View Full Version : Lf a non-custom Magic Item

2014-08-28, 11:18 AM
Is there a magic item, say similar to the healing belt from MIC, that allows the user to simply use detect magic a few times a day(or at will) that does not require a UMD Check, and never runs out of charges like a wand does. (limited uses per day is fine) And also be in the price range of a low level character (say level 5 or below)

Red Fel
2014-08-28, 11:26 AM
Is there a magic item, say similar to the healing belt from MIC, that allows the user to simply use detect magic a few times a day(or at will) that does not require a UMD Check, and never runs out of charges like a wand does. (limited uses per day is fine) And also be in the price range of a low level character (say level 5 or below)

Not a magic item, but the Shape Soulmeld feat, with the Disenchanter Mask soulmeld, gives you a perpetual Detect Magic, at-will, with a radius of 10 feet. No charges, no limit on uses, and everyone gets feats - if you're willing to spend one on it.

If you're worried about a wand running out of charges, you could get an Eternal Wand, which has only two charges but renews itself daily.

2014-08-29, 02:41 AM
In the MIC:

> Dagger of Denial (1/day): 10,000gp

> Eternal Wand of Detect Magic (2/day): 460gp *must be an arcane caster of any sort to use without UMD