View Full Version : How to disguise a Warforged

2014-08-29, 06:29 PM
Ok so lets say I need a Warforged to look perhaps Human-ish, at least enough to get past the guards and into a city where they may or may not trust the mechanical men all that much. How do I go about this?

Also perhaps I want to keep this disguise for awhile, maybe even make it were people shaking his hand cannot notice the different texture of his skin and so forth.

2014-08-29, 06:30 PM
The easiest way seems to pretend he's a human clad in full plate, but that will only work up to a point.

2014-08-29, 06:37 PM
Of course the Game Rule answer is just take a couple ranks in the skill disguise. With that skill you can make a seven foot tall hulking warforged looks like a little old lady.

If your asking more reasonable, a warforged really only has a couple of choices: A heavily armored person or a construct. A warfaroged could disguise themselves as a Shield Guardian, for example.

They can get all bandaged up an go as a burn victim or leper.

2014-08-29, 06:40 PM
Would magic items like Hat of Disguise make him look human. Because Platemail might work but well he has build in armor so he would have to buy platemail first and that seems like a lot of investment for a useless set of armor

2014-08-29, 06:55 PM
Would magic items like Hat of Disguise make him look human. Because Platemail might work but well he has build in armor so he would have to buy platemail first and that seems like a lot of investment for a useless set of armor

Magic, of course, can make him look like anything.....it's magic.

The warforged would not 'buy' armor...he 'is' armor. He would just make it look like there was a 'person' inside the armor.


See the guy in plate armor hiding with the robots? Well, a Warforged would do the opposite.....make themselves look like the guy in armor...

2014-08-29, 07:15 PM
He could play dumb; if Warforged are a thing in the setting, then normal golems would certainty be. Throw a robe over his shoulders, have him follow the token spellcaster, and let the spellcaster bluff his way inside with his bodyguard.

2014-08-29, 08:10 PM
Use the old standby: big hooded cloak that covers your body and face. A full helmet would work too.

2014-08-29, 08:57 PM
Step 1, locate a suitably large humanoid
Step 2, capture said humanoid
Step 3, sharpen skinning knife...

No? ok then

the polymorph line would help, as would a number of illusions and magical items.

Assuming you've only got mundane means on hand, highest priority goes to the head. A big cloak and gloves, and the rest of you is set, but that beak is distinctive.

Most checkpoint guards worth a damn are going to insist on seeing someone's face before allowing admittance, which presents a problem. You're probably going to have to whip up a mask of some kind. It doesn't have to be pretty, but at least somewhat reasonable. Do you have access to anyone with any kind of crafting skills?

2014-08-29, 08:59 PM
You could always take a level in Master of Masks.

2014-08-29, 09:00 PM
Eh, even though they're a little bulky, they could pass for human with a mask and proper makeup. They'd look a bit weird but no one would really comment on it unless they were fairly certain it was disguise.

Probably would also need some mask-type things in other areas, come to think of it.

Wear a robe.

2014-08-29, 11:32 PM
a half orc would likely be easier then a human: dimensions are closer.