View Full Version : Pathfinder and Third Party Psionics?

2014-08-28, 09:36 PM
I've never taken a look at pathfinder psionic stuff. I'd like to know what books to find it in, and any good third party stuff for psionics, if anyone knows.

2014-08-28, 09:42 PM
There is no first party Pathfinder Psionics. Paizo is discussing releasing a "psychic magic" supplement sometime in 2015 though. It will probably contain vancian spellcasters though.

For third party, Dreamscarred Press is considered the definitive (sometimes even cited as better at Pathfinder than Paizo) source.
DSP psionics on d20pfsrd (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed)
store link for the PDF (http://dreamscarredpress.com/dragonfly/Store/product/pid=126.html)