View Full Version : [PF] Paladin Gear level 5?

2014-08-29, 06:27 AM
Hello Playground,

I am switching out my old character in our Kingmaker campaign. The replacement is going to be a Paladin level 5, skilled to have a big box of Sandwiches (Fey Foundling + Greater Mercy for plenty of Swift self-healing). Divine Bond for Weapon.
For flavour reasons, I'm going Greatsword instead of the slightly more efficient Falchion, but do not plan to take any weapon-specific feats.

The build as such is settled. Now I get to shop. 10K worth of items according to WBL. What to choose?

* MW Full Plate +1 is a given. -> 2650GP
* Greatsword +1 -> 2000GP
* Mount /w Light Chain Barding -> 300+400 = 700GP

That leaves me with 4650GP. I don't know PF specific items very well, so I need some advice.
Note that this is NOT a "3.P" game, NO 3.5-specific material is allowed (much to my dismay, else I would have played a Warblade to begin with).

So what should I get? Save booster? AC Booster?
BTW, the expenses for the mount are negotiable; if necessary I could cut that down to a light riding horse without barding to free up funds.

Furthermore, the rest of the party is horribly unoptimized and the players (except one) have absolutely no clue of team play. So I basically need to cover all bases myself, and can't rely on anyone.

Thanks for any suggestions. =)

2014-08-29, 08:20 AM
Oh, an afterthought:
Maybe even just go for MW weapon, and save 2K for other stuff? After all, it's an AP where some magical weapons are bound to drop sooner or later anyway.

2014-08-29, 08:39 AM
I usually start my low level characters with a Handy Haversack and a wide assortment of mundane gear (rope, grappling hooks, etc). You should also make sure you get a saddle for your horse, and probably some saddlebags too.

You should also pick up a a bow and some arrows so you have a good ranged attack, in case you come up against flying creatures.

I'd also suggest considering a +2 stat item. (probably STR or CHA, depending on your build)

Finally, it's never a bad idea to have a reserve fund handy in case something comes up. Not spending all your starting gold is not a bad thing.

2014-08-29, 10:43 AM
Grab a Meditation Crystal (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/goods-and-services/toys-games-puzzles#TOC-Meditation-Crystal) or three.
They let you convert Channeling into Lay on Hands. Great for end of day, just pump all your remaining Lay-on-Channels into the Crystals, then empty them throughout the next day.

Also, take a spin through the Oradin Guide, there's a bunch of fun items in there.
Like Boots of the Earth (not to be confused with Earth Root Boots, may need to go to the Archives of Nethys).

2014-08-29, 11:40 AM
Ah, thanks for the clues. Meditation Crystals I will keep in mind as a backup plan, in case the GM takes exception to my Oatch of Vengeance. Otherwise, OoV trades away Channel Energy anyway.

2014-08-29, 05:48 PM
Oath of Vengeance

Ah. Not mentioned in first post.
Well, if you have any friendly Clerics (or Oracle/other w/channeling) then you should still grab a couple.

2014-08-30, 01:26 AM
If you want to be really, really, horrenduously cheeky (Which I don't advise), but IDK how permissive your group is like, take a look at the Cyclops Helm (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/c-d/cyclops-helm). Bask in how stupidly cheap it is. And then get a greataxe instead of a Greatsword. Or a Scythe, Perchance. Juust in case you're looking at a party wipe and you just need something big and nasty to go.

Back in the land of sanity(!), I have to suggest not paying for a Warhorse and barding. It has all of twenty hit points and the AC isn't gonna do a lot. 3rd level barbarians are going to blow it off the map. If you want to be a combat rider, take your divine bond in a mount. If it's just for travel, a light horse should do. Or better yet, suggest the party pool it's wealth and buy a carriage. It costs 100gp for the carriage, which can carry six, including the driver, and 75 gp each for two light horse to pull it. Or, to travel is less style, a heavy wagon carries most of a ton (which is the party plus loot) and only needs one horse.

2014-08-30, 09:08 AM
Ah, sorry for not mentioning the OoV in my first post, I thought I had.

Anyway, situation has changed slightly anyway; GM has said that the replacement character would be reset to level 4, so my budget is much lower. On the plus side, I will probably get a nice weapon from the party, because it dropped as loot yesterday and nobody in the party has any use for it. So with that bit of metagame knowledge in mind, I don't need to buy a magic weapon from my WBL allowance.

Another question, where are Boots of the Earth from? I can't find it in either the Masterwork Tools nor the PFSRD.

Okay, convinced on the point of mounts. Actually, I think I will buy none at all, and just commandeer from the resources of our city.

Cyclops Helm really has some Cheese potential. =D But I don't really intend to take a x3 or x4 weapon, for flavour reasons.

2014-08-30, 09:12 AM
Here is a good list of items.


2014-08-30, 09:27 AM
Yeah, I know, but as I said above, this is for a Pathfinder game with no 3.5 sources allowed.

2014-08-30, 11:46 AM
Yeah, I know, but as I said above, this is for a Pathfinder game with no 3.5 sources allowed.

Boots of the Earth (http://www.archivesofnethys.com/MagicWondrousDisplay.aspx?FinalName=Boots%20of%20t he%20Earth)
Inner Sea Gods
(if you can't find something on the PFSRD, check the Archives of Nethys)

You basically gain Fast Healing 1 as long as you stand still. There is _no_ 'only while in combat' restriction. There is _no_ 'only heals damage done while wearing the boots' restriction.
Their base cost is $5,000
Now compare that to a Ring of Regeneration... (http://www.archivesofnethys.com/MagicRingsDisplay.aspx?FinalName=Ring%20of%20Regen eration)yeah.

2014-08-30, 12:34 PM
I'm always a fan of the Quick Runner's Shirt (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/r-z/shirt-quick-runners) for low-level Pathfinder characters.

Once per day as a swift action, the wearer can take an additional move action to move on his turn.

Pretty decent for 1,000g.

2014-08-31, 05:27 AM
Thanks, that helps. I guess I'll invest in such a fancy shirt, to make sure I get into melee quickly.

2014-08-31, 05:53 AM
Grab a Meditation Crystal (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/goods-and-services/toys-games-puzzles#TOC-Meditation-Crystal) or three.
They let you convert Channeling into Lay on Hands. Great for end of day, just pump all your remaining Lay-on-Channels into the Crystals, then empty them throughout the next day.

The RAW description is very lacking. Anyone caring to explain how this is worded? English isn't exactly my first language.

2014-08-31, 06:15 AM
The RAW description is very lacking. Anyone caring to explain how this is worded? English isn't exactly my first language.

I am not 100% sure, but I guess it's supposed to mean:
- Meditation Crystals are a type of Channel Focus
- Channel Foci are generally used by Clerics, because they Channel Energy
- but a Monk can "borrow" the focus of a Cleric of the same faith (i.e. both have the same deity) to regain a ki-point. Likewise, a Paladin can borrow such a crystal to get an extra Lay On Hands.

However, nothing says that Monks or Pallies cannot buy Meditation Crystals of their own.

2014-08-31, 07:09 AM
The RAW description is very lacking. Anyone caring to explain how this is worded? English isn't exactly my first language.

You also need to read this part (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/goods-and-services/toys-games-puzzles#TOC-Channel-Foci1), it confused me too for a while until I realized I was lacking half of the context.

The short of it is that these focus thingies are crystals that can be charged with a Cleric's Channel Energy, activating an special ability. The special ability of the mediation crystal is that is allow a Monk or Paladin to regain Ki or Lay on Hands.

A paladin could also activate a crystal it seems (by channel energy), it's mostly to store lay on hands when you got left overs at the end of the day. Could be nice, but you spend 2 lay on hands to store 1 for 24 hours.

2014-08-31, 09:44 AM
And I guess the Paladin itself counts as Cleric of its own god for the uses of those crystals?

Because my paladin has a cleric in his party but he has another god.

2014-08-31, 10:05 AM
And I guess the Paladin itself counts as Cleric of its own god for the uses of those crystals?

Because my paladin has a cleric in his party but he has another god.

Yeah that part is pretty vague, this line seems to apply non clerics can channel energy:

Activating a focus is identical to channeling energy, but instead of directing the power outward, the cleric (or other appropriate character) directs it into the focus,

But the mediation crystal self is locked to clerics

A monk or paladin of the cleric’s faith may concentrate upon an activated meditation crystal,

RAI the answer points to yes, but RAW is unclear.

2014-08-31, 12:56 PM
Yeah that part is pretty vague, this line seems to apply non clerics can channel energy:

But the mediation crystal self is locked to clerics

RAI the answer points to yes, but RAW is unclear.

I'd assume since that since the first time they mention Clerics they add that "or other appropriate character" part, and then _only_ mention Clerics from then on that "cleric" after that point should refer to any Channel-capable class.
I.E. They got lazy.
"Cleric" is shorter than "Cleric (or other appropriate character)" and is also shorter than "Channel-capable class".

They could have made that more clear however.

2014-08-31, 01:23 PM
I just wanted to make sure because some players in my group are somewhat RAW attorneys.

2014-08-31, 01:50 PM
RAW attorneys.

Well, if you want to get all "legal" about it...
Just convince them that "Cleric (or other appropriate character)" actually reads as:
"Cleric (or other appropriate character (hereinafter referred to as 'Cleric'))"
I mean, it's not like Paizo has actual lawyers writing their stuff, so sometimes they forget proper legal-ese.

2014-08-31, 02:00 PM
I'd assume since that since the first time they mention Clerics they add that "or other appropriate character" part, and then _only_ mention Clerics from then on that "cleric" after that point should refer to any Channel-capable class.
I.E. They got lazy.
"Cleric" is shorter than "Cleric (or other appropriate character)" and is also shorter than "Channel-capable class".

They could have made that more clear however.

Objection! Where this logic works for most of these crystals, the mediation one has a specific second problem. The person channeling and the personal getting the boon are noted as two different people, even accepting that cleric means more then cleric, we still encounter this problem.

A monk or paladin of the cleric’s (or other appropriate character's) faith may concentrate upon an activated meditation crystal
The sentence cannot flow with you replace both parties with the same class.

A paladin of the paladin’s faith may concentrate upon an activated meditation crystal
See, it's weird and implies two different people regardless.

Even then I do personally agree that a paladin can charge and use a crystal without a second party, because all other crystals work like that. Still I am saying this is something other people might disagree with and even debate, the wording keeps being vague.

2014-09-01, 05:19 AM
Meh... okay then, long story short is, as a Vengeance Pala I can't use because I can't channel energy and we won't have a Cleric in the party anymore, once I swap out my Cleric for the Pala. Which I do because the Cleric is skilled as Archer and we have _no_ melee at all in the party anymore, after the previous resident Paladin fell and fled.