View Full Version : Pathfinder Weaponizing an instrument...

2014-08-27, 12:33 AM
So. A friend and I are doing a one-on-one duel between a level 10 Bard and a level 10 character with one level in every core class OTHER than Bard. It sprang from a discussion of which of the two would be more useless. Since I thought the multiclass character would be worse, I'm fighting as the Bard. I've decided to make a Scottish-themed Bard that plays Bagpipes (and can sing drinking songs, but that's neither here nor there).

So, given that this is a less-than-serious game, I was hoping to enchant the bagpipes to do some kind of area effect damage when played. Either a Fort/Will save, or nonlethal damage, something to that effect. I was wondering how someone would go about that. A quick scan of the rules for magic weapons seemed to come up empty.

So... suggestions?

Also, I believe we are working with core rulebook only, although other things I could run by the others (and I might try in another game later on).

2014-08-27, 01:04 AM
So. A friend and I are doing a one-on-one duel between a level 10 Bard and a level 10 character with one level in every core class OTHER than Bard. It sprang from a discussion of which of the two would be more useless. Since I thought the multiclass character would be worse, I'm fighting as the Bard. I've decided to make a Scottish-themed Bard that plays Bagpipes (and can sing drinking songs, but that's neither here nor there).

So, given that this is a less-than-serious game, I was hoping to enchant the bagpipes to do some kind of area effect damage when played. Either a Fort/Will save, or nonlethal damage, something to that effect. I was wondering how someone would go about that. A quick scan of the rules for magic weapons seemed to come up empty.

So... suggestions?

Also, I believe we are working with core rulebook only, although other things I could run by the others (and I might try in another game later on).

Bagpipes of Building to make cages around him every time he tries to move? :smallbiggrin:

2014-08-27, 01:48 AM

are we playing the same game here?

2014-08-27, 02:05 AM
So. A friend and I are doing a one-on-one duel between a level 10 Bard and a level 10 character with one level in every core class OTHER than Bard....
Either a Fort/Will save,

You may want a different plan, depending on...

What rules are you using for Bab/Save progressions on the Multiclass?
He'd almost have to use Fractional for Bab, otherwise he's got 4 Bab at level 10, and he almost has to go a Physical type route, or hope one of his crappy 1st level spells gets lucky.
Saves, it depends if he can stack "1st level +2" save bonuses.
If playing with multiple +2's you may have trouble getting past them.
If you play "as written" saves, then he'll have 14 Fort, 6 Ref, 10 Will before stats.
If fractions with only 1 of each good save, then 6 Fort, 5 Ref, 6 Will (all rounded down), which is much more manageable.

Also? This:


are we playing the same game here?

2014-08-27, 02:59 AM
Get craft wondrous item feet and spend gold to put an area of effect spell into it. Shout is a good one, but fear, maximized sound burst, crushing despair, blur, or even dispel magic would make a good one for a temporary antimagic zone. Bonefiddle, deafening blast, force whip (just imagine one of the pipes being all forcewhiplike), ironthunder horn, painful echoes (classy), song of festering death 3.0 (Bovd), wave of grief, or wounding whispers. All of these spells seem appropriate and are readily imparted into your dirgeful bladder instrument by a halfway fair DM. As a DM, I wouldn't add more than one of these spell effects to a set of pipes, but I could be convinced of a charge based system like a staff or rod, if similar effects were combined (e.g. shout+deafening echoes or crushing despair+wave of grief), all as sonic effects prone to silence attacks.

2014-08-27, 03:40 AM
10lvl bard vs 10lvl non-caster (oh ocme on, 1st level spells vs bard's 4th?) core-only dip character?

I can't even BEGIN to imagine the ways you can humiliate the guy. Take a look at the Thundercaller and Sound Striker archetypes, the latter might be what you want (10d6+ CHA damage, fort half).

Or go Dervish Dancer and slash the hell of him. Or Arcane Duelist and SMASH the hell out of him.

Throw a Rain of Frogs at him.

Exquisite Accompaniment to keep thundercalling while you smash his face... So many options, snce you know it's a 1v1 showdown.

2014-08-27, 03:46 AM
Literally with your spellcasting alone you could take this guy to the cleaners. Bards gain access to a major set of useful spells.

Buff yourself to infinity, drop snowflake wardance and start hacking away at him.

Thats just one way Im sure there are many more.

2014-08-27, 02:19 PM
Get craft wondrous item feet and spend gold to put an area of effect spell into it.

Alright, this is what I'm talking about. Looking at it, I think I can only afford one spell effect. So to make sure I'm doing this right:

Assume I commissioned a 7th level Bard to make these, and put a Fear spell effect (3rd level spell) that can be used at will. The cost would be 7x3x1800=37,800 plus the cost of a masterwork instrument.

10lvl bard vs 10lvl non-caster (oh ocme on, 1st level spells vs bard's 4th?) core-only dip character?

I can't even BEGIN to imagine the ways you can humiliate the guy. Take a look at the Thundercaller and Sound Striker archetypes, the latter might be what you want (10d6+ CHA damage, fort half).

Or go Dervish Dancer and slash the hell of him. Or Arcane Duelist and SMASH the hell out of him.

Throw a Rain of Frogs at him.

Exquisite Accompaniment to keep thundercalling while you smash his face... So many options, snce you know it's a 1v1 showdown.

Literally with your spellcasting alone you could take this guy to the cleaners. Bards gain access to a major set of useful spells.

Buff yourself to infinity, drop snowflake wardance and start hacking away at him.

Thats just one way Im sure there are many more.

Huh. I've got no experience playing a bard, so I'll have to look into some of these options. Thanks for the help, all!

2014-08-27, 02:24 PM
Also, how would one determine the save DC of a purchased magic item, given that it depends on the creator's Charisma bonus (in this case)?

2014-08-27, 02:36 PM
Also, how would one determine the save DC of a purchased magic item, given that it depends on the creator's Charisma bonus (in this case)?
Use the modifier for the minimum ability score needed to cast spell of that level. So for, say, a wand of fireball it would be Spell level(3rd), plus the modifier for the minimum ability needed to cast a third level spell(13, so +1), plus 10. So the Reflex DC for a standard wand of fireball would be 14.

Edit, page 214 of the DMG.

2014-08-27, 02:53 PM
If a level 10 bard is useless, this is a PEBKAC error. (The K stands for "Kharacter sheet" in this case.")

2014-08-27, 09:45 PM
Just for fun :

Make it a wondrous item that can animate itself as the Animate Object Spell.

Just think of a set of bagpipes running around

Now fill it with an inhaled poison and when someone will smash him, he'll get the poison effect.