View Full Version : Another RWBY Thread: Theories about the Characters.

2014-08-31, 12:12 AM
I know there's already a thread about RWBY (and have been a few before that as well), but from what I've read about them, they just seem to be critiques (good or bad) about the show itself, with a bit of speculation thrown in now and then.
The purpose of this thread is for all the theories, big or small, supported or head-cannon no matter how far-fetched that they might be.

So to start with, here's a couple of mine.
Summer Rose (Ruby's mother) was a Huntress, in the same Team as Qrow (and possibly Ozpin and Glynda as well) and died in the line of duty. This would explain Ozpin making special note of Ruby's eyes (them being the same colour as her mothers) and his familiarity with the style of Scythe combat that Ruby uses.
It would also Glynda's 'Iron and Silk' attitude when she's lecturing Ruby about facing Roman ("A pat on the back... And a slap on the wrist) which, to me anyway, shows she has at least a little affection for the girl.
Ruby calling Qrow her 'Uncle" could possibly just be a term of respect, like calling your dad's best friend 'Uncle Dave'.

Adam Taurus is the 'new' leader of the White Fang. He doesn't wear the normal WF uniform and his mask is more elaborate. Blake even comments that she knows the new leader.

James Ironwood is trying to push the Kingdoms into an all out war with the White Fang (and Faunus in general), hence his scientists, along with the Schnee Dust Comapany, upgrading the AK series robots. Also his input in the creation of Penny. Robot soldiers that look exactly like humans... Yeah, that's gunna help with race relations.

Cinder Fall isn't this 'Queen' that Ozpin and Qrow are worried about, but is a very high ranking subordinate. I have no evidence, but I just don't think they'd introduce the actual BBEG so early.

Roman Torchwick is somehow related to Ozpin. I know it's a long shot, but their facial features are quite similar (hey, I said far fetched theories were all good :smallwink:)

I believe Jaunes Semblance has something to do with boosting the abilities of the people around him, either by just making them feel more compitent or by adding actual power behind their attacks or augmenting their own Aura's and Semblances.

Well, those are some of mine, let's hear yours.

2014-08-31, 12:41 AM
Alright, here are some of mine.

Jaune's Semblance is gonna require him to have jaw dropping levels of stamina, but let's him transfer Aura over to other people, thus recharging or super charging them on the fly.

Wiess's mother was killed by the white fang, and she may have seen the video/live footage of her execution, possibly also her being tortured.

Wiess's Father has been abusive in at least some form or capacity.

2014-08-31, 12:55 AM
Alright, here are some of mine.

Jaune's Semblance is gonna require him to have jaw dropping levels of stamina, but let's him transfer Aura over to other people, thus recharging or super charging them on the fly.

Wiess's mother was killed by the white fang, and she may have seen the video/live footage of her execution, possibly also her being tortured.

Wiess's Father has been abusive in at least some form or capacity.

I'd say he's just been distant and stand offish with Wiess while doting at affectionate to Winter.

But I like your theory on Jaune's Semblance :smallbiggrin:.

2014-08-31, 01:16 AM
She got the scare somewhere. How hard would it be to push her in her training, and make sure she takes beatings on the grounds of "if she feel pain in the training, she'll remember what to do to not feel that pain, and it will save her life, so it's for the best." when in reality all your doing is beating a mostly defenseless child because you can, and making sure others will have a harder time calling you on it.

And hell, he doesn't even have to be physically abusive, words can screw a person up if there the right one's with the right tone and context at the right time.

2014-08-31, 01:24 AM
Nora has Five-Hour Energy instead of blood.

2014-08-31, 01:31 AM
She got the scare somewhere. How hard would it be to push her in her training, and make sure she takes beatings on the grounds of "if she feel pain in the training, she'll remember what to do to not feel that pain, and it will save her life, so it's for the best." when in reality all your doing is beating a mostly defenseless child because you can, and making sure others will have a harder time calling you on it.

And hell, he doesn't even have to be physically abusive, words can screw a person up if there the right one's with the right tone and context at the right time.

Very, very true. Wasn't thinking about that side of things.

2014-08-31, 01:51 AM
Cinderella had two step sisters. Cinder's are Weiss and Winter.

Ozpin is the Wizard and Glinda is the Good Witch. Does that mean Ironwood is the Tin Man and Qrow is the scarecrow? If so who's the Cowardly Lion?

Hiro Protagonest
2014-08-31, 02:02 AM
Ozpin is the Wizard and Glinda is the Good Witch. Does that mean Ironwood is the Tin Man and Qrow is the scarecrow? If so who's the Cowardly Lion?


Maybe Professor Port. I doubt he's all bluster, but he's got a lot of it.

Nora was Ren's inspiration to be a huntsman. He uses to be weak but she encouraged him to become stronger. No doubt half his exercise was chasing her around, though. :smalltongue:

Lord Raziere
2014-08-31, 02:20 AM
Yang's fire abilities are not her Semblance. they are actually gained from infusing some fire dust into herself, and her real Semblance is her ability to absorb hits and become stronger because of it.

Pyrrha is going to be targeted by CRME first, this is known, but Jaune is going to save Pyrrha from them with his unknown Semblance out of nowhere and throw them completely off guard because they all thought that Jaune was not a threat.

Cinder wants hunters and huntresses eliminated because she is actually part of a cult that worships the Grimm.

and....um thats all I got.

2014-08-31, 02:55 AM
I think Ozpin's team had Summer Rose, Qrow, and Professor Port, and that Summer Rose died due to one of Ozpin's decisions which is one of the reasons he told Ruby he's made so many mistakes(I can't remember the exact quote), and perhaps Port thought it was the right decision to make due to him saying Ozpin has never steered him wrong. I also think Qrow was a good friend of Summer which led him to giving Ruby private tutoring lessons or being a good friend to her throughout her life.

I think Jaune's Semblance was that bright light that happened when the bully guy(can't remember his name) tried to punch him and Jaune's wounds were completely healed afterwards.

Pyrrha is going to be targeted by CRME first, this is known, but Jaune is going to save Pyrrha from them with his unknown Semblance out of nowhere and throw them completely off guard because they all thought that Jaune was not a threat.

I like that, perhaps Pyrrha confessed her love to Jaune right before or after that.

Edit: As for Port being the cowardly lion, perhaps he was a coward when he was younger and Ozpin helped him find his courage.

2014-08-31, 03:40 AM
Pyrrha is going to be targeted by CRME first, this is known, but Jaune is going to save Pyrrha from them with his unknown Semblance out of nowhere and throw them completely off guard because they all thought that Jaune was not a threat.

Jaune dies (or gets seriously wounded) in the process sending Pyrrha into a rage. She then uses her semblance to make Mercury's boots go in opposite directions VERY fast. I'm really hoping that she gets to finish him off that way :smalltongue:

Yuki Akuma
2014-08-31, 03:49 AM

Maybe Professor Port. I doubt he's all bluster, but he's got a lot of it.

Nora was Ren's inspiration to be a huntsman. He uses to be weak but she encouraged him to become stronger. No doubt half his exercise was chasing her around, though. :smalltongue:

Professor Port is Peter of Peter and the Wolf fame.

2014-08-31, 04:26 AM
Nora has Five-Hour Energy instead of blood.

Haha! I can fully imagine that!

I think Jaune's Semblance was that bright light that happened when the bully guy(can't remember his name) tried to punch him and Jaune's wounds were completely healed afterwards.

That was his Aura, just on a slightly larger scale than when Pyrrha unlocked it back in the Emerald Forest.

2014-08-31, 11:23 AM
Professor Port is Peter of Peter and the Wolf fame.

And therefore he can't also be the Lion? Blake is, arguably, both Beauty and the Beast; I don't think it's beyond the realm of possibility for someone to have simultaneous roles from multiple stories.

That said, considering Ironwood I vaguely suspect the Lion would have ties to another school, perhaps in Vacuo.

Reddish Mage
2014-08-31, 11:53 AM
I seem to recall Monty said in the Afterbuzz interview that he was talking with the writers about creating and introducing a lion character. Which rules out that Port or anyone else already introduced is the lion character.

2014-08-31, 12:54 PM
That was his Aura, just on a slightly larger scale than when Pyrrha unlocked it back in the Emerald Forest.

Oh, then my guess is that Jaune's Semblance will be something to do with protection or healing, perhaps like a Paladin's Lay on Hands ability.

Reddish Mage
2014-08-31, 01:02 PM
Oh, then my guess is that Jaune's Semblance will be something to do with protection or healing, perhaps like a Paladin's Lay on Hands ability.

Everyone assumes this sort of thing, but there really isn't any evidence for it. The most I get as a suggestion for Jaune's ultimate semblance is that we know semblance is an expression of the individual and the writers said in "Emerald Forest part 2" as well as JNPR fights the deathstalker that the reason Jaune's a leader is that, as a strategist, he recognizes he is less important and therefore is willing to sacrifice himself to achieve the teams goals.

2014-08-31, 01:22 PM
If Jaune goes the strategist angle, his Semblance might be some sort of hypercognition that manifests as precognition. It lets him "see ahead" a few seconds to predict exactly what the other side is going to do.

2014-08-31, 03:04 PM
If Jaune goes the strategist angle, his Semblance might be some sort of hypercognition that manifests as precognition. It lets him "see ahead" a few seconds to predict exactly what the other side is going to do.

That would be cool.

Lord Raziere
2014-08-31, 03:14 PM
If Jaune goes the strategist angle, his Semblance might be some sort of hypercognition that manifests as precognition. It lets him "see ahead" a few seconds to predict exactly what the other side is going to do.

Shulk then foresees Jaune stealing his thing and attacks him, Jaune foresees Shulk attacking him and then Jaune then proceeds to run away from the badass wielding a red sword and shouting "This is the power of the Monado!!"

2014-08-31, 06:08 PM
And therefore he can't also be the Lion? Blake is, arguably, both Beauty and the Beast; I don't think it's beyond the realm of possibility for someone to have simultaneous roles from multiple stories.

That said, considering Ironwood I vaguely suspect the Lion would have ties to another school, perhaps in Vacuo.

I took the 'Beast' part to mean the White Fang, at least what they've become, with Adam being the physical representation of that.
Also in most modern versions of the Beauty and the Beast fairy tail, the Beast's name is Prince Adam.

Reddish Mage
2014-09-02, 12:50 PM
EDIT: Oops accidentally edited this rather than adding a reply. If mod sees this plz help

Time to update the list. Tell me if I missed anyone also, I want to ask about the rules for character matches. Should a match be:

1) A character whose characteristics are at least prima facie identical to the RWBY character. That is, they would react to most similar situations the same way (say generic villain challenge, an unfamiliar social situation, meting a new friend, and so on). For example, (possibly the best example) both Glynda and McGonagal run to the protection of student that is in danger, both have rather practical outlooks (that are often wrong in the weird world they live in), they are both stern and rather strict about the rules.

2) The two characters share a lot of characteristics.

3) The two characters also share a given quick overview of the personality (like what I give)

To elaborate I think you could make a case for Naruto and Goku for Ruby with 2, but not at 1 (I think only Ruby would be hesitant at facing a ballroom dance, though Naruto and Goku may both make fools of themselves, especially Naruto), and certainly not 3 (since of the three only Ruby is geeky).

Also I'll be going that any to people can outvote me to force a particular thing in the list or strike off something.


Ruby:geeky child. Seeks acceptance and recognition

Other characters in anime: Naruto, Goku of Dragon Ball <insert letters here>

Weiss: perfectionist hoity toity tsundere. Tends to depart from type.

Characters: Louise in Familiar of Zero, Uryuu in Bleach

Blake: brooding loner with a secret past.

Characters: Cloud in FFVII

Yang: Big sis/party girl. I'm not sure, "party girl" describes her (we haven't seen her at one party). Maybe joy de vivre and fearless. Her interactions with Junior suggest an edge to her.

Characters: Revy from Black Lagoon


Jaune: Heroic loser

Characters: Keiichi from Oh My Goddess!, Hiccup from How to Train Your Dragon

Nora: Genki Girl

Characters: Pinkie Pie from My Little Pony

Pyrrha: Magical Supportive [pseudo-]girlfriend.

Characters: Belldandy from Oh My Goddess!

Ren: Cool guy

Characters: Spike in Cowboy Bebop

Team Ozpin

Ozpin: Dumbledore

Glynda: Stern Pragmatic Teacher

Characters Resembling her: Professor McGonagal, Cloud Wolf (Edge Chronicles, The Spook (The Wardstone Chronicles)

Oobleck: Genki Teacher

Port: Soul Eater's Excalibur


Cinder: Scary sexy villainess

Roman: Something Thief





Sun Wukong: Scoundrel with a heart of gold


Ironwood Faction


Penny: Crona from Soul Eater

Finally some new character speculation and words from Monty

Lie Ren: Is gay

is not anyone's mother as quoted by the wikia

Cinder: Is based on Cinderella, will crash the ball, her powers will have something to do with the moon, and is not related to Yang or Ruby. Also, its completely obvious, but Cinder will have dust incorporated into all her clothing, and her eyes glow fiery because she has implanted dust in her body.

Mercury: Has a speed-style semblance

Sun: Despite his introduction and characterization as a seeming scoundrel, he is way to sweet on Blake to the point that he will want to to settle down. Also, the reason he can't seem to relate to Blake's obsession, asked Blake to the dance and hasn't been around to help Blake through it is he honestly doesn't have any darkness or brooding in him at all. He is all sunshine and light, just like his clones.

Yang: Her eyes glow with a fiery effect when she just gets angry. That seems at odds with the kinetic vampire power description. Perhaps she incorporated dust into her body like Cinder?

Ozpin: He knows Cinder and made mistakes with her in the past as her mentor. She embraced the dark side of the force.

On the very long term side:

Ruby: Will grow up

Weiss: Will unfreeze when she let's love in

Blake: Will finally loosen up when she finally comes out of the pound and gets to stand openly as a faunas against the White Fang

Yang: What she's perfect

Yang's Mom: She is Twilight Princess, and she isn't Cinder or anyone we've met yet.

Jaune: Will find love and become a hero

Pyrrha: Will get pwned.

Nora: Will get a chance to show she's more than just a crazed genki girl

Ren: Will get a boyfriend.

Qrow: We will see him at some point. He will be awesome. He's also way too old for someone that was supposed to be on a team with Summer, Dad, and Yangmom.

Cinder's Mom: If there's anyone Cinder would work for without double-crossing, it would likely be an older parental figure to which she's the heir apparent see Azula and the Fire-Lord.

Torchwick: Will get his own agenda someday.

Ironwood: Will have good intentions but totally play into the villains hands and interfere with our heroes due to his belief that raw military power is the way to solve anything. Again, this one is hardly speculation. He is strong in the archetype.

Finally, the most wild theory to pop in my head: Neptune is bi-sexual and has been in a casual or open-relationship with Scarlet.

2014-09-02, 12:57 PM
Yang and Winry Rockbell have a good amount of common ground.

Ruby is the optimistic little kid who has big hopes and believes they can do anything, if they just BELIEVE IT! I'm not coming up with specific characters at the moment, but I know I've seen the type. (Albert Morcerf from Gankutsuou, though that's a pretty niche show.)

RE: Spike, I think he's waaaaaaay more easygoing than Ren is. He's confident, skilled, and incredibly lazy.

2014-09-02, 01:03 PM
I think Jaune's Semblance is Aura Manipulation. What that means is that he can use his aura for things other than what's obvious, such as the healing solar flare, aura translocation and perhaps even aura drain.

Besides, I think that Jaune's family sword will play a big role in the story - perhaps Jaune loses his sword, being forced to make another, and now not be bound to his family's destiny, but rather be able to choose his own destiny.

2014-09-02, 01:14 PM
Ruby is the optimistic little kid who has big hopes and believes they can do anything, if they just BELIEVE IT! I'm not coming up with specific characters at the moment, but I know I've seen the type.

if they just BELIEVE IT!



2014-09-02, 01:35 PM
This looks like a place where I can get my description of RWBY character personalities/archetypes updated without having to wade through pages of unrelated dialogue to see the few posts that update. I apologize, I know I missed someone's updates to this list. It helps to include the words "List of RWBY Character" in your reply.

Notes: I didn't remove Spike (from Cowboy Bebop) as a match for Ren, largely because the two responses arguing with thi did not show incompatible personality traits. One simply attacked the notion, the other noted Spike was a team leader (Ren isn't) and had a real history. I do see it as a limited match, and there should be better "generic cool guys" out there, as Ren basically has nothing to him except for being cool and competent, and being friends with Nora. I don't recall Spike's leadership traits, simply that he's out in front, I remember Jet as the leader (admittedly I watched it over a decade ago).

I think I'm missing a match someone had for Nora. Pinkie Pie has a much deeper personality, given her deep insecurities, but on the surface the two react the same to most situations. Nora, however, will not have a problem being excluded from the group, she'll just insert herself at an (in)opportune time.

Another difference between Nora and Pinkie is that Pinkie think that when there's something fun, they (meaning everyone) should do it, but Nora can usually be talked out of doing whatever crazy thing she's thinking of doing this time.
As far as other matches go, I don't know. The closest character I can think of right now is Camicazi, from How to Train your Dragon. They're both very much Genki Girls with a great love of violence and a lack of height, but the sticking point is that Camicazi is very boastful and headstrong (and misandristic, in a childish way) and not quite as random (although that may be partly due to the company she keeps). She's the best I can think of at the moment, though.

On reflection, Cloud Wolf doesn't fit Glynda much, as his relationship with his pupil is very close and often rocky. The Spook still fits, iirc. Also, Tvtropes has a page of examples for Glynda. Use with caution. (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SternTeacher)

2014-09-02, 01:42 PM
*whistles innocently*-dattebayo

Reddish Mage
2014-09-02, 11:06 PM

I see where your going here. Ruby...Naruto I don't see it. Naruto is an outcast pranking hyperactive child hero (older Naruto has messiah martyr going on). Ruby is a geeky child and "heroic" personality descriptor the way it is for Naruto. Naruto and Jaune pull extraordinary impossible heroic actions out of the air, Ruby sees where she is needed and goes there.

Yang and Winry Rockbell have a good amount of common ground.

Ruby is the optimistic little kid who has big hopes and believes they can do anything, if they just BELIEVE IT! I'm not coming up with specific characters at the moment, but I know I've seen the type. (Albert Morcerf from Gankutsuou, though that's a pretty niche show.)

RE: Spike, I think he's waaaaaaay more easygoing than Ren is. He's confident, skilled, and incredibly lazy.

I don't see how Winry is a take-any-challenge-without-fear and dive head first into fun sort. She simply isn't the type of person to walk into a club uninvited and grab someone by the balls. She has something of a big sis going on with the boys but its more unacknowledged romantic tension than mom-surrogate.

Another difference between Nora and Pinkie is that Pinkie think that when there's something fun, they (meaning everyone) should do it, but Nora can usually be talked out of doing whatever crazy thing she's thinking of doing this time.
As far as other matches go, I don't know. The closest character I can think of right now is Camicazi, from How to Train your Dragon. They're both very much Genki Girls with a great love of violence and a lack of height, but the sticking point is that Camicazi is very boastful and headstrong (and misandristic, in a childish way) and not quite as random (although that may be partly due to the company she keeps). She's the best I can think of at the moment, though.

On reflection, Cloud Wolf doesn't fit Glynda much, as his relationship with his pupil is very close and often rocky. The Spook still fits, iirc. Also, Tvtropes has a page of examples for Glynda. Use with caution. (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SternTeacher)

Yeah finding good matches is quite difficult. I wonder if we tried it for a generic anime everyone seen if it would be easy. I think the new stern teacher models are good one thing but one reason I used McGonagall for Glynda is that Glynda and Ozpin have a similar dynamic to McGonagall and Dumbledor. In both cases the "pragmatic" instructors down-to-earth ideas are way off and the crazy odd ideas of the headmaster always turns out to be spot on.

2014-09-03, 09:40 AM
I don't see how Winry is a take-any-challenge-without-fear and dive head first into fun sort. She simply isn't the type of person to walk into a club uninvited and grab someone by the balls. She has something of a big sis going on with the boys but its more unacknowledged romantic tension than mom-surrogate.
I said they had a lot of common ground, not necessarily 100%. :smallsmile: They're both prone to fits of rage, they're very driven and enthusiastic and at times recklessly fearless. (Arguably, this shows up more in the first anime (http://www.yale.edu/anime/imgarchive/Full%20Metal%20Alchemist/winry_madskillz.jpg).) Now, it's true that she doesn't have the almost macho confidence that Yang displays, but she hits a lot of the other bases.

2014-09-03, 01:24 PM
I see where your going here. Ruby...Naruto I don't see it. Naruto is an outcast pranking hyperactive child hero (older Naruto has messiah martyr going on). Ruby is a geeky child and "heroic" personality descriptor the way it is for Naruto. Naruto and Jaune pull extraordinary impossible heroic actions out of the air, Ruby sees where she is needed and goes there.

Yeah finding good matches is quite difficult. I wonder if we tried it for a generic anime everyone seen if it would be easy. I think the new stern teacher models are good one thing but one reason I used McGonagall for Glynda is that Glynda and Ozpin have a similar dynamic to McGonagall and Dumbledor. In both cases the "pragmatic" instructors down-to-earth ideas are way off and the crazy odd ideas of the headmaster always turns out to be spot on.

I think that Ruby's resemblence to Naruto come from the fact that they are driven towards lofty, heroic ideals by their inner pain. Naruto's loneliness drove him to want to be the greatest Ninja around, the hero of the village, while Ruby seeks to uphold her mother's memory and fight the beasts that killed her. Well, according to her songs. They also both have a great deal of innocence about the task they want to attempt and a general cheerful attitude.

Good point about the Dumbledore-Mcgonagall dynamic. It may be the closest fit we're likely to get. (Vimes and Vetinari have a similar dynamic, but don't fit the archetype)
The more I think about it, the more I think that Camicazi fits Nora. I can't think of many violent Genki girls; it seems to be a character type more suited to love, not war.

What's your reasoning for Yang != Goku? They seem pretty good matches to me: he's even done a couple of things that could be equivalent to the ball-grabbing. It's your list, but this choice confuses me.

Reddish Mage
2014-09-03, 02:00 PM
Ruby = Naruto based on Red like Roses (which isn't story cannon)...I think that's stretching...

So as far as Winry = Yang goes. Yang's basic personality trait is dive-headfirst into just about anything, never with fear. She also loves fun. To be a match a character needs to meet the baseline basic characteristic firsts, then we look at particular reactions like being rage prone. Winry is foolishly reckless at times, Yang's whole approach to life is grab it by the balls. Winry is shown well within her comfort zone from the screenshot (she's driving a machine!), and I think I remember her being taken prisoner, frightened for her life, and used as a pawn in both series. Yang loves to have fun in general, Winry's idea of fun is getting to tinker with machines.

Goku = Yang. Is the same thing. There's a basic personality here: Yang = dive headfirst, have fun, not fear. Goku is...hmmm he does tend to dive headfirst and doesn't have fear. However, Goku isn't the fun-loving sort, never even close to the extent of Yang, he is extremely diligent, has an incredible innocents about him (I'm thinking of the characters Yang is one of the least likely to get a ride on the Flying Nimbus). Goku also tends to hold back (another suggestion he is the disciplined sort), Yang gives it all she's got. I take it the fact that both of them grope people is a joke :smalltongue:

Incidentally (and this will complicate things more), its interesting that Yang ISN'T a genki girl. Yang has fun and isn't fearful but she isn't hyperactive, she is capable of getting annoyed at too much stimuli, and she is afraid at threats to her teammates (it is possible to imagine she would become afraid at real threats to herself, but she is practically invincible and she knows it). She is sensitive to Blake's moodiness.

2014-09-03, 02:06 PM
New Theory: Norra can break the 4th wall, and thus is slightly less insane then you think she is at first cause she knows it's just a show.

2014-09-03, 02:21 PM
Yang is like the happy funtimes mirror of Revy from Black Lagoon.

2014-09-03, 03:01 PM
Ruby = Naruto based on Red like Roses (which isn't story cannon)...I think that's stretching...
Well, why did they make it the subect of two themes if they're going to say it's not canon?:smallannoyed: That's not directed at you, I've always been annoyed that the most interesting aspect of Ruby hasn't been addressed at all.

Goku = Yang. Is the same thing. There's a basic personality here: Yang = dive headfirst, have fun, not fear. Goku is...hmmm he does tend to dive headfirst and doesn't have fear. However, Goku isn't the fun-loving sort, never even close to the extent of Yang, he is extremely diligent, has an incredible innocence about him (I'm thinking of the characters Yang is one of the least likely to get a ride on the Flying Nimbus). Goku also tends to hold back (another suggestion he is the disciplined sort), Yang gives it all she's got. I take it the fact that both of them grope people is a joke :smalltongue:

Goku likes to play with cute animals, often bunks off his responsibilities for more fun stuff, drives his car as fast as he can for his driving test and does fighting (the funnest thing in the universe) as often as he can find willing 'partners'.
His diligence is mostly enforced by his wife (he usually lives like a wild man when she isn't around.), or to do with training to become stronger, which is play, not work. Since Yang seems to be able to activate her Semblance at will with no damage, it could be said that she holds back too. I can't argue with the innocence, though.:smallbiggrin:

While Goku has groped a few people, I was thinking about the time he bashed Recoome in the middle of his dance. That's a pretty big faux pas in Dragonball, and most shonen shows, and he did it for an advantage he didn't really need, probably a bit like Yang.

Incidentally (and this will complicate things more), its interesting that Yang ISN'T a genki girl. Yang has fun and isn't fearful but she isn't hyperactive, she is capable of getting annoyed at too much stimuli, and she is afraid at threats to her teammates (it is possible to imagine she would become afraid at real threats to herself, but she is practically invincible and she knows it). She is sensitive to Blake's moodiness.

Yes. I've often wondered how Yang would react to a real threat, and if she has ever faced one before.

New Theory: Norra can break the 4th wall, and thus is slightly less insane then you think she is at first cause she knows it's just a show.
:smallmad: Stranglestanglestrangle....

2014-09-03, 03:13 PM
:smallmad: Stranglestanglestrangle....

What? Why shouldn't she do that. Then's she's an order of awesome reserved for Deadpool, Pinkie Pie and Freakazoid.

2014-09-03, 03:31 PM
Because last time I checked, Pinkie Pie doesn't break the fourth wall. I don't know how Deadpool's awareness fits with his other powers (regeneration and good at killing things?) as I don't watch him or Freakazoid.

2014-09-03, 04:12 PM
You should check in with Pony Thread. Pinkie Pie as been a 4th wall breaker for some time now. She's just the most subtle of the three about it. And deadpools forth wall breakage is just treated by the rest of the universe as part of him being balls to the wall insane.

You should watch Freakazoid, it's hilarious.

2014-09-03, 04:53 PM
You should check in with Pony Thread. Pinkie Pie as been a 4th wall breaker for some time now. She's just the most subtle of the three about it. And deadpools forth wall breakage is just treated by the rest of the universe as part of him being balls to the wall insane.

For the record: glancing in the direction of the camera every once in a while is no more suspicious than glancing in any other direction. Indeed, unless I'm misunderstanding rather drastically, that's what the concept of the fourth wall is - as far as the characters are concerned there's no difference between where the audience is and where the audience isn't.

And, to keep this marginally on topic, I'm going to say that Ruby loves wordplay. This is entirely based on "Players and Pieces", where she responded to Ren's "Time we left." with "Right."

2014-09-03, 05:30 PM
For the record: glancing in the direction of the camera every once in a while is no more suspicious than glancing in any other direction. Indeed, unless I'm misunderstanding rather drastically, that's what the concept of the fourth wall is - as far as the characters are concerned there's no difference between where the audience is and where the audience isn't.

And, to keep this marginally on topic, I'm going to say that Ruby loves wordplay. This is entirely based on "Players and Pieces", where she responded to Ren's "Time we left." with "Right."

Nope, that's pretty much the fourth wall.

So Pinkie hasn't addressed the audience in Seasons 4+? That's good to know.

Right. Theories.

Roman is the biological son of Penny's Father. He's good with machines and has red hair like Penny. I'll look forward to when we see Penny's father.

Nora is blind, and keeping it a secret from everybody so she doesn't fail some kind of physical. Her non-stop chatter and use of explosives are a form of echolocation. Notice that she's not reading in the library, and that she throws the food at whoever's speaking, after they've spoken.

2014-09-03, 06:09 PM
Further, Norra secretly runs around the city at night beating up and terrifying criminals as a vigilante super hero dressed as a red devil. And her senses are so razor sharp that she can follow every conversation that happens on campus at once and thus knows what all the students are up to more or less at any time. But is terrified of outing herself as she's afraid that even in the context of the setting she'll be labeled a freak and a peeping tommy even though it's not really her fault cause she can't turn it off.

2014-09-04, 11:54 AM
Further, Norra secretly runs around the city at night beating up and terrifying criminals as a vigilante super hero dressed as a red devil. And her senses are so razor sharp that she can follow every conversation that happens on campus at once and thus knows what all the students are up to more or less at any time. But is terrified of outing herself as she's afraid that even in the context of the setting she'll be labeled a freak and a peeping tommy even though it's not really her fault cause she can't turn it off.

Ooh, that's pretty good. Even if I was going more for a Toph angle than a Daredevil one.

2014-09-04, 12:47 PM
You should watch Freakazoid, it's hilarious.

Agreed. It's basically "Animaniacs meets Batman: The Animated Series". The best part of it has to be the background, however: as I understand it, they were given a very vague outline of what their show was supposed to be and had no oversight until after the second season had been greenlit. So the show is basically a bunch of brilliant cartoonists saying "screw it, let's just have fun".

Yang is a bit too self-centered to be an analogue to Goku. She only has been seen going super saiyan as a result of personal injury (or, more egregious yet, injury to her hair). I'd compare her more to Yusuke Urameshi from Yu Yu Hakusho, myself. Not sure why, beyond the whole "gets much more dangerous when properly challenged" thing they both have (as in it's an actual in-setting mechanic for them, most shonen heroes are like that to some degree).

My theories on Jaune: Jaune's semblance is not going to be about him, but rather those he cares about. He will always be pretty useless on his own (a decent fighter with enormous stamina, yes, but painfully substandard when compared to the rest of JNPR and RWBY), but when teamed up with others he will make them incredible. This makes him both the team's greatest asset and greatest vulnerability, as he is virtually powerless in his own right. When he and Pyrrha find their footing, they will make an exceptionally powerful pair (regardless of whether any romantic connection ever surfaces).

2014-09-05, 06:03 AM
Well after todays episode one of my theories has been mostly proven right.
Summer Rose was a Huntress and died in the line of duty, and Qrow was a teammate. This may mean that he is refered to as 'Uncle' out of respect, and not because he is actually related, but this hasn't actually been proven correct.
I did get the whole Summer being part of Ozpin's team wrong, but that still doesn't mean that the two teams didn't work closely with each other.

2014-09-05, 08:40 AM
If there is a thread dedicated to theories, I might as well brag about mine paying off! I guessed several things which were confirmed in Burning the Candle.

My beautiful three-pronged theory was THIS:
1) Ruby and Yang were half-sisters, by the same father. Summer Rose was Ruby's mother, who died. Not much of a theory, but a good foundation for...
2) Yang has been searching for her birth mother, and was searching for her in the Yellow trailer. Biggest shot in the dark, AND IT WAS TRUE NOBODY CAN TAKE THAT AWAY FROM ME
3) Less so than before, I theorized that Summer Rose and Qrow had been on the same team. However, the rest of the theory was that it somehow involved Ozpin and Cinder; obviously not, and I forgot Glynda, Port, Oobleck, and Ozpin were on the same team. Honestly, Mr. and Mrs. Xiao Long being on the team came as a pleasant surprise.

My new theories! The house Yang went to, dragging Ruby? A grandmother's house. Whether it was maternal or paternal, it was SOMEBODY'S grandmother that lived there at some point.

Reddish Mage
2014-09-05, 11:33 AM
Btw Rooster Teeth is up for best show at the streamies. Let's make that happen! http://www.streamys.org/audience-choice/audience-choice-awards-voting/

Reddish Mage
2014-09-07, 10:34 PM
Time to update the list. Tell me if I missed anyone also, I want to ask about the rules for character matches. Should a match be:

1) A character whose characteristics are at least prima facie identical to the RWBY character. That is, they would react to most similar situations the same way (say generic villain challenge, an unfamiliar social situation, meting a new friend, and so on). For example, (possibly the best example) both Glynda and McGonagal run to the protection of student that is in danger, both have rather practical outlooks (that are often wrong in the weird world they live in), they are both stern and rather strict about the rules.

2) The two characters share a lot of characteristics.

3) The two characters also share a given quick overview of the personality (like what I give)

To elaborate I think you could make a case for Naruto and Goku for Ruby with 2, but not at 1 (I think only Ruby would be hesitant at facing a ballroom dance, though Naruto and Goku may both make fools of themselves, especially Naruto), and certainly not 3 (since of the three only Ruby is geeky).

Also I'll be going that any to people can outvote me to force a particular thing in the list or strike off something.


Ruby:geeky child. Seeks acceptance and recognition

Other characters in anime: Naruto, Goku of Dragon Ball <insert letters here>

Weiss: perfectionist hoity toity tsundere. Tends to depart from type.

Characters: Louise in Familiar of Zero, Uryuu in Bleach

Blake: brooding loner with a secret past.

Characters: Cloud in FFVII

Yang: Big sis/party girl. I'm not sure, "party girl" describes her (we haven't seen her at one party). Maybe joy de vivre and fearless. Her interactions with Junior suggest an edge to her.

Characters: Revy from Black Lagoon


Jaune: Heroic loser

Characters: Keiichi from Oh My Goddess!, Hiccup from How to Train Your Dragon

Nora: Genki Girl

Characters: Pinkie Pie from My Little Pony

Pyrrha: Magical Supportive [pseudo-]girlfriend.

Characters: Belldandy from Oh My Goddess!

Ren: Cool guy

Characters: Spike in Cowboy Bebop

Team Ozpin

Ozpin: Dumbledore

Glynda: Stern Pragmatic Teacher

Characters Resembling her: Professor McGonagall, The Spook (The Wardstone Chronicles)

Oobleck: Genki Teacher

Port: Soul Eater's Excalibur


Cinder: Scary sexy villainess

Roman: Something Thief





Sun Wukong: Scoundrel with a heart of gold


Ironwood Faction


Penny: Crona from Soul Eater

Finally some new character speculation and words from Monty

Lie Ren: Is gay

is not anyone's mother as quoted by the wikia

Cinder: Is based on Cinderella, will crash the ball, her powers will have something to do with the moon, and is not related to Yang or Ruby. Also, its completely obvious, but Cinder will have dust incorporated into all her clothing, and her eyes glow fiery because she has implanted dust in her body.

Mercury: Has a speed-style semblance

Sun: Despite his introduction and characterization as a seeming scoundrel, he is way to sweet on Blake to the point that he will want to to settle down. Also, the reason he can't seem to relate to Blake's obsession, asked Blake to the dance and hasn't been around to help Blake through it is he honestly doesn't have any darkness or brooding in him at all. He is all sunshine and light, just like his clones.

Yang: Her eyes glow with a fiery effect when she just gets angry. That seems at odds with the kinetic vampire power description. Perhaps she incorporated dust into her body like Cinder?

Ozpin: He knows Cinder and made mistakes with her in the past as her mentor. She embraced the dark side of the force.

On the very long term side:

Ruby: Will grow up

Weiss: Will unfreeze when she let's love in

Blake: Will finally loosen up when she finally comes out of the pound and gets to stand openly as a faunas against the White Fang

Yang: What she's perfect

Yang's Mom: She is Twilight Princess, and she isn't Cinder or anyone we've met yet.

Jaune: Will find love and become a hero

Pyrrha: Will get pwned.

Nora: Will get a chance to show she's more than just a crazed genki girl

Ren: Will get a boyfriend.

Qrow: We will see him at some point. He will be awesome. He's also way too old for someone that was supposed to be on a team with Summer, Dad, and Yangmom.

Cinder's Mom: If there's anyone Cinder would work for without double-crossing, it would likely be an older parental figure to which she's the heir apparent see Azula and the Fire-Lord.

Torchwick: Will get his own agenda someday.

Ironwood: Will have good intentions but totally play into the villains hands and interfere with our heroes due to his belief that raw military power is the way to solve anything. Again, this one is hardly speculation. He is strong in the archetype.

Finally, the most wild theory to pop in my head: Neptune is bi-sexual and has been in a casual or open-relationship with Scarlet.

2014-09-08, 12:45 AM
Reddish, I honestly can't understand your (and others) insistance on comparing the characters of RWBY with other anime characters or characters from other media.
Sure, they might fit the same general trope or architype, but they're all as different as from each other as your finger prints are to mine.

I'm not saying it's a silly idea or a waste of time, and I can see where you're coming from with like likes of Glynda shares some qualities with that woman from the story about the boy wizard (damn I hate that series! :smallfurious:), but as I said, I don't understand why you seem to feel the need to do this for every character.

2014-09-08, 06:30 AM
Time to update the list. Tell me if I missed anyone also, I want to ask about the rules for character matches. Should a match be:

1) A character whose characteristics are at least prima facie identical to the RWBY character. That is, they would react to most similar situations the same way (say generic villain challenge, an unfamiliar social situation, meting a new friend, and so on). For example, (possibly the best example) both Glynda and McGonagal run to the protection of student that is in danger, both have rather practical outlooks (that are often wrong in the weird world they live in), they are both stern and rather strict about the rules.

2) The two characters share a lot of characteristics.

3) The two characters also share a given quick overview of the personality (like what I give)

To elaborate I think you could make a case for Naruto and Goku for Ruby with 2, but not at 1 (I think only Ruby would be hesitant at facing a ballroom dance, though Naruto and Goku may both make fools of themselves, especially Naruto), and certainly not 3 (since of the three only Ruby is geeky).

Also I'll be going that any to people can outvote me to force a particular thing in the list or strike off something.

Finally some new character speculation and words from Monty

Lie Ren: Is gay

Cinder: Is based on Cinderella, will crash the ball, her powers will have something to do with the moon, and is not related to Yang or Ruby. Also, its completely obvious, but Cinder will have dust incorporated into all her clothing, and her eyes glow fiery because she has implanted dust in her body.

Mercury: Has a speed-style semblance.

Yang: Her eyes glow with a fiery effect when she just gets angry. That seems at odds with the kinetic vampire power description. Perhaps she incorporated dust into her body like Cinder?

I'd go with number one and/or three. One will best capture the archetype (which is what you say you want), but three is a better character match (which is what you've done so far). Two is just looking for copied characters.
Despite the general idea of RWBY as a really clichéd show (which it is), the characters have enough quirks to not be just archetypes, so bear that in mind.

Also, can I ask again that Cloud Wolf be removed? Having reread his series, he doesn't really fit.

I've already said my piece on Ren being gay in the main thread (I don't like it), so I'll leave it there.

Cinder being Cinderella isn't really a theory. The glass shoes are a dead giveaway.
Absorbed Dust and Dust clothing sounds like overkill, but it's possible.

Mercury's semblance would make sense, but I can't see how Little Red Riding Hood had anything to do with running fast, how Achilles had anything to do with magnetism, Goldilocks with getting stronger when hit, Snow White being a mage (well, stepmum White was a witch...), or Belle being Naruto. The only semblence with any connection to the inspiration is Sun's, because Son Wukong was the inspiration for many, many stories and heroes. There's no reason to believe that semblances relate to

Yang's red eyes are probably due to her fiery Aura: Ruby scatters rose petals when she flash-steps and I doubt there's Dust that does that.

My new theory: I made this one as a joke, but it fits surprisingly well. Cinder's Semblance is to be able to appear as other people. This explains why she hasn't been seen on any criminal broadcasts or is known about beyond one or two groups of people. It also fits the cinderella theme: she dresses up to be unrecogniseable by everyone when she makes an impact on society. Yes, I'm well aware that contradicts what I said earlier. :smalltongue:

2014-09-08, 07:24 AM
Ooh, that's pretty good. Even if I was going more for a Toph angle than a Daredevil one.

That's Daredevil.

Reddish Mage
2014-09-08, 10:44 AM
Reddish, I honestly can't understand your (and others) insistance on comparing the characters of RWBY with other anime characters or characters from other media.
Sure, they might fit the same general trope or architype, but they're all as different as from each other as your finger prints are to mine.

I'm not saying it's a silly idea or a waste of time, and I can see where you're coming from with like likes of Glynda shares some qualities with that woman from the story about the boy wizard (damn I hate that series! :smallfurious:), but as I said, I don't understand why you seem to feel the need to do this for every character.

It started from a claim of mine that it was impossible, particularly for the titular characters, then I challenged people to come up with them. If, for example, Weiss is generic tsundere, there should be other Weiss types around. When you come up with the matches however, they get really distant for everyone except some of the minor characters (Glynda and McGonagall is probably the closest in the series).

Then there was frustrations like I couldn't think of anyone that matched Ren, and I do think team JNPR stick closer to their archetypes then team RWBY.

Actually I'd more like to get a fill of better succinct descriptions of the characters, or a better description of their archetype but comparing characters from other anime seems to have caught on.

I predict, for some characters, would be a hard project and the characters would defy easy characterization. But we may learn something in the exercise.

2014-10-09, 02:49 PM
I'm not sure if pulling this thread up again is wise, but here we go again...

I was looking through the Grimm and they all seem to correspond to the problems facing the heroes at the time. That is, I think the types of grimm all correspond to a type of emotional problem.

Ruby and Weiss are having trouble working together when they are attacked by beowolves. Wolves are pack animals well known for teamwork.

Weiss faces a Grimm boar, an animal that refuses to give up even when lethally wounded, while fighting against the fact that Ruby is now the team leader. Like the Boarbatusk is killed by a stab to a weak spot, Weiss stops pursing the leader spot when she is told that she is acting like a spoiled brat.

I'm less certain about the Ursai, but I think that they represent "selfishness" (I can't think of a better word. I mean the placing of one's own feelings above those of others). They fight Yang, who is very forthright and has put herself and Ruby in serious danger with her impulsiveness before, and Blake, who chose to rebel against the White Fang even though she admits that they were acheiving her goal. Both of these characters are fairly good about this: Yang takes care to not let that happen again and Blake had plenty of good reasons to leave the WF. On the other hand, Cardin's rampant bullying leads to him facing off against a BIG ursa.

Like it's name implies, the Deathstalker may be connected to (fear of) death. Ruby crashes into it and does no damage because she doesn't quite grasp death. It advances relentlessly and can only be slowed down, not stopped. Scorpions are also considered to representitive of death in many cultures.
JNPR is the team who finally take it down. Jaune puts his life on the line and charges in, Pyrrha's poem speaks of the immortality of deeds after death, and Nora sees her lifelong friend get struck down but holds her position. They all overcome their fear of death and defeat it. Also, the figures that Juniper are based on all came to sticky ends.

The Nevermore may be about the hard truths. Its appearence brings Weiss and Ruby together and it forces Weiss to step in and save Ruby from "death" (another hard truth). The small nevermores that Blake encounters may be related to Oobleck's questioning or her memories of the white Fang.
Ravens are known to be intelligent birds, and the Poe raven speaks truths that the poet does not wish to hear (even if many of them are just saying that it won't go away).

The Goliaths seem to be a representaion of a sin of humanity in general rather than a flaw of a specific character. Elephants are fabled for their memory, but most Huntsmen, and civilians, don't treat the Grimm as a threat. They've forgotten that the monsters are waiting outside, but the monsters haven't forgotten them.

A few of these are a bit sketchy, I know, but it was too good a theory to pass up. I can't think of anything for the snake(s), so I've left it off the list.

Reddish Mage
2014-10-09, 04:14 PM
I was looking through the Grimm and they all seem to correspond to the problems facing the heroes at the time. That is, I think the types of grimm all correspond to a type of emotional problem.

Its certainly an inspired theory.

2014-10-10, 03:19 AM
Yang is like the happy funtimes mirror of Revy from Black Lagoon.

You mean they're completely and utterly unlike each other in every way? Sure.

Seriously, Yang might have some issues; but Revy is a smoldering tower of rage, pain, and nihilism. She's considered messed up by Roanapur standards, in which a chain-saw wielding goth chick with a slashed throat is considered a fairly unremarkable person. I don't see how she compares as any sort of counterpart to Yang. They both wear shorts and fight with two hands? Is that it?

If nothing else, Yang is at least trying to be a protective older sibling, while Revy defers to others as surrogate elders.

2014-10-10, 09:56 AM
You mean they're completely and utterly unlike each other in every way? Sure.

Seriously, Yang might have some issues; but Revy is a smoldering tower of rage, pain, and nihilism. She's considered messed up by Roanapur standards, in which a chain-saw wielding goth chick with a slashed throat is considered a fairly unremarkable person. I don't see how she compares as any sort of counterpart to Yang. They both wear shorts and fight with two hands? Is that it?

If nothing else, Yang is at least trying to be a protective older sibling, while Revy defers to others as surrogate elders.
It's almost like a "happy funtimes mirror" reflects the rage and pain and nihilism as...something other than rage and pain and nihilism?