View Full Version : Pathfinder The Skald Army

2014-08-25, 09:17 PM
Looking at the new classes from the Advanced Class Guide (now up on d20pfsrd.com by the way), I had a funny idea for a Barbarian tribe...

All Skalds and a Bard:

Imagine this group of level 3 characters, each sharing a rage power (or animal aspect) with everyone:

Bard: +1 morale to attack/damage
Totemic Scald: +2 Str
Totemic Scald: +2 Dex
Totemic Scald: +2 Con
Totemic Scald: Evasion
Scald: Animal Fury: Bite Attack (1d4 + 1/2 str, secondary)
Scald: Lesser Beast Totem: Claw Attacks (2 x 1d6 + str, primary)
Scald: Lesser Fiend Totem: Gore Attack (1d8 + str, primary)
Scald: Quick Reflexes: +1 Attack of opportunity per round
Scald: Lesser Spirit Totem: Slam attack at full BAB + Cha mod, does 1d4 + Cha mod damage
Scald: Susperstition: +2 saves vs spells, supernatural abilities and spell-like abilities
Scald: Swift Foot +5 to speed

Assuming 20 point build, stats would be something like this (we'll make 'em all half-orcs):

Str 16/20
Dex 14/16
Con 14/18
Int 10
Wis 10
Cha 14

Dodge, Power Attack (we'll keep it simple)

Gear: Breastplate (+6 AC)
Potion of Cure Moderate wounds
And another 280 GP worth of gear, but no clue what to use it on.

AC: 19 (10 +3 dex +6 armor +1 Dodge -1 Rage)
Attacks (assuming Power Attack): Claw +7/+7 (1d6+8), Gore +7 (1d8+8), Bite +2 (1d4+4), Slam +5 (1d4+3)
Movement Speed: 25 ft
Saves: Fort: 7/9, Ref: 4/6, Will 3/5/6 (non spell/spell/mind effecting spell)
Evasion, 2 attacks of opportunity a round

Even scarier, first turn they all cast summon monster I, THEN they start singing/chanting/yelling... and all the summoned monsters get the same bonuses they do.

Fax Celestis
2014-08-25, 09:31 PM
Make them all the same race and toss in Warchief from Miniatures Handbook for extra buff shenaniganery.

Extra Anchovies
2014-08-25, 09:40 PM
we'll make 'em all half-orcs

Somehow I don't think this would make for entirely sustainable demographics. Wouldn't you need some humans and some orcs to keep the half-orc population up? Or is there a point after which you have enough half-orcs that every child born will, on average, be half-orc as well?

Regardless, I strongly second Warchief. It's a hilarious prestige class, from the moment I saw it I've wanted to play one just for the novelty of it.

Fax Celestis
2014-08-25, 10:14 PM
I tried to piece together a worg bard/Warchief/beast heart adept but I just couldn't get it together. Still, the concept of a character who's shtick is that he's a wolf pack is pretty awesome.

2014-08-25, 10:29 PM
Somehow I don't think this would make for entirely sustainable demographics. Wouldn't you need some humans and some orcs to keep the half-orc population up? Or is there a point after which you have enough half-orcs that every child born will, on average, be half-orc as well?

Barring any shenanigans, half-orcs and half-elves generally breed true. A half-orc and a half-orc won't make either an orc or a human, certainly. Not without some of once in several centuries sort of throwback/atavism.

2014-08-26, 12:55 AM
Couple things, first, you forgot the base Skalds +2 Morale to STR/CON

Also regarding this:

Scald: Lesser Spirit Totem: Slam attack at full BAB + Cha mod, does 1d4 + Cha mod damage

This Skald will want to pump his CHA as high as it will go. Why?
"If the rage power's effects depend on the skald's ability modifier (such as lesser spirit totem), affected allies use the skald's ability modifier instead of their own for the purposes of this effect."

And don't forget to throw in a Spell Warrior for +1 Enhancement bonuses on _ALL_ of you Natural Attacks.

2014-08-26, 12:57 AM
Well, it could end up interestingly (http://youtu.be/8lVbe0inZ7Q), it could turn epic (http://youtu.be/zBUJztI884M), or it could end up poorly (http://youtu.be/FjeMDvCdrtc).