they enter the city. Further, there's a ready replacement for him as the uncooperative party member in Azure City's dungeon (and she's in desperate need of an atonement quest). Further still, he'd be just as amusing a character as an undead stooge of Xykon (and still able to fulfill his other prophesied obligations in that state). If Rich wanted to show that the main characters are mortal and vulnerable, this would be an ideal opportunity.

So I don't think I would casually dismiss the possibility.

basilisk 89
2007-03-07, 12:30 PM
Also, they are PCs. How often do PCs just die in the middle of an RPG? That's like your group is going through some Dungeon, and three levels away from the Dungeon one of your players randomly gets hit by a Natural 20 and your cleric is out of Cure Critical Wound.

Well, assuming the player does die, someone is obviously going to cast a resurect.

The only person from OotS I think has any chance of dying soon is Durkon, and that's slim.

2007-03-07, 12:46 PM
Belkar and Durkon will both die as prophesized, but it won`t happen before the last strips of Kraagors dungeon. I mean really, who could replace them? They`re classic!

You seem to be conveniently ignoring that the prophecy of Belkar's death is for it to happen REAL SOON. The Oracle said Belkar should "savour his next birthday cake", meaning it happens at most just under 2 years from the date of the prophecy--and since we don't know when Belkar's birthday is, it could happen during the Azure City siege just fine (he could have had a birthday off-camera sometime since the Oracle's prediction).

2007-03-07, 12:53 PM
No, I doubt that he would have passed up the chance to shove in a joke about everyone enjoying Belkar's Birthday cake if he had had a birthday.

2007-03-07, 01:03 PM
Look's like your thread has backfired in quite spectacular fashion Oxymoron.

*Don's earmufs of the Banshee and await's Oxys meltdown*

2007-03-07, 01:06 PM
There are a number of RPGs where one of the main characters die part way through. Its usually a good way to give the rest of the characters a reason to have another main enemy or keep interest in one beyond the known soon to be resolved conflict with them.

As someone else pointed out too though, there is always ressurections. So even if a main character does die that doesn't mean they are removed from the comic forever. Chances if Azure City is very badly damaged (what I expect at the very least) or destroyed then none of the materials required for the ressurection are going to be available anymore so OOTS would have to travel on another quest to get them ressurected.

I would put the chances of a main OOTS character dieing in the upcoming fight somewhere around 30%

2007-03-07, 01:07 PM
Seriously people. If I have to read another thread about (insert random Oots member) that is going to die and be replaced, I`m going to scream. SCREEEEEAM!

I had no idea Norwegians were so emotional! Rock on, my Viking cousin!

2007-03-07, 01:28 PM
Let me guess, you`re a substitute teacher and all the kids hate you?

Wrong, I was just kidding (and I'm too young to be a teacher).

Seriously, I think that Belkar will die while killing Miko time after the siege. During the siege I think that any PC will die, because everyone love one or more PC and if they die now a lot of people will get angry.

2007-03-07, 01:39 PM
I think Belkar and Miko (and Miko's horse if Miko can "call" it) kill each other.... :smallamused: Maybe, I'm not sure... :smallbiggrin: But who can be sure?

2007-03-07, 01:42 PM
If any of them die I can see Shojo coming back from the dead and having them revived.

2007-03-07, 01:56 PM
You seem to be conveniently ignoring that the prophecy of Belkar's death is for it to happen REAL SOON. The Oracle said Belkar should "savour his next birthday cake", meaning it happens at most just under 2 years from the date of the prophecy--and since we don't know when Belkar's birthday is, it could happen during the Azure City siege just fine (he could have had a birthday off-camera sometime since the Oracle's prediction).

Here's my theory about it:
It's quite possible

But anyway despide it i think that belkar WILL die. But certainly not now, during the siege. Probably at the end of comic during some big bad climax strips.

2007-03-07, 02:04 PM
I always looked at Belkars and Durkons deaths as well, permanent. If Belkar died and got ressurected, why should he savor his next birthday cake or not bother funding his IRA? And Durkon seems to be quite happy to be buried in his family tomb instead of being ressurected.

Come on, I`ve read most of the threads were people ask whom is going to die first, and who is going to replace them. I can`t remember anyone writing anything about bringing them back.

Ok, gang if you can`t beat them, join them. So which of the Oots do you guys think will die first and then conveniantly be ressurected?

Emperor Demonking
2007-03-07, 02:34 PM
I always looked at Belkars and Durkons deaths as well, permanent. If Belkar died and got ressurected, why should he savor his next birthday cake or not bother funding his IRA? And Durkon seems to be quite happy to be buried in his family tomb instead of being ressurected.

Come on, I`ve read most of the threads were people ask whom is going to die first, and who is going to replace them. I can`t remember anyone writing anything about bringing them back.

Ok, gang if you can`t beat them, join them. So which of the Oots do you guys think will die first and then conveniantly be ressurected?

Well I don't think it would be Belkar or Durkon. As I think Durkon would be the caster. I don't think it would be Elan as he'd be weaker.

So out of Roy, V and Haley. I choose Haley so she could admit about her father.

2007-03-07, 02:40 PM
if belkar dies then most the humor from OOTS is gone he is the best!!!!!

2007-03-07, 02:42 PM
My theory? No one dies. This is OotS, remember? It's supposed to be funny and exciting, and I doubt it's suddenly going to get all dark on us.

...Unless Rich is in a particularly bad mood one day... >>

2007-03-07, 02:47 PM

IF anybody of order of the stick is going to die, i end the reading.
If Redcloack dies, I laugh.:redcloack:

lord shojo dies. Miko becoming new. Buahaa..

2007-03-07, 02:54 PM
My theory? No one dies. This is OotS, remember? It's supposed to be funny and exciting, and I doubt it's suddenly going to get all dark on us.

...Unless Rich is in a particularly bad mood one day... >>

Finally, another bright mind to shine by my brilliance.:smallcool:

Green Bean
2007-03-07, 03:01 PM
Of course members of the OotS are going to die. Just wait eight or so decades, and they'll be dropping like flies. Except for V. We're probably in for the long haul there. :smallbiggrin:

2007-03-07, 03:04 PM
I think there are two different uses of "die" floating around here. There's "die" as in "die", and there's "die" as in "die and stay dead".

I'm pretty sure that, if any of the characters die during this battle, then assuming Azure City isn't completely crushed, they will be resurrected. Hinjo certainly has the power to order it, and I believe he would. It's *possible* that Durkon would refuse a resurrection (the sooner to get back to his homeland), but I'm sure none of the others would.

2007-03-07, 03:16 PM
--and since we don't know when Belkar's birthday is, it could happen during the Azure City siege just fine (he could have had a birthday off-camera sometime since the Oracle's prediction).
Actually, I'm fairly certain that it's been less than two weeks, comic-time, since the oracle's prediction. Go back and read all the strips carefully. It took the OOtS 'several days', so, say, a week to get back to Azure City. They then teleported to Cliffport immediately, and took (as stated) three days to get back. The very next day after their arrival, Miko stated that Xykon was 'less than a day's march from the city'. So it's been 12 days, tops, since the Oracle stated that Belkar would die. And the psuedo-siege will last only a few days--as Roy stated, Xykon will secure his objective immediately or not at all.
Of course, 'savor his next birthday cake' COULD just be a figure of speech, so it's no guarantee that Belkar actually WILL celebrate another birthday before dying.

2007-03-07, 03:21 PM
Maybe the oracle was just giving some good advice? After all any cake is worth savouring.

2007-03-07, 04:07 PM
My theory? No one dies. This is OotS, remember? It's supposed to be funny and exciting, and I doubt it's suddenly going to get all dark on us.

That's nonsense. In order to not get all dark on us, Rich would have to never kill any of the popular characters, including Team Xykon, core Linear Guild and Miko. This would lead to a sort of eternal four-way between them and OoTS which would cease to be exciting once we realise that nothing major will ever change.

(come to think of it, I for one wouldn't care for the death of most OotS members, while I'd get sad if Thog, anyone from Team Xykon or Miko permanently died).

2007-03-07, 06:09 PM
There's always the Aeris Exception, which states that no matter how powerful your character sheild is, there's a chance you'll be killed off to demonstrated just how overwhelmingly powerful and/or completely messed up the main villian is.

The concept of Belkar dying reminds me of an episode of Futurama:

Fry: We have to save Bender!
Amy: Why?
<dead silence>
Leela: Well, those arguments aside, we're still doing it.

2007-03-07, 07:32 PM
Seriously people. If I have to read another thread about (insert random Oots member) that is going to die and be replaced, I`m going to scream.

Quoted for truth

2007-03-07, 07:42 PM
Each and every single soldier, goblin, PC, NPC, and villain is going to survive the upcoming battle 100% intact except for Thog, who will spontaneously explode and have his soul sucked into another dimension so that he can never be revived. HAH! :smalltongue:

2007-03-07, 08:19 PM
I doubt anyone will die- 300+ comics stand behind each and every one of them.

Someone who isn't part of the core OotS, though? Yeah, they could die. I doubt Thog will die (him, Nale, and Sabine seem to be the "stable" members of the Linear Guild's lineup) but anyone else- Hinjo in particular- is fair game.

Should be fun no matter what happens!

The Extinguisher
2007-03-07, 09:19 PM
As a rule, only villians, inconveniences and minor, but plot important NPCs get resurrected. The mentor, the wise old ruler who bends the rules a little, the main character's friends and so on do not.

Also another, making your characters immune to death because they are your characters is bad writing.

Theoretically, any character that isn't Roy (as he is the protagonist and his who the story is about) can die between the start and the end, and even Roy could depended on how the Giant wanted to end the story.

So don't assume that none of the major characters will die.

2007-03-07, 09:44 PM
As a rule, only villians, inconveniences and minor, but plot important NPCs get resurrected. The mentor, the wise old ruler who bends the rules a little, the main character's friends and so on do not.

Also another, making your characters immune to death because they are your characters is bad writing.
This is true and all, but OotS is comedy, and that diminishes the mortality rate of protagonists, somewhat.

2007-03-07, 10:03 PM
There's always the Aeris Exception, which states that no matter how powerful your character sheild is, there's a chance you'll be killed off to demonstrated just how overwhelmingly powerful and/or completely messed up the main villian is.

The concept of Belkar dying reminds me of an episode of Futurama:

Fry: We have to save Bender!
Amy: Why?
<dead silence>
Leela: Well, those arguments aside, we're still doing it.

Love that quote.

Elan: We have to save Belkar!
V: Why?
<dead silence>
Haley: Well, those arguments aside, we're still doing it.

Lizard Lord
2007-03-07, 10:26 PM
IF (keyword here) anyone dies during the seige I think it would be Belkar. Remember he still has one year of jail time left. But yea I agree with the OP. None of the Oots members are going to die during this battle.

2007-03-07, 11:50 PM
Anyone else remember Scoundrél? He told Elan that "if" they meet again, he's almost death and Elan will avenge him. (Comic 392) So my theory is Scoundrél will come with his ship to help AC,he'll get wounded,Elan will see him and then a classic "Mentor?!? NOOOOOOOOO" moment will came & Elan screw up that moment(too,just like battle speech).
New candidate for "Someone will die!!!! poll" :P
(yay first post :P)

2007-03-08, 12:21 AM
Someone has to die eventually, just not in the upcoming battle.

Judging by Belkar and Durkon's prophecies, someone has to die eventually.
oh, and also...........

Belkar and Durkon will both die as prophesized

I seem to have missed something. Who prophesized Belkar's death and when?

2007-03-08, 12:24 AM
I seem to have missed something. Who prophesized Belkar's death and when?


What the oracle says near the end implies that Belkar is going to die soon.

The Wanderer
2007-03-08, 12:41 AM
My theory? No one dies. This is OotS, remember? It's supposed to be funny and exciting, and I doubt it's suddenly going to get all dark on us.

...Unless Rich is in a particularly bad mood one day... >>

Suddenly get darker? I'd argue that the tone has been consistently getting darker for quite some time now.

2007-03-08, 02:10 AM
I'm with The Wanderer. OOTS is not just funny anymore; in face, I'd argue that the humor has taken a back seat to the plot and things have gotten darker. And that's not necessarily a bad thing.

But the idea that the PCs shouldn't die just because there are reasons for them not to die is ridiculous. I hope that Rich doesn't let popularity rule his narrative decisions, and maybe it would be good for someone big to die to show us that no one is safe.

2007-03-08, 05:27 PM
I think there are two different uses of "die" floating around here. There's "die" as in "die", and there's "die" as in "die and stay dead".

And, just to be a complete moron, there's "die" like in "roll your single die!":smalltongue:
Okay, now back to the topic. I really think one of the Order will at least get seriously injured. And why shouldn't Roy get killed, visit his father, talk a bit to him, get some advice and then be resurrected? It would fit the story.