View Full Version : Regarding current controversies.

2014-08-24, 06:51 AM
I'm inquiring about the policy regarding current gaming journalism integrity.

In short, I want to make a thread about the conflict of intrests between Kotaku, Rock Paper Shotgun, and other video gaming sites and their relationship with the involved industry(not just a single person, but many people. Whatever the original individual was about, it's moved beyond that). Obviously making it on those sites would be preferred, but they're deleting those threads and most threads involved are showing bias or attempted bias. Even the Escapist forums, which allow discussion, still show a conflict of interest as conflict creators admit to friendship with multiple accused parties and their behavior is erratic, if not offensive in the case of Bob Chipman.

I'm hoping that GITP, being largely uninvolved, will be able to handle this fairly and without politics coming into this, or anything else hotbutton or rule breaking. Given the serious nature of some of the things happening(25k in charity money being compromised, thousands of posts being deleted in waves, the whole issue with Polytron), they deserve to be talked about with less bias than they're currently being presented as.

GITP, for what it's worth, is usually one of the best websites about this, and I'm hoping some good can come from questions being asked without being inflammatory.

2014-08-24, 01:10 PM
In my not-a-mod opinion, this would not be inherently rule-breaking, but would have a strong tendency to drift into rule-breaking territory. If this is really the only reasonable place you can find to discuss it, if I were a mod I would be inclined to allow it but require a strong prominent warning in the OP about being careful about the rules and "the mods are watching".

Wait for a mod's opinion and (if applicable) official statement that the mods will, in fact, be watching the thread before posting it.

2014-08-24, 01:17 PM
I PM'd Mark Hall about something similar to this (something happened in our group that was based on this and I wanted to post in the 'Things I may no longer do' thread) and he said "Everything about this screams no", so for what it's worth I doubt it.

Roland St. Jude
2014-08-24, 04:40 PM
Sheriff: It doesn't seem like one of the prohibited topics or something that will automatically bring in one of those prohibited topics. So in that respect, I'd say go ahead, if you want to, as long as nothing in your initial post will violate the Forum Rules. That said, I doubt the thread will last long, it'll probably devolve into flaming extremely quickly and drag in External Baggage from other forum discussions almost immediately.

So, technically, I'm not going to say no. I'm all for giving people a chance to talk about any allowed topic in a mature reasonable fashion. But practically, everything about screams don't bother or you're going to lead a bunch of people into Warnings/Infractions for what will likely be a very short messy thread.