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View Full Version : PrC with Favored Enemy

2007-03-07, 10:26 PM
Quick question, which PrC do you know that improve the rangers Favored Enemy in any way? (just say the name and I'll look it up)

I'm playing a scout/ranger and my DM will allow me to apply swift hunter to a prestige class that improves the Favored Enemy or skirmish.

(any PrC that grants skirmish would also help)
Thanks in advance.

2007-03-07, 10:29 PM
Highland Stalker from Complete Adventurer gives skirmish, although I might have the name wrong.
There's a couple of Favoured Enemy based PrCs in Complete Warrior, I think. Darkwood Stalker, or something, but that only gives bonuses to Favoured Enemy: Orc.

2007-03-07, 10:29 PM
Any favored enemy? Or it could be favored enemy: X?

2007-03-07, 10:41 PM
Stalker of Kharash from BoED is pretty popular.

2007-03-07, 10:56 PM
Technically, you don't need the PRC's to say that the bonuses stack for the favored enemy bonuses to stack since you can select the same favored enemy for different classes and they will both be unnamed bonuses. A ranger 1/scout 3/sorc 1/harper agent 1 will still get +4 to his favored enemy if he chooses the same one for both ranger and harper scout.

2007-03-08, 10:10 AM
Any favored enemy? Or it could be favored enemy: X?
Any Favored Enemy would obviously be preferable, but I'm taking a look at both.

EDIT: Unfortunately, the harper requires skills that my character will probably never have. He's a savage, with little to no social influence, so he simply cannot have bluff, diplomacy, or perform.

I looked at the stalker, but it didn't seem much to me... Is it better than the ranger?

Dhavaer, I liked the Highland stalker, I'm actually having a tough time deciding between him and the ranger... But I might jus

2007-03-08, 11:15 AM
I looked at the stalker, but it didn't seem much to me... Is it better than the ranger?
Everything evil becomes your favoured enemy ... that doesn't seem a big thing to you?

2007-03-08, 11:30 AM
Well... it's just +1 =/

There is the advantage that everthing evil will be skirmishable (even if it's immune). But most of the evil critical-immune creatures are undead, and that's already my favored enemy.