View Full Version : Pathfinder Character wombo-combos!

2014-08-29, 12:07 AM
Ok so the S.O. And I are starting up at lvl 1, and while I have some experience, she has not so much. So aside from wizard/wizard, are there any classes or archetypes that really mesh together well? Most of the 3.5 classes are available to us too.

2014-08-29, 12:18 AM
Is it just the two of you?

Bard/Druid, p'raps. Or Bard and any other type of summoner. Cleric + Arcane gish. Artificer + anything. Mobile melee blender + battlefield controller; maybe a shadowpouncer of some sort.

2014-08-29, 12:52 AM
Evangelist cleric gets some bard songs, and master summoner with skill elidon can provide the rest mostly. Advantage of this is with summons you can have the bodies to almost complete a 4 man, will start slow, but should cover most things. You would have a 9th divine and an arcane 9th disguised as a 6th.

Another is wizard and maybe investigator, or vivisection alchemist, or sacred fist warpriest. Something that can melee plus heal, and wizard, arguably the top of tier one is always good to have around. Trap to this is action economy, tho both should be strong.

2014-08-29, 08:40 AM
Well there may be one or two other people (brand new group) Would witch and witch work? I don't know if their cackling and such stacks with each other.

2014-08-29, 09:32 AM
Hmm, depending I will do personally pick a character class till newer players do, part because I can play anything with my mastery, and no matter what I can go out side the box to fill a roll if I feel trapped.

That said, 2 witch's may have your DM throwing books at you and cursing you both, with the way sleep hex piss's some DM's not perpared for it. The other issue is a witch casts some niche spells, a witch wizard is a lot better for a combo.


Addem Up
2014-09-16, 10:22 AM
If you've got a party with you, might I suggest a Butterfly sting/Scythe combo? Barbarian wielding a scythe and a ninja with Butterfly Sting can lead to some nasty crit spikes.

Admittedly it's not until level 3 or even level 5 that it gets really good, but still.

2014-09-16, 10:42 AM
Bard/Anything is usually good, but especially things that get minions (Broodmaster Summoner, or really any Druid or Summoner) or lots of attacks (mainly archers, but sometimes others).

Wizard/Wizard is totally fine. One should specialize in Conjuration, the other in Transmutation, and make sure not to prohibit the same schools. It won't be a great combo in that your abilities will be synergistic, but it will be a great combo in the sense that between you you will have a huge toolbox.

Cleric/Cleric isn't necessarily such a great combo from a mechanical perspective (it's fine, but not amazing). On the other hand, having multiple clerics in the party can be so much fun to RP. Cleric/Paladin accomplishes more or less the same thing, I just don't like Paladins that much.

2014-09-16, 10:49 AM

If you're rich enough to afford some scrolls for your spellbook, you can combo well with anyone in the party.

2014-09-16, 11:59 AM

The summoner focuses on buff spells for the Warblade and summoned minions. The Warblade goes heavily into the White Raven discipline to get things that let him make the horde of summoned creatures better. (A minionmancy-focused necromancer can work almost as well.)