View Full Version : Mouthpick/ClericDip Exotic Weapons Abuse- Can this melee Gestalt have nice things?

2014-08-25, 10:30 PM
So, I'm playing a Neutral Evil Unseelie Fey Silverbrow Human with the Dragon Tail/Prehensile Tail feats (off flaws) and the Multiweapon Fighting/Weapon Finesse Feats.

I've been playing Gestalt Rogue/Swordsage (Others in the crew are using a wizard, a sorc, and a druid, so the balance isn't horrendous, and we needed a skillmonkey).
I dipped Cloistered Cleric/Lion Totem Barbarian (Hilarious combo, I know. Roleplayed it as staying in a monastery for a little while and then going stircrazy, necessitating a few wild nights in the local savannah) for a level, and picked up Pounce, Knowledge Devotion, War Domain- Achaekek*, and Hunger Domain** (for the natural bite attack).

Now here's where things get interesting.
My plan is to take three Sawtooth Sabres (A One-Handed Weapon that counts as light for the purposes of dual wielding- the Exotic Weapon of the Red Mantis Assassins, and Achaekek's Favored Weapon), and a Mouthpick Kusarigama (a lethal whip, basically) as my main hand.

Theoretically, I am proficient with all of these weapons, right? Mouthpick auto-grants proficiency, and swordsage is proficient with all Martial weapons. Therefore, when granting the proficiency of his Favored Weapon, Achaekek's War Domain should grant me Exotic Proficiency with the Sawtoothed Sabre, as well as Weapon Focus with the Sabres, making them light off-hand weapons.
Kusarigama is one-handed, has reach+adjacent, and can trip and disarm.

So, theoretically, in a level or two, when I pick up a level of Beastmaster (I got skill focus feat for free and decided to pick 'Handle Animal'; everyone sorta looked at me funny while they all chose Concentration, but I have a plan...) and Improved Multiweapon Fighting, I can then:

Charge --> Pounce
Make 3 iterative attacks with the kusarigama
Make 2 iterative attacks with each of my handed Sawtoothed Sabres
Make 2 iterative attacks with my tail Sawtoothed Sabre
Total: 9 attacks, 3 at 1d8 (2x) damage and 6 at 1d8 (19-20, 2x), each with 9d6+12 Sneak Attack Damage, not counting weapon enhancements. And I can trip if I want to.
All at no weapon proficiency penalty, with Weapon Focus on three of them.
I'll be in Island of Blades Stance, and my Warbeast Fleshraker Companion from Beastmaster should be sitting pretty right next to me, therefore allowing me to be 'flanking' every attack- and dealing 9d6 Sneak Attack Damage with each hit (or 4d6+12 if it's immune, because of course I took penetrating strike).
And finally, at turn 2, if whatever I've pounced isn't dead, my Fleshraker should be in flanking position, I can swift action out of Island of Blades for Assassin's Stance and deal 11d6+12 Sneak Attack damage with every hit.
And I traded away Setting Sun for Fox's Guile Discipline in Swordsage, which also has a lot of neat flanking stuff.

Does this work?
Or, more specifically, can I actually contribute now before the casters Spectral Hand-Shivering Touch the damn Dragon? (technically I can do that too, because I've got the UMD levels and the Cha for it, but that's boring)

*Achaekek is the Red Mantis, He Who Walks in Blood. Lawful Evil God of Assassins. Worshipped by the Red Assassins of I-forgot-where, from Pathfinder. War, Trickery, Death, Evil, Darkness, and Law Domains, and possibly a few others.
**My DM has ruled that you can take multiple domains from multiple deities, but all you get is the power from the domain you designate as from a 'secondary' deity. This is because you do not worship the deity of the second domain, so cannot get any divinely granted spells, but by studying the arts of the domain, you can still get the power. And it's not like I was casting anyways.

2014-08-25, 11:12 PM
Well, as a Rogue you will have skill points.

But as melee you seem to only have built for pounce + damage. You can certainly damage to death most things you can reach.

Flanking was a good choice since it is the hardest way to shut down Sneak Attack. However flank immune targets would cut your damage down.

A bigger problem is the "can reach" criteria. I assume you have some of the swordsage teleport effects but in general you are landbound and blocked by walls and other movement hazards.

Another problem I see is that you have no answer for enemies that are not dead at the end of your attack (high defenses or flat out "immunity to death by damage"). Staggering Strike[Feat] might help with that a bit.

However I have a feeling that you would/will enjoy that character/build regardless of what I mentioned above.

2014-08-25, 11:32 PM
Off the top of my head:
My answer to flying enemies is that I have wings.
Like, legit owl's wings, bro. Rolled a 63 for the Unseelie fey wings and got to pick my bird type.
I can fly.
Literally like a bird.

2014-08-25, 11:39 PM
A few things:
Typically, the casters and the druid's companion deal with the big bad scary things like dragons. I tend to deal with enemy casters, or things that I can Sleight of Hand away their sheathed weapons or component pouches as a free action during the Pounce.

My answer to difficult terrain is my exorbitant tumble skill, due to my 18 intelligence and a rogue's cache of skill points every level, and a Swordsage typo's worth of skills to start off with.

My five highest skills are Bluff, Hide, Move Silently, Sleight of Hand and Tumble.

I'm also Dark, and the one thing I do occasionally cast from my cleric levels is the 'No Light' Orison, which while typically goddamn everything can see through that, it does help with meeting the 'place of shadowy light or less' requirement for Dark's HiPS, and a Ring of Darkhidden along with a Dark Lantern gives me some rock invisible-style concealment if the enemy has Darkvision but no low-light vision- I consider being invisible for every attack worth delaying a hidden Pounce for a full round.

And lastly, Mithral spiked chain shirt, with a Rogue's massive Dex bonus and a Swordsages Wisdom to AC bonus is not shabby at all. I'm looking at level 12 soon and my touch AC is something like 24. Close to 32 with armor and enhancements. A ghost with full BAB would have a hard time hitting me on his first attack, much less on iteratives.

Although, to be fair, you're right. After that much damage, plus a Warbeast Fleshraker's venomfire'd leaping pounce, I really don't expect anything to be alive. Not at level 12.

Although I fully expect the DM to jack the CR up a ton if this works out correctly.

2014-08-25, 11:42 PM
But anyways, not the point.
Thank you for pointing out potential flaws.
I didn't realize things could get 'immunity to death by damage.'

Are there any rules lawyers in the audience who can say whether I have missed any holes in my Mouthpick kusarigama/Achaekek's Sawtooth Sabre/Prehensile Tail strategy?

2014-08-25, 11:45 PM
Thank you for pointing out potential flaws.
I didn't realize things could get 'immunity to death by damage.'

But anyways, back to the main point.

Are there any rules lawyers in the audience who can say whether I have missed any holes in my Mouthpick kusarigama/Achaekek's Sawtooth Sabre/Prehensile Tail strategy?
(Other than the fact that both Achaekek and the Sabre are from Pathfinder?)

Fax Celestis
2014-08-25, 11:48 PM
You are aware that your DM may hit you with a chair for this?

But hey, why stop there? You're a cleric, girallon's blessing is on your list: pick up a wand of it, use it to grow two more arms, and either use the class or wield two more scimitars.

2014-08-26, 04:57 AM
It's fine by the rules and 9 attacks/round isn't really that much. Be aware that all those attack rolls can get seriously annoying after a while though, especially for the other players.

My rogue rapid-firing dual Splitting Hand Crossbows of Speed was only there for one session for precisely that reason. :P Fun in concept, not so much at the table (at least after the first encounter).