View Full Version : City of Progress - Campaign Journal: Chapter 5? (Time warps and entrepreneurship)

2014-08-27, 03:22 PM
For those of you just tuning in – get acquainted with the game here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?330770-City-of-Progress-Campaign-Journal).
For those of you who missed the last session – click here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?363386-City-of-Progress-Campaign-Journal-Chapter-4-(New-Players-and-New-difficulties)).

Joining us at the table were the usuals:
Beable Bamford - Halfling siege mage and Golem Lord for Rab's Progress, and his trusty Golem "mouse" (carrying a ginormous cannon inside of it).
Galarend - Human Shining Knight Paladin and General of Rab's Progress' standing army. He is never far away from his trusty steed "Bolba" (A huge flying Triceratops decked out in spiked full-plate armor. (yes, it flies. I approved a permanency of a Fly spell in his case due to particular circumstances.))
Lady Wisteria - Human verdant Sorcerer who is the Rab's Progress' herbalist and "tea-master." (In the front yard of her home stands the only tree in the entire city - a huge oak tree)

However, this week we were missing the fresh blood due to scheduling conflicts – which also is the reason for the length between posts. Apologies. The players are:
An Elf Bard named Vaielen who is a very new player. So he was very low optimized. He specializes in being a skill monkey, much like Bards often are.
We also had a Half-Orc Barbarian named Elisia who was a little less new than the Bard – so her optimization wasn’t that severe either. She has a few tricks with her rage powers and focuses on Great Cleave to great effect.

Time warps and the joys of entrepreneurship

One evening in which all the PC’s (other than Vaielen and Elisia) were present and we weren’t playing a game (for whatever reason, I’ll never know) we began to discuss the upcoming game. I mentioned that there’d be a whole load of downtime between the end of the current mission (which they were nearly at) and the start of the next. Specifically they would have four months to work on their own projects etc. after going back to Rab’s Progress.

Consequently, we fast-forwarded the game to that point in time since they were almost there and very little would happen between where they were and then. Items were sold and goods were transferred into GP. Galarend made sure to evenly split the Bright Fist Sized Alexandrite they found on the Graveknight which was worth nearly 200K GP – much to the chagrin of Beable’s player who wanted it all for himself, to fund his numerous projects.

It was also at this point that I informed the PC’s about how their own business will function within the confines of the game:

First off, when I told them to make their characters, they were to have only 150K GP which to make them. It’s a hefty amount, but if a player looks at the Character Wealth by Level (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/gamemastering.html) chart, a person can clearly see that a player at 15th level should have amassed roughly 240K GP. The reason I held this back was to have them create a business within the city of Rab’s Progress.

This businesses act as personal bank accounts for the PC’s. They can actively withdraw any amount from this business at any time to add to their own personal loot pile. However, drawing from that 100K will decrease the potential of that business to operate and provide services to Rab’s Progress. This mechanic will have interesting role-play consequences depending on whether or not they leave it alone, take money from it, or even add to it.

Also, while they are operating their business, it will function according to the percentage of gold they have taken or added. For example if a player takes 50K gold from their account, that leaves them with 50K (50% of their 100K) so when they are making profession checks during downtime, their business will only make 50% of its earnings. Likewise, if they add 50K to it (bring their total up to 150K) they will make 50% more on their weekly profession checks.

Armed with this new knowledge they went about making 4 months’ worth of profession checks to gain GP. They spent their time scouring over spells to increase their crafting checks. Finding a few they added them to the checks they made. Much to their dismay, 4 months of earnings only netted them roughly 500GP each. Beable barely made enough to cover the spells he had to buy which increased his checks.

During this time I also allowed for them to work on their own projects. Lady Wisteria toyed with the notion of creating a staff or two, but ultimately decided against it. The only things she bought with her hard earned GP were 10 potions of Cure Serious Wounds. Beable decided to retire Mouse in favor of Mouse 2.0. He used his downtime (and 25K gold from his business) to create a Cannon Golem in the general shape of the original Mouse. He was happy with his creation to say the least. The original Mouse now sits as a centerpiece of his shop. It’s still functional, but now acts as more of a guard dog while he is away. Galarend burned 50K from his business to purchase items for Bolba – including Horseshoes of Speed and several other nifty items, including enchanting Bolba’s armor with “Righteous” as well – this will be interesting to see when this ability gets used as Bolba is already a Huge creature.

Since this wasn’t a game, there was no official beginning or end to what was going on, but rather we got a tedious and time consuming portion of the game out the way and they were ready for the next time we got together.

See you guys next time!

In the mean time, anybody have any suggestions for what evil things I should do to my characters? They're level 15 at the moment and can handle a lot! LOL.

For the next session, click here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?369149-City-of-Progress-Campaign-Journal-Chapter-6-(End-of-an-Arc-Beginning-of-another)).