View Full Version : 3rd Ed Dragon Disciples that aren't obvious

2014-08-29, 06:31 PM
Alright, I'm curious, as I like the Dragon Disciple class, and I was curious: Which classes, other than Sorcerer, do well with DD (3.5 and/or PF)?

I was thinking that Duskblade would not be a bad choice, nor would certain Bard builds. Any other thoughts?

2014-08-29, 06:41 PM
Maybe Hexblade. I don't really see the point of the class though.

2014-08-29, 06:50 PM
Looking at the 3.5 version: no class does well with this — there are much better ways of building a Dragonesque character. The bonus spells might be useful on a half caster, but it's 3/4 BAB and 2+ Skill points don't help with anything.

2014-08-29, 07:05 PM
DMG: "Most are barbarians, fighters, or rangers who have dabbled as sorcerers or bards."

So those.

2014-08-29, 07:38 PM
rogue/assassin/dragon disciple

2014-08-29, 08:23 PM
rogue/assassin/dragon disciple
Goliath rogue/assassin/dragon disciple

2014-08-29, 08:24 PM
Goliath rogue/assassin/dragon disciple

ranger/assassin/dragon disciple would probably work too, with better bab

2014-08-29, 09:26 PM
In Neverwinter nights PC game, bard4/barb1/Dragon disciple was a simple build that worked great (partly because the selection of PRCs was so limited).

I think barb4/sorc1/dragon disciple would be a decent build as well. Choose nerve skitter and some other level-independent buff spell perhaps?

2014-08-29, 11:05 PM
The best dragon disciple builds are not really casters at all. You generally dip just one level of sorc/bard/duskblade and then move on to the dragon disciple levels ASAP. The best thing dragon disciple does is give melee beatstick stats, natural attacks, and (EX) flight, meaning they're not-terrible melee natural attackers for low magic or low/no wealth games.

Fangshields ranger substitution levels could be good to take after DD is done so you can get stronger natural attacks. Monk levels work nicely too in order to give you unarmed attacks so you can do two full attack routines (manufactured routine with monk unarmed strikes followed by your full natural attack routine). One level dip into Spirit Lion Totem Barbarian for pounce is a must, since otherwise you lose the benefits granted by your natural attacks and flight.

Edit: also, for spell selection: take Silent Image. Silent Image is probably one of the best l1 spells in the game, and gaining a ton of extra castings of it is pretty much the best thing you can get out of those bonus spells. Nerveskitter, Charm Person, and maybe shield or mage armor also can make good level one spells, but Silent Image is king.