View Full Version : Halfling Help

2014-08-30, 12:42 AM
Soooo........ I need some help with a halfling build. I got a 34 point buy to work with, and any books that are non-setting specific as well as all Eberron books(so no stronghearts). I'd also like to avoid magazines due to not having easy access to them. I was thinking some sort of ranged build. I'd prefer to not use an ubermount build. This is more of a mid-op build. His motivation is to rescue his kidnapped siblings. Personality wise, I can play pretty much anything.

I do not want to play a caster in any way shape or form(except maybe a Warlock, but they're supposed to be chaotic and daddy didn't raise no chaotics.)

Extra Anchovies
2014-08-30, 12:54 AM
Soooo........ I need some help with a halfling build. I got a 34 point buy to work with, and any books that are non-setting specific as well as all Eberron books(so no stronghearts). I'd also like to avoid magazines due to not having easy access to them. I was thinking some sort of ranged build. I'd prefer to not use an ubermount build. This is more of a mid-op build. His motivation is to rescue his kidnapped siblings. Personality wise, I can play pretty much anything.

I do not want to play a caster in any way shape or form(except maybe a Warlock, but they're supposed to be chaotic and daddy didn't raise no chaotics.)

Fighter/Halfling Outrider, going for a Mounted Archery build? Complete Warrior and PHB is really all you need to make something that's pretty dang effective, as far as archers go.

2014-08-30, 01:27 AM
Why not go Ranger instead of Fighter, with the Archery style? Its still full BAB, so i get there at the same time, as well as some extra skills.

2014-08-30, 01:56 AM
Ranger 6 / Beastmaster 1 / Wild Plains Outrider 3 / Halfling Outrider 10 (either with or without the Natural Bond feat) is not a supermount build and yet it is a decent mounted build. Customize ranger as you see fit (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?PHPSESSID=16cs3faf7vmagkv0ipnkiskiu6&topic=7908). For example you might want to trade away Wild Empathy for Spiritual Connection (Complete Champion), trade away spellcasting for a feat (Complete Champion) and depending on your preferences trade away Favored Enemy for Favored Environment (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/classFeatureVariants.htm#favoredEnemyVariantFavore dEnvironment).

For extra Halfling-ness, ride a Brixashulty (Races of the Wild).

But you might be thinking more along the lines of a Halfling Rogue focused on throwing rocks or boomerangs using the Halfing Rogue substitution levels (Races of the Wild) and going into Whisperknife (Races of the Wild) and other prcs focused on throwing?

2014-08-30, 02:02 AM
While throwing would fit given who his "father" is, I think I want to go for a more archery styled build. Or even a blasty psion.

2014-08-30, 07:51 AM
You're sure that you can't be tempted into throwing by Boomerang Daze? It combines really well with the Bloodstorm Blade PrC ...

A blasty psion is pretty simple to make. It doesn't have a lot to do with mounted combat though. I guess you could take a psychic warrior, spend one feat on Expanded Knowledge for Energy Missile, one for Overchannel and a third for Wild Cohort, then direct all the rest to mounted feats.

2014-08-30, 08:55 AM
If you insist on being a halfling, look into hornblade weapons for more damage output: