View Full Version : Enchanting a Rod of Lordly Might?

2014-08-24, 10:49 PM
So a player of mine just acquired one of these Swiss-army weapons and was curious about whether or not she could have the flaming sword function Keened. I didn't have a good answer for her, as the Rod's effective enhancement bonus as a whole is +14 already, so obviously it functions more like a double weapon in that each striking surface counts as it's own weapon. So could she activate the sword function, take it to an enchanter, and have it Keened? Or does it's status as a rod, rather than a legit weapon, prevent this? The DMG is less than clear.

2014-08-24, 10:51 PM
So a player of mine just acquired one of these Swiss-army weapons and was curious about whether or not she could have the flaming sword function Keened. I didn't have a good answer for her, as the Rod's effective enhancement bonus as a whole is +14 already, so obviously it functions more like a double weapon in that each striking surface counts as it's own weapon. So could she activate the sword function, take it to an enchanter, and have it Keened? Or does it's status as a rod, rather than a legit weapon, prevent this? The DMG is less than clear.

the MIC on the other hand, states that you can add more abilities to a magical item regardless of whether its armor, a weapon, or something else, and from my perspective i would probably agree with the "Double-weapon" interpretation

2014-08-24, 10:53 PM
So she could Keen the sword, but the enchant would not also apply to, say, the battleaxe. Cool.

2014-08-24, 11:15 PM
First you have to put on your robe and your wizard hat...