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View Full Version : low level damage spells for demons

2014-08-27, 09:34 AM
Were two sessions in now and have already had 2 encounters against critters with the demon subtype. So they are immune to poison and electricity, resist 10 vs fire , cold, and acid. And have DR 5/ cold iron.

Our party has a weak melee presense so after my buffing and BFC, I help out with damage. I only have 3rd level spells so I've been relying on Practical Empowered Magic Missiles for an average of 21 force damage per casting. Are there any other options that may be better/different?

2014-08-27, 11:36 AM
You're probably doing the best you can do, there, at least without absurd levels of optimization. Magic Missile's whole schtick is that it's reliable, and is the thing that works when nothing else works. Which starts to fail when spell resistance shows up, but I don't think you're at that point yet.

2014-08-27, 11:39 AM
You're probably doing the best you can do, there, at least without absurd levels of optimization. Magic Missile's whole schtick is that it's reliable, and is the thing that works when nothing else works. Which starts to fail when spell resistance shows up, but I don't think you're at that point yet.

Not much for SR yet. We had a fiendish scorpion thing that had SR 12 I think. But that wasn't too hard to get through. I should probably grad true casting next level though.

2014-08-27, 11:56 AM
If available, some of the sanctified spells work very well against evil subtype critters and undead. Limited use otherwise, and you'd need a way to soak the sacrifice cost, but worth a gander, as their effects can be impressive on the right targets. Bonus points for getting Purify or Consecrate Spell metamagic. Almost all of the sanctified spells are in Book of Exalted Deeds, with a few outliers around in Champions of Virtue (oh, gosh, can't believe I'm having trouble recalling book names...), and maybe one or two other books (but unlikely, sadly).

Anyway, sanctified spells can be used by any good-aligned caster that prepares their spells.

2014-08-27, 12:24 PM
If available, some of the sanctified spells work very well against evil subtype critters and undead. Limited use otherwise, and you'd need a way to soak the sacrifice cost, but worth a gander, as their effects can be impressive on the right targets. Bonus points for getting Purify or Consecrate Spell metamagic. Almost all of the sanctified spells are in Book of Exalted Deeds, with a few outliers around in Champions of Virtue (oh, gosh, can't believe I'm having trouble recalling book names...), and maybe one or two other books (but unlikely, sadly).

Anyway, sanctified spells can be used by any good-aligned caster that prepares their spells.

I'm a sorcerer so I won't be able to use sanctified spells if they are prepared only.

Purify spell looks kind of weak for just +1d6 vs evil. You'd think that "good" damage would something extra against evil but I don't see anywhere that it does.

Consecrate is appealing with the ability to reclassify 1/2 the damage as divine for getting around energy resistance. I may grab this after a level or two. Well see how many More demons show up, that's kind of the premise so I'm imagining well see lots more.

2014-08-27, 02:48 PM
I mentioned Purify/Consecrate because I remember that one of them is good, the other not so much, but I can't keep the names straight. Should have mentioned that to begin with.

Actually, Purify may not work as you are suggesting. It increases the die size dealt by the spell. The actual average damage varies by the original die used by the spell, but it's not insignificant in some cases. Particularly if you also have access to metamagic rods for for-free Empower or Maximize. A player of mine made me regret living by using this on a spellscale cleric with mark of the enlightened soul and bolt of glory.

Sadly, some of that probably isn't accessible or useful at your level, so Consecrate might be a better choice. Though Purify does let you drop AoE on top of your party with impunity, which can be nice (though a problem easily avoided with planning and coordination).

2014-08-27, 02:51 PM
I mentioned Purify/Consecrate because I remember that one of them is good, the other not so much, but I can't keep the names straight. Should have mentioned that to begin with.

Actually, Purify may not work as you are suggesting. It increases the die size dealt by the spell. The actual average damage varies by the original die used by the spell, but it's not insignificant in some cases. Particularly if you also have access to metamagic rods for for-free Empower or Maximize. A player of mine made me regret living by using this on a spellscale cleric with mark of the enlightened soul and bolt of glory.

Sadly, some of that probably isn't accessible or useful at your level, so Consecrate might be a better choice. Though Purify does let you drop AoE on top of your party with impunity, which can be nice (though a problem easily avoided with planning and coordination).

Ah, I read purify wrong. It could be handy after all.

2014-08-27, 03:02 PM
Purify spell looks kind of weak for just +1d6 vs evil. You'd think that "good" damage would something extra against evil but I don't see anywhere that it does.
It does, but it probably won't be relevant for a long time. Some top-end fiends have regeneration that's bypassed by good damage, which is either damage from a good-aligned weapon, or from a spell with the [good] descriptor.

2014-08-27, 05:20 PM
Were two sessions in now and have already had 2 encounters against critters with the demon subtype. So they are immune to poison and electricity, resist 10 vs fire , cold, and acid. And have DR 5/ cold iron.

Kinda depends.

You want damage you still have sonic, negative and untyped damage.

Though you can do a lot more then 'damage'. Ray of Enfeeblement, glitterdust, grease, color spray, shatter, Tasha's Hideous Laughter and on and on can do tons in a battle.

You can also summon things to do damage....

2014-08-27, 05:25 PM
Kinda depends.

You want damage you still have sonic, negative and untyped damage.

Though you can do a lot more then 'damage'. Ray of Enfeeblement, glitterdust, grease, color spray, shatter, Tasha's Hideous Laughter and on and on can do tons in a battle.

You can also summon things to do damage....

We often find ourselves in tight corridors and I always try to use grease or glitterdust to take some or all of the enemies out of the fight and then we pick em off before the spell expires.
Our group is used to having any least one brute with a 50+ str score who just crushes through any kind of resistance. This Time we don't so were noticing them a lot more.you don't notice having 10 damage taken off your attack when you deal 80 damage per turn, but when you deal 15 you notice.

2014-08-27, 06:13 PM
* Hail of Stone (SC) it's like burning hands, but does untyped damage.

*Manyjaws (SC) You'd get five jaws of force that fly about and do 1d6 damage each for three rounds. It has uses....

* Shatterfloor(SC) 1d4/level sonic damage

* Sonic Blast(SC) sonic damage of 1d4/2 levels to one creature.

* Sound Lance(SC) is a good one target 1d8/level spell

* Sun Bolt (Shinning South) 2nd level and does 2d6 points of untyped damage.

You also might want to grab all the ''Light'' spells you can:

* Light of Lunia is 1st level, that does 2d6 points of damage against undead or evil outsiders.

* Light of Venya is 3rd level that does 6d6 points of damage against undead or evil outsiders.

* Unicorn Horn (Complete Mage) is a great anti demon spell...

2014-08-27, 06:37 PM
Oh, right, forgot Light of Lunia. It's actually even better than that, if you have a familiar, because you can share it so both of you are blasting beans of light at enemies. That's more of a first-level trick, though: By this point, the OP is doing just as much damage with his Magic Missiles, due to scaling with CL.

2014-08-27, 08:00 PM
when you get 5th level spells Orb of fire + searing spell. Fire damage that overcomes any fire resistance, and ignores any SR for 1d6/level up to 15d6, and also forces a fort save vs Daze

at 4th level spells, good ol' orb of force does much the same but only up to 10d6, and no fort save vs Daze, not as good, but is cheaper and also has other uses.