View Full Version : West Private combat Rankings-Door B

2014-08-23, 04:29 AM
IC Thread here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?367345-FAE-Super-Powereds-Freshman-Year-IC-thread&p=17987484#post17987484)
The Combat Cell
Scene Aspects:
Concrete Walls, Unseen Referee

The room you’re entering is a 50ft by 50ft cube, made entirely out of concrete. It’s a sparse room, with no symbols or signs around. Ashlee is looking around curiously.

“Combatants, please take your positions.” It’s Professor Hamilton’ voice.

"Ummmm…” Ashlee asks loudly, slightly disorientated cause there was no face to speak to.
“The positions are marked on the ground.” Glancing at the floor, you see two marks on the floor, each about 10 feet from the opposing wall. Ashlee blushed at this, and hurried to her spot.

“I knew that.” She muttered just loud enough for you to hear. She looked at you across the room and did her best to put her game face on. It was, frankly, adorable.
“Combatants, prepare yourself.” Ashlee is staring you dead on.
“Combat will begin in th--” You can’t hear anything. Then suddenly Ashlee is charging at you, glowing with a neon pink outline.
Ashlee is manipulating the sound of the announcer, so you can’t hear the call for combat to start. She is attempting to Sneakily Create and Advantage, at +1. The advantage is gonna be something along the lines of, “Got you on the backfoot” or “element of surprise” depending on which approach you defend with.

Roll: 4d3-8 → [1,3,1,1,-8] = (-2) , So it’s a roll of -1.

I will spend a fatepoint to activate your aspect, “He May Be A Monster, But He's Still My Brother!", stating your still too distracted by what Professor Ellis said to really pay attention, allowing me to reroll.
4d3-8 → [1,3,2,3,-8] = (1)

So a total of 2. Much better.
Defend how you choose, then it’s your move. Note that you now have 5 Fate points, 3 to start with, 1 from your compel earlier, and I just gave you one when I rerolled earlier.

2014-08-24, 08:15 AM
Lara noticed the sudden cut-off. Which was good, because that snapped Lara out of her own thoughts and back into the present. Damn if Ashlee wasn't fast! Lara knew full well she stood no chance of being able to keep up in close range. And Lara also figured she didn't have much chance at keeping Ashlee at bay, not unless she kept Lara off balance. What better way to do that then something to startle her.

Lara raised her hands, palms towards the ground. In a heartbeat, waves of heat erupted off of her. Cracks spread across the ground, glowing red. Only a split second later, jets of molten rock erupted upwards, forming a circle of molten rock around Lara. Doesn't matter how fast you are, you can't outrun the heat of a volcano.

Already rolled in OOC

Lara concentrated, trying to feel the molten energy inside her, and bring it to the surface. Guess now's as good a time as ever to heat test the material. She grit her teeth, focusing her power. The molten pool surrounding Lara pulsed and rippled, as if reacting to her power.

Creating a big, Flashy advantage by turning my arms into molten rock. I'm all fired Up!

[roll0] +3

2014-08-24, 09:09 AM
Lara noticed the sudden cut-off. Which was good, because that snapped Lara out of her own thoughts and back into the present. Damn if Ashlee wasn't fast! Lara knew full well she stood no chance of being able to keep up in close range. And Lara also figured she didn't have much chance at keeping Ashlee at bay, not unless she kept Lara off balance. What better way to do that then something to startle her.

Lara raised her hands, palms towards the ground. In a heartbeat, waves of heat erupted off of her. Cracks spread across the ground, glowing red. Only a split second later, jets of molten rock erupted upwards, forming a circle of molten rock around Lara. Doesn't matter how fast you are, you can't outrun the heat of a volcano.
As noted in the OOC thread, she still has a boost on you. I'm calling it, "Got you on the backfoot".
Ashlee stops her flight as she sees the lava forming, going higher and back to avoid the attack. She's surprised, but quickly focusses her resolve.

Lara concentrated, trying to feel the molten energy inside her, and bring it to the surface. Guess now's as good a time as ever to heat test the material. She grit her teeth, focusing her power. The molten pool surrounding Lara pulsed and rippled, as if reacting to her power.
I'm setting the difficulty of this action at +0, since creating lava arms is your specialty. However I'm spending the boost Ashlee created, "got you on the backfoot" to step up the difficulty by +2. This represents your still reeling a bit by how quick your room mate took initiative. You still succeed by 1, so I'm all fired Up! has one free invoke on it.

Ashlee smirks. "remember, no hard feelings girlfriend." As she speaks, her pink aura flickers before forming into large neon pink wings around her arms.
http://s3.zerochan.net/Hayato.%28Pok%C3%A9mon%29.240.868370.jpg (http://www.zerochan.net/868370)

She will create an advantage, Sonic Pink Wingblades. Her Flashy is +3, and she's using her stunt:
Sonokinetic Constructs. When I Flashily create an advantage with my Sonokinetic construct powers, I add +2 to the roll.
So she's rolling +5.
4d3-8 → [2,1,2,2,-8] = (-1) +5= +4. Are you going to try and stop her creating the advantage with a defend action? If not, her difficulty will be +0, so she would succeed with style, getting 2 free invokes.

Your response, and then your action. Also, would you mind posting your OOC actions in spoilers? I can't quote them if they are already in quotes.

GM Fate pool: 0

Scene aspects:
Concrete Walls, Unseen Referee

All fired up [Lara, 1 I]
Sonic Pink Wingblades [Ashlee TBD I]

2014-08-25, 07:51 AM
"Right back at ya!" Lara shouted back, forming a large molten spike and hurling it at Ashlee, trying to break her focus as the girl tried to form her constructs.

Lara will Forcefully Defend, and is attempting to use the spike more as a distraction than an attack (Its to big and slow to be used effectively against such an agile opponent)


With her free hand, Lara conjured forth a large, thin tendril of lava. It coiled and spun through the air, almost like a whip, though it glowed red hot. Lara pulled back, then let her burning lash fly. It snaked rapidly, darting this way and that, before striking at Ashlee. Or rather, at the space next to her. Lara wasn't trying to hit Ashlee directly, rather, she was relying on the fact that the heat alone would be enough to cause burns at close range, even if the whip didn't touch you directly. A fact that Lara was confident Ashlee would overlook as soon as she realized the whip would miss.

Lara will Cleverly attack Ashlee, exploiting Convection heating to indirectly strike at her.


I'll also spend a fate point to invoke Ashlee's "Not the brightest bulb" Aspect, and get a +2 on my roll (It might be under a different name, but I'd wager she has some aspect reflecting her intelligence). She's not smart enough to realize the real danger isn't that she'll get hit, but just the heat radiating from the attack.

2014-08-25, 08:36 AM
She creates her aspect with a success of 2, so she has one invoke.

She doesn't have an aspect quite like that. The closest she has is "Bubbly Sonic Constructing valley girl. I'll allow it, so you get +2 for your attack, representing she might be too distracted to note the heat.
I'll be rolling her clever +1 against that.
4d3-8 → [1,3,2,3,-8] = (1) So a total of +2. She takes one shift of stress.

Ashlee ducks from the attack, but not fast enough, as the heat causes her to exclaim in pain. Holding her arm, she glances at you, before flapping her blade wings and soaring towards you, twirling in mid air between the jets of molten rock.

She's flying straight at you, over your lava, to strike you with her blade wings. Flashy +3 attack:
4d3-8 → [3,3,2,1,-8] = (1) Total 4. Spend her invoke on Sonic Pink Wingblades to increase the total to +6.

Your reaction and move.
GM Fate pool: 1

Scene aspects:
Concrete Walls, Unseen Referee

All fired up [Lara, 1 I]
Sonic Pink Wingblades [Ashlee 0 I]

2014-08-25, 02:59 PM
Lara smirked as Ashlee flinched away from the heat. Gotta love it when a plan comes together. Of course, her roomate wasn't out of the fight yet, and came charging forward at full throttle. Laras arms melted downward, connecting to the scorched concrete beneath her feet. The boiling rock churned and sputtered, transforming into an erupting geyser that blasted upwards, with Lara surfing the top of the jet, seemingly unconcerned with the scorching temperatures which seemed to scald the air itself.

Flashily defending dodging via Magma surf.


Total of 5. I'll take my free Invoking for All Fired Up to raise that to +7

Lara turned her defense back into an offense, riding her molten wave in an arcing circle back towards Ashlee, hoping to catch her in the wake of the molten tsunami.

Side note: I'm rapidly running out of words to describe temperature and lava, which fills me with sadness.

To the thesaurus!

Anyhow, if Surfing a wave of molten rock dosn't count as 'flashy', nothing will. Flashy attack.

[roll1] +3

Total +6

2014-08-25, 03:24 PM
I think you accidentally typed 4d6 rather than 4d3 in that last roll for attack, but we'll ignore it for now, treat it as if you'd rolled properly.
Roll Flashy +3 to dodge your definitely Flashy attack.
4d3-8 → [2,3,3,1,-8] = (1)+3 is a 4. She takes two shifts of stress, marking off her second stress box.

As the molten wave comes closer to Ashlee she bats her wings and screams, sending pulsing waves of sonic energy at your lava, which helps push her out of damage.

She pants slightly as she tries to seek higher ground. Once directly above you, she starts flapping her wings, channelling the sound of her voice screaming at a pitch to high for humans to hear, into pink waves of energy, cascading towards you.

Flashy attack +3. 4d3-8 → [2,2,1,1,-8] = (-2) +1. This is embaresing. Spend my sole fatepoint to reroll.
4d3-8 → [2,1,2,1,-8] = (-2) +1. Now that's not even funny. Ok, your up against a +1 ranged sonic attack.

GM Fate pool: 1

Scene aspects:
Concrete Walls, Unseen Referee

All fired up [Lara, 0 I]
Sonic Pink Wingblades [Ashlee 0 I]

2014-08-25, 03:51 PM
"You ok?" Lara asked, momentarily taking herself out of the fight to check on her roomates condition. Some light burns weren't anything to get concerned about, but Lara didn't want to deep fry Ashlee.

Ashlee's scream from above wasn't as ferocious as her earlier strikes, further confirming Lara's theory that the blond haired sonokinetic was starting to feel the pressure. Lara's lava shifted, forming a dome around Lara to take the brunt of the scream.

Forcefully defending

[roll0] +2

Lara took a moment and noticed that the wave that she'd rode through the room had left much of the floor glowing with heat. It didn't take to much effort on her part to spread the lava around further, till the entire chamber was covered in an ankle deep magma flow. However, the concrete proved to be tougher than it looked, and wasn't melting nearly as fast as Lara had expected it to.

Flashy creating an advantage: The Floor Is Lava!


Guess there isn't as much lava as I thought

2014-08-25, 11:24 PM
Set the difficulty at +2, so you do fail. Can't think of a way to use this aspect Ashlee's favor, so I'll just say it doesn't occur.

Ashlee flying overhead, waiting to strike when your guard's down, and the fact the room's so large, means you can't spread the lava far enough to be a deterrent.

Ashlee lands on some of the unclaimed floor, and crouches.

"That's sweet of you to worry." Her voice becomes slightly lower. Her wingblades change, now enveloping her and extending. Soon, she is surrounded by what looks like a tank the size of a beetle (the car not the insect).

"But I'm more worried about you."

http://th03.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2013/155/a/5/my_first_ever_tron_style_tank_attempt_by_lordomega z-d67uev2.png

She's attempting to flashy +3 create an advantage, Sonokinetic Tank. Her sonokinetic stunt kicks in, giving her a further +2.
4d3-8+5 → [2,3,3,2,-8,5] = (7) Woo boy. Do you plan on defending against this? Either way, it's your move.

GM Fate pool: 0

Scene aspects:
Concrete Walls, Unseen Referee

All fired up [Lara, 0 I]

2014-08-25, 11:45 PM
Lara didn't like whatever it was that Ashlee was assembling her power into now. It was big, and pink, and probably going to cause Lara more trouble in the long run than the wings. Best put a stop to that. Lara focused, and the lava pools nearest to Ashlee stirred, forming into large, crude hands which streached out towards Ashlee, grasping and clawing at her energy construct, trying to tear it down before it finished forming.

Flashy Defense

[roll0] +3

Lara rolled her eyes at Ashlee's counter-quip, not bothering to reply. She wasn't big on the whole 'back and forth' banter in the middle of a fight, not when her time could be better spent reshaping her arm into a large magma drill, one which was larger than Lara's torso by a wide margin. Which, of course, Lara did. She then propelled her drill forward, launching it like a Heat-Seeking Radiating missle.

Flashy Attack

[roll1] +3

Spending a Fate Point To Reroll That one. Lara's cool under pressure, she wouldn't get shaken up by Battle Action Barbie.

Rolling my reroll since it didn't go through in the combat thread

[roll0] +3

3 Fate Points Remaining

2014-08-25, 11:56 PM
So Sonic Tank has one invoke on it, since it succeeded by 2.
The neon flickers slightly as your lava hands try to tear it about. Ashlee raises her voice, and a blast of pink energy pushes your hands away.

Maybe battle action barbie should be an aspect? I'll consider it. Flashy defend +3:
4d3-8+3 → [3,1,3,3,-8,3] = (5) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4619571/) Wow, that's good. You tie, so you gain a boost.

Your lava rockets explodes loudly against the tank. But once the smoke and fire clears, you see the tank standing strong.

"My turn." You can hear Ashlee's voice echo through the tank's cannon. Shortly before a sonic missile shoots out to hit you.

Flashy attack +3.
4d3-8+3 → [2,3,2,1,-8,3] = (3) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4619572/) Spend an invoke of 'Sonic Tank' to increase the total to 5.
GM Fate pool: 1

Scene aspects:
Concrete Walls, Unseen Referee

All fired up [Lara, 0 I]
Sonic tank [Ashlee, 0 I]

2014-08-26, 12:04 AM
You've refered to Ashlee as Lara in two consecutive posts now. I do not appriciate this.


Lara stood her ground against the oncoming tank blast. The lava hands which previously tore away at the pink armor of the tank now moved to intercept the bolt, raising up to catch the energy projectile in their burning grasp.

Flashy Defend

[roll0] +3

Thats a Tie right there.

As this happened, another pool of magma flowed through the chamber, creeping under the cumbersome tank. "You know, all That tank did was give me a bigger target. BRACE YOURSELF!" With a roar, it suddenly erupted upwards, a twenty foot tall fist of boiling stone and concrete that struck at the tank from beneath.

Big Flashy Attack

[roll1] +3

I'll take my free boost The Floor is (Somewhat) Lava TO give that a +2. However, Lara is also a Hotshot Freshmen with more power than she can handle. I'll spend a fate point to give that a further +2 ontop of the boost, for a total of 8

2014-08-26, 12:37 AM
Through the power of editing, you can't prove anything!
A tie on attack means ASHLEE gets a boost.

4d3-8+3 → [2,3,3,1,-8,3] = (4) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4619583/)
Spend my boost to increase it to 6. She takes two shifts of stress, which she will soak with a mild consequence 'Flustered and sweaty'. It's hot in that tank right now.

The tank is flipped on it's back, like a turtle who raves a bit too hard. The tank disolves into sonic energy, before reforming in it's proper form.

Ashlee is panting, as the tank is reformed, even bigger with three cannons instead of one.

She's trying to reinforce her Sonic tank aspect, creating more invokes. Flashy create advantage, +3, makes it +5 thanks to stunt:
4d3-8+5 → [2,2,1,1,-8,5] = (3)
Spend a fate point to reroll, using her high concept, Bubbly Sonic Constructing valley girl.
4d3-8+5 → [2,2,3,3,-8,5] = (7) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4619591/)

GM fate pool:1
Scene aspects:
Concrete Walls, Unseen Referee

All fired up [Lara, 0 I]
Advanced Sonic tank [Ashlee, TBD I]

Stress: [1] [2] [3]
Consequences: Sweaty and Flustered [Mild] (1 invoke)

2014-08-26, 07:48 AM
My god, what is it going to take to end this fight!? I thought for sure I had it with that last attack

Lara didn't give Ashlee time to fully reform her tank, instead attempting to press the advantage she had and keep the battle on Lara's terms. Clearly, ranged combat wasn't working, as the two girls seemed to be evenly matched. Perhaps by moving in closer, Lara could wear Ashlee down.

As the tank began to reform, Lara charged forward, each step leaving a red-hot footprint scorched onto the cement floor. "Still more worried about me!?" Lara cried as she contined to close the distance, getting right up next to Ashlee and pouring on the heat.

Flashy Defense (Lara is basically a big, burning sparkler right now. Except more dangerious)

[roll0] +3

Lara placed her hands on the shell of the tank, and pumped her elemental power outwards. Ashlee had trapped herself in a box, and Lara was going to turn it into an oven, along with the rest of the room with it.

[roll1] +2

Lara will Cleverly create an advantage here, Hotter than Hell. The room is sealed, and Ashlee is doubly sealed inside a tank, so Lara's going to turn up the heat as high as she can and see how long Ashlee can take it before giving out.

2 Fate points Remaining

2014-08-26, 08:38 AM
Your sparkling show, while impressive, doesn't hinder the creation of the improved tank, nor it's trinity of cannons.
It succeeded by 4, so it succeded with style, gaining two invokes.

Forceful +2, trying to resist the heat.
4d3-8+2 → [1,3,1,2,-8,2] = (1) You've created your advantage, hotter than hell.

Ashlee screams, as rolls back on her treads away from your hands. Her cannons glow with powerful sonic energy.

"II'LL VISIT YOU IN THE INFIRMARY!" She yells blasting you with all 3 cannons.

Flashy attack +3
4d3-8+3 → [3,1,2,1,-8,3] = (2) She uses both her Improved Sonic Tank's invokes to add 4, so the total is +6.

Describe how you defend. Then, if your not taken out, I concede.

I get 2 fate points, 1 for conceding, and 1 for Ashlee's consequence. I give you complete narrative control over Ashlee, for ending this fight with 2 restrictions:
1. Ashlee won't surrender. You need to knock her out, either with a punch, with heat exhaustion, from her tank exploding etc.
2. You can't inflict lethal harm on Ashlee.

Besides that, you have control over Ashlee for ending this fight. Go make it epic!

GM fate pool:1
Scene aspects:
Concrete Walls, Unseen Referee

All fired up [Lara, 0 I]
Advanced Sonic tank [Ashlee, 0 I]
Hotter than hell [Lara, 1 I]

Stress: [1] [2] [3]
Consequences: Sweaty and Flustered [Mild] (1 invoke)

2014-08-26, 09:39 AM
Lara Saw the glow as the sonic cannons prepared to fire, even through the heat shimmer rising up from the floor. Lara's arms extended, melding with the puddles of lava that spattled across the floor, drawing it upwards into a wall. There was a deep, rumbling groan as the rock quickly cooled, hardening back into stone, forming a jet black wall of obsidian.

Forcefully Defending with a big wall of volcanic rock.

[roll0] +2

I'll use my free invoke for hotter than hell to say that Ashlee's beginning to succumb to heat exhaustion and its throwing off her ability to concentrate, giving me a +2 to defend.

The blast reverberated through the room, and the dust cloud made it impossible to see more than arms reach away. For a moment, it was unclear who was left standing. But then the dim glow pierced the pyroclastic fog. Like hot embers over a camp fire, the light shone through, illuminating Lara, still standing there.

"We're going to have a fun year together" Lara said, with a genuine smile. Here she'd been, worried about getting a solid fight in for the first round, afraid she'd be unable to fully show off her skills. Now, she was just thankful that she'd gotten lucky in both her first match, and her roommate. The lava began flowing, condensing into tiny rivers and moats that slithered along the ground, returning to the girl who had created them in the first place. "Its a shame only one of us is going to get to advance though!". The threads of molten stone formed together, coiling into thicker cords that twisted and writhed almost as if they were alive.

Lara raised her hand, pointing it at Ashlee's tank. Responding to her will, the massive plumes of lava heaved forward, battering against the sides of the tank, the force alone was great enough to crack the cement flooring as they hammered against the pink construct again and again. Some struck from below, knocking it upwards, each strike juggling the tank through the air before circling around to hit at it again and again. With each pummeling hit, sections of the sonic force broke away, flickering out of existence as the power that maintained them was overwhelmed. As the last fragments began to yield, the magma fused together into a single mass. It almost appeared to take the form of a massive serpent, though perhaps that was just a trick of light. Engulfing the tank completely, as if the war machine were no more than a pebble in a child's fist. With a battle cry, Lara swung her hands down. The lava mimicked her motions, bringing a great crash as the tank was pile driven into the ground.

And with a great sudden stillness, the battle was ended, leaving Ashlee in a small crater on the combat floor. She was burnt and singed, battered and bruised, and didn't appear conscious, but she was still breathing and would likely recover, given the schools medical capabilities.

Lara herself was also in fairly decent shape. The same, however, could not be said for her uniform. Though built to withstand all manner of extreme conditions that a prospective hero might encounter, it had proven insufficient to handle the pure, elemental force that Lara radiated. Prolonged exposure to the heat from her powers had melted much of the uniform, leaving Lara half naked. Not that she cared, at least not for the time being. Certainly embarrassment at her attire would settle in before long. But for now, she was to busy enjoying her victory.

I'd like to compel Lara's More power than she can handle to say she burnt off most of her uniform in the midst of the fight. While still partially dressed (by PG-13 standards), its both embaressing and problematic given she's got more fights ahead of her and the school probably dosn't have a spare uniform thats fitted for her on hand. Even if they did, she'd probably burn through that one as well. yes, I know the uniforms are supposed to be tough enough to handle whatever the students can throw at them. Thats the point though, Lara's abilities are just that potent.

2014-08-26, 11:46 PM
Compel accepted.

Once the fire clears, the cell door opens and a woman in a white doctor's coat, not a school uniform walks in. She looks around amazed.

"My word, this place looks like Pompei." She then sees you standing there. "Goodness child, cover yourself!" Looking down at yourself, you see most of your uniform has burnt away, leaving barely more modesty than a bra and shorts. The woman takes off her jacket and wraps it around you.

"It will have to suffice. We'll see what we can do about getting you a replacement uniform." She shakes her head. "And people wonder why we separate the boys and girls rankings." The doctor headed to Lara and started checking her for injuries.

Head to IC thread when ready.

2014-08-29, 04:27 AM
Jennifer is standing at her position, as she waits for you to take position. Her arms are behind her back, as she stretches. The red head girl is lean, built like a marathon runner than a body builder.

"Combatants prepare for combat in 3, 2, 1. Go!" As combat begins, Jennifer backflips, getting some distance away from you. She ends in a crouch, and then in her hands white energy starts coalescing into a shining bow, with a glowing blue arrow ready to fire at you.

Jennifer moves first (Quick 3). she uses careful +2 to create an advantage, 'got a bead on you'.
4d3-8+2 → [3,2,2,2,-8,2] = (3) Spend a fatepoint to invoke her aspect, 'Know all the angles' for +2, for a total of 5.

GM fate pool:2
Scene aspects:
Concrete Walls, Unseen Referee

2014-09-02, 05:16 PM
One downside to this setup, is that I don't seem to have the opportunity to initiate the first move, and instead have to defend right out of the gate.

Also, I think I've lost track of my fate points. Is it 3 or 4?

Lastly, when can we fill in some of our unused stunts/aspects?

Even though her uniform had been mostly melted into slag, Lara entered the room proudly and seemingly without concern. Indeed, even a casual glance at her showed there wasn't a scratch on her. She gave a smile and a nod to her opponent, before taking a combat-ready stance as she awaited the countdown.

When the number hit zero, Lara gripped the hem of the lab robe she'd been given to help cover up. Now, she intended to use it as cover, whipping it off her shoulders with a flurry of movement as she spun on her heals. The lab coat twirled like a matadors cape, concealing Lara's postion as her enemy attempted to pin down her exact location, the cloth material catching fire as it spun, ignited from the rapidly rising heat

Flashy Defense: Dramatic Cape Swish! (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CapeSwish)

[roll0] +3

From under the cloak, Lara emerged, Arms turning molten once more, skin and bone and muscle giving way to obsidian and molten stone. Without the sleeves, it was easy to see the transformation, which extended almost up to Lara's shoulders.

I'll Recreate my "All Fired Up" Flashy Advantage from before, since it served me well last time

[roll1] +3

2014-09-08, 12:46 PM
One downside to this setup, is that I don't seem to have the opportunity to initiate the first move, and instead have to defend right out of the gate.
That's because in most conflicts, when deciding turn order, I choose an approach and whomever has the highest one of that approach goes first. For the combat rankings, I decided it would be Quick that was the initiative deciding approach. For ties I decide. In other confrontations, such as ambushes, I'd use sneaky or careful. For an exam or a University Challenge (there's an idea) I'd use Clever as the deciding approach.

Also, I think I've lost track of my fate points. Is it 3 or 4?
I'm not sure either. Let's say 4. I recommend tracking your fate points below your post.

Lastly, when can we fill in some of our unused stunts/aspects?
You can fill in all yurr aspects and your second stunt anytime once combat rankings start. Third stunt I have to ask you to hold off on. After combat rankings finish, you can put your final aspect down.

As you begin to go molten, Jennifer pulls her arrow back. You see it glow like a bright saphire.
Passive defense of +0. You succeed with style. two invokes.

Jennifer suddenly releases the arrow straight at you. The arrow is as long as a harpoon, but when it comes into contact with your heat, it bursts into a wave of bright water.

She is attempting to cleverly overcome your advantage, by hitting you with an elemental wave of water, turning your lava into solid rock, making it harder for you to move.

4d3-8+2 → [2,3,2,1,-8,2] = (2)
Spend a fate point to invoke 'I’ve got all the angles', to add +2, making it +4. You need to defend against this, because otherwise it will succeed against the passive difficulty.

2014-09-09, 11:41 AM
Lara saw her opponent notch another arrow, and reacted as fast as she could, morphing one of her arms into a large gaping maw of red-hot obsidian. The waves crashed against the molten stone, which seemed to 'chew' the gushing water, sending scalding jets of steam billowing out through the chamber as the arrow boiled in the heat.

Flashily Defending against the Scalding steam

[roll0] +3

Lara then rushed forward, closing the distance. She had no interest in keeping this fight at range, not when her sparring partner seemed to be reliant on her arrows to attack. Up close, Lara had the edge, and she wan't going to miss out on that. She made sure to choose the right angle of approach. If she just came at Jennifer head on, she might circle around. Lara wanted to use the confined space to box Jennifer in. As Lara darted left and right, she used her heat and pressure to force Jen back into a corner. No way out.

Lara will try to stratagically move to back Jennifer into a corner, and create the Clever advantage "No room to escape".

[roll1] +2

4 Fate Points

2014-09-09, 11:55 AM
Unfortunately, you didn't beat the +4, so the advantage held in place stands. Thus you need to change your narrative around to represent the fact your lava has cooled, keeping you rooted to your spot [Or spend fate points/invokes to raise your score]. So unless you remove the aspect somehow, you won't be able to duck, or run around like you want to.

2014-09-09, 12:54 PM
Ok, I'll spend a fate point to invoke Hotshot Freshmen with more power than she can handle. Lara's got more raw power to throw around than jennifer, so she's able to boil the water faster than it can cool her lava. +2 to defense.

3 Fate Points

2014-09-09, 07:44 PM
Using quick at +3 to prevent you creating an advantage:
4d3-8+3 → [2,3,2,1,-8,3] = (3)
She beats your score by 2. The advantage is now, "The hunted has become the hunter." but Jennifer has the invoke.

Jennifer backs away from your advance, running and gunning, but each shot just missing. As you get her in a corner, she turns and runs straight at the wall, before running up it.

Several feet off the ground she pushes away, before a new arrow forms, this one a clear white. In mid backflip, she fires the arrow, which turns into a gust of air, propelling over you, until she lands crouched behind you.

"I'm gonna put a few more holes in your little outfit." She notes, before firing an arrow at you, this one glowing light blue.

She quickly attacks at +3 with her ice arrows. Her stunt activates, An arrow for every opportunity. I gain a +2 to Quickly attack with my Elemental arrows. So +5. 4d3-8+5 → [2,1,3,1,-8,5] = (4) She spends her invoke, hunter has become the hunted, to make it a +6.

GM fate pool:2
Scene aspects:
Concrete Walls, Unseen Referee

All fired up [2 Invokes]
Hunter has become the hunted [0 Invokes]

2014-09-16, 08:12 AM
Lara grimaced with frustration as she was out maneuvered, finding herself outflanked by a faster opponent. She turned, and just in time, because she was staring at another arrow being notched and leveled in her direction. Lara countered by forming a small, foritifed shield out of hardened obsidian, to act as a barrier against the next attack.

Forceful defend via solid shield of rock

[roll0] +2

Ouch, only a +1 on a 6 shift attack. Thats not going to work!

I'll use one free invocation of "All fired up" to get a +2. The heat will help to counteract the spread of the ice. That gets me up to 3 shift hit. I'll check off my 3rd stress box. Not fun.

Lara kept hold of her shield, even as the ice crept around it and stung at her exposed skin. Didn't matter if her heat melted it just as quickly, the frost stung quite a lot. While she refocued herself and steadied her stance, her free hand created a matching Spear of obsidian, jet black and razor sharp. Ranged fighting wasn't working, and she'd need to take this fight close if she wanted to continue to hold the edge. Well, either that, or just engulf the entire arena in a pyroclastic flow. But then, that'd break the rule against lethal force, since she'd seen no evidence that her opponent had any way to directly resist the heat. She could only avoid and evade. Much as Lara wanted to win, she didn't want to give anyone a reason to think she was some bloodthirsty psycho.

So, that left her with only one approach: To Arms!

Lara will form her obsidian into a sword and shield, styled after a roman hoplite. Flashy advantage "Vulcan's Arsenal"

[roll1] +3

Current Advantages:

All Fired Up- 2 Invocations

3 Fate Points

2014-09-16, 11:57 AM
Seeing the arsenal your creating, she attempts to shoot your weapon out of your hand. The arrow she fires is a steel grey.

Defending against your create advantage. Using Careful +2 [aiming], she gets:
4d3-8+2 → [1,3,2,1,-8,2] = (1)
You create a boost, rather than the advantage.

The obsidian cracks, but retains it's form. You doubt it would last longer than one strike. The arrow dissolves into what looks like metal sand.

Taking aim, Jennifer pulls back on the bow string and fires another arrow, this one white and whispy. Just before the arrow reaches you, it explodes, and your buffeted by a large force of wind.

She's crying to quickly create the advantage, 'knocked back' on you, at +3.
4d3-8+3 → [1,2,2,1,-8,3] = (1)

GM fate pool:2
Scene aspects:
Concrete Walls, Unseen Referee

All fired up [1 Invokes] (You spent one to protect against the attack)
Hunter has become the hunted [0 Invokes]

2014-09-16, 12:40 PM
Lara braced as the wind hit her, the lava that naturally pooled around her as she fought stirred and began moving to anchor her in place against the arrows gust.

Forceful defend against the windstorm


Tie grants A boost

Lara looked at her arrmenets, and wasn't satisfied. She quickly began reinforcing the existing material, adding more layers ontop of it to strengthen the stonework. The magma pool at her feet flowed upwards, over her body, creating armor to match her spear and shield.

A boost isn't good enough for me! I'll create the flashy advantage "Soldier Of Pompii", by building on my exsisting armor to make it harder, better, faster, stronger.

[roll1] +3

Use the Boost For a Reroll

[roll]4d3-8 +3

All fired Up- 1 use

Fate Pool: 3

2014-09-16, 07:33 PM
She's quickly trying to stop your advantage, by flash freezing all the armor. +3:
4d3-8+2 → [3,3,2,2,-8,2] = (4) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4646233/)
Beat your roll by 1. Your advantage fails, and a new one is created called, "I did want to build a snowman", but Jennifer gets a free invoke.

As you cover yourself in armor fitting a roman god, Jennifer pulls back her bow, and fires a bright blue arrow. As it hits your armor, a layer of frost covers the shield, before travelling down your arm, and finally over most of you, including your armor.

Jennifer smirks. "You know when they say, stay frosty," But rather than continue her joke, she forms a new arrow. This one appears the size of a javelin, and is green.

She fires the arrow, and you see it grow into the size and form of a literal oak tree, heading straight for you!

She's quickly attacking at +3, her stunt increases this to +5.
4d3-8+5 → [2,2,1,1,-8,5] = (3)
I spend a boost from the knockback boost to increase this to 5. I then spend the boost I got from 'I did want to build a snowman', to make it +7.
Your move.

Remember, you can come up with your second stunt at any time, and it would apply for this fight instantly. I consider it a form of trial by fire-you discover more about what you can do in an actual fight scenerio. Or in the case of aspects, discover more about who you are.

2014-09-19, 08:29 AM
With that in mind, I'd like to add the following Stunt to my character

Superior Firepower: Because of the sheer, overwhelming force of my elemental power, I get +2 to Forcefully Attack with Lava

I'm also having a bit of buyers remorse over my current To hot to handle stunt. It dosn't seem to be nearly as useful thus far as I'd have hoped.

Lara's magma flared up at the challenge, forming a burning, spinning saw blade to bisect and incinerate the incoming tree. Who in there right mind would think to attack A volcano with something so readily combustible?

Flashy Defense Via Magma Buzz saw

[roll0] +3

Fate Point To Reroll, invoking Lara's Hot as she is cool aspect. She wouldnt let the pressure of the fight get to her.

Lara stood strong, charging forward with a feirce war cry. The lava flowed with her, like a boiling tidal wave. Closing in tight, she bashed the sheild against Jennifer to push her off balance, before thrusting with the spear. Not to impale the girl, that would be needlessly cruel. But to pin her in place as the magma surged forward.

Forceful Attack Via 1-2 punch of spears and magma
[roll1] +4

Free Invoke on All Fired up to raise that by +2, Spend a Fate Point on "More power than she can handle" to raise it by 2 more.

2014-09-23, 10:41 AM
So you've marked your second stress box. Would you mind posting and keeping track of your health/consequences, so I don't lose it?

Your magma buzz saw, despite how impressive it looked, didn't protect you from some splinters that went near your eye. Luckily it only irritated your vision, rather than causing any damage.

Using Quick +3, away from your attack .4d3-8+3 → [2,3,1,2,-8,3] = (3)
Take mild consequence, 'uncomfortably hot'. She gains two stress.

Seeing you run towards her, she surprises you, by running straight back at you. Your shield however checks her to the ground, and you hear her wince. She quickly front flips herself just as the lava is coming-and lands on your shoulders.

Suddenly you feel a pair of legs wrapped around your neck-did she put you in a leg lock? Then you see her hold out a white arrow in front of you-which suddenly expands. But instead of air blasting at you, you feel the air leaving your mouth-she's trying to choke you out!

Clever +2 create advantage: 4d3-8+2 → [2,1,1,3,-8,2] = (1)
Spend a fate point to invoke, 'know all the angles' and another to invoke 'hunted is now the hunter' to make a total of +5. Trying to create advantage, 'choking' on you.

GM fate pool:1
Scene aspects:
Concrete Walls, Unseen Referee

All fired up [1 Invokes] (You spent one to protect against the attack)
Hunter has become the hunted [0 Invokes]

Stress: [1] [2] [3]
Consequence: Mild 'uncomfortably hot'

OOC: Just a note- this part of the match is not being televised to the boys side. For...obvious reasons.