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2014-08-27, 01:04 AM
Leo has been communicating with Rick and Jokum via letters for the past eight days, since the great purple flame went out. The situation has worsened since Khonnir Baine went missing a couple of days ago. It was his second expedition to the catacombs below Torch and none of his party have returned.

Leo waits at the only entrance to the town for the others to arrive. He is to meet them here today at midday. With the sun directly overhead he sees two men approaching from the east with a burly half-orc in tow. They have arrived in punctual fashion and Leo, Rick, Jokum and Hrahgah are finally face to face after learning so much about eachother.

2014-09-10, 07:35 PM
A figure with a backpack and a brown hood approaches Leo at the gate of Torch. The rest of his outfit is fairly muted as well, consisting of sleeveless grey cloak, leather boots, a pair of mismatched gauntlets, loose cotton pants, and leather boots. Most peculiar, is the miniature dinosaur perched on the man's shoulder. Which by now, one would have realized is a man. The harsh sun extracts a defiant scowl from underneath his hood as he arrives and tells the first person he meets (probably Leo) "I'm looking for Leo of Torch. D'you know where he is?"

2014-09-11, 04:41 AM
Rick Sanchez of Earth, Dimension C-137

Rick had become weary of traveling, which had put a sour expression on his face. A sour expression that he soon wiped away with a wine skin he had brought along. The skin was near empty when they reached the gates of Torch, and his Lab coat was a bit dusty to boot. He brushed himself off as he walked straight up next to Jokum and poked the man that Jokum had addressed in the chest.

"Leo huh? Guy with the letters? We going to get *BURP* down to business or what?I've got some important..bus*BELCH*...some important stuff going on. We have to find Khon and get that damned broken*BUH-RAP* Flame thing back working pronto. You got that? Now where is this place he got lost in huh?"

Rick drains the end of his wine skin and tucks it back into the saddle bag of his faithful donkey. Giving it a scratch behind the ears he looked back to the person he just assumed was Leo.

"There somewhere I can leave Jerry here while we're on this so called *BURP* rescue operation or what ever? He's dumb *BAAAARP* but you know..he's a donkey. He has an excuse."

2014-09-11, 10:13 AM

Waiting by the gate had been agonizing for Leo. Between staring out at the surrounding wilderness and glancing over his shoulder at where the distinctive flame that was the namesake of his home should have been, Leo was chomping at the bit to get moving. Every moment we sit here is another moment Khonnir loses... Leo thinks as he impatiently paces back and forth.

Then he sees them approaching, Jokum, Rick and a barbarian who must be Hrahgah. Forcing himself, to stay put rather than run out to greet them just to have to walk back Leo waits impatiently. When they arrive and start bombarding him with questions he does his best to respond in order. "Yes I am Leo, welcome to Torch, such as it is with the fire out. I will lead you to the entrance to the catacombs when we're ready, but first I think we can stow the donkey at Khonnir's place-this way." says Leo as he leads the group over to Khonnir's place to leave the donkey at, and possibly give them a chance to shake off the road dust before continuing to the catacombs.

2014-09-11, 11:07 PM
Hrahgah "Morty" Bonesnapper

Walking along with the group, the burly half-orc known as Hrahgah is content to watch the shadows and bushes as they approach Torch. Having never been in an actual city, Hrahgah is ill at ease with the prospect of entering this one. The stories told by his father and the barbarian tribes of the Northlands talked of demonic rituals and eerie begins made of metal instead of flesh. A shiver runs down Hrahgah spine from the thoughts of such things and a quick flash of his father's death to a malfunctioning robot passes through his mind.

Adjusting his dull grey armor and checking the pull of his mighty sword, both originally his father's, Hrahgah puts on a stone face at the sight of a human at the gates of Torch. He stops a few paces away from the person as the rest of the troupe introduced themselves and talked a bit. Rick, the older fellow with the donkey made some awkward gestures towards the man standing infront of the gate. When the group begins to move, Hrahgah shuffles his pack to the opposite arm and lets out a low grunt of distain and then follows along.

2014-09-12, 02:02 AM
Current Map: Foundry Tavern

Leo Leads the group to the Foundry Tavern where Khonnir lives and works with his daughter Val. As Leo is about to hail Val and introduce her to his new friends everyone hears a scream come from the small stone house behind the Tavern.

2014-09-12, 02:50 AM

Arm half raised to his lips to hail Val, Leo stands with a dazed look on his face as the scream sounds from out back. "What the..." says Leo as his arm snaps to where he carries his pistol, and his feet start racing towards the sound. That better not have come from where I think it did...

2014-09-13, 10:49 PM
Hrahgah "Morty" Bonesnapper

A shrill scream pierces the air, and Hrahgah is on the move. Pulling his greatsword from its sheath as he swiftly moves down an alley, eyes peeled for any movement in the shadows. A low throaty growl escapes through his bared teeth as he bursts from the alleyway.

2014-09-14, 01:13 AM
You hear smashing and mayhem coming from the inside the southwestern part of the small house, along with a female voice that sounds like she is panicking.

2014-09-14, 05:57 AM
Rick Sanchez of Earth, Dimension C-137

Smacking his forehead as he watched Hraghah run off towards the sound of the screaming, Rick let out a long belch as he reached into his pocket and casually followed.

"*BURP* HEY! Morty! Don't get to big for britches there buster brown. Geez who is making all the racket back here anyway?"

Rubbing his eyes with one hand and peering at the small house, he hefted a bomb he had liberated from his pocket and tossed it up and caught it.

"Well I guess somebody kick that door in so we can get this distraction over with and *BELCH* find Khonnir dammit."

2014-09-14, 02:20 PM
Jokum Mor'ed

At the sound of screaming Jokum follows quickly behind Leo, his mind racing. Someone's in danger, he thought, hopefully we'll outnumber the attacker before he gets away. As they arrived at the door, he began sorting through which spell might be most useful in the coming moments. He also took a glance at Leo then said, "Leo, do you have any idea who is in there?"

2014-09-15, 03:48 PM
Leo of Torch

"I don't know who is in there now, but I do know that Khonnir stored the automaton he found here before he went missing! We thought it was broken but..." Leveling his pistol at the door Leo yells, "Someone get the door!"

2014-09-16, 09:23 AM
Hrahgah "Morty" Bonesnapper

The sounds of screaming and a tussle growing louder from the house in front of him, Hrahgah charges headlong at the door. The singular thought of someone being mauled by a evil machine pushing Hrahgah into a frothing rage, he slams headlong into the door without thinking.

Begin Raging: +4 Str, +4 Con, +2 Will Saves, -2 AC, 7 rounds remaining
Str Check to burst the door: [roll0]

2014-09-16, 10:28 PM
The latch breaks apart and the door flies open. Inside there is a hallway with three open doors. In the southwestern room there is a human female cowering in the corner and an apparently malfunctioning robot. It does not appear to be attacking her directly, but it is thrashing about the room destroying everything in sight.

2014-09-19, 02:32 PM

Rushing past the destroyed door and it's barbaric destroyer, Leo sees the rampaging automaton in the next room and calls out to the woman in the next room, "Keep your head down! I will try and draw it away!" Leo then aims his pistol and fires at the robot, knowing that at this range even metal will not be much protection from his shot.

Attack Roll: [roll0] (4 dex, 1 bab, +1 point blank shot)
Damage: [roll1] (+1 point blank shot)

2014-09-20, 01:42 AM
Leo's shot strikes the robot in its one central glowing eye. sparks fly as it twitches and gears grind. it powers down and ceases moving.

2014-09-20, 06:53 PM
Rick Sanchez of Earth, Dimension C-137

A glazed over look appeared on Ricks face as the robot ceased to function.

"Hurray. We've saved the *BRAP* day."

He pulled out a wine skin as he walked into the building, and looked down at the robot, then over to the woman who was cowering in the corner.

"Looks like it's ti...about time *BURP* for a celebratory toast!"

He took a long pull from his wine skin and then set about grabbing his tools from his coat pockets and set about examining the robot much closer, now that it wasn't flailing about.

2014-09-20, 11:46 PM

After gaping in awe at what she has just seen, the girl stands up from cowering next to a work bench. She is a petite young human with blonde hair. She peeks around the corner and sees Leo with his smoking gun. "Leo! I just knew that had to be you!" She runs over and throws her arms around him. "My da' brought that back to study and it just came to life out of nowhere!"

2014-09-21, 02:40 AM
Hrahgah "Morty" Bonesnapper

After seeing the metal beast fall lifeless, Hrahgah's eyes never left it. It's just sleeping. Don't trust it. keeps running through his head. While Rick sits down to start his examination, a spark and a twitch runs through the robot's arm. This sets Hrahgah off into a murderous fury! He draws his sword and runs it through multiple times until he's good and sure it is dead.

Raging: 5 Rounds Remaining
Attack: [roll0]
Crit Confirm: [roll1]

Damage: [roll2]
Crit Damage: [roll3]

End rage after attack happens.

2014-09-21, 01:18 PM
Yellow triangle = current location

As Hrahgah's blow hits home the robots torso is rent asunder. Pieces spill out and gears roll across the floor. Behind a sturdy metal plate there is another plate made of a strange substance, solid but pliable. Strange patterns are etched in it, and thin strands of metal attach it to various oddly shaped components which seem to be what powered its arms and legs. A fist sized cylinder falls to the floor and begins to ooze a viscous liquid or black and purple swirled together.

Val gives Hrahgah a frightened look, glances at the door, then back at Hrahgah. "The door wasn't even... no matter. Leo, these are friends of yours?"

2014-09-22, 10:23 AM

Caught between reloading and surprise as Val appears and hugs him, Leo can only manage an awkward embrace before it is interrupted by an overenthusiastic barbarian. "Well... it doesn't appear to be getting back up after that at least... But Val are you alright? How did it come back? We were sure it was broken..." says Leo as he observes the wreckage and hears Val's other question.

"These are... acquaintances of Khonnir and I. I have been keeping in touch with them with letters, and they finally arrived today to help me look for Khonnir." Replies Leo, letting the others introduce themselves.

2014-09-22, 11:19 AM
"For the life of me I don't know. Father assured me that its power cells were depleted and that it would remain inert until he figured out a way to charge them. I don't think he would make such a mistake, and I know he would never knowingly put me in danger."

2014-09-22, 09:13 PM
Rick Sanchez of Earth, Dimension C-137

As he examined the now thoroughly broken robot he looked up at Hrahgah and one hand came up to pinch the bridge of his nose as he shook his head.


He picked up a piece of the broken robot and prodded at the busted Power Cell. He hadn't seen anything like that before...he had no idea what sort of substance that was leaking out of it either. Rather interesting.

He figured he had found out all he could about the robot, nothing special about it in any way except that it was on this back water stick of a planet. He heard Val then and turned and shrugged his shoulders.

"People like *BRAP* Khonnir and I only make mistakes in strip clubs and maybe when we're drunk. I dunno what this crap is but it doesn't look like anything I've worked on..or that I've known Khonnir to work on. *BURP* Who knows. It's not going anywhere now."

2014-09-25, 02:32 PM

Pistol safely put away, Leo's brief brush with danger fires him up to run off and save Khonnir.

"I am sure Khonnir thought it would be safe storing it here, especially since I can't imagine he expected to be gone so long. Val, if you don't mind, could you look after Rick's donkey while we go looking for Khonnir?" Leo glances at the robots remains, "And maybe it would be best to just leave that where it lies for now and lock up the room... just to be cautious."

2014-09-26, 12:34 AM

"So you are going to rescue father! And your friends too? I just knew I could count on you! Rick I'd be glad to put your donkey up in the stable. There are no stable hands but there's plenty of feed. The tavern is closed down but you are free to stay there as long as you need to. Ill provide you with all of the food you need, and there will be no one else to bother you. When you are ready to head out talk to Dolga of the town council. She will tell you how to get into the underground caverns. I believe shes offering a generous reward as well, bless her heart."

2014-09-28, 10:56 PM
Hrahgah "Morty" Bonesnapper

Drawing ragged breaths after ravaging the evil robot infront of him, his ears perk up at hearing about Khonnir missing.

"This man missing long time? Perhaps attacked by evil things," Hrahgah nods toward the disemboweled machine. "We should hurry to him soon. Must save him from evil things."

2014-09-30, 06:04 PM
Rick Sanchez of Earth, Dimension C-137

A blank look painted Ricks face as he looked at Hraghah, and then he turned his gaze back to Val and let out a bit of a sigh.

"Ugh..*BRAAAAAAAAAAP* Fine. Thanks for your hospi-*BURP*-tality lady we'll bring Khonnir back soon as we can. Now, town council you say? Dolga..Lovely name. It's like Tolkien *BOOOORP* pooped this place out, then a space ship crashed here."

He finally stood, eyeing that leaking power core again. He had plenty of problems in the past with strange substances that he didn't quite understand. Best not to dwell on it to much.

"Lets get out of here. We're wasting far to much time that could be spent *BURP* finding Khonnir. Also hey..Val person. Don't touch that leaky stuff that came out of the robot."

2014-09-30, 08:48 PM

Relieved that the situation has been resolved and that Val is unharmed, Leo nods at the others and says, "Alright, if we are all ready to go, I will lead the way to Dolga."

Before heading out, he gives Val a quick hug good-bye and says with confidence, "Might want to be ready with drinks when we get back, Khonnir will most likely be thirsty and we are going to have enough stories to last until next week."

2014-10-01, 11:33 PM
Val sees everyone off as you head to the town council.


At the town council you are immediately granted an audience with Dolga. She is more than willing to drop what she is doing to converse with any able bodied adventurers willing to search for Khonnir Baine. Her office is decorated with various stone sculptures but your eyes are drawn to the adamantine warhammer mounted on the wall behind her. You sense a feeling of relief in her expressions and body language that you are offering to search for Khonnir.

"So someone has finally decided to answer the call of duty. Leo, I cant say that Im surprised to see you here. I had hoped that you would step forward, and I have all the confidence in the world in your abilities. As for the rest of you, Im sure you are here to reap the rewards, and I assure you that the council of Torch does not intend to disappoint. If you can return with Khonnir or at least his remains we are prepared to offer 4000 gold." She opens her desk and produces a scroll case. "We have in our posession a scroll of resurrection, should it prove necessary. If you can return Khonnir alive the scroll is yours as well. Returning Khonnir to his station is our main priority. On a far less important note, if you can restore the flame we have an additional 4000 gold awaiting. No doubt you have questions. I will answer you to the best of my ability."

2014-10-02, 02:41 PM
Suddenly the door opens and the receptionist leads two more people into the room. A broad shouldered tattooed man clad in furs, and a conservatively dressed bookish human female.

As you are lead into the room you see a gray haired female Dwarf standing across her desk from a blue haired human man with a bald spot who appears to be quite old, a much younger man with a pony tail and a gun at his hip, and a very strong looking half-orc with a permanent confused look on his face.

"Dolga, these two have come to search for Khonnir as well. Sorry if Im interrupting, but you told me to bring any such people to you without delay."

"Yes yes, child. You have the right of it. You are excused." The Dwarf turns to Pannar and Jaela. "Please have a seat if you wish." Dolga herself chooses to stand. "As I was telling these folks, the reward for finding Khonnir is 4000 gold, and another 4000 if you can relight the flame. If you are not able to save his life we have the means to resurrect him. Should you bring him back alive however the scroll is yours. Now, you no doubt have many questions. I would like to see you begin as soon as possible, but not without proper knowledge of what you are getting yourselves into. More than one party has ventured into the catacombs and failed to return. In fact the only party that has returned was Khonnir's first expedition."

2014-10-02, 02:43 PM

Jaela and Pannar walk into the room. Panna carries his longspear decorated with feathers and a weasel around his neck. He bows silently as he listens to the woman speaking.

2014-10-03, 02:04 AM

Jaela observed the scene as she was ushered in, her mind taking notes on the individuals. Her mind piqued interest in the resurrection scroll.....now that was quite interesting..such...powerful magic there.

She then loudly cleared her throat. "Admittedly, I came to Torch due to rumors of possible alien creatures within the caves under Black Hill. However, I will lend my assistance to find this Khonnir Baine." It would help her in her own pursuits she figured. "I do want to know, however, where the entrance to the caves are. I am new to this area, so this information would be most desired."

2014-10-03, 11:38 AM

Anxious to finally be able to go on an expedition to find Khonnir, Leo doesn't have any questions immediately come to mind except where is the entrance and when do they leave. In his excitement, Leo barely even pays the newcomers any mind. However, he forces himself to calm down and ask a pertinent question. "The League has yet to get involved right? Surely they have heard about the torch going out by now. Have they not tried to close down the catacombs yet?"

2014-10-03, 12:02 PM

Pannar rubs the weasel behind the ears and nods. After mumbling to the spirits for help he looks into the aura of the dwarf to see what it says about her.

Cast Guidance +1 Sense Motive
Take 10 on sense motive for 10+11 = 21

2014-10-03, 12:24 PM
“There’s an underwater passage connecting them to Weeping Pond. Khonnir noticed a large number of human footprints on the pond’s banks—he was there the day the fires went out testing the water to ensure it hadn’t suddenly grown more toxic—and he realized that a sizable group of people had entered the pond but had not emerged."

"We have yet to hear from the Technic League. With the heavy taxes they have levied upon us, the news will be... problematic. The best case scenario will be to have the torch relit before any of then arrive again."

2014-10-03, 01:49 PM
after muttering something apparently to his weasel, Pannar watches Dolga as she answers, seeming to weigh her words and body language heavily.

When the subject turns to the Technic league you notice a tinge of fear coupled with a greater deal of frustration. She has the look of a warrior to match the warhammer mounted on her wall, but it is common knowledge that no one messes with the Technic League and comes out the better for it.

2014-10-03, 04:39 PM
Rick Sanchez of Earth, Dimension C-137

Rick sat and listened with a vexed look on his face. He had since cleaned his chin of the bit of drool that had accumulated from finishing his skin of wine. When Dolga turned her subjects to the strange occurrences at the pond it gave Rick pause to think for a few moments...but mention of the Technic League brought him to his feet with a cross look on his elderly face.

"Yeah I've heard of those pricks, and their stupid League. Bunch of amateur dum*BURP*pster divers. "Oh look at us we want to use technology to subjugate a bunch of primitives" "

He looked around and shrugged his shoulders.

"Current company um..ex*BUUUUUUUUUUURP*cluded I guess. Anyway they're jerks. You should never let the man get you down. Am I right dog?"

He said the last bit as he walked past the man clad in furs, giving him a rather soft elbow to the side to ensure he knew Rick was addressing him. Rick made for the door at that point, sure he had heard anything this old woman could tell them.

"Saddle up kiddos looks like it's Pond or straight into the caverns."

2014-10-03, 04:52 PM

Pannar looks somehow baffled at Rick and at the same time indifferent. The weasel snuggles closer to Pannar and chitters at Rick.
Pannar looks around at the rest to see if they are rising and pats the weasel softly.

2014-10-03, 11:20 PM
"If that is all then I wish you all a safe journey. If you wish to receive a boon that allows you to breathe water I would recommend visiting Joram Kyte. You will find accessing the flooded caverns prohibitively difficult without it. You can find him at the temple. Again I thank you all. If you have any further questions or concerns in the future you know where to find me."

2014-10-04, 02:57 PM

"Ugh, that is gross, can you not do that please?" Jaela commented in regards to Rick's burping. "In any case....ugh....if we are going under water....I need to go visit a general shop, I cannot have my spell book getting water logged, it is not waterproof."

2014-10-04, 03:31 PM

Pannar rises and heads to the door. "Going underwater will complicate things, yes."

2014-10-04, 10:27 PM
Hrahgah "Morty" Bonesnapper

Hrahgah listened intently to the conversation unfolding in front of him. When the new man and woman entered the room, his attention was riveted to one thing... the weasel around Pannar's shoulders. Trying as hard as possible, Hrahgah stifled the urge to jump at the small rodent and devour it immediately. He perks up at the mention of the weeping pond though, and thoughts of the creatures that might inhabit the cold waters.

"I not concerned for my safety, but what monsters live in Weeping Pond?" Hrahgah asks, although a tad bit unintelligently.

2014-10-05, 02:06 PM

"There are no creatures in the pond you need concern yourself with, but I would avoid drinking the water. The caves beyond hold unknown dangers."

2014-10-05, 02:13 PM
General Store

The shelves are well stocked with common adventuring gear. Behind the counter there are several items prominently displayed. A cloak of the hedge wizard, a five trauma packs, a wand of technomancy, a +1 flaming warhammer, and a filter flask.

2014-10-05, 05:38 PM

General Store

(I guess we are not handwaving it, heh, alrighty)

"Interesting." Jaela commented as she glanced at some of the wares. "Ahem...I am seeking waterproof container, about the size of the spellbook.....If I may ask....what are those?" She inquisitively points at the trauma packs.

2014-10-05, 07:38 PM
Inkrit Kollisum

"One of Numeria's many technological wonders brought to us by adventurers much like yourselves. Roughly translated from Androffan they are called trauma packs. A skilled user can tend to wounds quite effectively and get a wounded man on his feet in no time!"

This small box of emergency medical gear can be used to augment a creature's Heal skill to allow for enhanced healing. A full trauma pack has enough supplies to be used 5 times before it is depleted. When using a trauma pack to provide healing, attempt a DC 15 Heal check as a standard action. If he succeeds, the pack provides 1d8+1 points of healing. For every 5 points by which the Heal check's result exceeds the DC, it provides an additional 1d8+1 points of healing.

2014-10-05, 10:50 PM

"Interesting....and how much are you selling it for?....Also, once again looking for water proof bags," She started to pull out a small bag of coins.

2014-10-05, 11:02 PM
"We're letting the trauma packs go for a pittance at 1500 gold. The waterproof sacks are over there. 5 silvers a piece." She points to one of the shelves containing various sacks, scroll cases, and other containers.

Once everyone has finished making their purchases the party makes their way to the temple to speak to Joram Kyte.

2014-10-05, 11:08 PM

Pannar looks towards Jaela. "That is a lot of gold. I am a capable healer, so I think we will be fine."

He looks towards Inkrit, "Do you have a healers kit? Normally I heal by magic, but it might be helpful."

2014-10-05, 11:22 PM
Temple of Brigh
Bronze wind chimes and clockwork statues decorate the domed portico of this compound dedicated to the goddess of invention.

The main hall of the temple leads past a small shop. In addition to various mundane items for sale, there is a flare gun, a scroll of find traps (CL 10th), three scrolls of restoration, and a wand of rebuke technology (11 charges). After inquiring about Joram Kyte a priest leads you to him. He seems a kindly old man clad in a smiths apron adorned with various metalworking tools. He turns from a workbench where he is tinkering with what appears to be a metal mask. He addresses the party with a smile on his face. "Oh, hello. Was there something I could help you folks with today?"http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b48/Slamin/joram.jpg

2014-10-05, 11:46 PM

Familiar with the General Store and it's wares, Leo mostly browses, taking note of new stock and of some raw materials he may be interested in tinkering with later, but buys nothing and bids Inkrit good day.

At the temple, Leo happily greets Joram, "Joram! I was finally able to get a group together to go after Khonnir! Dolga said you could help us traverse the Weeping Pond. Is that right?"

2014-10-06, 12:04 AM

Jaela makes her purchase, rather pleased with it since now her worries about ruining her spellbook were put to rest. At the price about the trauma packs, she nearly chokes in surprise. One thousand five hundred gold pieces!...That was more than enough to live quite the comfortable for decades for a commonfolk. Yea, she just no.

At the temple of Brigh

She studied the old man, noting his holy symbol of Brigh and then properly turned her attention on him and his inquiry.

"Indeed, we were told something about a water breathing spell to assist in getting through the water logged tunnels that lead into underneath Black Hill."

2014-10-06, 02:20 PM

"Oh outstanding! The council meetings have been quite dreary without Khonnir. As soon as you are ready to head out I can cast a spell of water breathing. I have been preparing it every day since the torch went out in hopes that I could help in some way. With the help of this rod I can give you a total of 36 hours, that comes to a little over 7 hours for each of you."

2014-10-06, 07:28 PM
Rick Sanchez of Earth, Dimension C-137

General Store

Rick went along to the store, figuring maybe he could pick up some more booze for this little journey, at least that would make it a bit more bearable to stay with these pudding brains until they could find Khonnir. He was content to lean against a wall near the door and watch the party shop until he heard the mention of Androffan...

"Ugh..I was hoping we'd at least get some sign this WASN'T an Adroffan affair. I would have even taken Keflorkian over Androffan. I mean the ole Andies make serviceable ships and there might be a Defraculator among that gigantic mess if the stupid Tick-Tock Pleebs haven't stolen all the good bits. Which *BRAP* I might remind you means we should do this quick..so lets get to that magic water breathing guy or whatever huh?"

The Temple of Brigh

Once they were finally at the Temple, Rick gave it a look around and found it decidedly more homey than he had anticipated. Upon seeing that Joram was another older man, though decidedly more primitive than himself Rick was at least cordial with the man.

"Huh. Well I suppose there's a time for everything right bro? I still think there's a scientific explanation for this whole magic deal but *BURP* no time to get out the white board, or the black board..I'm not racist dog."

He took out a second small flask of cheap wine and took a long pull from it before tucking it away again.

"Oh yeah, hey man what are you getting for that flare Gun you had out front there? I got like Three Shmeckles, that buy it? Might come in handy you know. I'd like to get that Torch re-lit and I left my matches in my other lab coat...in another dimension."

2014-10-06, 08:24 PM

As Rick speaks, Joram has a confused look on his face which quickly turns to amazement about half way though his spiel. "The flare gun? Oh yes, normally we would ask 300 gold but since you are looking for Khonnir i wouldn't ask for a copper more than 240. Um... what is your name sir? Time is of the essence, but if you ret- (ahem) when you return I should love to speak with you at length."

2014-10-06, 09:21 PM
Rick Sanchez of Earth, Dimension C-137

Rick took out his Three gold coins and three silver coins and shook them in his hand. He flattened his palm again and re-counted them.

"Nope. Still just three. Looks like we're still too far apart on that Flare Gun. Oh right. I'm Rick. Nice to meet you um..Joram. When I return I'd be up for a little sit down. Just like, roast up some turkey legs or some mutton or something. Saving wizards in other dimensions makes me *BELCH* hungry."

2014-10-06, 11:55 PM
Hrahgah Bonesnapper

General Store

Entering the General Store, Hrahgah browses around looking busy trying not to draw too much attention from anyone.

Temple of Brigh

Meeting Joram Kyte, Hrahgah greets him quietly. He listens during the others conversations, hoping to get the adventure going so he can leave the confines of the city.

2014-10-07, 12:28 PM
Weeping Pond
This placid-looking pond is set off from the surrounding area by a crescent-shaped escarpment. No vegetation grows on the banks of this pond, and the waters carry a bitter stink of sulfur and other chemicals, enough to make the eyes water after spending too much time on the shore.

On the east bank you see various footprints in the mud. They appear to have been left by dozens of different people at various points in time.

2014-10-08, 02:43 AM

"Ugh...it smells as repulsive as the sound of a certain someone's belches," The wizard wrinkled her nose and stared at the murky stanky pond water.

"Well I am certainly not going in first, after you gentlemen."

2014-10-08, 03:02 AM

Kneeling down at the edge of the lake, Leo empties his pistol of it's ball and powder, stowing away the shot and returning the powder to one of three powder horns on his person to protect it from the water. Hearing Jaela's complaint he laughs and says, "Why do you think Khonnir needed to come and routinely check how poisonous the water had become? No one swims in this stuff unless they are wanting to kill themselves, which explains why the footprints were a dead give away that something was up." Giving a silent prayer that the magical water breathing was active (and that it would filter out the water for them), Leo waded into the depths saying to the others, "Last one in pays for drinks afterward."

2014-10-08, 08:03 AM
Rick Sanchez of Earth, Dimension C-137

As Rick secured his Alchemists kit into a Waterproof Bag he had picked up earlier he made sure it was tightly in place on Hraghahs pack, raising his hand up in a gesture he had been trying to teach the half-Orc on their journey to Torch, but he hadn't quite mastered. Possibly due to simply not understanding why Rick wanted him to do such a thing.

"That ought to hold up fine in this muck eh Morty? Up high dog. Wubba Lubba Dub Dub!"

Of course to Rick, the High-Five engendered a sense of camaraderie and fostered good will. If only he could teach Hraghah to master it. Once he had concluded his business with the Half-Orc he turned an eye on Jaela and shook his head.

"Oh of course! Mighty merciful me how we ever think that we should let a lady such as yourself enter such filth before the men-folk. Oh Harumph! Harumph!"

With a rather poignant *BELCH* Rick followed Leo into the depths of the disgusting water.

2014-10-09, 11:11 AM
Hrahgah Bonesnapper

Hrahgah laughed silently at the others deciding who would enter into the murky water first. Without so much a word, he pulled his scalemail and hides off, revealing an upper torso covered with claw and bite scars given to him by any number of dangerous beasts he had met.

Securing his gear into his backpack, Hrahgah was dumbfounded by Rick's motions. He had done this multiple times now, usually when something good had happened. Giving Rick a toothy smile, Hrahgah held his hand up mimicking Rick.

"Wub dub duba la!" Hrahgah copied, then let out a earthshaking belch.

Once all the gear was secured, Hrahgah swam out into the pond ahead of Leo and Rick.


2014-10-09, 01:58 PM
Hrahgah dives in and finds the entrance to the cave with no problem. it appears to wind to the left and eventually end in a spot where you can resurface. the end of the tunnel is marked by a shimmering orange glow that seems to shift and flicker.

2014-10-09, 09:19 PM

Pannar removes his armor and dives in.

2014-10-10, 02:17 AM

Ugh...they were both ninnies and disgusting...Jaela grimaced and rolled her eyes at their nonsense before forcing herself to enter the water and follow after them.

2014-10-10, 09:31 AM
as the party makes their way toward the underwater tunnel, Jaela takes up the rear. as she submerges she appears stiff and rigid, clearly unable to cope with the disgusting water, and likely unwilling to inhale it.

2014-10-12, 03:13 PM
After some struggling to adapt to the foul water and breathing it in, she re-submerged with a loud gasp and lots of sputtering. "That was disgusting." After a moment of complaining, she collected herself in time to see the beetles and immediately started to fling a jolt of electricity at them. She hated beetles.

Jolt: Touch Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1]

2014-10-12, 07:02 PM
that hits, the beetle doesnt look like he can take much more than that

2014-10-12, 08:21 PM

Shaking off as much water as he can, Leo pulls out his pistol and starts to reload it, praying that the powder would remain dry.

Move action to draw and another to reload so Leo will start shooting next round.

2014-10-12, 09:12 PM
Hrahgah Bonesnapper

Breaking the surface of the water, Hrahgah sees multiple beetles. He had seen these before in the jungles around Torch, and remembered that they love to bite. Hoping they could be dealt with before they got violent, Hrahgah pulls free his sword and charges to the closest target.

Attack: [roll0]
Confirm Crit: [roll1]

Damage: [roll2]
Crit Damage: [roll3]

2014-10-12, 09:24 PM
Rick Sanchez of Earth, Dimension C-137

Shaking his head a bit to get his fabulous hair back into order Rick looked at the beetles and let out a derisive snort.

"Fluorescent vermin. How fantastical."

He pulled a small ovoid object from inside his jacket and tossed it with an offhand flip into the middle of the beetles.


Aiming for the square in the middle of the beetles. AC 5, all beetles will take 6 Fire damage.

2014-10-12, 10:47 PM

Pannar shifts behind Hrahgah and thrusts with his longspear at the beetle he is attacking.

Damage [roll1]

2014-10-13, 05:01 PM
One beetle dies to ricks bomb, and another to Pannar's spear. The third moves toward the nearest peron, being Hrahgah and attempts to bite him. His mandibles only find Hrahgah's sturdy leather boot though.

2014-10-13, 10:58 PM
rollin that beautiful beetle footage. [roll0]

2014-10-14, 01:26 PM
Jaela flings another jolt to try to finish the remaining beetle off.

Touch Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1]

2014-10-14, 07:45 PM
Jaelas bolt hits and the last beetle stops moving.

2014-10-15, 02:31 AM

"Oh thank goodness it died...I hate beetles...ugh.." Jaela had an annoyed expression as she waded over and onto the small beach.

2014-10-15, 04:11 AM
Rick Sanchez of Earth, Dimension C-137

Rick yawned and raised a fist above his head as if in mock salute.

"The b-*BURP*-bards will sing of this one, oh I'm sure. Since Khonnir wasn't a stroke victim I figure he made it past here, so one of you big burly types take the lead and lets find us a wizard!"

2014-10-15, 05:26 AM

Pannar moves closer and looks down the tunnel.

Perception [roll0]

2014-10-15, 02:28 PM

Putting his now loaded pistol away, Leo examines the cave they are in. "Let's explore this way shall we?" Leo says before climbing the short rise to the right of where they entered the cave.

He takes a look down that passageway, before turning back around and helping the others up.

Going to take 10 on the climb check for a total of 9. If that is not enough can I get a bonus for first jumping up two feet by taking 10 on an acrobatics check (for a total of 20 on acrobatics for high jump DC 16)?

If that is still not enough Leo will take 20 to get up there.

Either way, once he gets up there, Leo will first look down the passage: perception: [roll0]
Then give aid another to help the others up.

2014-10-16, 01:24 AM
A collection of stalactites and stalagmites choke this low ceilinged cavern, making it difficult to squeeze between them. Matching stalactites close in from the five-foot-high ceiling, giving the impression of a maw of needlelike teeth bearing down on one another. A dead half-orc sprawls on the ground near the cave’s eastern entrance.

2014-10-16, 02:15 AM

"Oh goody...climbing.." The wizard sighed as she adjusted her pack and tried to climb the short wall of earth.

Climb [roll0]

ooof...taking a 10 for a total of....10
An Aid Another would be groovy

2014-10-16, 06:55 AM
Rick Sanchez of Earth, Dimension C-137

Rick took one look at that big maw of cavernous teeth and shook his head. He pulled out his thieves tools from a deep pocket of his lab coat and got out the magnifying glass, taking a good long look at everything. He made sure to keep people from moving up the slope at all until he had searched the area thoroughly...he figured it wouldn't take a witty quip to make these people understand the importance of a search. The dead body would probably be sufficient, he figured.

Searching the first and second squares, if I find nothing then moving at half speed as we go along.

First Search: [roll0]

Second Search: [roll1]

2014-10-16, 04:29 PM
[Knowledge (local) success!] The dead half-orc is a resident of Torch named Parda. Parda was a popular brawler in town, and was one of those who traveled with several thugs into the caverns. Almost everyone called her a friend, and many felt that her falling in with the thugs was going to be her end—turns out, they were right. There are sure to be some friends and family that would like to give her a proper burial.
[Heal success!] A cursory inspection reveals that the half-orc's death was caused not by traps, but by repeated stab wounds from light blades, most likely daggers.

2014-10-16, 06:44 PM

"I recognize her... that's Parda." Leo says as they come to the half-orc in the cavern, "She came in here with a bunch of thugs she started hanging out with. *Sigh* We should grab her body on the way out, I know some relatives that would be thankful to have her back."

2014-10-16, 06:55 PM
Hrahgah Bonesnapper

Restless, Hrahgah kept eyes peeled around the edge of the water, this early into the cave network would be a grand place to ambush unsuspecting adventurers. Upon hearing Leo scrabble up the small cliff face, Hrahgah let down his guard a tad. Considering his height, He could clearly see over the wall to the deceased half orc on the floor.

Before climbing up himself, Hrahgah will gladly give anyone having trouble a large boost up the wall. Once atop the wall, Hrahgah speaks while donning his scalemail, "Don't know what kill that one," pointing at the corpse, "Should gear up before going." Once armored and the rest are ready, Hrahgah takes the lead down the cave.

2014-10-16, 08:24 PM

"He was stabbed many times. Likely daggers or some other light blades."

Pannar puts on his armor as well albeit slowly due to feeling poorly from the tainted water.

2014-10-19, 09:36 PM

Being totally new in town, Jaela did not have much to comment on the dead body. Though she felt a little sad that the lass had to come to an untimely demise. She pressed on however and followed after Hrahgah.

2014-10-22, 12:23 PM
A creature emerges from the water. The size of a short, stocky humanoid with webbed feet and claws, this frog-like creature has glowing white eyes. It bears its sharp teeth and begins moving toward the party menacingly.

[Knowledge (arcana) success!] This creature is a blindheim. It is a magical beast with normal animal intelligence. It attacks with teeth and claws, and also has a gaze that causes temporary blindness.

2014-10-22, 01:22 PM
"Before you lot, this is a bestial creature, be wary of its eyes, it can cause one temporarily blindness," Jaela warned before she began to make a few hand gestures and then flung a Jolt its way.

Jolt Touch Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1]

2014-10-22, 05:54 PM
Rick Sanchez of Earth, Dimension C-137

Moving along in the cave rick began to think about making a light source for these sorts of forays into dark places. Maybe he'd have to go back and collect some of that stuff from the light bugs gross butts. Probably potential there to refine the chemicals the creature produced to make a powerful light source with good shelf life.

Rick looked up to see the glowing eye'd lizard and let out a snort.

"Meh, hey Morty, go like I dunno smash that thing or something ok buddy? I need a drink."

Rick leaned against the cave wall and took out a bit of wine, taking a long drink and letting out a belch as he watched the party deal with the thing. Best to save his gadgets for later, when their threats went beyond the indigenous life of these caves.

2014-10-22, 10:28 PM

More than a tad grossed out by the glowing eyed freak before them, Leo can think of nothing to say as he pulls out his pistol and shoots it.

Move action: Draw pistol
Standard: attack.
Attack: [roll0] (Vs. Touch AC if I am within 20' of it (I think I am))
Damage: [roll1]

2014-10-22, 11:23 PM
Jaela's ray hits home, but Leo's shot sails wide.

The creature scurrys over to Hrahgah and attempts to bite him but only catches the sole of his boot as Hrahgah lifts his foot. His glowing eyes fill the small narrow cavern with bright yet eerie light.

At the beginning of your turn chose one of the following:
Close your eyes: You are immune to the gaze attack for the round but the creature gains 50% concealment against you.
Avert your eyes: Roll 1d2. If you roll a 1 you must make a DC 13 fortitude save or be blinded. Averting your eyes gives the monster 20% concealment.
Act normally: make a DC 13 fortitude save at the beginning of your turn or be blinded.

2014-10-23, 01:53 AM
Hrahgah Bonesnapper

Stepping back from the missed swing, Hrahgah uses his momentum to hack downward at the creature!

Fort Save: [roll0]

Begin Raging: 4 rounds remaining!
Attack: [roll1]
Confirm Crit: [roll2]

Damage: [roll3]
Crit Damage: [roll4]

2014-10-23, 04:32 AM
Rick Sanchez of Earth, Dimension C-137

Rick, averting his gaze looked down at his wine, and then had that annoying light from the strange reptilian wash over him.

"Ugh! Turn off the high beams yah big jerk, amirite fellas?"


Save if necessary:

2014-10-23, 05:20 AM

Pannar closes his eyes and gestures and mumbles some words.

Cast Guidance on Hrahgah.

2014-10-23, 11:11 AM

Jaela tcked and closed her eyes for that instance, she had no desire to go blind, ya know? Instead she uttered a few words and made some somatic gestures and cast a spell over herself.

Casting Resistance over herself

2014-10-24, 01:21 PM

Reloading for another shot, Leo carefully aims to avoid hitting his allies before firing at the thing.

Fort save vs blindness:
Attack: vs. touch ac
Damage: 1d8+1

2014-10-24, 02:52 PM
After charging Hrahgah the creature receives a large gash from his greatsword and a gunshot wound from Leo. Undeterred, it unleashes a flurry of claws and bites on Hrahgah, drawing blood 3 times.

Take 11 damage from 3 attacks.

2014-10-24, 06:32 PM
Rick Sanchez of Earth, Dimension C-137

"Jesus Morty, you just going to let that thing go all tazmanian devil on you? You're just made of meat Morty, I can't *BURP* just like clone you back to life...or or whatever. I don't have the resources dammit!"

Rick pulls a small leather sling out of his pocket, something he made when he first was deposited here. It's a weapon, right? It counts. He tucked a sling ball into it and closed his eyes, turning towards the thing and letting out a make-shift war cry.


Before letting the ball loose, with a fair probability of just hitting Leo in the back of the head.

Close eyes at the beginning of the round.

Monster gets Cover from all the people in front of Rick, and for being in Melee.



Concealment! (2 is good!)

2014-10-24, 11:45 PM

Pannar opens his eyes and gestures at the creature. "I can't heal from back here."

Evil eye on the creature.
-2 attack rolls DC = 15. A will save reduces duration to 1 round otherwise the duration is 8 rounds.

2014-10-26, 11:07 AM
Jaela cautiously opened her eyes and braced herself for the blinding lights.

Fort: [roll0]

If she succeeds, she will try to hit the creature with another Jolt.

Att: [roll1]
Dam: [roll2]

2014-10-26, 05:20 PM
Hrahgah Bonesnapper

Reeling from the flurry of swipes and bites from this creature, Hrahgah throws his full weight into his next strike.

:smallfurious:Still Raging: 3 Rounds Remaining
Fort Save: [roll0]

:smallfurious:Power Attacking! (-1 to hit, +3 damage)
Attack: [roll1]
Confirm Crit: [roll2]

Damage: [roll3]
Crit Damage: [roll4]

2014-10-26, 11:08 PM

"Gah! Dang it! I can't see!" says Leo even as he reloads by feel. He aims and fires toward where he remembers the beast to be, hoping it is still there to catch the bullet.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Blindness check (high=good): [roll2]
Fortitude against blindness if needed (already blind...): [roll3]

2014-10-27, 04:55 AM
Jaela's jolt hits home leaving the creature reeling. Barely clinging to life and clearly delirious, the creature makes a series of delusional and ineffective attacks on Hrahgah.

2014-10-27, 11:59 PM
Hrahgah Bonesnapper

Claws flashing, the blindheim swings fail to connect with Hrahgah. Spinning with the swings, Hrahgah brings his great cleaver of a sword to bear upon the monstrosity yet again!

:smallfurious:Still Raging!: 2 Rounds Remaining
Fort Save: [roll0]

:smallfurious: Power Attacking!!! (-1 to hit, +3 damage)
Attack: [roll1]
Confirm Crit: [roll2]

Damage: [roll3]
Crit Damage: [roll4]

2014-10-28, 12:41 AM
Hrahgah puts another large gash in the creature leaving it limp and lifeless as the light goes out in its eyes.

2014-10-28, 03:24 AM
Hrahgah Bonesnapper

With his final swing clearing the creature's shoulder, Hrahgah's eyes go dim and his arms slack. He looks almost as if he had just run a 100 meter sprint in his splintmail, sweating and breathing heavily. Cleaning his blade, he gives a quick look around the cavern, making sure there aren't anymore of these beasts lurking about.

"Everyone okay? No one hurt?" Hrahgah mumbles through a sore throat, and grunts as he sits down to inspect his wounds.

:smallfurious: End Rage: 2 Rounds Remaining
Current HP: 1

2014-10-29, 07:11 PM
upon closer inspection the creature has a tattered leather hood and a brand on its flank consisting of a single word in an unknown language.

2014-10-30, 09:17 PM
Rick Sanchez of Earth, Dimension C-137

As they waited for the magic to wear off from people eyes, Rick took a look at the brand on the creature, harumphing and taking out some parchment and a writing implement to scratch out the word that's branded on the creature. He folded it up and placed it in the pocket of his lab coat and then took out his flask and took another drink with a resounding BELCH.

"So are you guys still all Ray Charles or can we move on now?"

2014-10-30, 10:26 PM

"Ray Charles? I am Pannar. Does anyone need healing?"

2014-10-30, 10:32 PM

"Depends, can you heal blinded eyes? If not I just have to hope it wears off or I'm crippled." replies Leo rather tersely unhappy with his situation.

2014-10-30, 11:16 PM

"I don't think the spirits have granted me that ability. I certainly hope the blindness will fade or I will not be of much use either."

2014-10-31, 04:53 AM
Jaela frowned in annoyance and walked over to Leo, casually casting Light on a piece of debris in her hand she picked..

"I am just going to assess if your blindness if temporary and if so, how long," She said to Leo with an under layer of impatience. "So don't fret when I start examining your eyes." She then steadied his head with her hand without warning and held up the lit rock to his eyes.

Healing Check to try to assess how long his blindness may last if it is temporary [roll0]


a 1...this should be awesome in that terribad way

2014-10-31, 05:00 AM
Hrahgah Bonesnapper

Hrahgah continues to sit upon his rock, his upper legs and abdomen slowly oozing lifeblood. When Pannar speaks up about healing, Hrahgah grunts loudly.

"Aye, Me need heal. Much hurt from fight." Also upon seeing Rick pull off a flask, Hrahgah askes for a swig to help with the pain.

2014-10-31, 06:52 PM
With no way to track the passage of time it seems to take a while, but eventually the blindness wears off. Its not so long that you feel that any significant portion of the day has passed. It is likely that depletion of resources will still send you back to the surface well before the seven hour time limit.

2014-10-31, 07:26 PM

When Pannar's vision returns he moves to Hrahgah and saying a few words touches him and positive energy flows into the wounds.

Casts cure light wounds [roll0]

2014-11-03, 04:38 PM
Rick Sanchez of Earth, Dimension C-137

With the reptilian induced blindness having worn off Rick is more than happy to continue on. Also he's pretty much out of booze after sharing his wine skin with Hrahgah.

"Ok sheeple, all systems seem to be back online...let's see if we can't find Khonnir now huh?"

Rick didn't wait long after, and turned to the southern corridor and continued on that way, moving at half speed and searching for traps and secret doors and the like as he went.

Moving at half speed down the corridor that heads south. Search for the first square of that corridor. Then you can just do your thing, since Rick is moving that way at half speed and searching as he goes etc.


2014-11-04, 01:13 AM
Jaela continued on walking into the south passage, ignoring the rudeness of a certain you know who, as she kept her light spell going. She kept herself alert to whatever could be hiding beyond the darkness.

Perception: [roll0]

I suppose a stealth too [roll1]

2014-11-05, 01:30 PM

Relieved at the return of his sight, he nods at the suggestion of continuing and follows the others in the tunnel gun loaded.

2014-11-05, 04:06 PM
the tunnel stretches for 60 feet or so before coming to a crossroads. one of the paths appears to be a small room full of debris and discarded technology.

2014-11-05, 06:18 PM
Rick Sanchez of Earth, Dimension C-137

With little discussion Rick turns towards the room of discarded technology, still moving slowly and checking as he goes for any nefarious traps or anything moving or living that might threaten them. Of course he would have gone to the technological room regardless of the parties wishes, so he figured silently leading them there (Though with the occasional grumble or belch) would be for the best.

If nothing hostile prevents itself, continue searching the room square by square until rick finds something interesting. If something Hostile prevents itself, back the hell up.

2014-11-05, 10:15 PM
As you draw close to the room you hear the sound of rustling garbage, then a figure bolts down the corridor to the southeast.

A collection of crates, boxes, rubble, and scavenged metal lies heaped in the northwest section of this cave. Several strange chalked drawings of twisted, spiny plants, a strange three legged creature resembling the repair drone you fought, and emaciated four-armed humanoids mark the walls.

The drawings, like the repair drone appear to be things not of this world.

2014-11-06, 03:22 AM

"Huh...." Jaela glanced around holding out her pebble with the Light spell cast upon it. "Interesting...did you lot see that as well?" Jaela felt uncertain about whether or not she saw a figure from the corner of her eye.

2014-11-06, 05:29 AM
Hrahgah Bonesnapper

Having been protecting the rear because of his darkvision, Hrahgah moves to the front when the rummaging is heard.

"Rick... What going on?"

2014-11-06, 07:13 AM
Rick Sanchez of Earth, Dimension C-137

Rick looked up at Hraghah for a moment and then shrugged his shoulders.

"Scampering, Morty. I think it's called scampering. Anyway that thing took off pretty quick, didn't get a good look at it. Probably doesn't want to blind us with reptilian high beams so that's a plus, given how our last encounter with the wild life went."

He turned to look down the southeast passage and groaned a little bit as he glanced at the writings on the wall.

"While I'd much rather sift through this stuff to see if any of it is of use..well you know what, **** it i'm gonna do that. You guys go see where that thing went, I'll be right behind you."

Rick is going to take a full round searching the square he saw the little guy dash from, or as close as he can approximate to that location.


2014-11-06, 05:31 PM
In the debris you find a lot of ordinary garbage as well as discarded technology; blown capacitors, bits of wire too short to be of any use, etc. You do however find 7 silverdiscs. Useless to you but worth money to others with an interest in Numerian technology.

2014-11-11, 09:24 AM
Hrahgah Bonesnapper

Following Rick's queue, Hrahgah starts barreling down southeast corridor; his sword drawn and at the ready.

2014-11-11, 05:24 PM
The ceiling of this vast chamber rises nearly thirty feet overhead. A five-foot-wide ledge runs along the western wall, sloping down to the cave floor ten feet below. Four ramshackle huts made of what appear to be strips of metal, hides, and some sort of fibrous plant matter sit in the cave, while to the south yawns a dark pit.

A pair of torches lights the entrance to this cavern. As you approach you hear voices speaking in common. "Here comes one, theres at least another, probably more." "Very well, Ill alert Sef."

As soon as Hrahgah emerges into the torch light he can see 3 humanoids wearing little more than shorts, sandals and leather harnesses. They are not well lit by the torches on the wall, and as such their skin is difficult to distinguish from their surroundings, almost making it look as though their clothes are floating in mid air.

"Careful half-orc, we have this room well guarded. State your business and perhaps we won't have to hurt anyone."

2014-11-11, 10:08 PM
Hrahgah Bonesnapper

Breathing heavily, Hrahgah knew that while he might be able to take these three down, he would probably fall with them. Standing up to his full height, Hrahgah sheathes his blade and holds his hands out showing no threat.

"*huff huff* I not so good speaking. Let me get Rick, he more better talker. *huff huff* I walk back, no harm come?"

2014-11-14, 03:31 AM
"Are we sure we should be letting him be off like that alone?" Jaela questioned as she picked up her pace going after Hrahgah.

2014-11-14, 06:15 AM

"Not at all. We should stick together." Pannar stays in pace with Jaela.

2014-11-16, 06:57 PM
Rick Sanchez of Earth, Dimension C-137

With the junk quickly sorted through, and nothing special found rick shrugged his shoulders and gave the latest useless piece of trash a kick as he turned and went the way the rest of the people had gone. Interesting, that they had let Hraghah rush off alone, though he doubted they could have stopped the big guy.

Seeing them take off after him he shrugged and kept on, finally catching up with Hraghah. With him rushing back to meet them Rick figured something might be amiss, and shouldered past the big guy to see the entrance beyond, and what seemed like some sort of living beings. Given that Hraghah wasn't any worse for wear since going down this way, Rick figured maybe they were cool. They had to be cool, right?

Given his assessment of these new surroundings Rick approached with his hands wide int he air, and look of abject happiness on his face. You see, when you're in a dank cave and people don't take to immediately trying to kill you, you should try and take advantage of that!

He was careful not to actually go too close, not wanting to frighten any potential new non stabby friends, though he did greet them with a hearty cheer.


Diplomacy check, to see how well my Glip Glops LOVE me.


2014-11-16, 11:31 PM
Upon seeing these humanoids and their chameleon-like skin you immediately recognize them as skulks. They are humanoid underground dwellers, though you recall nothing about their diet or anything else about them.

Two of the humanoids appear to be moving into flanking positions as the party enters the mouth of the cave. The individual doing the talking gives them a brief hand signal and they stop approaching. "Ha ha ha ha. Finally someone who comes with jokes instead of weapons. I am Luepel and these are my associates Brath and Yadriss. We have found ourselves in a bit of a bind and so far everyone who has come through here chose to throw themselves on our swords rather than speak with us. If you are indeed different from those fools you may talk to our leader. I am only permitted to bring two of you to her. The rest will have to remain where you are until we can come to an accord."

2014-11-20, 05:51 AM
Rick Sanchez of Earth, Dimension C-137

Turning around to the group Rick put his hands up in the air at angles and let out a loud BURPPPPP.

"Me and Morty are gonna go rap with these cool guys. I'll see if they've seen Khonnir or what and we'll get this show back on the road! Come on Morty!"

He turned and stuffed his hands into his pockets, and fell in behind the skulks.

"All right. Lapel, Barf, Ch..Chick from the Hunger Games..lead the way!"

2014-11-20, 08:26 AM
"What ab obnoxious...person..." Jaela said once he was out of earshot, didn't even want to call me a man, that would be a compliment at this point from her. Jaela rolled her eyes and shook her head.

2014-11-20, 07:39 PM
Luepel tilts her head slightly and gives Rick a confused look. "A wise choice. Follow me please."

She leads Rick and Hrahgah deeper into the cave and out of sight of everyone else.

This cramped cave is filled with metal junk covering almost every inch of the ground. The precarious pile rises up in a heaplike hut to the northwest. "So more come from above. Greetings, I am Sef. I have a simple proposition for you. Rather than fight eachother we can direct our efforts to a common foe. You no doubt wish to to travel deeper into these caves. When you do so you will encounter a nest of gremlins, troublesome little creatures. I have a proposition for you, quite a simple one. If you do not attack us we will not attack you. Secondly, if you can destroy the gremlins I will give you what I have looted so far, strange devices I know not the use of. How does this arrangement please you?"

2014-11-21, 06:59 AM
Luepel tilts her head slightly and gives Rick a confused look. "A wise choice. Follow me please."

She leads Rick and Hrahgah deeper into the cave and out of sight of everyone else.

This cramped cave is filled with metal junk covering almost every inch of the ground. The precarious pile rises up in a heaplike hut to the northwest. "So more come from above. Greetings, I am Sef. I have a simple proposition for you. Rather than fight eachother we can direct our efforts to a common foe. You no doubt wish to to travel deeper into these caves. When you do so you will encounter a nest of gremlins, troublesome little creatures. I have a proposition for you, quite a simple one. If you do not attack us we will not attack you. Secondly, if you can destroy the gremlins I will give you what I have looted so far, strange devices I know not the use of. How does this arrangement please you?"

Rick Sanchez of Earth, Dimension C-137

Rick followed the skulks until they came to Sef. He listened for a moment and then grinned ear to ear.

"You know, you guys are cool man! Sure we'll be cool with you, you little Fraggle guys..I keep expecting one of these trash piles to yell at me with a Jamaican accent. This place is really great."

He pulled out a drink from an inner coat pocket and took a long one then stuffed it away with a BELCH.

"So yeah, no problem buck-o! We'll take care of the gremlin dealies and yu can hook us up with all the um, you know the stuff you've got or whatever you said. Sounds good to me! Oh! Hey! Wait a minute. Khonnir! Have you little dudes seen a guy he's..."

Rick goes on to describe Khonnir Baine in as much detail as he can muster.

"So yeah you seen anybody like that? He's a wizard, like a real cool guy."

2014-11-21, 01:40 PM

"Yes we have seen someone that fits that description. He and his party came through here and attacked us, killing our original leader, effectively stranding us here. They then stole all of our silverdiscs. We watched them from afar after that. They managed to get through one of the big metal doors and left the way they came with some sort of inert construct. He came back through two days later with a different party. We let him pass and haven't seen him since."

2014-11-21, 07:06 PM
Rick Sanchez of Earth, Dimension C-137

Rick blinked vacantly, as if he was processing the information. It only took him a moment and then he snapped right out of it, one hand raising up in a singularly southern preacher like fashion.

"Oh **** son! Sorry he roughed you up and stuff but he probably was having a bad day. Really he's not a bad guy, or at least wasn't last time I talked to him. Where is this big metal door anyway? I figure he's headed the same way...so we'll take care of your 80's smash hit Gremlins problem and hopefully that'll be like on the way to big metal door town, right?"

2014-11-21, 08:19 PM

"The gremils' lair lies in that direction. All of those caves are swarming with them." Sef points to the northeast. "They seem to come and go at will, but taking out their leader should send them a powerful message. As for your wizard friend, he and his people went through the large door in that cave." She points to the southeast.

2014-11-22, 05:40 AM
Rick Sanchez of Earth, Dimension C-137

Rick held his arms out wide. With the door so close it was like these little buggers had done most of the work for them.

Per*BURPfect! We'll be back soon to use those big doors guys. Don't worry y..your Gremlin problem will be an ex-..ex-problem. No sweat!"

He smacked Morty on the back and nodded back towards the way they came.

"I'm gonna need you to splatter some Gremlin things Morty. You're gonna have to splatter them real good with that *BELCH* weapon thingy you've got there. Then we'll go save Khonnir, or find him, or whatever."

He lead Hraghah back to the party and resumed his jovial disposition.

"Ok guys! These guys are pretty cool. They don't mind us using their little *BRAP* area here but they asked if we could take care of some little green dudes and possibly some failed 80s actors. Mostly little green dudes. Gremlins. So we go in here, head to the Gremlins little home base. We smash their tiny green faces. Then, then! We come back, they give us some of the cool stuff they found, and they tell us all we need to know about who has been here and all that! So BOOM. Information and like fat loot! READY!?! BREAK!"

Rick turned, and nodded to Hraghah and began to lead them towards where the Skulks had indicated the Gremlins would be, not waiting to see if anyone even wanted to follow. He could answer questions on the way, if there were any.

2014-11-26, 07:55 AM
Hrahgah Bonesnapper

Having stayed quiet and let Rick do the talking during their meeting with the little people, Hrahgah was elated to have something to do. His face split into a toothy grin, looking more like a grimace with his overly large tusks. His wounds that were left over from his meeting with the blind lizard earlier were still sore and few were still open, but he was ready to go and deal with this new threat.

"Rick, I ready to smash dem little green monsters. Maybe we find furry pet among them? Promise won't feed after midnight."

2014-11-29, 12:32 PM

Jaela sat around on the ground with a bored expression while she occasionally glanced at he skulk captors at the time.

"Mmmm....this is exciting, so exciting my body cannot handle it." She deadpanned and fiddled with her backpack and just boredly rummaging through it for nothing in particular.


"Oh? Oh gosh we were remembered, happy joy." She deadpanned. She sighed and got her things together and listlessly followed afterwards.

2014-11-29, 07:35 PM
Rick Sanchez of Earth, Dimension C-137

Ricks face went a bit slack as he watched Jaelas reaction. He cracked into a big, but somewhat forced smile as he tried to reassure her they were on the right track.

"Hey don't worry, it's cool! We're gonna go beat up these little..green..there gremlin...things-a-whatsits. These guys think they might know where Khonnir went so we can you know..track him down! It's all coming together nicely, we just gotta get this done you know?"

He clapped Hraghah on the back.

"Lead on Morty, I'll point you int he direction of these little jerks and we'll be right behind you!"

Rick proceeded to direct Hraghah and beckon for the others to flow. They head back into the skulks caves and to the caves indicated by Sef, taking the left most one first.

2014-12-02, 02:48 AM

The grumpy wizard just shrugged and rolled her eyes but still followed anyway. She softly sighed to herself and shook her head.

"You...half orc.." Jaela looked at 'Morty' as she walked up to him, increasing her pace. "Here...a moment.." She proceeded to draw some symbols in the air and then touched Hraghah's arm. "Just in case."

<She cast Resistance on him>