View Full Version : My wife's wizard...

2014-08-23, 05:11 PM
My wife came up with this for an upcoming campaign, and wanted a 2nd source of feedback other than myself (I told her I liked it >.>). The concept was an arcane caster with a bit of survivability, not a gish or a theurge, and to be blasty. We have a relatively large group (6 players, I think) so BFC wasn't a concern (nor was it appealing to her).

The rest of the party (if you are interested) consists of a Bugbear Dread Commando, a Lesser Tiefling Paladin of Tyranny/Blackguard/Warrior of Darkness, a Spymaster/Invisible Blade/Master Thrower, a Bard, and probably a Cleric.

Lesser Drow (as per PGtF) Wizard (Fighter feat Variant) 5/War Mage (DL:AoM) 5/War Wizard of Cormyr (MoF) 5/Abjurant Champion (CM) 5

1 - Combat Casting
1b- Improved Initiative [Fighter Bonus Feat]
3 - Eschew Materials
5b- Weapon Focus (Rapier) [Fighter Bonus Feat]
6 - Weapon Finesse
7b- Enlarge Spell [War Mage Bonus Metamagic Feat]
9 -
9b- Widen Spell [War Mage Bonus Metamagic Feat]
11- Weapon Focus (Ranged Spell) [War Wizard Feature]
12- Ranged Spell Specialization
12b-Maximize Spell [War Wizard Bonus Metamagic Feat]
14b-Chain Spell [War Wizard Bonus Metamagic Feat]

She (and I, to be honest) are a little at a loss for the 3 remaining feats, but as a whole, are happy with the build. Available books are pretty much any published 3.5.

2014-08-23, 05:16 PM
What spells? Spells are the main determinant of what a Wizard will be able to do.

2014-08-23, 05:17 PM
If she wants to be blasty, maybe one of the blasty reserve feats would suit her, would give her an at will blasty power as long as she keeps 1 spell prepared and uncast.

2014-08-23, 05:20 PM
What spells? Spells are the main determinant of what a Wizard will be able to do.

Haven't made it to spell selection yet, would probably need some help in that department. Also haven't decided if she will specialize, or if she'll use a familiar or not...

If she wants to be blasty, maybe one of the blasty reserve feats would suit her, would give her an at will blasty power as long as she keeps 1 spell prepared and uncast.

Good, point, I forgot about those! Any recommendations? I normally play rogue or paladin type characters >.>

Divide by Zero
2014-08-23, 05:28 PM
Is she determined to play a wizard? For a blaster, I'd rather go with sorcerer, mainly because of some of their unique spells - (Greater) Arcane Fusion, Wings of Flurry, and Arcane Spellsurge (not technically sorcerer-only, but they get the most out of it because of their metamagic mechanic) being the biggest ones. Between those three you can pretty easily be throwing around hundreds of force damage and multiple saves vs daze every round at high levels.

2014-08-23, 05:32 PM
They all have their advantages, I like acidic splatter cause it gives no save for half.
Clap of thunder also grants no save for half damage, but it gives a save vs deafening, sadly it needs a melee touch attack, so a bit risky, but sonic resistance is rare.
Fiery burst can set fire to things, not just people.
Winter's blast hits a 15 foot cone, but gives a save for half and only does d4/spell level instead of d6

If she takes heighten spell she can always have the right type of spell in her highest spell slot.
If she has an elemental theme going, the choice will be obvious.

2014-08-23, 05:33 PM
Is she determined to play a wizard? For a blaster, I'd rather go with sorcerer, mainly because of some of their unique spells - (Greater) Arcane Fusion, Wings of Flurry, and Arcane Spellsurge (not technically sorcerer-only, but they get the most out of it because of their metamagic mechanic) being the biggest ones. Between those three you can pretty easily be throwing around hundreds of force damage and multiple saves vs daze every round at high levels.

I don't know that she's specifically set on Wizard, I know she likes the spontaneous casting of Sorcerer and Favored Soul, but with the concept she gave me, that was the only way we could squeeze it all in. If you have another stub that fulfills that criteria, I'd love to see it :D

2014-08-23, 05:38 PM
MThe concept was an arcane caster with a bit of survivability

I don't see Faerie Mysteries Initiate (from Dragon Magazine) on that feat list. Adding Int to HP (instead of Con) will make a wizard pretty darn beefy.

Divide by Zero
2014-08-23, 05:45 PM
I don't know that she's specifically set on Wizard, I know she likes the spontaneous casting of Sorcerer and Favored Soul, but with the concept she gave me, that was the only way we could squeeze it all in. If you have another stub that fulfills that criteria, I'd love to see it :D

Is there more to the concept than "blaster with survivability"? With smart spell choices, a sorcerer only needs one or two blasting spells per level, maybe even none at some levels (especially if you have the right metamagic), so you can fill the rest with defensive buffs. Put Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil in there somewhere, and now you don't die ever.

2014-08-23, 05:46 PM
She should consider getting an Elvencraft (RotW) Composite Longbow (upgrade to Energy Bow (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ask/20061227a) later) and replace Weapon Focus/Finesse with Point-Blank Shot and Precise Shot, which are useful for ranged touch spells as well. Another option would be to upgrade it with spell charges as a magic staff (possibly via Item Familiar or Ancestral Relic) and use the Eilservs School weapon style feat from Drow of the Underdark.

Edit: Put Otherworldly (PGtF) at 1st level via Kn: Local 2 ranks for the Outsider creature type, which grants proficiency in all martial weapons, since I forgot Drow aren't proficient with bows. This will also enable her to Alter Self and (Draconic) Polymorph into Outsider forms, which are typically some of the strongest choices.

2014-08-23, 05:48 PM
Quicken spell is always a good thing to have

since it seems she is going more hybrid(with the fighter bonus feat variant and abjurant champion selections) than pure caster try arcane strike

also the Sudden meta-magic feats are always good :)

explosive spell I have had a lot of fun with in the past

repeat spell and twin spell are go tos, as is split ray ( I see she took weapon focus:ranged spell which I assume is really weapon:focus Ray)

lastly there is battle caster offense/defense.

2014-08-23, 07:01 PM
Overall, this is a good build for creating really big booms. It's not going to have the extremely high damage output of a metamagic reduction specialist, but what it lacks in power it certainly has in range and area. I would recommend Empower over Quicken at level 12b. It's a more efficient use of spell slots. For 15th, definitely choose Quicken. Sculpt Spell in that 9th level slot would also be a good choice for a blaster, especially one using large areas. If you have access to Dragon Compendium, I'd definitely recommend Easy Metamagic applied to Widen Spell, as Widen is otherwise rather expensive in spell slots for what it does.

I would agree that in general, a sorcerer base is a better choice for a blaster mage. The usefulness of effects like Widen and Enlarge varies on a round-by-round basis, and only a spontaneous caster has the flexibility to alter her spell load on that same round-by-round basis.

2014-08-23, 07:43 PM
Grey Elf Necropolotian Wizard with Fey Mysteries Initiate, Converted to an Undead By a Dread Necromancer in a Desecrated Area.

Thrice Dead Cat
2014-08-23, 08:51 PM
Another option is to simply take Stalwart Battle Sorcerer (Unearthed Arcana and Complete Mage). While it is certainly not without its downsides, SBS 15/Abjurant Champion 5 is much, much simpler in execution.

This may also be more in line with your group's power level, otherwise I'd stick to a more traditional gish set-up, possibly the King of Combust since she wanted blasting power.

2014-08-23, 09:08 PM
You could definitely use some meta magic reducers
Arcane Thesis
Practical metamagic (if you go sorcerer)
Residual metamagic
Easy metamagic
Metamagic school focus
Forceful magic

Plus a few classes like incanatrix and dweomerkeeper are never bad

2014-08-24, 12:34 AM
Grey Elf Necropolotian Wizard with Fey Mysteries Initiate, Converted to an Undead By a Dread Necromancer in a Desecrated Area.

You forgot the UA Necromancer with enhance undead for an extra 2 hp/HD