View Full Version : Your Adventure Begins Here (IC )

2014-08-25, 11:24 AM
So your adventure begins!

2014-09-05, 08:33 PM
after traveling the countryside, your adventuring band comes across a bustling little town by the name of Sandpoint, situated on a peninsula. You approach from the north gate, which has a high stone wall and impressive portcullis gate, and leads down what seems to be the main road of the town, called "Church Street". Before you stands easily the largest building in the village, Sandpoint cathedral. There is a wonderful tavern called "The White Deer" just across the street from it, with a pair of life sized deer statues painstakingly carved from white birch standing out front of it. Your arrival is well timed, as they are just starting a festival of some kind, likely to celebrate the autumnal equinox. As you enter the town, you can hear passers by make small talk about the consecration of the new church, and how it was finally finished, after the last one burned down five years ago. as the party approaches the square before the church, they hear someone call for everyone's' attention. The mayor, who's name is Mayor Deverin, steps up to give a short speech with a friendly attitude and an air of excitement about her, welcoming visitors from neighboring towns and jokes about how even Larz Rovansky, the local tanner and notorious workaholic managed to tear himself away from his work to join them, much to everyone's amusement, except Larz's. Sherif Belor brings the excitement down a bit by reminding everyone to be safe near the bonfire that evening, and requesting a moment of silence in memory of those who were lost in the fire several years before. The next speaker is scheduled to be a local nobleman, Lonjiku Kaijitsu, but a sudden illness has prevented him from attending, to no ones surprise, given his well known dislike of frivolities. the next speaker is more than up to the challenge of bringing the crowds spirits back up, as its Sandpoints own showman, Cyrdak Drokkus. he delivers a not entirely unrelated story of how the town went through the long process of financing the new church, and throws in a bit of self promotion at the end, as is his wont, inviting everyone to stop by the Sandpoint theater the following evening to see his new production of "The Harpies Curse", revealing that the lead role will be none other than the famous magnimarian diva Allishanda! finally, father Zantus steps up to give a short speech thanking everyone for attending before declairing the SwallowTail Festival underway. around the edges of the square the party can see that merchant tents have been set up all around them, with free food from the local taverns, clothing, local crafts, and souvenirs for visitors and locals alike. there also seem to be games of skill and ability scattered about the square, tug of war, weightlifting, and hide and seek being the most readily visible, though others are around. no one seems to win anything but a ribbon, and bragging rights, but for many resident, this is a fine prize indeed!

2014-09-05, 08:52 PM
Upon reaching that of the festival Mori had glanced about the festivities, finding the hide and seek competition to be rather amusing she decided to enter, her dark robes and skin complexion would of easily made it a no brainer to hide in the shadows of a building or a tree, which ever was around in the gaming area

Stealth check [roll0]

2014-09-05, 09:00 PM
Once losing track of her companion she seem'ed to blink but a few times feeling like a weed among flowers, willing that of her scaled tail to coil up underneath the gown she wore and gave her chain-mail shirt a slight tug before gathering up enough nerve to walk up to the tug-of-war event going on awaiting each local and visitor to take there positions before she too grabbed hold of the rope closest to the middle. Somewhat towering over most her slender features gave the wrong impression before the small game begun, and she begun pulling upon the rope, with the aim to win said game.

2014-09-05, 09:04 PM
"We arived!" Shira spoke out with glee as she ran off into festivities enjoying the food until she caught wind of the hide and seek competition herself, she knew she could easily out stealth that of the drow sorcereress known as mori. a simple chuckle escaping her lips as she went off into the gaming area and climbed a tree


2014-09-05, 09:11 PM
[[I forgot to roll]]

2014-09-05, 09:13 PM
having been left behind as he stood at the back of the group looking around the setting, the smell of fresh food hit jerry's nostils and the kitsune began to lightly smile, following the smell he approuched a local food vendor with a free food sign as be began to drool slightly, looking about at all that was availible, he waved down the vendor behind the counter with a smile and pointed to an item still steaming fresh in the back

"what this lovely smelling food? and may i please have some..?"

2014-09-05, 09:13 PM
[roll0] ...

2014-09-05, 09:18 PM
[roll0] ...

Sorry i failed the past three times on trying to fix my roll x.x

2014-09-05, 09:41 PM
The children search high and low for Mori, looking everywhere they can think of. 1d20+0

2014-09-05, 09:54 PM
[roll0] (the kids looking for her

2014-09-05, 10:08 PM
The children find neither of the hiders, and the judges themselves have difficulty locating shira, though most of them did their best to keep an eye on mori. after the contestants have been rounded up, and a few frustrated children placated with candy, shira is presented with a black and silver ribbon of silk, to show her mastery of the stealth.

2014-09-10, 09:09 AM
as the rope pulling contest begins, the crowd starts cheering for the teams they hope to win, though they do seem to be favoring the newcommers team. both sides give a mighty pull, and one team is left in the dust.


the opposing team falls flat on their faces like children, not even posing a challenge before your might. as the contest ends, you are given a red ribbon, representing strength!

2014-09-10, 09:24 AM
(jerry) "oh! that would be the peppercorn venison. here, why dont you try some?" a man with a stern and somewhat quiet voicce turns you you with a plate piled high with meat, with a covering of pepercorn sause and juniper leaves, offering it to you. "im hoping that it beats out the curry spiced salmon that Ameiko made, or the lobster chowder made by the hagfish. who would want a chowder from a hagfish? ick...

2014-09-10, 09:36 PM
After losing her competition to shira she'd walk off to go join jerry. " this place is rather peaceful, though i don't think that the citizens here are rather glad to see me here. Could just be things getting to my head. " she'd chuckle a bit. " i wonder if there is any gambling here. she thought to herself but the search would be done at a later time.

2014-09-10, 09:43 PM
" yay i won!! " she cried out to the heavens in glee before shortly joining mori and jerry over at the feast that was prepared by the citizens. " isn't this place wonderful. look how happy everyone is. it'd be a shame if anything had happend. " she glanced up at both jerry and mori while she had spoken to the duo

2014-09-10, 11:56 PM
having stuffed his face with most of the peppercorn venison, the male kitsune was still chewing on most the meal within his mouth as he lightly held up the plate toward the two of them offering a slice as he looked around for Nuviette, being sure to save her a slice on the plate as there had been three slices remaining.

2014-09-29, 03:20 PM
The day wears on and everyone has a good time, the sun hits its peak, and slowly descends, the fair winds down, but is still full of life. a sharp retort, like the crack of distant thunder slices through the excited crowd as the suns setting rays paint the western sky. A stray dog that has crawled under a nearby wagon to sleep starts awake, and the buzz of two dozen convversations dies down quickly, as all heads turn to the central podium, where a beaming father zantus has taken the stage. He clears his throat, takes a breath to speak, and suddenly a womans scream pierces the air. a few moments later, another scream arises, and another. beyond them, a sudden surge on new voices rises- high-pitched, tittering shrieks that sound not quite human. the crowd parts and something low races by, giggling with disturbing glee as the stray dog gives a pained yelp and a gurgle as it colapses, its throat cut from ear to ear. as blood pools around its head, the raucous sound of a strange song begins, chanted from shrill, scratchy voices.