View Full Version : Pathfinder Potion of potions!

Crimson Wolf
2014-08-26, 04:34 PM
Okay so a funny inside joke with my friend (and DM for the game I'm playing in when I'm not DMing my own) for the Potion of Potions might actually be an item I can make. It of course would be totally silly and completely random but here it is.

Potion of Potions

This medium sized potion bottle has 12 swirling orbs of color inside of it. When thrown it bursts open, as soon as the orbs are released they turn into potions themselves with a small chance of one of them turning into another potion of potions. Now for this item I would make a percentile sheet with several dozen potions for the outcome. And to make one more than likely would require a wish spell along with the craft wonderous item feat. Now I know this thing may sound completely damn silly but, I really think it might actually be a interesting item to make into something real. So what does everyone think, should I put some effort and make this thing into something real in game? What sort of potions should be on the massive list of potions that this thing can make come out of it? How much wood can a wood chuck chuck if it is a dire woodchuck?

2014-08-26, 09:26 PM
If you want it to be an actual, like, potion of potions, I'd suggest having it require brew potion as well as craft wondrous item. Also, make its activation action not throwing it on the ground but drinking it. You then gently vomit up 12 potion bottles which causes you no discomfort and they all land safely on the surface you desire without breaking (because magic!).

Crimson Wolf
2014-08-26, 09:33 PM
Hah actually that sounds perfect! That was sorta part of how that joke started was tossing it down a creatures mouth and it expanding out like crazy then doing a "potion breath attack" of potion bottles pouring out XD

With a box
2014-08-27, 05:04 AM
i think wish is too big gun for it. I will use limited wish instead.