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View Full Version : Any interested?

2014-08-25, 11:20 AM
Anyone familiar with making "stats" for characters in things such as D&D? Would be I send character name, or image, like arkham batman and you fill in/make up stats and feats and skills/attributes he should have and such based on history of character. Will be some variations on some characters, with lewd/erotic based ones being common. Design of how you do it and all are up to you ^^ Budget is flexible. Any interested? Looking to hire someone. Will pay.

2014-08-25, 11:30 AM
Would you clarify something for me?

Are you looking to hire someone to do this, or am I misreading budget is flexible?

2014-08-25, 11:32 AM
If indeed there is payment involved, I would be interested.

2014-08-25, 11:33 AM
Hire someone. Name your price :)