View Full Version : A Broken Tower, IC

2014-08-25, 07:22 PM
Shadow of the Colossus - Prologue (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJnfkb1hKv4)

Last night was a nightmare. The day had seemed uneventful enough to start with; Omid had spent most of the day studying in the upper levels of the tower, where the apprentices were forbidden to go, as was his usual habit. Gunner had spent most of the day doing the various odd jobs around the tower that nobody else ever bothered with; cleaning, cooking (and making sure everyone stopped their various obsessions long enough to eat, a truly heroic task some days), and securing the various reagents and supplies that Omid and the other apprentices requested each day. It was the sort of scut work you'd expect from the younger apprentices rather than the eldest one, but he seldom complained. How he ever found time to actually study was a mystery.

Day turned to evening, and the storm set in. Even through a foot of solid stone, you could tell that it was a bad one. An hour or two after sunset, Omid came down, looking frazzled, and urged the three of you to retire to your rooms in the first basement level for the night. It was unlike the mage to give orders directly, but when he made a suggestion, he generally expected compliance. That was, in all likelihood, your first clue that something was wrong.

Your second clue was that he locked you in.

After that, the night passed in a surreal blur. The storm got so loud that you could hear the winds even down there, and the occasional shuddering boom of thunder like a punch to the gut. Gunner tried to act calm, even going to bed (perhaps in the hopes of encouraging you to do the same), even though his tension was obvious. A few hours after midnight, the tower shook down to its very foundations as if struck. That got even Gunner up, but the door was blocked and resisted every effort to open it, even after you simply removed the lock and hinges.

There were sounds of what could only have been battle -- another blast, a shrieking wind, a voice raised in anger but too muffled to make out -- and then silence, so complete and stifling that it was almost an assault of its own. The sound of the storm, the battle, even your own breathing seemed to just cut out, and your voices felt dulled and weak. That was also when whatever force held the door shut finally gave out.

The tower was a shambles. Whatever happened must have hit the top story directly; the door on the ground floor was still locked and barred. Blinding light pierced through the cracks in the ceiling, as if the sun itself had descended onto the roof, and thin blue flames danced along solid stone with unnatural tenacity. If you were bold enough to charge up anyway, the scene at the top was a bleak one. Omid was crumpled against a wall in what had been the library, now all but completely destroyed. Half of the wall had fallen away, and two men stood in the gaping hole where a shelf of lovingly-maintained tomes once stood. The simple grey robes they wore were slashed and charred from battle, but the men themselves seemed unharmed as they watched the devastation.

In the piercing light -- one of them seemed to be producing it from one hand -- it was hard to make out details, but their demeanors deemed entirely relaxed. One had a band of grey cloth around his eyes, and the other's lips were stitched together with ghastly black lines. The mute one just watched, and the blind one just laughed, and as soon as you burst in, they casually stepped off the tower and became one with the roaring wind.

The fires faded, eventually, and you were able to keep them from damaging any of the lower floors, but the top two -- Omid's personal lab and library -- were unsalvagable. In the thin light of morning, it looks even bleaker than before. The town seems to be in even worse condition, lacking the tower's fortitude against the storm. Half of the buildings have been blown apart, and people are starting to work on digging each other out of their cellars. Gunner seems to be in shock, alternating between staring blankly at the ruin and wandering aimlessly around the tower. Eventually, he just sits next to Omid's body upstairs.

Last night was a godawful mess. The storm came in hard and fast, too vicious and unseasonal to be natural, but everyone was more focused on battening down the hatches to put much thought into it. When the tower started exploding, well, priorities shifted.

Nobody was fool enough to go and interfere. That's not what the guards were here for, and it's certainly not what the rest of you were here for. The mage would handle the problem, and if he couldn't, what the hell would the rest of you do to it anyway? The focus quickly changed from weathering the storm to getting the hell out of the line of fire, evacuating anyone in the immediate fallout zone through the deadly storm. Over several tense and exhausting hours, anyone who didn't have a cellar to shelter in made it to the village's modest garrison.

You didn't see the fight, but you heard it when the storm fell quiet. Anyone who poked their head out saw the light pouring from the top of the tower, brilliant and somehow awful, and felt the weight of silence like chains settle over them. The light cut off abruptly after a minute, and the silence faded slowly after that, but the storm was already losing strength by then. This morning, the sky is as clear as ever. If it weren't for the carnage, there would be no hint of last night's mayhem.

At the moment, the four of you are still in the garrison. Apart from you, only a few of the residents seem to have overcome their initial paralyzing shock and horror. Auggie Rivers was one of the first to act, directing the efforts to get those trapped in their cellars and houses un-buried, and Mouse silently took off to god only knows where, but everyone else -- about twenty people, at the moment -- seems to be staring at you all expectantly.

2014-08-25, 08:42 PM
"Come on, we've got to get people out of their homes and assess the damage," Ariel says to the expectant villagers. "About ten of you go with Auggie, please. I want someone to assess the damage to the walls, and someone, for the love of hell, see how much of the stored food survived. We're gonna need that."

Ariel fingers the grim, stone-hilted blade at her waist. "I'll be with Auggie. To help those beyond saving."

Happy Gravity
2014-08-25, 08:57 PM
"Yooou go ahead and do that," Callista sighs, standing and stretching. "I'm checking the tower, see how the Man Upstairs and his kiddies are doing."

2014-08-26, 09:52 AM
Chryszia spends time locked in readying herself, secreting away as many weapons, vials, and so forth as she can, before moving to investigate the door. She'll spend as long as it takes quietly probing, testing, and investigating the door until it opens.

Upon seeing what has unfolded, she purses her lips but says nothing.

After some careful consideration, she speaks quickly and quietly: "We need to quickly and quietly sweep the wreckage for anything lurking; be ready for ambush. Collect anything fragile and valuable; don't want to lose anything more than we have. Hide or destroy anything that might upset the townsfolk more than they already are; I'm sure someone is on their way to discover what happened." She has already begun moving briskly about the rubble, whip neatly coiled in her hand, a glowing vial in the other, peering into the dark corners. If she sees either Gunner or Emmet complying with her directive, but lacking light, she has extra glowing vials to give them.

2014-08-26, 11:33 AM
"In my expert opinion digging them out th' rubble won't do any good if they won't be 'round for daylight. And as my mother used to say there's less digging to do if you start at the top."

Everett follows behind Callista, keeping pace. The expression on his face does not show expectation to be greeted by survivors. And since Greytower's finest has finally begun to leap into action he might as well lend a hand.

"B'sides. I live here."

2014-08-26, 04:33 PM
Emmet stands still, unsure what to do for a moment after Chryszia finishes speaking. In the next moment, the small mote of flame floating around the young man flares, a high-pitched voice interspersed with the sound of crackling flames loudly saying, "Well you heard her, go grab one of those swords you made or something so we can fight whatever's waiting!"

Spurred into action by the forge spirit's orders, Emmet murmurs "I'll be right back." before quickly turning and walking back to his room. A minute or so later, he returns wearing an ornate sabre and his spring-loaded dart gun on his belt.

2014-08-26, 10:03 PM
The damage to the town is extensive, but not complete, as Everett and Callista see close-up on their walk to the tower. Some of the sturdier buildings, those with more stone or sturdier beams in their construction, have survived relatively intact. The flimsier houses are all but smashed, though, and it'll take weeks to get everything fixed. In mid-September, every hour of daylight is precious.

The damage to the tower is terrible. It could have survived a thousand storms, but not whatever hit it last night. It's almost like a meteor or a tremendous fist just slammed into it, knocking the top levels apart like a child's building blocks. Strangely intricate swirls are charred into the sides of the building where arcane fires raged, and huge chunks of rubble spot the earth for a dozen yards in every direction.

The door is still locked and barred, of course.

Meanwhile, Emmet and Chryszia start checking and securing what's left of the tower. The main danger wasn't so much that the attackers might have left something behind as that Omid might have been working on something dangerous; a spirit left suddenly un-bound wasn't the sort of thing you wanted running loose. Fortunately, nothing springs up as you poke around. After a minute, Gunner finally rouses himself, looking utterly miserable, and starts mumbling something about giving the old man a decent funeral. It's arguably a less important priority than fixing the damage, but it's the one he seems to have latched onto right now.

Omid's main laboratory was on the top floor, which is completely destroyed right now. If anything was up there last night, it's not anymore. His library is almost ruined, the shelves and books scourged by fire and water. A few things might have survived by sheer chance, but picking them out will take time. The huge oak-and-iron chest that normally sat against the now-open wall is missing, but a quick glance picks it out laying on the ground outside with the rubble. Remarkably, it seems to be intact.

After a few moments of investigating, Emmet opens one of the cabinets. Normally full of ink and parchment, much of it is ruined by the chaos of last night. The rest of it is ruined when a shrieking whirlwind of tiny claws and evil yellow eyes bursts from the darkness and does its solemn best to eviscerate Emmet before darting between his legs and making a break for it. The cat, Velvet, was the closest thing Omid had to a proper familiar; Gunner insisted that it had a demon in it, and it certainly seemed too smart by half, but if it was a demon, it had apparently never seen the urge to share that fact or communicate with the apprentices. It weaves around Emmet, trying to dodge him before heading toward the stairs like a shot.

OOC: Emmet can make an attempt to grab the cat as it passes, if desired.

2014-08-26, 10:09 PM
"Gah!" "Demon cat attack!"

Emmet quickly and carefully tries to grab the cat as it dashes out.

[roll0] +1 if it's a dexterity check, +5 if it's an attack roll (using Cunning Insight to boost it)

2014-08-26, 11:20 PM
"I'll come with you," Theodoric says to Ariel. "I think the others should be fine. "

2014-08-29, 07:03 PM
Auggie Rivers is a tiny, doughy woman with eyes like flint, and one of the closest things that Greytower has to a de facto leader, mostly by virtue of the fact that half of the town is related to her or one of her brood. As usual, she's draped in a brown robe almost as shapeless as she is, and barking orders at the half-dozen grandchildren assigned to her dominion. However abrasive she may be, though, she's certainly efficient, and complies with Ariel's command to survey the damage with her motley crew.

Mercifully, despite the damage to the town, Ariel and Teddy's grim patrol uncovers only two fatalities. Walder Grey, the smith, was in the habit of drinking himself into a stupor by sunset each night, and tonight's was apparently complete enough that he never even heard the roof come down on him. Molly Rivers's death is rather more tragic; from the look of it, she was trying to help her severely pregnant sister make it to the garrison when a deceptively small chunk of debris from the tower split open her skull. Her sister made it in one piece, at least.

In the distance, you can spot Mouse's distinctively large silhouette in the rubble field around the tower. He seems to be moving with a purpose, as if searching for something. Jonah Miller, meanwhile, is marching toward the tower with a grimly determined set to his jaw, and pounds loudly on the door as soon as he arrives.

Emmet's hand almost closes around the cat's tail, but it slips between his legs and down the stairs. Fortunately, the door is still closed, foiling any attempts at escape, so it darts down to the lower levels to hide somewhere in the warren of storerooms and bedrooms.

Whether Everett and Callista decide to knock or not, they're soon joined by Jonah Miller, who seems to be bearing down determinedly on the tower. He doesn't even pause to nod a greeting to them, focused entirely on his mission. As soon as he reaches the door, he pounds loudly on it and shouts.

"Is anyone in there?"

His voice is calm, but the tension in his face and shoulders betrays his nerves. Certainly there are few people in town who would have dared to approach the tower so boldly, no matter how harmless Omid may have seemed in most company.

Happy Gravity
2014-08-29, 07:47 PM
Callista leans against the wall of the tower, watching Jonah calmly. Once he is done, she reaches up and raps the door with the back of her hand. She calls out, "Hey! This is Callista of the Guard."

She continues, rubbing her chin thoughtfully, "I'd like to get some answers for the townsfolk. We don't get an answer in the next...three minutes, we're forcing the door."

2014-08-29, 09:24 PM
Everett looks up at the hole in the tower, shielding his eyes from the sun with a rough hand.

"I'd be willing to wager one of us could climb in. Or we could throw rocks until we get the attention of somebody not wearing a helmet. There's no need to waste a perfectly good door."

2014-08-30, 09:15 AM
A door which Chryszia opens.

“There is no need for climbing and certainly no need for breaking in.”

Chryszia looks at each of them and calls to mind anything she’s learned about each of them. Tempting to lie and try to contain matters, but it would be impossible to maintain and only cause problems down the road. “There was a wizard duel; Omid locked us in our rooms, destroyed much of the tower in the fighting, and died, releasing us. His assailants left by magical means. We’ve been making sure no experiments were set loose, enchantments unraveled, et cetera, to make sure there are no... aftershocks.”

2014-09-01, 10:14 PM
Everett's brow furrows and his eyes look to the ground. Someone might catch a faint scent of woodsmoke emanating from his ears as he remains lost in thought. After a decently long

"So... who gets his stuff?"
And one horrific realization later,
"The stuff that didn't explode. Or is murderously rampaging. And the town aint going to be happy about it... We've got dead most like. That storm couldn't have been... natural. Aww that aint good."

2014-09-02, 08:05 PM
Ariel sighs and squats down on her heels near the two bodies, her eyes sad and distant. She is silent, for a long while, before her hand strays to the stone hilt at her waist.

"Bring their families here. These people need to be laid to rest."

Happy Gravity
2014-09-03, 02:45 AM
Callista rolls her eyes at Everett's remarks, pushing herself off of the wall to stand somewhat at attention. Just typical.

"So, he's dead..." Callista mutters. She continues, in a stronger voice, "We will leave the...containment to you, then. Besides that, what do you plan to do?"

The guard looks back at the town. "Should you wish to try and rebuild...to retain what he held, I will stand with you."

2014-09-03, 09:14 AM
Emmet sighs as the cat escapes, then goes downstairs, making sure to close the door behind him, just in case. He quietly argues with Forge as he comes down the stairs, both falling silent when he sees the other people who have shown up.

2014-09-04, 08:22 PM
“Yes; as I said, we have already started. Unfortunately, this is not going to be easy on anyone. Omid had not shared his secrets widely; none of us know who these enemies were, for instance. Even assuming those who killed Omid have no gripe with the rest of us, Greytower now has no master: it will attract vultures and worse soon.

“It would be best to avoid word getting out; unfortunately, for all we know the attackers are now crowing their victory from the mountaintops, so that point may be moot. Right now, the townspeople are both vulnerable and a vulnerability. Ensuring their safety and comfort is a top priority; if we fail them, they will be easy to turn against us, and doubtless there will be many who try.

“We here at the tower are going to be busy attempting to retain what we have and rebuild what we have lost. The people will need a leader, and that leader needs to have frank and open communication with us; we are not going to be able to keep tabs on everyone’s needs, there is too much to be done. Do we have any volunteers, or nominations?”

2014-09-05, 08:24 PM
Theodoric frowned.

"Is there anyone unaccounted for?"

2014-09-09, 10:26 AM
Eventually, one of the villagers turns up Walder Grey's brother, a haggard-looking man. Anyone with enough of an interest in town events recognizes him as Howard Grey, father of two children of his own and one of Walder's as well, ever since Walder's wife died. He's dry-eyed, but shakes his head mournfully at the sight.

Jenet Rivers, on the other hand, is near hysterics, and leans heavily on her mother's arm for support. She doesn't say anything, although it's easy enough to imagine what she must be feeling; she just sobs wordlessly at the sight of the body.

Robert Rivers, the father, shakes his head at Theodoric's question. "Everyone's been found."

Jonah listens to the exchange with an even more grim expression, but doesn't interrupt until Chryszia asks for possible leaders. He steps forward alongside Callista, and nods his head in her direction.

"I think most of us are wondering the same thing, but personally... I'm pretty sure everyone would listen to miss Callista. Everyone's expecting the guard to take charge, anyway. But..."

He trails off for a second, then seems to re-set his determination.

"We need to know who's taking over the tower. Keeping things quiet makes sense, but people are going to start panicking -- leaving, if they can afford to -- if they think Greytower doesn't have a Mage. If you don't mind me asking... which one of you stands to inherit?"

2014-09-09, 05:10 PM
"Definitely not this useless idio-"

Emmet interrupts the mote of flame by smacking it out of the air, before stepping forward and looking towards Chryszia.

"... Her. She's the most qualified."

2014-09-10, 07:51 AM
That’s the question Chryszia’s been avoiding; her own plans aren’t ready for her to make the claim, plus she doesn’t know what Gunner’s status is. He seemed completely out of it, but if he regains himself, making the claim when his is clearly better only makes her look foolish. At least Emmet seemed unlikely to cause trouble either way.

So, time to feign indignation. [roll0] (...a 3? really?)

“The man has been dead literally twenty minutes, and you want to know who replaces him? Have some respect! We’ll stand together as mages at least until Omid can see a proper funeral.”

2014-09-13, 11:09 PM
Emmet goes to say something, but then Forge collects itself back into a single flame and interjects: "The dumb ones are gonna want to know they're safe before a funeral can be arranged. You're smart enough to know that."

The floating fireball's owner goes to say something else, then stops and thinks for a second before saying

"... He has a point, even if you don't want to take the responsibility."

2014-09-14, 01:13 AM
If Jonah takes Chryszia at her word or not is hard to tell; either way, he's clearly not willing to push his luck. He raises his hands and takes a step back, mumbling something apologetic.

2014-09-14, 03:32 PM
“Safety cannot be guaranteed, but I should think we are safe for the time being. If Omid’s assailants had wanted anything more from the tower or town, they demonstrated that they could have taken it. Word will get out quickly but not that quickly, particularly if we can get organized and avoid leaks.

“Which is again why we need someone to gather the townsfolk, and convince them not to panic. The best thing we can do right now is quickly, calmly, and quietly repair the damage and establish our footing. We need everyone on the same page. This will go from bad but manageable to much, much worse if someone tries to get an ‘in’ with someone they imagine will be taking over by blabbing. It will doubtlessly go poorly for them, and it will definitely go poorly for the town.

“So, Jonah, if you are so keen to see to the safety of this town, are you volunteering? Are you going to take responsibility for making sure that repairs happen and no one betrays the town?”

Chryszia doesn’t expect him to step up to the plate, and honestly hopes he doesn’t; she doesn’t see him being a particularly effective or inspiring leader of men, and that’s what the town needed right now. Hopefully no one too good or that person will be a nuisance later, but even that would be preferable right now.

2014-09-19, 11:53 PM
Emmet looks expectantly at Jonah, waiting for his response.