View Full Version : Intoxication and Saving Throws

2014-08-28, 05:23 PM
Hello everyone!

Does anyone know if there are specific 3.5 rules regarding saving throws while drunk?

2014-08-28, 05:46 PM
3.5 doesn't have rules for being drunk, but 3.0 does in the Arms and Equipment Guide. IIRC it deals Wis and Dex damage, so Will and Ref saves would be lower.

2014-08-28, 05:47 PM
Hello everyone!

Does anyone know if there are specific 3.5 rules regarding saving throws while drunk?

Just make em roll a fortitude save DC 10+2/hr spent drinking.

2014-08-28, 05:48 PM
Specifically is Arms and Equipment guide but I don't know of any others.

2014-08-28, 05:49 PM
Just make em roll a fortitude save DC 10+2/hr spent drinking.

Edit---ah, misunderstood where you were going. Maybe have them roll a fort save to avoid or lessen the penalties to will and reflex saves. While a fort save failure of 10 or more means they're passed out.

Fax Celestis
2014-08-28, 05:57 PM


Which, by the way, is a laughable amount. Double your con score +1? So my 18 Con Barbarian can drink 37 drinks in an evening before getting drunk?

I want to party with whoever came up with these rules.

2014-08-28, 05:59 PM
Double your con score +1?

Modifier, not score

2014-08-28, 06:00 PM


Which, by the way, is a laughable amount. Double your con score +1? So my 18 Con Barbarian can drink 37 drinks in an evening before getting drunk?

I want to party with whoever came up with these rules.

Yeah, even your average commoner with a Con 10 could drink 21 drinks in 6 hrs. Yeah right.

Fax Celestis
2014-08-28, 06:04 PM
Modifier, not score

Alright, still. Nine? Really? Before any side effects?

2014-08-28, 06:14 PM
Alright, still. Nine? Really? Before any side effects?

It's called alcohol tolerance. Seriously, you've probably never met anyone in real life with the equivalent of an 18 in Constitution. That's an exceptionally rare thing for normal people.

I heard that it took Andre the Giant several entire bottles of wine before he got drunk. That is the kind of person we are talking about when we say high (18+) Constitution.

2014-08-28, 06:20 PM
Now that I think about it, everyone in old times was a drunk. Drinking water was a gamble that could end up killing you. Drinking alcohol was the safest way to make sure that what you were drinking was sanitary. Growing up drinking booze from infancy would give you a high tolerance.
Along with stunted growth and short life span too I imagine.

2014-08-28, 06:28 PM
Alright, still. Nine? Really? Before any side effects?

Average human = 1 drink. Slightly beefier human (Warrior?) With 12+ con = 2 drinks.

20th level Raging Barbarian Dragonborn Mongrelfolk with +Con from leveling, item and tome gets 48 con, and so 20 drinks before feeling drunk. Even without raging can have 16 drinks, or if it takes 20 drinks, can rage and suddenly becomes clear headed again.

Yup, sounds about right.

Milo v3
2014-08-28, 06:33 PM
There's a single type of alcohol described in Races of Stone:

Drink-and-tell mead is technically an ingested poison (DC 14 Fort save; 1d3 Cha/1d3 Cha), although it only induces drowsiness and reduces speech to a slurred gibberish. It isn't otherwise dangerous.