View Full Version : ziltoid the omniscient

Crimson Wolf
2014-08-28, 12:44 AM
So, has anyone else heard of this band? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUcmBI1D4lg I just, wow, this has to be the most unique, hilarious, and metal thing that I have heard/seen. For anyone not familiar, apparently Ziltoid is a alien that has come to earth threatening our destruction unless we give him a cup of our finest black coffee. And a entire album was made behind this o.o

2014-08-28, 01:40 AM
So, has anyone else heard of this band? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUcmBI1D4lg I just, wow, this has to be the most unique, hilarious, and metal thing that I have heard/seen. For anyone not familiar, apparently Ziltoid is a alien that has come to earth threatening our destruction unless we give him a cup of our finest black coffee. And a entire album was made behind this o.o

It's not a band, it's an album from Devin Townsend

Killer Angel
2014-08-28, 06:03 AM
Greetings humans, I am Ziltoid...the omniscient.
I have come from far across the omniverse.
You shall fetch me your universes ultimate cup of coffee...
You have five Earth minutes,
Make it perfect!

It's decisely one of the funniest intro for an album ever. :smallbiggrin:

Crimson Wolf
2014-08-28, 08:21 PM
Meh band, single person doing a bands work. Either way it is hilarious XD And yes I agree that intro made me hooked on listening to the entire album.

Edit: Okay I messed up with the name of the maker and such at first, I really didn't do a lot of digging when finding this. I just watched the vid and laughed my butt of then closed said video XD

2014-08-29, 05:48 AM
Meh band, single person doing a bands work. Either way it is hilarious XD And yes I agree that intro made me hooked on listening to the entire album.

It is hilarious, but it's not a quibble. A band is the owner/creator of a work, an album is the work. Ziltoid the Omniscient is an album.

2014-09-01, 07:34 PM
It is hilarious, but it's not a quibble. A band is the owner/creator of a work, an album is the work. Ziltoid the Omniscient is an album.

Another example would be saying that David Bowie is an artist but Ziggie Stardust is an Album despite it being the name of a character in that album who is also an artist. Similarly, Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band is also an Album, not a band.

2014-09-02, 12:51 AM
Another example would be saying that David Bowie is an artist but Ziggie Stardust is an Album despite it being the name of a character in that album who is also an artist. Similarly, Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band is also an Album, not a band.

Right, exactly. I'm sure there are other Bands who have done similar works but none are coming to might right now really.